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省长 龚正



第一章 总则

第一条 为了预防和减少自然灾害发生,提高自然灾害风险综合防治能力,保障人民群众生命和财产安全,根据《中华人民共和国突发事件应对法》等法律、法规,结合本省实际,制定本办法。

第二条 在本省行政区域内从事自然灾害风险调查、评估、监控、防御和监督保障等活动,适用本办法。法律、法规另有规定的,从其规定。


第三条 自然灾害风险防治工作坚持以人为本、科学规划、全面排查、综合防治的原则,建立政府主导、部门联动、社会协同、属地为主的工作机制。

第四条 自然灾害风险防治工作实行各级人民政府行政首长负责制。



第五条 县级以上人民政府应急管理部门负责自然灾害风险防治工作的指导、协调。


第六条 各级人民政府及其有关部门应当采取多种形式,加强对自然灾害风险防治的宣传教育,提高全社会防灾减灾意识。


第七条 对在自然灾害风险防治工作中取得显著成绩的单位和个人,由县级以上人民政府按照有关规定给予表彰和奖励。

第二章 风险调查与评估

第八条 县级以上人民政府应当组织有关部门定期开展自然灾害风险普查工作,建立自然灾害数据库。


第九条 历史灾害调查应当以区域内有关单位、个人和相关历史资料为调查对象,对各类自然灾害发生次数、灾害强度、灾害损失、灾害影响等情况进行统计、分析和研判,推断自然灾害发生的特点和规律。

第十条 致灾孕灾调查应当以自然灾害致灾孕灾要素为调查对象,对各类致灾因子频率、强度、范围等信息进行研究和分析,了解自然灾害致灾孕灾的影响因素和发生机理。

第十一条 承灾体调查应当重点对人口、房屋建筑、基础设施、公共服务设施、资源环境、工矿企业等承灾体的空间分布、结构类型以及与灾害相关的属性特征进行调查、收集和归纳,掌握承灾体个体信息、区域特征和承灾能力。

第十二条 综合防灾减灾能力调查应当对决策指挥、队伍建设、物资储备、通信保障、交通运输、工程防御和社会防灾减灾意识等情况进行全面调查,查清区域综合防灾减灾能力的现状和存在的问题。

第十三条 发生新的重大自然灾害或者区域环境发生重大变化的,县级以上人民政府应当根据自然灾害的类型、强度以及灾害损失等情况,对致灾孕灾因素、承灾体属性特征和综合防灾减灾能力进行更新性调查。

第十四条 县级以上人民政府应当组织有关部门根据普查结果和自然灾害风险评估指标体系与评估方法,对本地区易发生自然灾害的类型、致灾风险、承灾体脆弱性、综合防灾减灾能力和区域多灾并发群发、灾害链特征等情况进行评估,确定存在自然灾害风险的区域、时段、部位。

第十五条 根据自然灾害发生的可能性和可能造成的危害后果,将自然灾害风险区域、时段、部位分为重要防控区域与一般防控区域、重点防控期与一般防控期、重大风险点与一般风险点。法律、法规对地震防御、森林防火、地质灾害防治等另有规定的,依照其规定执行。

第十六条 县级以上人民政府应当组织有关部门按照自然灾害风险分布情况和本地实际,划定自然灾害风险重要防控区域、重点防控期和重大风险点,编制本行政区域主要自然灾害风险图和自然灾害综合风险区划图。

第三章 风险监控与防御

第十七条 县级以上人民政府应当组织有关部门根据自然灾害风险评估结果和自然灾害综合风险区划图,制定自然灾害风险防治方案,明确防治目标任务、监控与防御措施、责任单位和责任人,落实防治责任。

第十八条 县级以上人民政府应当加强自然灾害风险监测预报预警基础设施建设,综合运用大数据、云计算等信息化手段完善自然灾害观测台网和监测预警感知网络体系,提高综合监测预警能力。


