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1) 从起点向正东方向出发,行驶40米,左转进入新建路

2) 沿新建路行驶250米,过右侧的创享天地约110米后,右转进入府西街

3) 沿府西街行驶890米,直行进入府东街

4) 沿府东街行驶3.8公里,左转

5) 行驶330米,直行进入东中环路

6) 沿东中环路行驶750米,右转进入迎春街

7) 沿迎春街行驶660米,朝东环高速方向,稍向左转

8) 行驶130米,朝大同/石家庄/忻州/盂县方向,稍向左转进入杨家峪互通式立交桥





1) 沿大同绕城高速行驶70米,直行进入御河西路

2) 沿御河西路行驶6.1公里,朝迎宾街/永泰南路方向,左转进入迎宾街

3) 沿迎宾街行驶1.3公里,稍向右转进入迎宾街辅路

4) 沿迎宾街辅路行驶20米,到达终点(在道路右侧)

















1. 平遥古城:位于山西大同市南部,是中国保存最完整的古代城市之一,被誉为“北方的丽江”。可以欣赏到明清时期的古建筑和传统街巷。

2. 大同云冈石窟:位于山西大同市郊区,是中国四大石窟之一,被列入世界文化遗产。石窟内有大量精美的佛像和壁画,具有重要的历史和艺术价值。

3. 忻州木塔寺:位于山西忻州市,是中国保存最完好的佛教古塔之一。寺内有古老的佛像和佛经,是一个让人感受佛教文化的好地方。

4. 古北水镇:位于北京市延庆区,是一个有着明清建筑风格的水乡古镇。可以漫步在古老的街道,欣赏古民居和运河风光。

5. 八达岭长城:位于北京市延庆区,是中国最著名的长城之一,也是世界文化遗产。可以登上长城顶端,俯瞰壮丽的景色。

6. 怀柔风景区:位于北京市怀柔区,拥有壮美的山水风光和丰富的自然资源。可以参观怀柔桃花源、红螺寺和怀北温泉等景点。

7. 颐和园:位于北京市海淀区,是中国最大的皇家园林,也是世界文化遗产。园内有美丽的湖泊、亭台楼阁和精致的园林景观。

8. 故宫:位于北京市中心,是中国古代宫殿建筑的典范,也是世界文化遗产。可以欣赏到丰富的文物和宫殿建筑,深入了解中国古代的皇家文化。







1) 从起点向正南方向出发,沿迎宾西路行驶10米,右转进入G109

2) 沿G109行驶20米,调头进入G109

3) 沿G109行驶8.9公里,右前方转弯进入G208

4) 沿G208行驶3.4公里,左后方转弯

5) 行驶290米,右转










1) 沿G206行驶90米,右前方转弯进入环岛

2) 沿环岛行驶190米,在第4个出口,右前方转弯进入G206

3) 沿G206行驶3.1公里,右前方转弯进入环岛

4) 沿环岛行驶140米,在第2个出口,稍向右转进入G206

5) 沿G206行驶690米,左转进入胜利东街

6) 沿胜利东街行驶440米,到达终点(在道路右侧)






1. 首先,您需要根据您的时间和预算,制定一份详细的路线规划。北京市区的交通状况复杂,建议您尽量避免高峰期出行,同时在行车前,查看当地的天气预报和交通状况,为您的路线规划做好充分的准备。

2. 您可以选择从北京的南门或北门进入市区,但建议先去北门。因为南门的交通状况更复杂,而北门则更加方便。

3. 在路线规划中,建议您安排一些时间来参观北京的著名景点,如故宫、天坛、颐和园等等。这些景点是北京的标志性景观,必须要看一看。


1. 根据北京的规定,外地车辆必须办理进京证,否则将无法进入市区。

2. 为了保证行车安全,建议您的爱车在行车前做好一些维护工作,如检查轮胎、制动系统、机油等等。

3. 在行车过程中,不要超速、闯红灯等违规行为,遵守交通规则,保持车距,确保行车安全。


1. 在北京,您可以选择住在市区或者市郊的酒店或旅馆。市区的价格相对较高,但住宿条件更好,交通更方便。

2. 北京有很多美食,您可以在市区或者市郊的餐馆尝试一些当地的美食,如烤鸭、京酱肉丝等等。建议您提前做好预订,以免浪费时间等候。


1. 在北京行驶时,要注意避免拥堵路段和繁忙的市区。

2. 在停车时,要注意选择正规的停车场,避免造成车辆损失。

3. 在出行前,要做好准备工作,如查看天气预报、路况信息等等。






1. 自驾从泉州到深圳,在深圳进行一晚住宿。

2. 从深圳出发,自驾至重庆,沿湖江路线穿行大美重庆,住宿一晚。

3. 从重庆出发,沿四省联线路线至北京,在北京可以参观各大景点,进行一晚住宿。



































Does Beijing drive travel strategy oneself to Great Harmony?

