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如何选择合适的教育资源 | 教育超市购物指南英文双语对照


如何选择合适的教育资源 | 教育超市购物指南英文双语对照




1. 了解需求: 在购物前,首先需要明确自己或孩子的学习需求和目标。是补习课程还是学科竞赛辅导?这将有助于筛选出符合实际需求的教育资源。

2. 查看评价: 在购买教育资源前,可以通过阅读他人的评价和评论,了解资源的质量和实际效果,避免盲目购买无效资源。

3. 注意适用年龄: 不同年龄段的学生适用的教育资源可能有所不同,需要注意资源的适用年龄范围,避免购买过低或过高难度的资料。

4. 考虑教育理念: 家长和学生在购买教育资源时,要考虑资源所体现的教育理念是否与自己相符,例如是强调学科能力培养还是注重思维能力的培养。



  • 课程内容是否贴合学生的学习需求?
  • 上课时间是否与学生的学习时间相匹配?
  • 授课老师的教学资质和授课经验如何?
  • 课程的知识点覆盖面和深度是否符合要求?
  • 课程费用是否适中,是否有试听课程或退换课程政策?





Educational supermarket: Overview

Teaching a supermarket is the place that shows all sorts of education natural resources center a sale, include to teach video of complementary material, education, online course to wait. As the ceaseless evolution that teachs a trade, the form that teachs a supermarket also increasingly diversification, how to choose appropriate educational natural resources to make a lot of parents and the central point that the student pays close attention to.

Teach supermarket shopping guide

1.Understand requirement: Before shop, need to make clear the study demand of oneself or child and target above all. Be course of take lessons after school or course contest coach? This will conduce to a sieve singling out the educational natural resources that accords with effective demand.

2.Examine an evaluation: Before buying educational natural resources, can pass the opinion that reads other and review, know the quality of resource and practical effect, avoid to buy invalid resource blindly.

3.Notice applicable age: Different age paragraph the student's applicable education natural resources may differ somewhat, need notices the applicable age limits of resource, avoid to had bought the material of low or exorbitant difficulty.

4.The consideration teachs a concept: When the parent and student are buying educational natural resources, the educational concept that should consider resource place to reflect whether with him conform to, it is the education that emphasize course ability fostering or pays attention to thinking ability for example.

If why teaching a supermarket to choose the online course that suit

To resource learning on the line, the online course that the choice suits appears particularly important. The parent and student can notice the following when making a choice:

  • Curricular content whether the study demand of joint student?
  • Whether does schooltime match with study time photograph of the student?
  • The education aptitude of schoolteaching teacher and schoolteaching experience how?
  • Whether does intellectual dot of course enclothe face and deepness to accord with a requirement?
  • Curricular expenses whether moderate, whether to have try Cheng of attend a lecture or policy of course of exchange a purchase?

The future that teachs a supermarket develops

As the ceaseless progress of science and technology, educational supermarket will develop morely to the direction of digitlization, individuation. Future, educational supermarket may analyse study case of the student through big data, offer for the parent and student more the educational natural resources with accurate essence is recommended, help pupil learns better.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can help you choose suitable educational natural resources and course better through the article.

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