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每一次试图去征服自然,收益却微乎其微,甚至,对自然造成破坏。 可怜的人类正在为自己掘墓。 人类征服自然的历史,可以说是人类自取灭亡的历史,自己为自己修筑的一条通向死亡的路。曾经美丽,如今却是荒芜,曾经的希望,现在却是懊恼。 有着末一句话“生存还是死亡?”可怜的人类,你选择甚麽?是生是死?主动权在你手里,看你自己把握。 温顺的野马总有他发疯的时候,沉默的羔羊总会有他不甘寂寞的时候,总会又爆发的一天。 美丽的自然在经受人类的破坏后总会以他自己的方式来回报人类的! 人类对自然的无情摧残,同样也会遭受的自然对人类无情的摧残,人类对自然无休止的掠夺,必然会遭到自然的唾弃,必然将这些方式毫无保留的还给人类的。 可怜的人类,睁开你们明亮的双眼来看看这个被你们毁灭的世界吧! 可到是否宽阔,水面是否澄清,天空是否蔚蓝,高山是否秀丽,你们好好看看吧! 没有永远的朋友,也没有永远的敌人,善待他人,得到他人的厚待,孙人者, 人损之。 人类,你选择自然为友的话,请你善待他。


尊重自然,Respect For Nature1)Respect For Nature尊重自然1.As To Eco-Reconstruction Human Being Should Respect For Nature,To Conduc Environmental Management By Measures Such As Eco-Restoration,Natural Conservation,Etc.讨论了西北干旱区的土地退化、生态建设与尊重自然、水土资源利用及区域发展等问题。

2.The Paper Points Out That "Respect For Nature" Is Often Regarded Analogous To Kant S "Respect For Man",But It Cannot Be Interpreted And Expounded By Kantism."尊重自然"在当代社会无疑是具有感染力和吸引力的道德呼声,但其实质内涵却有待辨明。








每次墙角边的面包屑都会在你的眼皮下慢慢移。这是为什么呢 ,你仔细看。原来是一只小小的蚂蚁。他们总能出现在有食物的地方,不光是面包屑,连苹果核都不会放过。我们根本不用担心他们自有办法“记住这个地方然后去洞穴里叫同伙,最后沿着原来的路一起把食物搬回去”。我们千万不能小瞧了他们,尽管他们的身体比大象小n倍,但是力气可比大象大得多。每次遇到食物,他们总能发挥自己的“大力士”特点,将食物全部搬走。一只小小的蚂蚁教会我们坚持就是胜利。
















One, is the mankind OK who says conquer nature?

Have obedient nature only, ability conquer nature. – of – – – (Darwinian)

The force of nature, believe the mankind already be obvious to all; Especially this year, it is to let the mankind have updated knowledge to nature force more, below air pollution, the mankind must wear guaze mask, and this is air not merely pollution is so simple, more serious than air pollution, be minatory life.

As the calamity this year year continuously, the mankind also ego is felt insignificant, face definitely bank, the mankind also can be forced to transfer only, face mountain torrents or be rainstorm, the mankind also can look at the cropland banker that him hardship plants to be destroyed helplessly only, be at a loss what to do however. Within imagines some people, calamity year, having particular concern with the mankind.

What kind of relation be? It is the mankind destroyed nature, it is the ecological balance that the mankind broke nature, it is human development, cut into a mountain fills a river to build the result of high-rise, whole journey industrialization, air pollution, environment pollution, car exhaust pollution, still have the mankind secondhand the harm of smoke, it is to the mankind health causes a deathblow.

Someone says calamity year it is the nature retaliation to the mankind, it is to want to make the mankind some earlier wake up to reality, cherish us some earlier to bilk the environment with living together, guard it together, cherish it, is not to harm it everywhere, let it become dirty smelly, let other live thing cannot live, in that way the public enemy that the mankind can make nature and even other animal.

Of a lot of animals ruined, it is the result that wanton excessive reduces the mankind, for individual interest, go violating ethics by hook and crook, even if be national protection animal, still be world protection animal, always some of person harms them for money. Always remember in one's childhood river water is very clear, can see piscine shrimp, show the river nowadays, dirty smelly, wash dish, wash the dress, disrelish sordid.

In one's childhood the river of our home town can bathe amuse oneself, show the child nowadays, where we are at that time in the river

2, the earth is human happiness () , nature is us () ?

The earth is the home of human happiness, nature is our mother. She produces enough food, feed our satiety allay one's hunger; Her consecratory and rich earth stone and forest, build a room to build house for us; The pod that the Yang Qun of the docile on that grass, flax field that opens full orchid and Chinese mulberry foster braids a clothings, obstruct chill intense heat of summer for us. Our home is good. Nature is making offerings to human generation the descendants of another generation, need them to make investment a bit only, can be in prospective years reap where one has not sown.

3, did the mankind conquer nature is true conquer?

Every time tries to conquer natural, accrual however very little, even, destroy to be being caused naturally. Wretch kind digging a grave for oneself. The history of human conquer nature, can say the history that is human court destruction, oneself lead to dead road of build for oneself. Once beautiful, nowadays is run-down however, once hope, now is vexed however. Having tip a word " live or die? " wretch kind, do you choose very Mo? Be unripe be dead? Active advantageous position is in your hand, see yourself hold. When docile bronco always has him to go mad, silent kid always can have when he is unwilling and doleful, always meet a day when erupt again. Beautiful nature meets what sign up for the mankind back and forth with his own means always after the destruction that endures the mankind! The mankind destroys to natural callosity, the nature that also can suffer likewise is merciless to the mankind destroy, the mankind's unending to nature plunder, what can suffer nature necessarily is disgustful, return what these means are without reservation the mankind necessarily. Wretch kind, open your bright double look to view this world that is destroyed by you! Can arrive broad, water is clear, the sky is azure, the high mountain is beautiful, you look well! Without forever friend, also do not have forever enemy, be kind to other, those who get another person is thick wait for, sun Ren person, of person caustic. The mankind, you choose to be friendly word naturally, ask you to be kind to him.