Two days are driven oneself swim strategy

1, set out early Saturday 4:30, receive cloud ridge grotto continuously, to Yun Gang grotto is to was controlled at 9 o'clock almost, breakfast eats in scene area, an urban district drives after rambling, look for the ground to have a meal, what we go is Xi Jindao, restaurant is pretty good, underground has a parking lot, close also from the public house that wants, eat breakfast to answer a hotel to be entered, the hotel is booked ahead of schedule, what we order is lofty hotel of cloud hillock beauty, jockey freely, price is not expensive, contain breakfast. Rest a little below, go Great Harmony museum, four before can enter, need makes an appointment ahead of schedule, spot of cloud ridge grotto buys a ticket not to need to make an appointment. Not quite hungry in the evening, take a place in small shop casually, ramble next Gu Cheng.

2, weekday sets out in the morning go impending temple, the spot buys a ticket, do not need to book, particularly cold that day March 12, we hire army coat, 30 yuan, impending temple is very small, ramble very quickly, drive next a Beijing, the meal that the area eats is serving on the road.

Does Taiyuan drive travel strategy oneself to Great Harmony?

Drive course: Whole journey makes an appointment with 276.8 kilometers

Start: Taiyuan city

Plan drives inside 1. Taiyuan city

1) sets out from direction of start Xiang Zhengdong, travel 40 meters, left-hand rotation is entered build a road

2) edge builds road travel 250 meters, over- on the right side of achieve after enjoying heaven and earth to make an appointment with 110 meters, right-hand rotation enters government office on the west street

3) edge government office on the west street travel 890 meters, straight travel enters government office east street

4) edge government office east street travel 3.8 kilometers, left-hand rotation

5) travel 330 meters, straight travel is entered east in annulus road

6) edge east in annulus road travel 750 meters, right-hand rotation enters winter jasmine market

Travel of street of 7) edge winter jasmine 660 meters, direction of Chao Donghuan high speed, a bit towards the left turns

8) travel 130 meters, face Great Harmony / Shijiazhuang / Xin Zhou / jar county direction, enter crossroads of general formula of each other of Home Yang valley to left-hand rotation a bit

Travel of crossroads of general formula of each other of valley of home of 2. edge poplar 680 meters, straight travel enters 2 wide high speed

3. edge travel of 2 wide high speed 260.2 kilometers, toward direction of Great Harmony urban district, enter Great Harmony to circle city high speed sunwise a bit

4. edge Great Harmony circles travel of city high speed 1.3 kilometers, straight travel enters Great Harmony to circle city high speed

Plan drives inside city of 5. Great Harmony

1) edge Great Harmony circles travel of city high speed 70 meters, straight travel enters drive river on the west road

River of 2) edge drive on the west road travel 6.1 kilometers, face greets guest street / way of Yong Taina way, left-hand rotation enters the market that welcome guest

3) edge greets guest street travel 1.3 kilometers, enter side road of the street that welcome guest sunwise a bit

4) edge greets travel of guest street side road 20 meters, arrive at terminus (it is on the right side of road)

Terminal: Great Harmony city

Does Zhengzhou drive optimal travel strategy oneself to Great Harmony?

The course plans: Set out from Zhengzhou, course Luoyang, anxious make, the city such as Pu Yang, travel makes an appointment with 400 kilometers to arrive at Great Harmony. It is good to suggest you plan ahead of schedule course, examine road condition and weather case, in order to ensure the distance is great.

Safety of drive a vehicle: Drive a travel to need to notice drive a vehicle is safe oneself, abide by traffic regulation, maintain speed stability, avoid exhaustion to drive. In the meantime, want to pay close attention to road condition and weather variation at any time, had done answer measure.

