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我是。。。” 白岩一直以为黑岩是特殊的格雷(white),白岩的克隆体。白岩和黑岩战斗后,两人必会死一个,白岩认为黑岩是他的克隆体,无论留下来哪个,都是她。,黑岩并不是白岩的克隆,可是在战斗之前白岩说的话惹怒了黑岩。(就是让黑岩忘记斯蒂拉这个名字,而且把黑岩的姐姐NANA杀死了)。战斗后,为表歉意,黑岩告诉白岩真相。(当时白岩已经死了,黑岩应该知道)可是黑岩这么做也让白岩含笑的离开了世界。还想知道战斗前他们说的话叫我。(我可以翻一个大概)。但是战斗后的话是准确的翻译


本来是《黑岩射手 游戏版》中的角色 但同样是黑岩射手的一个超强对手 下面是《黑岩射手 游戏版》中白岩射手的简介和《黑岩射手 游戏版》的简介 公历2032年,地球受到了突然出现的外星人残忍的侵略。

   从那以后,再经过了19年,在毫无结果的战争中,地球即将要进入荒废年代,所生存的人类也非常小的状态。   主人公BRS(※注意,以后游戏中称为“人型兵器”的就是指BRS)为了守护人类,由人们集合智慧制作出的对侵略者用的最终武器。她是为了守护人类而制作出来的,然而在她醒觉的时候,人类所剩下的人数只有12人。   除了发型和眼睛颜色不同之外,几乎跟黑岩射手相同的“白岩射手”。她同样是集合人类智慧结晶创造出来的武器,外星人以压倒的科学之下的产物,不属于任何一方的,具有可怕力量的白岩射手,在现在还不能说出更详细的消息。



黑岩射手 简称:BRS(另译为:黑岩舒)




黑岩射手(BLACK★ROCK SHOOTER,ブラック★ロックシューター),简称BRS。最初为V家同人社团supercell的成员Huke 于2007年12月26日发表到Pixiv上的一位原创插画角色。不久后该组合的另一成员 ryo以该角色的造型写了一首初音未来合成的原创歌曲,在Niconico动画上走红。


坂本真绫,1980年3月31日出生于日本东京都板桥区。日本女性声优、歌手、演员、电台主持人。东洋大学社会学部毕业,所属事务所为fortunerest,唱片公司为Flying Dog。


ブラック★ロックシューター( Black★rock shooter)(op) Braveheart(OVA ed)我们的足迹(TV动画ED及插曲)NO SCARED(游戏OP)更多的可以去qq音乐酷狗音乐之类的找一下黑岩射手游戏版的专辑(虽然并不是很全)





中文名多译为:黑岩黑岩射手黑岩舒。未统一称呼。  为日本画师HUKE氏笔下的







最初为V家同人社团supercell的成员Huke ,于2007年12月26日发表到Pixiv上的一位原创插画角色。不久后该组合的另一成员 ryo以该角色的造型写了一首初音未来合成的原创歌曲,在Niconico动画上走红。

good smile company收购其开发权后出品了人物模型,并于2010年7月24日免费发放由Ordet制作的OVA作品。

2010年11月14日在AFAX上GSC社长安艺贵范亲自宣布《Black★Rock Shooter 2》正式制作决定。





One, game of black rock archer and move free gut to seem to differ completely?

Really different, what game edition tells is 2035, with Bai Yan archer heads so that extraterrestrial and their robot inbreaks the earth, leave 12 people only when the mankind when, arousal of black rock archer, and conquer all outside astral emissary.

OVA is the between story that tells contented of black clothes hemp and birdie to swim, TV told the story between a flock of girls.

2, why edition of game of Hei Yan archer Bai Yan of last section victory, but?

Chinese interpreter: Hei Yan: "Very regretful, I am not White.

I am. . . " Bai Yan thinks Hei Yan is special Grey all the time (White) , clone body of Bai Yan. After Bai Yan and black rock fight, two people will surely die one, bai Yan thinks Hei Yan is his clone body, no matter stay which, it is her. , hei Yan is not Bai Yan's clone, the word rile that but be before the battle,white cliff says Hei Yan. (let Hei Yan forget Si Di to draw this name namely, and killed elder sister NANA of Hei Yan) . After the battle, to express regret, hei Yan tells Bai Yan the truth. (Bai Yan is already dead at that time, hei Yan should know) can be Hei Yan so did what also let Bai Yan have a smile on one's face to leave the world. Still want to know to I cry if they say before the battle. (I can turn over probably) . But the word after the battle is accurate interpreter

3, black rock archer and white cliff archer what concerns?

It is originally " edition of game of black rock archer " medium part but exceeding be Hei Yan archer likewise is below strong opponent " edition of game of Hei Yan archer " medium the brief introduction of Bai Yan archer and " Hei Yan archer, the extraterrestrial that the earth got appear suddenly's cruel aggression.

