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学大教育的员工待遇如何?| 学大教育员工福利待遇详解英文双语对照


学大教育的员工待遇如何?| 学大教育员工福利待遇详解英文双语对照













The employee pay that learns big education how?

Learning big education is one of China's famous online education platform, the study resource with offerring high quality and online groom serve and famed. Outside the service of high grade education that enjoys besides students, learn to teach the welfare pay that also pays attention to employee very much greatly. We know the employee treatment that learns big education in detail below.

Pay pay

Regard an online education as platform, learn big education to provide the pay treatment that has competition ability for employee. The compensation of employee is formed include bonus of base pay, performance and allowance of other material benefits. Learn to teach the working enthusiasm that pays attention to incentive employee and creativity greatly, because this performance bonus holds significant position in compensation. In addition, learn to teach the welfare allowance that still offers different level employee greatly, include to connect diligent allowance, eat fills, housing allowance.

The profession develops

Learn big education to devote oneself to to offer good profession to develop opportunity and rising channel for employee. Learn big education to encourage employee to attend interior grooms and exterior study opportunity, promote an individual skill and intellectual standard. Company interior has perfect rising channel, employee can pass good performance and working achievement to gain rising opportunity, develop oneself professional career.

Welfare pay

Besides pay pay, learn big education to still provide rich and generous welfare treatment for employee. The company bought comprehensive social insurance for employee, include insurance of endowment insurance, medical treatment, unemployed insurance and inductrial injury insurance, ensure the basic rights and interests of employee. In addition, learned big education to still offer welfare of healthy check-up, festival, commerce to be sure to wait for multinomial welfare pay for employee.

Group culture

Learn big education to pay attention to build active up group culture. The company holds all sorts of groups to establish an activity, include outdoors extend, basketball game, the communication between further staff and communication. In addition, learn big education to still encourage employee to begin innovation project and group collaboration, offer good study and growing platform.

Anyhow, learn to teach the welfare pay that takes employee seriously and professional evolution greatly, make for employee active up, competitive working environment. Industry of if you are right online education is interested, and the hope has foreground and the company that expand a scope in work, so the choice that learning big education will be an ideal.
