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中国元素是指凡是被大多数中国人认同的、凝结着华夏民族传统文化精神,并体现国家尊严和民族利益的形象、符号或风俗习惯。中国书法、篆刻印章、中国结、京戏脸谱、皮影、武术 秦砖汉瓦、兵马俑、桃花扇、景泰蓝、玉雕、中国漆器等都属于中国传统文化元素。







传统文化和现代广告的关系 中华民族上下五千年的文明史,造就了取之不竭、用之不尽的中国传统文化宝库。在这个宝库中蕴涵着中华民族特有的价值取向、审美定义、思维规律。中国传统文化的形成和发展是一个漫长的过程,在这个过程中各族人民发挥自己的智慧、汇集大家的思维方式、共同塑造国民理想人格、道德情感,形成中华民族特有的民族气息。中国传统文化主要以孔子的儒家思想为主导体系,倡导“仁”“义”“礼”“智”“信”,推崇“和”的思想,崇尚道德权威与内心体验,表现在具体生活里就是热爱和平、注重情谊、宽厚仁慈。




中华文明上下五千年,形成了源远流长的文化长河,传统文化元素包罗广泛,以下罗列出部分元素:中国书法、篆刻印章、中国结、秦砖汉瓦、京戏脸谱、皮影、中国漆器、汉代竹简、甲骨文、文房四宝、剪纸、风筝、如意纹、祥云图案、中国织绣、凤眼、 彩陶、紫砂壶、中国瓷器、 国画、敦煌壁画、石狮、唐装、筷子、汉字、金元宝、如意、八卦等。









One, classification of element of Chinese traditional culture?

China tradition culture should include above all the following 5 respects:

1, thought, character, language, it is later 6 art, namely: ?  of ⑹ of Luo of ⑹ of  of ⒂ of Huan of ⑸ of Chi ⒗ frame?

2, calligraphy, music, wushu, quyi, chess kind, festival, folk-custom.

3, music of ancient prose, ancient poetry, term, composition, ode, folk, nation Thespian, quyi, traditional Chinese painting, calligraphy, couplet, riddles written on lanterns, shoot Fu, drinker's wager game, a two part allegorical saying to wait.

4, traditional festival (all press the traditional Chinese calendar) :

5, traditional calendar inside science of Chinese ancient time and the traditional culture that live in Chinese various places, each minority.

2, theme of element of Chinese traditional culture?

Element of Chinese traditional culture has: V/LIT an amphora-like jar, picture scroll, Great Wall, wushu, too pole, Chinese character of thread-bound book of bamboo slip of bamboo slip, flying Apsaras, ornamental columns erected in front of palaces, 4 big inventions, the analects of confucius, opera, tea, china, inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty, Chinese generation, vertical setting of types, China, bronze ware, vessel, the Tang Dynasty outfit, cheongsam.

Chinese element is to point to from ancient the summation of the of all kinds thing that is born on Chinese mainland up to now, have the branch of actor bad. Outstanding Chinese element is to point to always by most Chinese (include abroad Chinese) of self-identity, condensing spirit of culture of tradition of nation of an ancient name for China, reflect the figure of national dignity and ethical interest, symbol or custom habit.

"Chinese element " symbolize one kind be traditional culture not just. Cannot be the simple compensatory retouch of western culture, not should the banner that straitly definition is advocate nationalism. With " Chinese element " the new term that should not count a kind of vogue more as originality language. Indeed, have a kind of irrefragable fact, cannot leave when world economy when the Chinese economy that rises continuously, world culture also cannot leave Chinese culture. Because Chinese culture is the mankind's indispensable main component. Be pregnant with is worn of Chinese culture spirit " Chinese element " will establish self-confidence for world of Chinese brand trend, it can assume a times mission that blends in the world, influence world.

3, China east what is element of alliance tradition culture?

East the culture connotation of alliance, its feature consciousness is east the culture connotation that China of acknowledge of allied country home and adjacent are be apt to, implied meaning China and east alliance is multivariate culture is building big setting to fall from trade division, hand in collect confluence, let a hundred flowers blossom.

Namely east the culture that alliance and China are having friendly intercouse is traditional. Since entering new century, bilateral collaboration relation enters new level, letter of political each other is deepened ceaselessly, development of classics trade collaboration is rapid.

2001 east alliance and meeting of Chinese 10+1 leader agree consistently to build China one east alliance free-trade area, formal 2002 establish China and east agreement of framework of alliance economy collaboration, established by Guangxi 2004 annual for a time China one east alliance exposition internationally the conference, promote cooperation of bilateral business circles. New region economy structure was advanced greatly China and east the economy of alliance grows, promote Asian economy development thereby, caused the wide attention of international society.

4, what is element of Chinese traditional culture?

Chinese element is to point to what always be agreed with by most Chinese, condensing spirit of culture of tradition of nation of an ancient name for China, reflect the figure of national dignity and ethical interest, symbol or custom habit. Qin Zhuanhan of types of facial makeup in operas of knot of seal of Chinese calligraphy, seal cutting, China, Beijing opera, Pi Ying, wushu is made of baked clay, lacquer of fan of military forces tomb figure, peach blossom, cloisonne enamel, jade carving, China belong to China traditional culture element.

5, the sports element in Chinese traditional culture?

