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1. 通过分享高质量的技术文章、博客、视频等,以及参与CSDN社区的互动活动,可以赚取CSDN积分。2. CSDN积分是CSDN社区的一种奖励机制,旨在鼓励用户分享优质的技术内容和参与社区互动。用户分享的内容越受欢迎,获得的积分也就越多。3. 除了积分,CSDN社区还提供了一系列的福利和奖励,比如优先审核、VIP会员、技术培训等,可以帮助用户更好地提升自己的技术水平和影响力。





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1、 当月通信消费积分计算应包含客户使用联通移动、固话、无线市话和宽带业务所产生的各项通信费用。


2、 当月通信消费积分计算不应包含各类SP和声讯信息费、已优惠消费额、补交违约金、制/补卡(USIM/SIM)费、充值/IP购卡费及公司代收费等其他非通信业务费用(二)当月奖励积分,指鼓励特定客户群、特定消费行为所产生的额外积分,包括:

1、 业务奖励积分:使用公司特定业务额外奖励的积分,如3G、宽带、宽带增值或当期重点推广的业务等。

2、 活动奖励积分:参加公司特定活动所奖励的积分,如网上购卡缴费、参加市场调查、提出合理化建议、推荐其他客户使用联通业务、预交业务费等。

3、 在网奖励积分:连续在网(未销户、含停机状态)超过一定时间给予的一次性积分奖励。 以上具体奖励细则由各省级公司自定。










随着多点会员体系的不断丰富完善,多点的积分抵扣现金也越来越受欢迎。如果你是它的会员,可以通过购 物啊,评价,签到,在线付 款等方式参与任务活动方式赚 取积分。我每天都有积分赚 取喔,积分可以抵扣现金,点32个赞。


How to pay treasure to earn ant member integral?

The way with the directest 1. is consumed to inn namely, be in next settle accounts when use pay treasure to sweep, perhaps let what the other side sweeps us pay treasure to pay the code is OK, 10 yuan of money are equivalent to an ant integral.

The flying pig APP that 2. issues through paying Bao Qi next buys train ticket, car ticket and order a hotel to wait, all can obtain integral, integral size differs, but general prep above shops gotten integral.

3. hind rides to share bicycle all right, basically be to mix pay treasure to those who bind calm relation share bicycle, breath out for instance collect, same meeting has integral money reward, and pay treasure to support this kind of green to give an activity quite, integral is very so tall

4. must not forget finally, pass everyday paying treasure sign in also is to be able to get integral, everyday sign in rewards 7 integral, although do not cross many a little makes a mickle more!

Pay treasure to borrow how does integral earn?

Use more pay treasure to pay gathering, borrow flower a shot in the locker is punctual reimbursement

How to pay treasure to earn integral and integral to use a strategy?

The disbursement that clicks us treasure APP, opened pay treasure the homepage, click right next horn [my] , if plan institute is shown.

The first option in the page in me is [ant member] , what we can see from the back is integral, click page of the member that can enter initiate, if plan institute is shown.

After entering page of the member that attend a meeting, can see above have [earn integral] , below [get integral] and [earn integral] it is same, still have from the back [integral is contributed] , [come lottery] , [Zhou Zhoule] , [blow blow card] , if plan institute is shown.

Click [earn integral] hind can sign in gets integral, have below [do the task to earn integral] , [consumption shops] , [life capture is expended kind] and [financial conduct financial transactions kind] a few kinds of way that earn integral, if plan institute is shown.

Click [integral is contributed] , open [project detail] page, can see [the project is summarized] in it is to help audition obstacle children, we can be clicked [contribute integral instantly] will help them, if plan institute is shown.

Click [come lottery] , opened lottery page, there are a lot of awards inside, click [instantly lottery] use up 10 integral to undertake lottery, have lottery opportunity 5 times everyday, if plan institute is shown.

Click [Zhou Zhoule] , we can change Zhou Zhoule with integral, 100 integral are noted, if plan institute is shown.

Click [blow blow card] , did not blow award opportunity, want to pay to just can gain an opportunity through paying treasure, if plan institute is shown.

How to earn CSDN integral?

