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不会欺骗情人的句子? 写句子,我们,我们,我的,我们,我们热爱大自然,大自然就给我们美的回答?英文双语对照


不会欺骗情人的句子? 写句子,我们,我们,我的,我们,我们热爱大自然,大自然就给我们美的回答?英文双语对照





















⑧岩石下的小草教我们坚强,峭壁上的野百合教我们执著,山顶上的松树教我们拼搏风雨,严寒中的腊梅教我们笑迎冰雪。 ⑨因为有志,小溪汇成了大海;因为有志,枯枝盼到春的绿叶;因为有志,人类助长了山峰的高度。让我们站在地平线上,构筑我们的梦想吧,因为我们有志,并会为梦想拼搏的,我们将会是大海、绿叶,站在山顶的那个就会是我们。 ⑩泥土的味道是苦涩的,海水的味道是苦咸的,树林中清新的空气也有着一丝苦津津的味道。这苦的大自然,孕育了人们交织着各种苦痛的心灵。广袤的土地,浩瀚的海洋,辽阔的天空,了无际涯的心灵,构成了我们这个世界 ⑾百花争艳的春天是充满活力的季节,烈日曝晒的夏天是富有热情的季节,瓜果飘香的秋天是极具魅力的季节,白雪飘飘的冬天是最富遐想的季节 ⑿太阳无语,却放射出光辉;高山无语,却体现出巍峨;大地无语,却展示出广博。 ⒀我们不做屋檐下叽叽喳喳的麻雀,要做搏击蓝天高瞻远瞩的雄鹰。我们不做路边随风摇




















One, the sentence that won't cheat a lover?

1, the person's lifetime is alive every day in deceit and crammer, when oneself take lifetime, you can think you had said how many deceit and fairy tale all one's life.

2, you went, taking away my all love, it is one parts company only. I am bearing tear to look at your back, want to holding you in the arms finally very much, want to saying to you very much " I love you " .

3, because you are absent,crying for the first time is, because encounter you,first time laugh is, because cannot have you,laughing to weep for the first time is!

4, time can precipitate slowly, some people can blur slowly in your bottom of the heart. Learn to let go, your happiness needs him help sb to fulfill his wishes.

5, there is snow outside the window, bubble a cup of coffee, grasp it cool, just knew to remember you again. My expectation how can you just understand!

2, write a sentence, we, we, my, we, we have deep love for nature, does nature give us beautiful answer?

We irrigate a flower we are planted cultivate our care dragonfly we cherish the earth the answer that we have deep love for nature nature to give us beauty

3, what inspiration does nature give us?

Scientific progress is everlasting, practice examines the truth, science proves the truth. Nature is the decision that the mankind lives, left nature, the mankind also cannot live momently, nature provided the countless corporeal resource that live for the mankind and live. The mankind knows very well nature is mostly limited cannot reborn material, the mankind must have hardship consciousness, want to cherish nature, want to cherish nature, protect good environment, treat corrupt treat catch, green water green hill, it is golden hill silver-colored hill, nature great mind, we want with scientific manner, scientific method improves nature, develop nature, the mankind is built in all make arduous efforts with nature destiny community, had built earthly nature home, protection is good, the mankind lives ability is perfect and happy. Otherwise, want to get the severe penalty of nature, the day is uneasy.

4, can guarantee against cheat girlfriend guarantee?

Wife, I am wrong, after I should not cheat your after the event to cheat you, I regret exceedingly. Hope if have again,you can excuse me this the next time, ask you to deal with casually, I do not have complaint. Wife, for this family I am the even if that loves you it is to cheat you, the crammer that also is kindness is afraid that you get angry to just cheat you. Does wife look my expression henceforth to you can move you?

5, to our what to inspire of nature?

① wind has gone from water, leave clear ripple; Sunshine is crossed from inside the cloud, leave filar silk warmth; Years has gone from the woods, leave the annual ring that encircle a circle, friend, we had gone from the arena of the times, what to leave?

② sky accepts each cloudlet applause, no matter its beauty is ugly, the sky is so broad immensity. The earth embraces each inches of land, no matter its the rich and the poor, so the earth lengths and breadth of land boundless. Ocean admits each river, no matter its size, ocean is so capacious immensity.

③ should hold a cup of new coin, you must be dropped already some old water; Want to get one branch rose, you must abandon in one's hand rose; Want many unique experience, you must the scar of much portion heart.

The river of ④ winter dried up, I believe, spring water still can come, bai Fan is the God in my heart in those days; The leaf withered in wind, I believe, the dream in clay will blossom and bear fruit in branch.

⑤ is one clump Qiu Ju, also should send out balmy; It is a double ended radius sleeker, also want deck earth; It is Gu Bai of one individual plant, also want to maintain a blue sky; It is Gu Jing, also want to pour out of Qing Quan.

⑥ is far the flyer that go, care hereat forest lastingly; Adrift boat, from beginning to end remembering with concern is a harbour; The traveller that rush about, no matter be hasty night,leave home far go, the countless ties in the heart, place that keeps thinking about constantly, still be the home.

The wheat with mature ⑦ is hanging low first, that is to teaching us condescending; A flock of ant can carry big bone, that is to teaching us solidarity; Tender water wears rock, that is to teaching us tough; The bee is busy in the flowers, that is to teaching us laborious.