第十九条 县级以上人民政府应当加强自然灾害风险监测预警专业技术队伍和信息员队伍建设。


第二十条 县级以上人民政府及其负有自然灾害风险防治职责的部门应当在自然灾害风险重要防控区域、重大风险点设立警示标牌,标明自然灾害风险类型、影响范围及安全转移线路、避灾场所和责任人,并告知影响区域内人员和单位。

第二十一条 县级以上人民政府及其有关部门应当加强自然灾害防御工程建设,提高自然灾害防御能力。












第二十二条 在重要防控区域内,有关人民政府和部门应当按照下列规定采取措施,加强自然灾害风险防治:








第二十三条 在重点防控期内,有关人民政府和部门应当按照下列规定采取措施,加强自然灾害风险防治:









第二十四条 县级以上人民政府及其有关部门、单位应当建立巡检制度,组织对自然灾害风险点进行定期检查,及时发现风险隐患并采取加固、隔离等相应处置措施。

第二十五条 县级以上人民政府及其负有自然灾害风险防治职责的部门应当建立重大自然灾害风险防治档案,对重要防控区域或者重大风险点、防治方案及防控措施、防控单位及责任人、防控过程及结果等进行如实记录。

第四章 监督与保障

第二十六条 县级以上人民政府应急管理部门应当会同自然资源、水利、地震、气象等部门编制本行政区域综合防灾减灾规划,报本级人民政府批准后组织实施。


第二十七条 负有自然灾害风险防治职责的部门应当会同有关部门根据综合防灾减灾规划要求,组织编制干旱洪涝灾害、气象灾害、地震灾害、地质灾害、海洋灾害、生物灾害、森林火灾等自然灾害防治专项规划和防护标准并组织实施。


第二十八条 省人民政府及其有关部门应当加强自然灾害风险防治标准化建设,健全完善自然灾害风险调查、风险评估、监测预警等自然灾害风险防治标准体系,并对标准的实施进行监督检查。


第二十九条 县级以上人民政府应当建立完善专家咨询制度,加强自然灾害风险防治专家库建设,为自然灾害风险防治提供专家支持。


第三十条 县级以上人民政府应当加大自然灾害工程防御和基础设施设备的投入,并可根据工作需要设立自然灾害风险防治专项资金,保障自然灾害风险防治所需经费。


第三十一条 各级人民政府应当建立健全应急物资储备调运体系,并根据区域内自然灾害的类型、特点,科学确定应急物资储备品种及规模。


第三十二条 县级以上人民政府及其有关部门、单位应当依法编制自然灾害综合应急预案和专项应急预案,并按照规定要求进行演练和评估。


第三十三条 县级以上人民政府应当加强综合性消防救援队伍和专业性应急救援队伍建设,合理配备救援人员和装备,全面提升综合救援能力。


第三十四条 县级以上人民政府应当建立健全自然灾害风险防治工作责任制,对负有自然灾害风险防治职责的部门履行职责情况进行督查。


第三十五条 县级以上人民政府应当制定和完善相关政策,鼓励支持高等院校、科研机构和有关专业机构参与自然灾害风险调查、评估、监测、防御,构建社会化自然灾害风险防治格局。

第五章 法律责任

第三十六条 对违反本办法的行为,法律、法规已规定法律责任的,依照其规定执行。

第三十七条 各级人民政府及其负有自然灾害风险防治职责的部门,有下列情形之一的,由其上级行政机关责令改正,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任:





第三十八条 违反本办法,有关生产经营单位未按照规定定期开展自然灾害风险评估和隐患排查治理,并采取相应防控措施的,由县级以上人民政府负有自然灾害风险防治职责的部门责令限期改正;逾期未改正的,处2万元以上5万元以下的罚款。

第六章 附则

第三十九条 本办法自2020年3月1日起施行。


Shandong saves method of prevention and cure of natural disaster risk

Shandong saves people government to make

The 330th

" method of prevention and cure of risk of calamity of Shandong province nature " had saved a government the 60th times on January 6, 2020 standing conference is passed, grant to announce now, apply since March 1, 2020.