The tourist attraction recommends: Great Harmony is a history the city with solid inside information of long, culture, a lot of famous tourist attractions are worth to visit. For instance: Chute of mouth of 5 hill of beautiful water of cloud ridge grotto, peak forest, crock. You can choose to visit according to your interest and timeline.

Cate recommends: Great Harmony has a lot of cate to be worth to sample, for instance: Deep-fried dough cake of Great Harmony roast duck, green, a steamed dumping with the dough gathered at the top. You can sample in local cafeteria or fastfood booth local characteristic cate.

Accommodation arrangement: During Great Harmony travels, you can choose to be in the urban district or the hotel near scene area or civilian constellation. Suggest you book good room ahead of schedule, lest appear,do not have chambered circumstance.

Anyhow, drive oneself swim need does good program and preparative work ahead of schedule, notice safety of drive a vehicle and travel experience, ability lets itinerary more happy with safety.

Does Great Harmony travel to Beijing strategy?

1. traffic chooses: Set out from Great Harmony, beijing is gone to before the choice takes Gao Tie, plane or can be being driven oneself. Gao Tie is the quickest way, beijing west station can be gone to before from Great Harmony the station takes Gaotie, take the subway from Beijing west station again next or Beijing urban district is gone to before other vehicle.

2. tourist attraction recommends: Beijing has a lot of famous tourist attractions, wait like Tiananmen Square, the Imperial Palace, Great Wall, Summer Palace, bird's nest. Among them, tiananmen Square is mark sex building of China, the Imperial Palace is palace of Chinese ancient time, the Great Wall is China's most notable archaic defence project, the Summer Palace is Chinese ancient time royal gardens, bird's nest was 2008 of Beijing Olympic Games advocate one of place.

3. cate experiences: Beijing has a lot of characteristic cate, wait like face of Beijing roast duck, fried bean sauce, a fermented drink made from ground beans. The tourist can be in Beijing urban district or circumjacent fastfood booth or dining-room taste the Beijing cate of savor tunnel.

4. scheduling: If your time is abundant, can arrange a few swing, if visit museum, artistic exhibition,wait. If your time is limited, can choose a few classical tourist attractions and activity, wait like Tiananmen Square, the Imperial Palace, Great Wall.

5. accommodation chooses: Beijing area has a lot of hotels can offer an alternative with civilian constellation, can select appropriate accommodation site according to his budget and be fond of.

Does Great Harmony go to Beijing be being driven oneself swim strategy?

The following strategy:

1.The Gu Cheng that make the same score Yao: Be located in south of town of Shanxi Great Harmony, it is China saves one of the wholest ancient time towns, be known as " northward Li Jiang " . Can admire the ancient building of period of bright Qing Dynasty and traditional market alley.

2.Grotto of ridge of Great Harmony cloud: Be located in area of environs of Shanxi Great Harmony, it is one of 4 big grotto of Chinese, be included world culture bequest. There are a large number of elegant figure of Buddhas and mural inside grotto, have important history and artistic value.

3.Temple of tower of Xin city wood: Be located in city of Shanxi Xin state, it is China saves one of the wholest buddhism ancient towers. There are old figure of Buddha and sutra inside the temple, it is a good place that lets a person experience Buddhist culture.

4.Gu Beishui presses down: Be located in area of Beijing Yan Qing, it is an a region of rivers and lakes that having Ming Qingjian to build a style ancient town. Can stroll in old street, appreciate Gu Min house and canal view.

5.The 8 Great Walls that amount to mountain: Be located in area of Beijing Yan Qing, it is one of China's famousest Great Walls, also be world culture bequest. Can ascend Great Wall top, look down at gallant scenery.

6.Conciliatory beauty spot: Be located in Beijing conciliatory area, have strong beautiful landscape scene and rich rich. Can see temple of source of conciliatory peach blossom, red snail and the tourist attraction such as the hot spring that conceive north.

7.The Summer Palace: Be located in Beijing Haidian area, it is China's biggest royal park, also be world culture bequest. The pavilion of stage of laky, booth that there is beauty inside garden and delicate gardens landscape.

8.The Imperial Palace: Be located in Beijing center, it is example of architectural of palace of Chinese ancient time, also be world culture bequest. Can admire rich cultural relic and palace building, understand the royal culture of Chinese ancient time deep.

