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约公元985年形成统一王国,8~11世纪进入维京时代的北欧海盗全盛时期。14世纪成为欧洲强国之一,1397年6月在女王玛格丽特一世的主导下与瑞典、挪威组成卡尔马联盟, 并成为联盟的领导者。



4、挪威王国,简称“挪威”, 意为“通往北方之路”,是北欧五国之一,位于斯堪的纳维亚半岛西部。挪威领土南北狭长,海岸线漫长曲折,沿海岛屿很多,被称为“万岛之国”,领土与瑞典、芬兰、俄罗斯接壤,属地还包括斯瓦尔巴群岛和扬马延岛。首都为奥斯陆。





Boreal Europe is not Shikoku, however 5 countries, it is Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Icelandic these 5 countries, specific introduction is as follows:

1, Sweden is regnal, abbreviation Sweden, it is a country that is located in a the Scandinavian Peninsula, one of boreal Ou Wuguo, the capital is a Stockholm. It on the west adjacent is Norwegian, northeast and Finnish border on, southwest is close to Sikagelake channel and Katejiate channel, the eastern side is Baltic with the Ni Yawan of wave.

Sweden and Denmark, Germany, polish, Russia, Lithuania, Latvian lie between sea facies to look with Estonia, coasting grows 7624 kilometre, gross area makes an appointment with kilometer of 450 thousand square, it is boreal Europe's biggest country.

2, Denmark is regnal, abbreviation Denmark, one of boreal Ou Wuguo, it is country of a monarchy, have two each to treat feudal, the Faroe Islands and Greenland. North is lain between the North sea and Baltic look with Sweden and Norwegian photograph, close to it call this the Na Weiya country of can, the south and German border on, the capital holds the biggest city concurrently is Copenhagen.

Make an appointment with the Christian era 985 years to form unified kingdom, 8~11 century enters the Northman flourishing period of dimension Beijing times. 14 centuries become one of European powerful nation, in queen the dominant of generation issued Margaret to block Er horse alliance with Sweden, Norwegian composition in June 1397, become allied leader.

3, Finnish republic, abbreviation Finland, be located in European north, one of boreal Ou Wuguo, with border on of Sweden, Norwegian, Russia, finnish bay is faced south, be close to on the west the Ni Yawan of wave. Land gross area kilometer of 338 thousand square, coasting grows 1100 kilometers, 10% what area of inland water area occupies countrywide area, islands makes an appointment with 179 thousand, laky about 188 thousand, have " the country of 1000 lakes " say.

Finland is the birthplace of santa Claus, the earliest dweller is the person that pull general, reason Finland weighs Lapulan again, after Finnic ingoing, built Finland Grandducal. 12 centuries second half period be dominated by Sweden. After E Ruizhan was contended for 1809, merge into Russia is Caesarean, become Grandducal. Finnish in December 1917 republic declares independence, become a permanent neutral.

4, Norwegian kingdom, abbreviation " Norwegian " , meaning for " the road that leads to north " , it is one of boreal Ou Wuguo, be located in a the Scandinavian Peninsula western. Norwegian and domanial north and south is long and narrow, coasting is endless and labyrinthian, coastal islands is very much, be called " the country of 10 thousand islands " , border on of territory and Sweden, Finnish, Russia, apanage still includes Siwaerba archipelago and Yang Mayan island. The capital is Oslo.

Norway is a capitalist country that develops highly, also be one of the richest nations on current world, north makes an appointment with one of member countries, economy is the model that the market liberalizes and macroscopical adjusting control joins the government successfully.

5, Icelandic republic, abbreviation is Icelandic, it is an insularity in Beijing University West. Be located in Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean hand in collect place, one of boreal Ou Wuguo, land area is kilometre of 103 thousand square, population is about 340 thousand, it is the country with European mouth the smallest density. The capital is Lei Keya was not overcome, also be Icelandic the biggest city, the southwest population near the capital occupies countrywide 2/3.

Icelandic on the backbone in be located in Atlantic, it is the country with a many volcano, geological frequent activity. Inland basically is Campagna landforms, the lava Campagna with ground of much distributinging sandiness, cooling churchyard and glacier. Icelandic although be located in brim of the Arctic circle, but climate of influence of warm current of Atlantic sufferring north is appropriate.
