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承诺不是蓝天上的一片白云,逍遥飘逸; 承诺不是水面上的一叶浮萍,飘游不定; 承诺不是夜幕中的一束昙花,转瞬即逝; 承诺不是清晨绿草尖上的露珠,晶亮而短暂。

承诺如同珍珠,它的莹润是河蚌痛苦的代价,也是河蚌的荣耀; 承诺如同蜂蜜,它的甘甜是蜜蜂辛勤劳动的结晶,也是蜜蜂的骄傲; 承诺如同流星,它的灿烂是陨石悲壮的付出,也是陨石的辉煌; 承诺如同金子,它的光耀是淘金者辛劳的价值,也是淘金者的喜悦。承诺不是大海中的一滴水珠,微不足道 承诺如同烛光,他的光芒是蜡烛生命的付出,也是蜡烛的辉煌 承诺如同蝴蝶,她的美丽是蚕结蛹的自缚,也是蚕的重生。承诺不是云层中的月亮,时见时蔽。承诺不是水面上的一点浮萍,轻盈,自在. 承诺不是海市蜃楼,虚无,缥缈. 承诺不是蓝天上的一片白云,逍遥,飘逸。承诺不是山林间的一条清流,自由,洒脱。承诺如同珍珠,它的莹润是蚌痛苦的代价,也是蚌的荣耀。承诺如同宝剑,它的锋利是钢铁磨励的结晶,也是钢铁的追求.   承诺不是水面上的一叶浮萍,飘游不定;  承诺不是夜幕中的一束昙花,转瞬即逝;    承诺不是清晨绿草尖上的露珠,晶亮而短暂。   承诺如同蜂蜜,它的甘甜是蜜蜂辛勤劳动的结晶,也是蜜蜂的骄傲;   承诺如同流星,它的灿烂是陨石悲壮的付出,也是陨石的辉煌;   承诺如同金子,它的光耀是淘金者辛劳的价值,也是淘金者的喜悦。承诺不是小河的鱼,自由自在, 承诺不是夜幕中的一束昙花,转瞬即逝; 承诺不是清晨绿草尖上的露珠,晶亮而短暂。承诺如同奖章,它是自身努力的成果,也是自己的光荣





1. 我们要有诚信,要兑现承诺。

2. 妈妈向我承诺,放假后一定带我到乡下姥姥家去玩。

3. 维珍航空承诺帮助莘莘学子在英国展开新生活。

4. 承诺不是风中的云,一吹就散。

5. 承诺没有统一售价,有时候一文不值,有时候千金难买。

6. 瑞莲家园的种种承诺变成了一纸空文!

7. 向美国人承诺他们可以不劳而获,并不会令他们信服。

8. 只要承诺了,就应该去兑现。

9. 我们承诺父母的事情就要及时完成。

10. 你在做出承诺前一定要想清楚,不然一言既出,驷马难追。

11. 承诺是一种品德,可以试探你诚不诚实。

12. 那位市长正在对他的竞选承诺打退堂鼓。




慎重承诺和郑重承诺的区别:慎重承诺的意思是做出的承诺要慎之又慎,也就是要考虑周全,不要信口开河;而郑重承诺则是指郑重其事地、庄重地给予承诺。在现实工作生活中,慎重承诺和郑重承诺这两个成语,都是日常工作生活中经常用到的成语 。慎重指的就是要谨慎,要考虑周全;郑重则是郑重其事、庄重。




















男女之间都有自己的承诺,特别是男生他愿意给你一切一切,不管是何等的要求: 有时间我愿意陪你去玩┉ 我愿意买东西给你{甚至是不可能实现的}┉ 他会让你一瞬间说出你想要他做的一切,女孩的天真总是以为他答应我了就一定做的到。可是有多少做到了、女孩失望了、这样一直循环到最后女孩终于哭着做了最后的决定“我们分手吧”。难道是女孩太贪心不自足吗! 不是的不是的`女孩要的不是承诺,是你对他的心,她只是希望知道你多在乎他, 如果承诺是开始、 兑现是结果、那么女孩要的是过程,她要去证明这个过程,证明你爱她,愿意一辈子守护她。 甚至有的女孩更希望你做的到。你在说,做不到就不要在去承诺。从顶处掉入谷底的感觉真的很痛很痛。也许男生也有同感,那就更不该去做自己都知道会痛的事了。更不该让自己女朋友了解这样的痛。你不是要保护她,照顾她,呵护她。你忍心转头又去伤害她吗!!




Acceptance is not _________________ . Acceptance as _________________ ?