Governor Gong Zheng

On January 23, 2020

Shandong saves method of prevention and cure of natural disaster risk

General principles of the first chapter

The first happens to prevent and reduce natural disaster, increase natural disaster risk ability of comprehensive prophylaxis and treatment, ensure people life and belongings safety, basis " sudden incident of People's Republic of China answers a way " wait for law, code, union is saved originally actual, make this way.

The 2nd is saving canton originally natural disaster venture undertakes inside region investigation, evaluate, monitoring, defence and the activity such as supervisory safeguard, applicable this method. Law, code has a regulation additionally, set from its.

This method place weighs natural disaster, include fire of water drought calamity, atmosphere calamity, earthquake calamity, geological calamity, marine calamity, biology calamity, forest and careless field fire to wait.

Job of prevention and cure of risk of the 3rd natural disaster insists to be with the person this, scientific program, comprehensive platoon is checked, the principle that prevents and cure integratedly, build linkage of governmental dominant, branch, society to cooperate with, the working mechanism that apanage gives priority to.

Job of prevention and cure of risk of the 4th natural disaster executes leading cadre of administration of various people government to be in charge of making.

Government of people of prefectural class above ought to strengthen the leadership that works to prevention and cure of natural disaster risk, natural disaster risk job of prevention and cure brings into national economy and social development program, build fight a drought of perfect flood prevention, forest fire prevention, shock-proof decrease the direct such as calamity to coordinate a mechanism, safeguard capital is devoted, the major problem in job of prevention and cure of risk of calamity of nature of fixed thrash out.

Government of people of villages and towns, street agency ought to fulfil natural disaster risk to prevent and cure lawfully relevant duty, directive dweller committee, villager committee launchs natural disaster venture work related prevention and cure.

The guidance that management department of lash-up of government of people of above of class of the 5th county is in charge of prevention and cure of natural disaster risk working, harmonious.

Urban and rural construction, traffic carries development reform, finance, rich, housing, the agricultural country, irrigation works, forestry, earthquake, atmosphere department that has responsibility of prevention and cure of natural disaster risk, do work of prevention and cure of risk of very natural disaster according to respective duty.

Government of the 6th various people reachs his to ought to take a variety of forms about the branch, strengthen the conduct propaganda that prevents and cure to natural disaster risk to teach, raise whole society take precautions against natural calamities to decrease calamity consciousness.

News media ought to begin conduct propaganda of commonweal of prevention and cure of natural disaster risk actively.

Risk of the 7th natural to be in disaster obtains the unit of remarkable success and individual in job of prevention and cure, give according to concerned regulation by government of people of prefectural class above commend and reward.

Investigation of risk of the 2nd chapter and evaluate

Government of people of above of class of the 8th county ought to organize concerned branch to begin census of natural disaster risk to work regularly, build natural disaster database.

Census includes historical disaster investigation of investigation, calamity of the pregnant that cause disaster, bear calamity body investigation, integrated take precautions against natural calamities reduces the content such as calamity ability investigation.

Investigation of disaster of the 9th history ought to be investigation object with unit, individual and relevant history material are being concerned inside area, to of all kinds nature loss of intensity of calamity happening frequency, calamity, calamity, calamity is affected wait for a circumstance to undertake statistic, analysis is mixed grind sentence, conclude the characteristic that natural disaster happens and rule.

Investigation of calamity of the 10th pregnant that cause disaster ought to send element of calamity pregnant calamity to be investigation object with natural disaster, undertake consider and be analyticed to the information such as frequency of the of all kinds factor that cause disaster, intensity, limits, the influencing factor that understands natural disaster to cause calamity pregnant disaster and hair opportunity of survival manage.