Sports " this one noun, though be close hundred years will just be introduced from abroad, but exist already however in China's endless history endless flow, wait for the connection that having countless ties with military affairs, breeding, literary, folk-custom, medical treatment. In the arts and crafts of our country past dynasties and work of painting and calligraphy, all there is no lack of the content related sports appears, the horsemanship that if a retrievable arrow with a string attached to it on bronze ware shoots athletics, china,goes up and kick bring up the glacial play in motion, painting and calligraphy...

A retrievable arrow with a string attached to it on bronze ware shoots athletics

Bronze ware of Chinese ancient time casts energy industry, modelling with its beautiful, grain is acted the role of richly, inscriptive and elegant and celebrated at the world. Its rich and colorful, richly beautiful decorative pattern design, make bronze ware more time excessive colour. The content of bronze ware design also evolves as the development of the times, say roughly, beautiful and the elegance of acting graph grain of primitive simplicity when trader week, dark, of times of age the Warring States agile and changeful, exuberant, the following design also has Qin Han each characteristic. But its design content is undoubted with first civilian be closely bound up of ideology and production, life.

The design of a few bronze ware of age the Warring States, some is subject matter with content of human affairs activity, the august mystery when returning trader week feels, this answers with be opposite at this moment of idea of ghosts and gods thin, the person's position rises having affinity. On style of composition of a picture, the inflexible left and right sides that also changed animal grain or geometrical grain all weighs a format, and having complex and lively characteristic. Many content of design of human affairs activity, since noble's formal emersion, also mirrorred a few athletic sports at that time from a flank.

6, the commercial application of element of Chinese traditional culture?

Traditional culture and the Chinese nation of contemporary advertising concern fluctuate the civilization 5000 history, brought up those who take not treasure house of exhaust, used never-failing China traditional culture. Containing in this treasury rule of the value orientaton with peculiar the Chinese nation, aesthetic definition, thinking. The formation of Chinese traditional culture and development are a lengthy process, the wisdom that develops oneself in people of the every nationality in this process, assemble is thinking means of everybody, collective portray feeling of national ideal character, morality, form the ethical flavor with peculiar the Chinese nation. Chinese traditional culture basically is dominant system with the Confucianism of Confucius, advocate " benevolence " " justice " " ceremony " " wisdom " " letter " , praise highly " and " thought, advocate moral authority and inner experience, expression has deep love for peace namely in material life, pay attention to friendly feelings, clement mercy.

In contemporary advertising design middling regular meeting adds the element of Chinese traditional culture, advertisement advocate need endeavors to search in traditional culture " Chinese element " , the spirit that lets this kind of element make goods is indicative, such audiences can find more attributive feeling, self-identity sense from which. What is " Chinese element " ? So called " Chinese element " condensing namely every nationality the wisdom of people, spirit, habit of the dignity that also reflects a state at the same time and we ethical symbol, custom and inner world. "Chinese element " cent is material and spirit two levels, corporeal level includes: Dragon of Chinese calligraphy, wushu, Great Wall, China, phoenix, military forces tomb figure, Beijing opera, types of facial makeup in operas, cloisonne enamel; Mental level includes: Grandchildren strategics, 36 plan, marrow of thought of Buddhist culture, Taoist school, Confucianist, Tang poetry, Song Ci is waited a moment.

7, what does the element of Chinese traditional culture have?

Chinese traditional culture is in the light of the inheritance of Chinese culture character, what it emphasizes is the culture bequest of the objective existence that the origin of Chinese culture and inheritance come down, absorb from inside traditional culture give those who representative thing can say to be traditional culture element.

China civilization fluctuates 5000, formed of long standing and well established culture endless flow, traditional culture element includes extensive, the following enumerate gives partial element: Lacquer of types of facial makeup in operas of knot of Chinese calligraphy, seal cutting seal, China, Qin Zhuanhan tile, Beijing opera, Pi Ying, China, Han Daizhu brief, inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty, the four treasures of the study, paper-cut, kite, flexibly grain, auspicious cloud atlas.

8, the labor element inside Chinese traditional culture?

The Foolish Old Man removed the mountains, male agrarian female knit, barren of Yu Qin of essence of course of study at play

9, is China red be element of China tradition culture?


In Chinese traditional culture, red is indicative and high, china is red those who point to is the big red that the Chinese loves, there is extremely rich indicative sense in China, OK even and indicative China, be called consequently China is red, china is red the culture totem that serves as a Chinese and mental the ceremony of proclaiming sb a Buddhist.

Ancient time of its origin restrospect to is devotional to Phoebus rub do obeisance to, the sun is indicative and lasting, bright, opportunity of survival is prosperous, warmth and hope, china is red the fetch that is a Chinese, account is worn heart road course of the Chinese, through world Dai Chengqi, heavy, deepen and develop the useful and discard the useless, traditional marrow gradually the impression that evolution is Chinese culture. Diffusing thick what must not change is active the complex that enter a life, symbolic move is cordial, act vigorously is entered, ethical character and morals of solidarity.

10, what distinction and connection do element of Chinese traditional culture, China and folk-custom element have?

This 3 person it is the conclusion that must come on the foundation that is based on whole the Chinese nation. Traditional culture includes Chinese element and folk-custom element, from language, Thespian, tradition festival, consuetudinary to dress, food the habit is waited a moment, can calculate traditional culture.

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