1.Wait through sharing guest of the technical article of high quality, rich, video, and the interactive activity that participates in CSDN community, can earn CSDN integral. 2. CSDN integral is the mechanism of a kind of award of CSDN community, aim to encourage an user to share high grade technology content and participate in community to interact. The content that the user shares is more welcome, acquisition integral is more also. 3. Besides integral, CSDN community still was offerred a series of welfare and award, for instance member of preferential examine and verify, VIP, technology grooms etc, can help an user promote his technology level and consequence better.

How does Ysl earn integral?

Those who obtain integral most the mainest measure is to buy buy, spend $$$ , 1$ is corresponding 10 integral, be being returned with integral of save money of rate of YSL get rid of the stale and bring forth the fresh is very fast

Individual information is finished to fill in when just was being registered have 100 integral

Watch government-owned net video 4 times every year in all 100 integral

Bind decide Facebook Twitter each 50 integral

Recommend a good friend and the sheet below the good friend 50 integral

Write comment on 25 integral upper limit 4 times / year

Yo how does treasure out of service derive Yo treasure photograph?

Can log onto Yo the individual account that treasure finds me can derive photograph

How to earn quickly pay treasure member integral?

Hit expenditure to pay treasure client end, click me- - individual center- - member center - my integral, examine get integral job.

1, do the task to earn integral: You can be passed [earn integral] the page examines integral task, the task that finish can obtain corresponding integral.

2, the history accedes: After upgrading to entrant system, the ant integral that gets formerly will continue to withhold.

How does the integral that UniCom blocks earn?

[integral regulation] your integral = corresponds that month consumption is integral + award is integral (one) communication consumption is integral that month, the integral that shows the client uses UniCom business place to obtain inside last plan cost months (receivable) . Calculate every months, every consumption accumulates 1 minute 1 yuan, be not worth 1 yuan of parts not integral.

1, communication consumes integral computation to should include a client to use UniCom that month the each communication cost that word of word of mobile, solid, wireless city and broadband business produce.

Moonish rent charge, this locality connects telephone bill, home to roam a telephone bill, online cost, home / border is long-distance a telephone bill, international roams telephone bill, IP/193 communicates cost, special business of the rent charge that take a month, appreciation is expended and short message.

2, computation of communication consumption integral should not include harmony of of all kinds SP that month message message cost, favourable already expenditure, fill reach penalty due to breach of contract, make / filling card (USIM/SIM) cost, charge a cost / IP buys calorie of cost and company generation to collect fees wait for expenses of business of other blame communication, point to urge specific client group, the additional integral that place of specific spending behavior produces, include:

1, business rewards integral: Use company specific business is additional promotive integral, be like 3G, broadband, broadband appreciation or current the business that popularizes mainly.

2, the activity rewards integral: Attend the integral that place of firm specific activity rewards, if calorie of capture is bought on the net cost, participate market research, put forward rationalize proposal, recommend other client to use UniCom business, hand in business expenses to wait beforehand.

3, is integral: rewarded in the net?  of ⒑ of А of acute hearing  of ㄎ of  of   instruct;

Pay treasure besides do the task how to earn integral quickly?

Pay treasure besides do the job other and fast earn integral method to be as follows

1, open a mobile phone to pay treasure above all, my in clicking right menu playing role, enter my interface, ant member selects in the menu below.

2, in face of ant member homepage, stand by lower part to have a few icon, having among them is to get integral, click get integral to enter detail page.

3, there is bleb to show in the upper part of the page, clew has integral to be able to be gotten, click bleb to undertake sign in can increase 2 integral.

4, get the lower part after finishing to have the day number that shows successive already register one's attendance at a meeting or at an office, there still is to do the task to earn integral below, click the task that get, the integral after the task is finished arrives account.

5, besides everyday oneself get integral actively to the interface of above beyond, still can obtain integral through other way. In clean out treasure to shop, use flower, with pay treasure to pay to be able to have corresponding integral money reward.

6, in pay the value is filled to perhaps undertake life pay cost also can obtain integral above treasure, it is OK to hand in reimbursement of water charge of electricity, telephone bill, credit card to wait for instance.

How to earn integral in much dot?

Abound of the system ceaselessly as many bits of member perfect, dotty integral is touched deduct ready money more and more welcome also. If you are its member, can pass shop, evaluation, sign in, online pay wait for means to participate in task activity means to earn integral. I have integral to earn everyday, integral can be touched deduct ready money, nod 32 assist.