Eleventh bear calamity body investigation ought to is opposite mainly environment of facilities of population, housing, infrastructure, public service, resources, industrial and mining enterprises bear the space of calamity body distributings, structural type and the attribute feature related to calamity undertake investigating, collect and induce, master bear feature of individual information, area mixes calamity style bear calamity ability.

Dozenth investigation of the ability that decrease calamity ought to be opposite an integrated take precautions against natural calamities safeguard of reserve of construction of decision-making direct, team, goods and materials, communication, traffic is carried, project defence and social take precautions against natural calamities decrease the circumstance such as calamity consciousness to have full-scale investigation,

Thirteenth produce new heavy nature calamity or area environment produces major change, government of people of prefectural class above ought to wait for a circumstance according to the type of natural disaster, intensity and calamity loss, to sending element of calamity pregnant calamity, bear feature of calamity body attribute and integrated take precautions against natural calamities decrease calamity ability to undertake the gender is investigated updating.

Government of people of above of class of the 14th county ought to organize concerned branch basis census result and natural disaster risk evaluate index system and evaluate a method, the type that produces natural disaster easily to our region, risk that cause disaster, bear calamity body frangibility, integrated take precautions against natural calamities decreases much calamity of calamity ability and area to erupt simultaneously the circumstance such as feature of catenary of group of hair, calamity undertakes assessment, put in the area of natural disaster risk, period of time, place certainly.

The 15th possibility that happens according to natural disaster and the harm that cause possibly are sequential, area of natural disaster risk, period of time, place cent is attached most importance to should prevent accuse area and prevent commonly accuse area, key to prevent accuse period with prevent commonly accuse period, significant risk dot and average risk dot. Law, code is fire prevention, geological to seismic defence, forest calamity prevention and cure have a regulation additionally, its regulation carries out according to.

Government of people of above of class of the 16th county ought to organize concerned branch to distributing according to natural disaster risk circumstance and this locality are actual, risk of delimit nature calamity is significant prevent accuse area, key to prevent accuse period nod with significant risk, weave plan of venture of main and natural disaster mixes area of politics of one's own profession natural disaster is integrated graph of risk division into districts.

Monitoring of risk of the 3rd chapter and defence

Government of people of above of class of the seventeenth county ought to organize concerned branch to evaluate result and natural disaster according to natural disaster risk graph of integrated risk division into districts, make plan of prevention and cure of natural disaster risk, unit of assignment of goal of clear prevention and cure, monitoring and defense measure, responsibility and responsibility person, fulfil responsibility of prevention and cure.

Government of people of above of class of the 18th county ought to strengthen natural disaster risk to monitor forecast early-warning infrastructure to build, apply the informatization method such as computation of big data, cloud integratedly to perfect system of network of network of station of natural disaster observation and perception of the early-warning that monitor, rise to monitor early-warning ability integratedly.

Management department of lash-up of government office of the civil administration that save a person ought to build unified lash-up to manage information platform jointly with concerned branch, the information of the early-warning that monitor such as implementation atmosphere, hydrology, earthquake, geological, marine, forest, prairie is shared.

Government of people of above of class of the 19th county ought to strengthen natural disaster risk to monitor early-warning major technical team and information member team construction.

Any units and information of risk of calamity of individual know nature, the department that perhaps ought to have responsibility of prevention and cure of natural disaster risk to seat people government instantly reports.

Government of people of above of class of the 20th county and its have natural disaster risk the branch of duty of prevention and cure ought to be in natural disaster risk is significant prevent accuse dot of area, significant risk to establish caution sign, indicate type of natural disaster risk, incidence and safe move circuitry, avoid calamity place and responsibility person, tell the member that influence area mies wife and unit.

Government of people of above of class of the 21st county and its ought to strengthen project of natural disaster defence about the branch, increase capacity of natural disaster defence.