Acceptance is not a Bai Yun on blue sky, free and elegant; acceptance is not the one leaf float on surface, wave swim errant; acceptance is not a bundle of broad-leaved epiphyllum in curtain of night, acceptance of; of written in water is not the dew on needle of early morning green grass, brilliant is bright and brief.

Acceptance as pearl, its jade-like stone embellish is the cost of river mussel anguish, the honorable; that also is river mussel is affirmatory as honey, its Gan Tian is the crystallization that apian laborious moves with one's shoulder to collar, the proud; that also is a bee is affirmatory as the shooting star, its bright it is the aerolite is paid solemn and stirringly, the brilliant; that also is an aerolite is affirmatory as gold, its brilliance is the value of gold digger pains, also be the joyance of gold digger. Acceptance is not a drip in the sea, negligible acceptance as candle power, his ray is candle life pay, the brilliant acceptance that also is the candle as butterfly, her beauty is silkworm knot is aurelian from ligature, also be the renascence of silkworm. Acceptance is not the moon in cloud layer, when seeing when my. Acceptance is not a bit float on surface, lightsome, comfortable. Acceptance is not mirage, windy, dimly discernible. Acceptance is not a Bai Yun on blue sky, free, elegant. Acceptance is not a Qing Dynasty shedding between mountain forest, free, free and easy. Acceptance as pearl, its jade-like stone embellish is the cost of mussel anguish, also be the honor of the mussel. Acceptance as the sword, its sharp it is the crystallization that iron and steel grinds encourage, also be steely pursuit. Acceptance is not the one leaf float on surface, wave swim errant; Acceptance is not a bundle of broad-leaved epiphyllum in curtain of night, written in water; Acceptance is not the dew on needle of early morning green grass, brilliant is bright and brief. Acceptance as honey, its Gan Tian is the crystallization that apian laborious moves with one's shoulder to collar, also be apian pride; Acceptance as the shooting star, its bright it is the aerolite is paid solemn and stirringly, also be an aerolite is brilliant; Acceptance as gold, its brilliance is the value of gold digger pains, also be the joyance of gold digger. Acceptance is not the fish of the brook, footloose, acceptance is not a bundle of broad-leaved epiphyllum in curtain of night, written in water; Acceptance is not the dew on needle of early morning green grass, brilliant is bright and brief. Acceptance as medal, it is the achievement that oneself tries hard, also be oneself glory

Content of acceptance of individual acceptance item?

Abide by the regulation of clean-fingered self-discipline strictly, clean-fingered act according to fair, devoted to post, not the convenience seek profiteering of jobbery and officially, implement working program and provision strictly, ensure without violate the case that violate discipline to happen.

Law-abiding, not the influence of jobbery and officially is reached for relatives and friends beside interest of staff member seek.

Affirmatory sentence-making, acceptance how sentence-making?

1.We should have sincere letter, should cash acceptance.

2.Mom to my acceptance, I am taken to play to rural grandmother home certainly after having a holiday.

3.Acceptance of dimension precious aviation helps numerous students develop new life in England.

4.Acceptance is not the cloud in wind, whiff comes loose.

5.Acceptance did not unite price, occasionally worthless, occasionally a thousand pieces of gold is bought hard.

6.A variety of acceptance of lucky lotus home became a mere scrap of paper!

7.To American acceptance they need not fatigue and obtain, can not make them be convinced.

8.Want commitment only, should cash.

9.The thing of our acceptance parents is about to be finished in time.

10.You want to be clear about certainly before give commitment, otherwise one character goes out already, what has been cannot be withdrawn.

11.Acceptance is a kind of moral character, can explore you sincere fact.

12.That mayor is entering into an election contest to his affirmatory back out.

Content of acceptance of affirmatory book individual?