When heading for these tourist attractions, can make reasonable arrangement according to his interest and time. Hope the strategy of above is helped somewhat to your journey, wish you have happy itinerary!

Is Great Harmony driven oneself to Jinan travel on the way strategy?

1. time is least

Drive course: Whole journey makes an appointment with 969.9 kilometers

Start: Great Harmony city

Plan drives inside city of 1. Great Harmony

1) sets out from direction of start Xiang Zhengna, the edge greets Bin Xilu travel 10 meters, right-hand rotation enters G109

Travel of 2) edge G109 20 meters, tune enters G109

Travel of 3) edge G109 8.9 kilometers, west the front turns enter G208

Travel of 4) edge G208 3.4 kilometers, left rear turn

5) travel 290 meters, right-hand rotation

2. travel 20 meters, straight travel enters great fortune freeway

3. edge carries greatly freeway travel 246 kilometers, face Taiyuan east annulus direction, enter freeway of around the city sunwise a bit

Travel of freeway of 4. edge around the city 29.9 kilometers, straight travel enters too old freeway

5. edge is too old freeway travel 112.9 kilometers, too left old close collect fees station (calm down) about 100 rice hind, straight travel enters stone too freeway

6. edge Shi Taigao fast highway travel 71 kilometers, toward Jinan direction, enter green silver-colored freeway sunwise a bit

7. edge blueness is silver-colored freeway travel 317.5 kilometers, straight travel enters aid blueness freeway

8. edge aid is green freeway travel 174.3 kilometers, too left Wei lane collects fees after the station makes an appointment with 220 meters, left ahead turns enter market of boreal Gong Dong

Travel of street of Gong Dong of 9. edge north 670 meters, straight travel enters G206

Plan drives inside city of 10. Wei lane

Travel of 1) edge G206 90 meters, west the front turns enter annulus island

Travel of island of 2) edge annulus 190 meters, in the 4th exit, west the front turns enter G206

Travel of 3) edge G206 3.1 kilometers, west the front turns enter annulus island

Travel of island of 4) edge annulus 140 meters, in the 2nd exit, enter G206 sunwise a bit

Travel of 5) edge G206 690 meters, left-hand rotation enters a victory east street

6) edge wins east street travel 440 meters, arrive at terminus (it is on the right side of road)

Terminal: Wei lane city

Does the other place drive Beijing travel strategy oneself?

Nonlocal car is driven oneself swim Beijing strategy

Beijing serves as Chinese capital, having rich culture legacy and modern urban landscape, attracting numerous tourist to come round to go sightseeing. If you are to be driven oneself,swim lover, so the love car that taking you comes to Beijing amuse oneself, can be unforgettable experience. It is nonlocal car drives oneself below swim the strategy of Beijing:

One, course program

1.Above all, you need the time according to you and budget, make a detailed course plan. The traffic situation of Beijing area is complex, suggest you avoid fastigium to go out as far as possible row, it is at the same time before drive a vehicle, examine local weather forecast and traffic situation, for your course the program has made sufficient preparation.

2.You can choose from Beijing south the door or boreal door enter the urban district, but the proposal goes first boreal door. Because south the traffic situation of the door is more complex, and boreal door is more convenient.

3.In course program, suggest you arrange a few time to see the famous tourist attraction of Beijing, if the Imperial Palace, the Temple of Heaven, Summer Palace is waited a moment. These tourist attractions are the mark sex landscape of Beijing, must want to have a look.

2, car demand

1.According to the regulation of Beijing, nonlocal car must handle the card that enter capital, will not enter the urban district otherwise.

2.To make sure drive a vehicle is safe, suggest your love car is done before drive a vehicle better defend the work, if check system of tire, brake, engine oil,wait a moment.

3.In process of drive a vehicle, not overspeed, enter red light to wait violate compasses act, abide by traffic regulation, maintain a car to be apart from, ensure drive a vehicle is safe.

3, accommodation and meal

1.Be in Beijing, you can choose to be in the urban district or the hotel of environs or hotel. Urban value is relative taller, but accommodation condition is better, traffic is more convenient.