The small grass below ⑧ rock teachs us adamancy, the wild lily on cliff teachs us clinging, hill apical pine teachs us to go all out in work harships, the wintersweet in severe cold teachs us to laugh greet ice and snow. Because ⑨ has keep in mind, brook collected the sea; Because have keep in mind, deadwood longs for spring greenery; Because have keep in mind, the mankind is abet the height of mountain peak. Let us stand on horizon, the dream that builds us, because we have keep in mind, meet what go all out in work for the dream, we will be the sea, greenery, those who stand in the summit that can be us. The flavour of ⑩ clay is agonized, briny flavour is suffering is salty, the fresh air in the woods also is having the taste of ferry of a bitter ferry. This bitter nature, be pregnant with people is interweaving all sorts of pungent hearts. The land of length and breadth of land, the ocean of vast, extensive sky, the heart that does not have time limit, formed us 100 flowers of this world ⑾ argue colourful spring is vital season, the summer of burning sun insolate is rich zestful season, melon and fruit waves sweet autumn is extremely attractive season, the seasonal ⑿ sun that the winter that white Xue Piao waves is the richest daydream is not had language, radiative however give brightness; The high mountain is not had language, reflect a lofty however; The earth is not had language, reveal however piece encyclopedical. We do not do ⒀ the spadger that chirps below eave, should do strike the lanneret of blue sky stand high and see far. We do not do roadside to shake along with wind

6, the gift that enjoys nature to give us?

Peculiar true portraiture of the autumn, also be autumn the altruistic gift that gives us,

When the autumn just came, be in with the have a trial of strength of summer that combats compound excitation intense in, of blast had blown, the advent of a rain, proclaimed easy to doly autumn return in triumph. Then, glistening paddy came, golden corn came, red apple came, green jade-like stone jade-like stone the grape came. . . . . . One catchs a ground, raise mature brand, ground of orderly rank quickstep runs into that to be called autumn playground, made the warm up preparation before the contest, the total final of a bumper harvest is in the put to good use that waiting for their fist foot, waiting for them the elegant demeanour of each Zhan Liangli, the level that who sees to moment is high, whose capability is strong, who can just win final argue and victory.

7, can we do care nature what?

We are OK and managing with water, care spends grass of flowers and plants. Nature is special beauty, our everybody lives between nature, to let the life peaceful coexistence among we and nature, what we can accomplish is managing give nature with water managing more water natural resources, and cherish beautiful beautiful carelessly, protect the green of nature. Ability is OK better protection our live environment.

8, why should we have deep love for nature?

Nature is beautiful nature, because we should protect nature, cannot lose rubbish, spit eat, cut a tree. Then, I tell a story to everybody.

There was a village once upon a time, he does not love to protect nature to cut a tree, take chair of tree make it and table, before long, the building that which village person becomes aware became old should change new. People chops wood to make a room, the house has been done, over there the person of village word is happy cried, some pride go to the house beauty that who compares with respect to this appearance people cuts a tree every day.

Before long the flood came, the flood destroyed the village completely, because unnumbered is held back,prettier building was swept to feral flood issueing some of house to be swept, here becomes useless division, this story does not adopt the ground in disorder to everybody.

Is nature so good why even is somebody destroyed? Let me say! Because somebody does not have a place to lose, do not have method to lose underground, some people think lose rubbish so lose do not have family education more, still the somebody in the class in us does not eat the apple above picture picture is much more abhorrent, return some is very popular the mouth is wrung ate to spit be on duty for the day lets give birth to incommode in underground, below so good environment study listens, that a flock of a flock of the ossicle head that ant helps is teach us solidarity, that bee goes collecting honey is to teach us laborious, you see nature how good, go destroying its be willing to part with or use?

9, what did nature give us enlightenment?

The inspiration that nature gives us is very much, I from below a few respects answer back and forth

Be in above all the enlightenment of scientific aspect. Nature is in scientific aspect enlightenment is very much. Our a lot of creation are profit from nature. We from the tubbish structure of leaf we are made gave Xie Qiao; According to the flight principle of dragonfly we are made went out to rise continuously fly; We catch insect from bat we invented radar in the principle; ...

It is the enlightenment of philosophic theory respect next. Advance and retreat of nature yin and yang, battle of photograph of yin and yang, we knew the thing has two sides, the back of hand and control, the front and opposite, mix greatly small two respects that etc is thing development. Of the four seasons alternant, the rotate of daytime, this disappear the other party of the thing is chief, it is the result that advance and retreat of yin and yang changes. The process with this disappear long those also is between newly emerging things and old thing, depend on each other of both each other is put, in integrating as incompatible as system. The thing is grade... these are the inspiration that we get from inside nature.

Teach the enlightenment of the respect a lesson namely next again. The our mankind production to raise food, reclaim big forest and prairie come out to plant commissariat, raise the yield of commissariat, as a result we got the penalty of nature. Desert speed is accelerated, indulge in wilful persecution of sanded dust storm, commissariat cannot produce a result not only was to decrease produce, the lesson is very grave. Be like family planning, control population, result fertility-rate drops, old age changes aggravate, burden of social provide for the aged is aggravating, must unlock 2 embryoes again, increase the youth's amount. Still a lot of everybody know, I am differ one for.

Thank the invitation of top news! Thank!

10, the what church of nature our what?

Nature can give us a lot of inspiration, mature spike of rice lowers his head, that is enlightenment we want modesty, a flock of ant carry bone, that is enlightenment we want make concerted effort, sesame seed lifts successively, that is we want enlightenment active up, what milk cow eats is careless, urgent those who come out is a grandma, that is enlightenment we should learn to be thankful, clear brook, flow soundlessly drip, that is enlightenment we want without attracting public attention, ground of wild goose gang has flown to horizon, that is enlightenment we want a target to agree.

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