4, English writes a composition, is respecting nature the need that the mankind treasures him life?

Esteem is natural, respect For Nature1)Respect For Nature respects natural 1.As To Eco-Reconstruction Human Being Should Respect For Nature, to Conduc Environmental Management By Measures Such As Eco-Restoration, natural Conservation, etc. The land that discussed northwest drought region degrades, resource of zoology construction and esteem nature, natural environment is used reach the issue such as area development.

2.The Paper Points Out That "Respect For Nature"Is Often Regarded Analogous To Kant S "Respect For Man" , but It Cannot Be Interpreted And Expounded By Kantism. " respects natural " to be in contemporary society is the moral voice that has appeal and appeal undoubtedly, but actually qualitative connotation remains to discern however.

5, what meaning is nature of blame of trademark registrant type?

Nature of blame of trademark registrant type is to point to blame natural person, not be an individual that is to say, it is legal person organization or other unit.

Blame natural person is fingering person, social organization, other organization. The natural person is the person that is born below natural condition, natural person and legal person are civil main body. Legal person is a kind of organism. The natural person is the person that be under natural state and exists as civil main body, representing spirit, on behalf of its authority enters civil activity, enjoy the right and assume obligation.

6, is the snake beneficial to our mankind and nature be still harmful?

Can say only harmless, will see naturally live thing by subjective consciousness is very babyish behavior, actually dispute often kills the snake terrible, encountering a person is commonly give priority to in order to run away, because the person was sealed,assault person is it outlet or constitute menace to it, if must say harmful word, so the person is more than the anguine harm to the person far to anguine harm. Any life to nature just so an existence, include a person for, profitless harmless also.

7, the teacher that what nature there is is the mankind? Try two case?

Small ant

Every time the crumble of corner edge can be below your eyelid move slowly. This is why, you look carefully. It is a small ant so. They always can go out to there is alimental place now, not only it is crumble, lian Ping pit won't be let off. We need not fear they have idea oneself at all " remember this place makes partner next, move food together along original road finally " . Our ten million cannot small look they, although their body compares elephant small N times, but effort can be gotten greatly than elephant much. Encounter food every time, they always can develop themselves " Hercules " characteristic, take away food entirely. We hold to only small ant church even if win.

Full wheat head

Come to the side of field every time, look, golden ear, as rippling wheat. You look carefully, a full wheat head, tired bent a waist, and shrivelled ear, look up like arrogant princess it seems that hold out a bosom. Perhaps you should say, be an upright person occasionally, should not look up hold out a bosom! But this is exterior imagination only. If a person can look up only hold out a bosom, do not have genuine ability and learning however. That is not Na Guoxian is born. Mao Zedong has said: "Modesty makes the person progresses, pride makes a person backward. " often a successful person, what he understands is more, can say oneself are known more not quite much. Mature ear church we should be modest

8, is the nature that father advocates to point to the savagery that intervenes without the mankind?

Nature is the distinctive concept of Taoist school initiate originally, inchoate archaic ancient codes and records, did not mention nature mostly one word. Natural most appear in first " father " in, use after metaphase of the Warring States gradually much. The father esteem to nature, basically reflect in " person doctrine ground, ground law day " in allegation, is not " way way is natural " .

The natural just that father place tells is the nature in human society, it is the automatical condition in human behavior. Advocate pair of natural human society behavior to put forward a kind of direction and ideal, is not to advocate do not work. Father says " result accomplish sth is satisfied, common people all calls I am natural. " (seventeen chapter) " result accomplish sth is satisfied " the result that works namely, not be faineant result. Visible, nature is a kind of super state, be " result accomplish sth is satisfied " and did not create the show that annoy and oppresses to common people, namely automatical result accomplish sth is satisfied, be do not have reluctance, did not create conflict, did not change suddenly, the establishs achievement procedure that did not cause oppressive feeling and result. Conversely, force, cause acuteness change, the achievement that creates conflict is not nature namely.

So, the nature of father is not the civilized without the mankind natural state that says at ordinary times, either with the mankind or factitious and opposite concept, the concept that establishs relatively with loath, nervous, oppressive, conflict however, it is one kind merits pursuit, yearning position, namely a kind of value.

9, person and nature are harmonious accrete two big?

" person and natural harmony are accrete " " natural " point to nature already " natural " , also point to highway nature " natural " .

Person and " natural " the systematization topic that harmonious accrete is eternity, must carry day person, person I, body and mind 3 person the harmony of subsystem will prop up, be short of one cannot.

Nowhere is absent nature, temporal always has existent way. The existence that respects overweight works of God inevitable, what ability installs is open-minded and do-nothing. The balance is begged in trends only, in defending, be sent and, ability presents harmonious and amiable human relations in society. Raise natural body with natural way, ability maintains harmony of body and mind. Imitate nature, nature is good teacher!

Natural poetic flavour gifts life bitter fleabane like that the vigor of heavy full figure, the soul that natural encircle yearns for in moist heart is opened like that, free, freely, true, satisfactory, satisfied, easy and heavy full figure.

10, the what that person and nature are life?

Person and nature are life it is life community, both between the kilter that maintains a kind to be able to develop continuously. Human esteem nature, comply with natural, protection nature, natural alimentary mankind, feed the mankind, edificatory mankind. In zoology civilization phase, person and natural concern just realize harmonious accrete truly, the prosperous and strong and democratic civilized harmony of natural beauty and human society hands in photograph reflect.

Hope person and nature can develop together!