The content of individual acceptance book includes the following fields normally: Of affirmatory item define: In affirmatory book, you need to make clear affirmatory item, the time that includes commitment, place, specific content. For example, you are OK and affirmatory a certain project is completed before a certain date, perhaps be in a certain time paragraph inside keep healthy. Affirmatory tie condition: In affirmatory book, you need to make clear affirmatory tie condition, if fail,fulfill affirmatory meeting to bear what consequence namely. For example, you are OK if acceptance fails to finish a project on time, compensatory the other side certain expenses perhaps assumes other responsibility. Affirmatory executive measure: In affirmatory book, you need to make clear affirmatory executive measure, how to assure to be fulfilled affirmatorily namely. For example, you are OK and affirmatory take exercise one hour to keep healthy every morning, perhaps adopt other measure to ensure of the project finish on time. Other and additional provision: According to need, you are OK still other and additional provision is added in affirmatory book, keep secret for example effective date of agreement, agreement. The individual acceptance book that is a give typical examples below: Respectable XXX: I, XXX, here earnest acceptance, in XXXX year day of XX month XX comes XXXX year between date of XX month XX, my general takes exercise one hour every morning, in order to keep healthy. I am clear, if fail to fulfil this commitment, my general bears corresponding consequence. Fulfill affirmatorily to ensure, my general takes the following step: Got up at 7 o'clock every morning, the park inside the village undertakes taking exercise, exercise content to include ran, setting-up exercise to wait. My general maintains exercise a record, report progress case to you regularly. In addition, I return OK and additional other item: If because special account cannot be finished,exercise the task, my general informs you ahead of schedule and endeavor to remedy. This affirmatory book has go into effect from subscription day. Appreciate your accredit and support again! Your's sincerely salute! XXX

Are discreet acceptance and earnest acceptance distinguished?

Discreet acceptance and earnest and affirmatory distinction: Made commitment wants the means of discreet acceptance Shen Zhi careful, want to consider to help somebody attain his aim namely, do not want talk irresponsible; And earnest acceptance is to point to seriously the ground, grave ground gives consent. In real work life, discreet acceptance and earnest acceptance these two are phrasal, it is the idiom that often uses in routine life. What point to cautiously is to want discretion, want to consider to help somebody attain his aim; Earnest it is seriously, grave.

Earnest acceptance and affirmatory distinction?

The distinction of two words depends on the heavy visual range to acceptance spending, and differ somewhat on the manner that place expression comes out. Earnest acceptance can show a person's determined attitude more compared with acceptance, and determination goes doing some business. Serious means is majestic, earnest look. Affirmatory means promises to do some thing. Can divide verbal commitment, written consent a lot of kinds,

Affirmatory affirmatory and classical ana?

   Affirmatory classical ana: Affirmatory, namely agree promise. Namely a person makes the promise below.

   "Affection just recollects medium acceptance one kind, meet besides the word in those days besides, say what is difficult again. " -- 3 wool

  "Promise can win friendship admittedly, but education still acts with what maintain friendship. " -- Feiersemu

  "Like abiding by a promise to be just like the honor that guards you. " -- Baerzake

  "The word of kindheartedness, the promise of kindheartedness, saying on the mouth is easy, be in only adversity when, ability sees the friend's sincerity. " -- Keleiluofu


Why does affirmatory case have acceptance to distinguish?

Distinction is as follows:

1, the definition is different

① declaration is to accuse a kind when open kind of writ, belong to the practical writing aspect that demonstrates him footing, attitude to the society with respect to concerned item or problem;

② affirmatory book is affirmatory person the meaning that agrees completely to wanting those who make an appointment with a person to want to make an appointment with, use usually express accumulate the promise that contains him idea.

2, expression is different

① declaration publishs in the press, also can broadcast through broadcast, broadcasting station, still can undertake paste;

② affirmatory book is a requirement normally with written concluded contract, its acceptance also must take written form.

3, motive is different

Final commitment how are this affirmatory?

What there are oneself between the men and women is affirmatory, especially schoolboy he is willing you everything everything, no matter be the requirement of what kind: Have time I am willing to accompany you to play ┉ I am willing to shop to you he meets the} ┉ that {is impossible implementation even everything what make you flashy speak you to want him to do, of the girl innocent always think he promises me arrive with respect to what do certainly. But how many have,accomplished, the girl is disappointed, circulate to crying to make final decision eventually to final girl all the time so " we part company " . It is the girl too avaricious not self-sufficient! Not yes what ` girl wants is not acceptance, it is your heart to him, she just hopes to know you care about him more, if acceptance is to begin, cashing is a result, so what the girl wants is a process, she should prove this process, prove you love her, be willing all one's life to guard her. Even some girls hope you are done more arrive. You are saying, do not do going acceptance. The feeling that handles cereal copy from the top is very painful really very painful. Perhaps the schoolboy also has the same feeling, that ought not to do oneself to know can painful thing more. Ought not to let her girlfriend understand more such painful. You are not to should protect her, take care of her, caress her. Your give the heart to turns the head harms her again! !

Are some acceptance affirmatory article table only after all?

In our life, some acceptance are acceptance only after all, won't have forever change one day, to each other, the likelihood just makes a promise below under that moment impulse, the possibility that offer is forever cannot the desire of lifelong implementation and target, but gave another person's oldest to expect however, this kind of final fall is really very the injury that injure a person oneself.