Project of natural disaster defence includes:

(one) project of rehabilitate of zoology of area of key zoology function;

(2) ability of silvan fire prevention promotes a project;

(3) coastal belt protects repair project;

(4) project of consolidate of house of region of seismic easy hair, establishment;

(5) irrigation works of flood prevention fight a drought promotes a project;

(6) geological calamity is administered integratedly and avoid danger immigrant removes project;

(7) lash-up rescuing center builds a project;

(8) project of informatization of the natural disaster early-warning that monitor;

(9) project of modernization of equipment of technology of natural disaster prevention and cure;

(10) project of defence of other and natural disaster.

It is important that the 22nd is in prevent control area inside, concerned people government and branch ought to take step according to following regulation, strengthen prevention and cure of natural disaster risk:

(one) strengthen constituent leader, build couplet of sectional joint defence to accuse a mechanism;

(2) strengthen conduct propaganda is taught and groom drilling, raise whole society take precautions against natural calamities to reduce calamity consciousness and capacity;

(3) the perambulatory examination that strengthens point of counterpoise gale danger and other and significant position, undertake repair perhaps is handled in time to the risk of existence;

(4) strengthen the monitoring that monitor, release information of atmosphere, hydrology in time;

(5) raise the concerned building, take precautions against natural calamities that builds content and public facilities to combat calamity strength;

(6) the organization manages an unit to begin natural disaster regularly about production the risk is evaluated and hidden trouble platoon checks processing, adopt prevent accordingly accuse measure;

(7) other and necessary step.

The 23rd is prevented in the key accuse period inside, concerned people government and branch ought to take step according to following regulation, strengthen prevention and cure of natural disaster risk:

(one) strengthen constituent leader, direct as a whole harmonious;

(2) strengthen propagandist education and lash-up drilling, increase consciousness of prevention and cure of risk of calamity of whole society nature and capacity;

(3) execute values of 24 class of one hour value to defend a system;

(4) the perambulatory examination that strengthens point of counterpoise gale danger and other and significant position, undertake repair perhaps is handled in time to the risk of existence;

(5) strengthen the early-warning that monitor, release information of atmosphere, hydrology in time;

(6) the canal that strengthens pair of key area and position accuses, can command according to needing to release or announcement, prohibit or restrict concerned personnel, car, article to wait enter;

(7) to be managed about the production of unit, individual and working the activity undertakes adjust or be limitatived;

(8) other and necessary step.

Government of people of above of class of the 24th county and its concern branch, unit to ought to build system of check of make one's rounds, the organization has regular examination to dot of natural disaster risk, discover risk hidden danger in time and adopt consolidate, segregation to wait to deal with accordingly measure.

Government of people of above of class of the 25th county and its have natural disaster risk the branch of duty of prevention and cure ought to establish venture of heavy nature calamity archives of prevention and cure, control area to should be being prevented again plan of dot of significant perhaps risk, prevention and cure and prevent accuse measure, prevent charge unit and responsibility person, prevent accuse process and result to wait undertake be recordinged according to the facts.

The 4th chapter is supervised with safeguard

Management department of lash-up of government of people of above of class of the 26th county ought to weave jointly with the branch such as rich, irrigation works, earthquake, atmosphere integrated take precautions against natural calamities reduces extent of politics of one's own profession calamity program, sign up for the organization after this class people government is approved to carry out.

Integrated take precautions against natural calamities decreases calamity to plan to ought to include content of prevention and cure of natural disaster risk.

The 27th department that has responsibility of prevention and cure of natural disaster risk ought to decrease calamity to plan to ask according to integrated take precautions against natural calamities jointly with concerned branch, big damage caused by waterlogging kills drought of constituent work out, the natural disaster prophylaxis and treatment such as fire of atmosphere calamity, earthquake calamity, geological calamity, marine calamity, biology calamity, forest is special plan and defend the standard is organized carry out.

Government office of the 28th civil administration that save a person and its ought to strengthen prevention and cure of natural disaster risk to standardize construction about the branch, investigation of risk of perfect and perfect natural disaster, risk is evaluated, the system of standard of prevention and cure of natural disaster risk such as the early-warning that monitor, right of the standard carry out undertake supervisory checking.

