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1. 《Happy Together》

《Happy Together》是韩国的一档脱口秀节目,Exo曾多次参与其中。在这个节目中,Exo成员们通过搞笑的对话和有趣的游戏,展示了他们的幽默感和友谊。观众们可以看到他们与其他嘉宾的互动,以及他们在真实情境下的表现,增进了观众与偶像的距离感。

2. 《Running Man》

《Running Man》是一档韩国综艺节目,以户外常规竞技比赛为主题,通过各种游戏环节展示嘉宾的个人魅力。Exo曾多次参加这个节目,通过与其他嘉宾的配合和团队合作,Exo展示了他们的团队精神和积极向上的一面。观众们可以欣赏到他们在紧张竞技中的表现,以及他们为了团队荣誉而奋斗的精神。

3. 《Knowing Brothers》

《Knowing Brothers》是一档韩国综艺节目,通过各种情境和游戏测试嘉宾的各种知识和能力。Exo成员们曾多次参加这个节目,在搞笑的对话和游戏中展示了他们的幽默感和反应能力。观众们可以看到他们在不同情境下的表现,感受到他们的可爱和自信。




Exo recreation put together art program

Exo, regard Korea as philharmonic society, it is the equipment inside global limits welcome and chase after one of actor that hold in both hands. Besides the achievement in musical domain, they are in bound of put together art also is leading a tide. Program of put together art becomes the recreation of Exo to seek the central issue that boost for a lot of vermicelli made from bean starch. In these in program of put together art, exo showed their lively and lovely one side, also showed their all-round one side.

The recreation of Exo program of put together art does laugh performance and distinctive individual glamour to attracting an audience with its humour. Will introduce recreation of Exo of a few archives for everybody below program of put together art, if where,letting us see them together is outshine the rest in world of put together art.

1." Happy Together "

" Happy Together " the first gear that is Korea takes off an excellent program, exo ever was participated in for many times among them. In this program, the dialog that Exo members laugh at through doing and interesting game, showed their sense of humor and friendliness. Audience people what can see they and other honored guest is interactive, and their expression below actual circumstances, promotional the distance feeling of audience and God.

2." Running Man "

" Running Man " it is first gear Korea program of put together art, with open convention athletics match gives priority to a problem, reveal individual glamour of the honored guest through all sorts of game link. Exo ever entered this program for many times, through with other honored guest cooperate to cooperate with the group, the group spirit that Exo showed them and active up at the same time. Audience people can enjoy their performance in strenuous sports, and the spirit that they struggle for group honor.

3." Knowing Brothers "

" Knowing Brothers " it is first gear Korea program of put together art, test all sorts of knowledge of the honored guest and ability through all sorts of circumstances and game. Exo members ever entered this program for many times, their sense of humor and reaction ability were shown in making laugh dialog and game. Audience people the show that can see they fall in different situation, those who experience them is lovely with self-confidence.

Above is the recreation of a few archives that Exo participates in only the introduction of program of put together art, they still have the wonderful show in a lot of other items. Pass these recreation program of put together art, audience people the personality that can understand Exo members better and glamour, those who experience them is all-round with sense of humor. In the meantime, the participation of Exo also is these program of put together art brought more attention and vermicelli made from bean starch.

Thank everybody to read chrestomathy again piece article, the hope carries this article, can let everybody understand Exo recreation put together better art section purpose is wonderful, promotional love to theirs and support.

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