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中国时尚摄影风格? 时尚摄影师定义?英文双语对照


中国时尚摄影风格? 时尚摄影师定义?英文双语对照















冯海,娟子,陈曼,郭三省,栗子,张悦,梅远贵 等等这些都是杂志的熟客!每人有每人的特点!












欧文·布鲁姆菲尔德(Erwin Blumenfeld,1897—1969)是20世纪最有影响的摄影家之一。他出生于德国的一个犹太人家庭,历经两次世界大战,辗转于荷兰、法国,最终逃离到美国成为一名商业摄影师,与《时尚》和《时尚芭莎》杂志有很深的合作。



















米娜:适合中学生看.我也是中学生.我初二就开始看这本杂志了.有很少女的感觉. 建议你买这本. RMB18 昕薇:我最喜欢的杂志.一看了就放不下手的杂志.(我这么认为的啦!)很好看.也很 潮流.但不太适合、中学生.买来看看可以.但要按上面的服饰来搭配.太成熟了 点啦! RMB20 COCO微:大陆本地办的杂志.我觉得不大好看.但很青春.RMB16.

8 瑞丽那些我就不说了啊.没意思.


我觉得还是长葛唯爱影画摄影工作室最时尚!照片清新 唯美 自然,以外景为主,全部在郑州市区景点拍摄,经济实惠,还没有隐性消费,不怕超出预算计划!


Soul Vision,魂视觉。用心灵去看世界,超脱画面,深抵灵魂。


Style of Chinese vogue photography?

The photography style that belongs to China at present still is in exploration, in the fashionable photography respect that I pay close attention to, the cameraman that has a lot of is worth that say is photographing to Chinese wind undertake be carryinged out hard. For instance Sun Jun, Yin Chao, Zhang Jiacheng.

So in be imitated in what photograph to Chinese wind and learning, it is the feeling that what can let a person feel to have Chinese wind.

I feel to have the following large elements (each other supplement each other)

One, Chinese style setting

2, the tradition dresses up Or prop

3, Chinese traditional match colors

4, visual style

Is fashionable cameraman defined?

Fashionable cameraman, basically behave the content that gives priority to with vogue, to different time paragraph vogue, the means that uses photography goes explaining, lead the person that watch the perception to vogue, arrive again acknowledge.

Luck does beautiful photography make up is the school duty school?

Yes. Luck beautiful photography makes up the school is duty school

Making up is a technology, have this is professional likely in all sorts of schools. Be aimed at an adult short-term groomed school with respect to the duty in calculating (tall) of ability school, duty, those who be aimed at recruit students of graduate of junior high school is medium duty (graduation is skilled grade certificate and graduation card)

Is fashionable photography famous what does cameraman have?

Feng Hai, beautiful child, chen Man, guo San is saved, chestnut, zhang Yue, mei Yuangui waits these frequent visitor that are a magazine a moment! Have his characteristic each!

Feng Hai, company Feng brother, be like what the school rectifies now to had been held out, but tuition is very expensive. Win 1999-2001 year " cameraman of Chinese optimal fashionable dress " title

Beautiful child chief inspector of elegance fashion art. Be judged to be cameraman of 1999/2000 China optimal fashionable dress

Chen Man's later period allegedly very arrogant.

Chestnut, brand of pupil international vogue serves an orgnaization. "Countrywide figure 10 outstanding cameraman "

Zhang Yue has listened, specific not quite clear,

The film of this a few people is in basically magazine of domestic a gleam of. Terminally has basically.

Have a Chinese cameraman, have above this website recommend, general and anonymous junior is to won't appear above, you can look.

What is fashionable photography and commerce?

In order to film model, star is given priority to, with the theme of fashionable circle, include week of Parisian fashionable dress, week of Tokyo fashionable dress, all sorts of color photo of the actor, film conduct propaganda is big.

And participate in project collaboration of commerce with well-known company, film the theme films, do not include to concern a thing with art

Who does cameraman of fashionable Ba Sha have?

Europe article · Bulumufeierde (Erwin Blumenfeld, 1897, 1969) is one of photographers with 20 the most influential centuries. He is born in family of a Jew, all previous classics two world war, flounder Yu Helan, France, escape finally to become cameraman of a commerce to the United States, with " vogue " and " fashionable Ba Sha " the magazine has very close cooperation.

How does gauze of fashionable and classical marriage photograph?

Quite pretty good, the proposal goes patting. , do not have consumption 2 times, the dress is to not be restricted of a cycle of songs in a traditional opera, unlike is other, good-looking dress wants price, the dress of her home is chosen casually.

The wind of those a few China of her home is patted particularly good-looking, I and husband are preferred.

Pat exterior to be able to go to the world park and the Imperial Ancestral Temple go patting, we are to go to what the Imperial Ancestral Temple pats, to moment can makeup girl goes together accordingly, sale, makeup girl, cameraman is compared of what

Mi Na, luck beautiful vogue pioneer, Xin osmund which suit more?

Luck beautiful introduction deflection at occupational dress. My individual likes " Xin osmund " . Because the clothing of Xin osmund is very fashionable, buy the still popular dress when this one book is almost all to act the role of article can include, and inside introductory hair style is very good also.

If you special advocate vogue, this book suits you very much.

" Mi Na " this book is extraordinary day, but not artificial. If you like the clothes of day of edition,this book perhaps is your right choice.

This book gets Mi Na fine fine considering, because the first what won't feel, but scrutiny can discover a lot of doohickey that wear the dress.

I am Mi Na He Xinwei is bought together normally. > the dress of this book introduction compares deflection at young woman student, the dress is very handsome.

I feel to suit a student more.

I had had one to be not bought many years, do not know now how. Still have > international dress.

The content of this book is very good also, very the fair maiden is very fashionable, the book is not expensive the content inside is expensive, fit the person that purse rouses.

" fashionable Ba Sha " pretty good, compare internationalization, if want to see dress,my individual feels you, this book does not suit you, because the thing of its character sex is too much.

" dazzle color " the clothes is very free. But it is better that I feel the content that introduces dress is again some more. And do not know why stand or fall.

" Shanghai dress " very actual, but what the dress follows other is more commonplace than rising to be shown slightly, more in a popular style.

" dress VS cosmetic " hold out a value, what doesn't other feeling give to come.

If you buy a book every months only, I suggest you go buying " Xin osmund " . Every month controls sunrise 25 numbers new.

Mi Na: ? Excrement wakes now   ? I also am a high school student. At the beginning of me 2 begin to read this magazine. Have feel femaly rarely. Suggest you buy this. RMB18 Xin osmund: ? Easy neodymium does not wrap up a head the magazine that? read to put no less than hands. (I so think! ) very good-looking. Also very tide. But suit not quite, high school student. Buy it is OK to look. But should match by the dress above. Too bit more mature! RMB20 COCO small: ? Head of Lan of an ancient type of spoon of lap award lens? I feel not quite good-looking. But very green.RMB16.

8 Ruilina some I did not say. Uninteresting.

Which is the marriage gauze photography with long the most fashionable arrowroot?

I feel or picture of movie of love of long Ge Wei photographs atelier is the most fashionable! The photograph is pure and fresh only beautiful nature, give priority to with exterior, film in tourist attraction of Zhengzhou urban district entirely, economic material benefit, still do not have recessive consumption, do not be afraid of exceed a budget to plan!

Fashionable, name of Orphean English photography store, is the meaning profound?

Soul Vision, fetch vision. Intention spirit goes viewing the world, stand aloof picture, support the spirit greatly.

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