Standard of prevention and cure of natural disaster risk ought to undertake be evaluated regularly and editing perfecting.

Government of people of above of class of the 29th county ought to build perfect expert to seek advice from a system, strengthen construction of library of expert of prevention and cure of natural disaster risk, for natural disaster risk prevention and cure provides expert support.

Encourage research of technology of prevention and cure of risk of supportive nature calamity, development and application.

Thirtieth the investment that government of people of prefectural class above ought to increase defence of natural disaster project and infrastructure facility, can need to establish natural disaster risk to prevent and cure according to the job special fund, ensure place of prevention and cure of natural disaster risk to need funds.

Encourage guide social capital to participate in prevention and cure of natural disaster risk.

Government of a various people ought to build thirtieth reserve of perfect lash-up goods and materials allocates and transport system, and the type according to calamity of the nature inside area, characteristic, goods and materials of scientific affirmatory lash-up lays in breed and dimensions.

Urge support socialization, commercialize reserve of lash-up goods and materials.

Government of people of above of 2 counties class reachs thirtieth its ought to weave lawfully about branch, unit natural disaster is integrated lash-up beforehand case and special meet an urgent need beforehand case, ask to undertake drilling is mixed according to the regulation evaluate.

Natural disaster is integrated lash-up beforehand case and special meet an urgent need beforehand case ought to include the content such as risk monitoring, defence.

Government of people of above of 3 counties class ought to strengthen thirtieth rescuing team of omnibus fire control and professional construction of lash-up rescuing team, reasonable provide rescuer and equipment, comprehensive promotion comes to help integratedly ability.

About production management unit ought to strengthen construction of professional lash-up team lawfully, deploy full-time to perhaps hold a worker concurrently to make staff.

Government of people of above of 4 counties class ought to build thirtieth system of job responsibility of job of prevention and cure of risk of perfect and natural disaster, to having nature the branch of duty of calamity risk prevention and cure fulfills duty circumstance to undertake superintend and director is checked.

Fulfil not do one's best to responsibility, cause hidden trouble of risk of heavy nature calamity, have natural disaster risk by government of people of prefectural class above the branch of duty of prevention and cure is right relevant responsibility unit and personnel give report or talk about; When necessary, can execute hang out one's shingle supervise and direct.

Government of people of above of 5 counties class ought to make thirtieth and perfect relevant policy, encourage orgnaization of supportive institution of higher learing, scientific research and concerned major orgnaization to share natural disaster risk investigation, evaluate, monitor, defence, compose builds structure of prevention and cure of risk of socialization nature calamity.

Responsibility of law of the 5th art of composition

Thirtieth is opposite 6 times the act that violates this way, law, code already set legal liability, its regulation carries out according to.

Government of 7 various people reachs thirtieth the department that its have responsibility of prevention and cure of natural disaster risk, have one of following state, by its ranking executive authority is instructed correct, to the director that is in charge of directly personnel and personnel of other and direct responsibility give disciplinary action lawfully; Make crime, investigate criminal duty lawfully:

(one) did not launch general investigation of natural disaster risk according to the regulation, those who evaluate;

(2) did not implement monitoring of natural disaster risk and defense measure according to the regulation;

(3) did not develop project of natural disaster defence according to the regulation;   

(4) the behavior of fraud of other misuse of authority, derelict, practise favouritism.

Thirtieth offends this idea 8 times, about production management unit did not begin natural disaster regularly according to the regulation the risk is evaluated and hidden trouble platoon checks processing, adopt prevent those who accuse measure accordingly, have natural disaster risk by government of people of prefectural class above the branch of duty of prevention and cure instructs deadline to correct; Exceed the time limit did not correct, be in 20 thousand yuan of above 50 thousand yuan of the following amerce.

Supplementary articles of the 6th chapter

This 9 method removed thirtieth on March 1, 2020 oneself apply.