2.Beijing has a lot of cate, you can be in the urban district or the cate that the cafeteria of environs tries a few place, if shredded meat of sauce of roast duck, Beijing is waited a moment. It is good to suggest you are done ahead of schedule book, lest waste time,wait.

4, note

1.When Beijing travel, want to notice to avoid to have an a section of a highway and busy urban district.

2.When jockey, want to notice to choose normal parking lot, avoid to cause car loss.

3.Be in a travel before, want ready-made job, if examine weather forecast, traffic information,wait a moment.

Does Beijing drive strategy of travel of the North sea oneself?

Navigation comes drive circuit to recommend oneself: Beijing -- Baoding -- Shijiazhuang -- Han Dan -- Zhengzhou -- unseal -- Xu Chang -- Wuhan -- Yue Yang -- Changsha -- Heng Yang -- Guilin -- Liuzhou -- the North sea.

Drive the tenor tenor that still needs to notice every are nodded oneself of course, calculate good time, the ready-made before drive a vehicle, it is OK to there still is a lot of in this road excursive dot, be driven oneself, it is very free for certain. Cheng Yu wishing brigade is fast, safety of drive a vehicle!

Does fontal city drive travel strategy oneself to Beijing?

Drive travel to be able to arrange according to the following strategy oneself to Beijing from fontal city:

1.Drive oneself go to Shenzhen from fontal city, undertake in Shenzhen one evening lodges.

2.Set out from Shenzhen, drive oneself to Chongqing, course of edge lake river crosses big beautiful Chongqing, accommodation one evening.

3.Set out from Chongqing, along 4 provinces couplet line line reachs Beijing, each can look around in Beijing big tourist attraction, undertake one evening lodges.

Does Beijing draw travel strategy line oneself to fontal city?

Arrive from Beijing of fontal city drive travel strategy course to be as follows oneself:

Navigation sets out from Beijing, along travel of direction of just direction north, be in south the mouth austral river edge ave is right-handed, enter east Chang'an Street.

Along east Chang'an Street continues travel, go up next found a state the ave inside the door.

Continue travel, door Wai Street founds a state on.

A bit right-handed, go east the road in 3 annulus.

Before continueing, go, go up east the road austral 3 annulus.

Pond leaving capital freeway / development of Beijing economy technology exports high speed of Beijing ferry pond, partial a section of a highway collects fees.

Ferry is in Beijing / Tianjin of G2/ of Beijing Shanghai high speed on the west / Shanghai exit, head for Beijing Shanghai high speed, this a section of a highway collects fees.

Continue in the crossing that make fork along direction of Beijing Shanghai high-speed right, take Beijing Shanghai high speed, this a section of a highway collects fees.

Next harbor that connect the cloud / Xuzhou exit, head for the high speed that connect Xu, this a section of a highway collects fees.

Continue in the crossing that make fork along Lianxu high-speed direction right, take the high speed that connect Xu, this a section of a highway collects fees.

A bit right-handed, take day east high speed.

Next sunshine / the cloud exports fill to be the same as 3 high speed.

Next coastal high speed / Nantong exports coastal high speed.

High speed of river issueing an edge / Dong Bang is exported.

Below A5 highway exit, before A5 highway continues, the edge goes.

Next A30 highway export A30 highway.

Issue big harbor of A8/ of Shanghai Hangzhou high speed to export Shanghai Hangzhou high speed.

Next Hangzhou riverside high speed / fine promote port area / Ning Bo is exported cross wiring of Hai Daqiao north.

Next Hangzhou bays cross Hai Daqiao to export Hangzhou bay to cross Hai Daqiao.

In Shenyang sea high speed peaceful wave band exports high speed of sea issueing Shenyang.

In Ning Bo exit of the high speed that circle a city issues Ning Bo to circle city high speed.

In stage of another name for Ningbo lukewarm high speed exports lukewarm high speed of stage issueing another name for Ningbo.

In Fu Ning high speed exports next Fu Ning high speed.

In Luo Ning high speed exports next Luo Ning high speed.

In blessing mansion highway exit leaves blessing mansion road.

Before continueing, go, enter east lake street.

Before road of lukewarm hill north continues, the edge goes.

Tune is in in 91 streets.

Before continueing, go, stannic market is made on.

Through bank government office alley can reach fontal city.

Above course offers reference only, the proposal undertakes planning according to the information of navigation software, wish you journey is happy!