Since then, repass 19 years, in the war of end in smoke, the earth will enter bedraggled age namely, lives mankind's very small also state. Hero BRS (※ attention, call in game later " person enginery " is to point to BRS) to guard the mankind, the uses to aggressor ultimate weapon that by people gather wisdom makes. She is to guard the mankind and make, wake in her however when becoming aware, the number that human place leaves has 12 people only. Differ besides hairstyle and eye color besides, follow black rock archer almost identical " Bai Yan archer " . She is the weapon that creation of crystallization of gather mankind wisdom comes out likewise, extraterrestrial with the child under crushing science, do not belong to any one party, have the white cliff archer of terrible power, still cannot speak more detailed information now.

4, what does black rock archer have to move free?

Black rock archer is moved namely free

Abbreviation of black rock archer: BIs RS(additional interpret: ? Zi short for the Yihe River?

Contented of black clothes hemp

CV: ? ㄔ sheng Cui?

5, who is dub of black rock archer?

Black rock archer (BLACK ★ ROCK SHOOTER, ー of タ of ー of ュ of シ of ク of ッ of ロ of ★ of ク of ブ ラ ッ ) , abbreviation BRS. The member Huke that is Supercell of mass organizations of Home V colleague at first was published to a on Pixiv to achieve the part that insert a picture formerly on December 26, 2007. Before long hind the another member Ryo of this combination wrote complex of future of a Chu Yin to achieve song formerly with the modelling of this part, have his moment on Niconico animation.

Dub: Slope this true damask silk

Slope this true damask silk, was born in Japanese Tokyo on March 31, 1980 board bridge area. Compere of actor of Japanese woman voice, singer, actor, broadcasting station. University sociology silvers coin east the ministry graduates, what belong to an office to be Fortunerest, record company is Flying Dog.

6, beg music: Op of black rock archer?

ー of タ of ー of ュ of シ of ク of ッ of ロ of ★ of ク of ブ ラ ッ (Black ★ Rock Shooter) (Op) Braveheart (OVA Ed) our footmark (TV animation ED and episode) NO SCARED (game OP) more can go of and so on of music of dog of Qq musical cruel search black

7, the detailed introduction of black rock archer?

Original name:

ー of タ of ー of ュ of シ of ク of ッ of ロ of ★ of ク of ブ ラ ッ

English name: RS of ★ of Black ★ RockShooter(B)

Chinese name much interpret is: Easy of black rock of archer of black rock black rock. Did not unite appellation. Be the wording and purpose of what one writes of Japanese painter HUKE

Start a person formerly

(the 2 creation child of future of the sound at the beginning of blame) . Form fine, skin cadaverous, move is beating in black dust coat, different key point the blue Leng Yan, sword that grasping a glaring cold light sometimes or it is the gigantic artillery piece that a rock feels dye-in-the-wood (both now and then also meet in the meantime, abdomen has a deep scar on the right side of. Setting is the space of load one's writing with fancy phrases of ball and chain, cross, black and white diamonds normally.

8, what relation are the clever caricature with black rock innocent archer and black rock archer?

Above all, [black rock archer] the person that draw is HUKE, black rock archer is an illustration only kind creation.

Not be caricature. And [the spirit with black rock innocent archer] it is another caricaturist the Hei Yan archer that uses HUKE undertakes caricature is created. Besides innocent spirit, also have [black rock sauce] the work of and so on. Wish to read happy.

9, black rock archer male advocate who be?

It is the member Huke of Supercell of mass organizations of Home V colleague at first, achieve the part that insert a picture formerly at was being published to a on Pixiv on December 26, 2007. Before long hind the another member Ryo of this combination wrote complex of future of a Chu Yin to achieve song formerly with the modelling of this part, have his moment on Niconico animation.

Character model manufactured after Good Smile Company buys his to develop power, the OVA work that makes by Ordet at extending freely on July 24, 2010.

An Yigui grew in company of the GSC on AFAX on November 14, 2010 model announce personally " Black ★ Rock Shooter 2 " make a decision formally.

TV added up to in Feburary 2012 send out of 8 words animation begins.

10, what story is what black rock archer tells?

Hei Yan's Ova was used insert add and pour add two kinds. The Hei Yan that the Ma Tao in reality becomes dark world to look for beautiful little defeats beautiful heart demon to rescue next beautiful. Blacken finally cliff is to tell you why to can become Hei Yan. Everything before is to tell you Hei Yan's origin completely. Whole department Ova is give priority to a problem with Hei Yan. But the story of overall figure causes by the dark queen of dark world however. Hei Yan is a here small episode only. Illuminate such looking the author plans to take Hei Yan to do literary work one time it seems that.
