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高血压健康宣讲稿? 健康饮水健康生活内容?英文双语对照


高血压健康宣讲稿? 健康饮水健康生活内容?英文双语对照













一 心情的好坏很容易影响我们的身体健康,所以保持心情平稳是关键。凡事都要看的开,想的开,不要执著于某一件事。遇事不大喜大悲,保持平常心对待就好。对于突发的紧急情况,应保持沉着冷静,积极面对。
















1 坚持锻炼身体2 因为锻炼身体可以增强身体健康,提高免疫力,减少生病的几率,同时也可以缓解压力和焦虑,改善心情。3 每天保持30分钟至1小时的锻炼,如慢跑、瑜伽、游泳等,同时也要注意合理饮食和充足睡眠,保持良好的生活习惯,才能更好地维护身体健康。














Lecture notes of hypertensive healthy announce?

The age, I also love the United States, pursuit is fashionable, want to dress up ego into angel, like elegant long hair, like the jewelry that glittering and translucent get rid of shows, defend a nurse for abide by formal standard, we must grow ego grow show hair is high dish case, in hiding elegant one side boudoir, stay at appreciation to be in this nurse this special profession intermediate frequency is numerous 3 to the class, body and mind letting a person is tired out.

Young and beautiful red apple cheek transforms gradually the apple that it is blueness is in turn into the process of sodden banana.

Nurse the industry suffers from happy half namely, remember a poem writing: Since you were choosing distant place, be destined to want to roam about, I think the lifetime that uses me will wipe the scar that makes the same score your mind.

Choosing nurse I do not have the industry complain without regret.

When people asks me the profession, I say proudly: "I am hypertensive patient "

Does health water healthy life content?

According to body need, a cup of water since morning and before sleeping 1 cup of water are indispensable; Additional, hind, after motion, anteprandial should drink right amount plain boiled water, meeting feeling is very comfortable; Everyday besides do chore, want those who hold to the left and right sides 1 hour to take exercise, cannot sedentary; Hold to siesta everyday, time cannot grow;

Have a meal 7 minutes full; Carry good intention condition, life quality is high.

Does healthy lifestyle reach disease preventive?

Material healthy way of life has:

One, maintain the mood to be fond of smoothly not quite big

What the stand or fall of affection of of one mind affects us very easily is healthy, maintain the state of mind so smooth it is crucial. Everything should look leave, want leave, not clinging Yu Mou a thing. Be fond of big Bei not quite when anything crops up, it is good to maintain common heart to treat. To sudden emergency, should keep ad cool-headed and sober, face actively.

2, diet is healthy, nutrition is balanced

 Must ensure in the life diet is healthy, nutrition is balanced. Do not eat acrimony and fat deepfry Peng to change provision, eat souse barmy food less, mildewy and broken food scarcely should eat. Vegetable and flesh are reasonable and tie-in, eat fruit and vegetable more, drink water more, little drink, drink beverage less. Do not carry feed, make sure the body is OK and balanced the nutrient composition that absorbs place to need.      

3, add frequently exercise

Motion can promote the haemal circulation of the body, quicken the metabolism inside body, enhance the constitution of people. To young, no matter study task is much onerous, the job is much busier, should take out time to move more, exercise. To middleaged old people, meal hind takes a walk more, hit too extremely, jump square dance healthy to maintaining have profit very much.

Does hypertension faint emergency treatment method?

Faint like occurrence hypertension, need to let a patient undertake suction oxygen instantly, and should not move a patient at will, next the collar of unlock patient, prevent collar to affect breath too closely. Additional, allow head deflection a side, open oral cavity, inside cleared oral cavity sundry, because of,prevent inside puke or oral cavity sundry create asphyxial situation, affect breath thereby. Seasonable measurement blood pressure is dialed 120.

Does Xiaochang know life health?

Sleep early rise early not to stay up late sleep must the rule!

Food is delicate eat protein of digestible food complement more.

Physical training is very important, hold to the motion having oxygen of half hour everyday.

Good state of mind is the most important.

Is healthy life evaluated?

How should be a healthy life defined? This includes domesticity and working life among them two respects, want to have the family of a happy stability above all, harmonious father Ci Zixiao has the family the rear area of a smooth and steady sureness.

Have a job that oneself like even next, even if not be to like too, the basic ability that also should let this labour consummate settle down and get on with his pursuit for oneself goes, anyhow the life that a word lives and work in peace and contentment just is health!

Is the life healthy ' little common sense?

1 insist to exercise 2 because exercise,can increase healthy, enhance immune power, reduce ailing odds, also can alleviate at the same time pressure and angst, improve the mood. 3 maintain 30 minutes to come 1 hour everyday take exercise, if canter, gem gal, swim etc, also want to notice reasonable food and enough sleep at the same time, maintain good habits and customs, ability is safeguarded better healthy.

Healthy life common sense?

The common sense of healthy life includes good dietary convention, proper physical training, enough sleep, seasonable psychological dredge.

We should avoid to eat overmuch saccharide and fat food as far as possible, increase corn, vegetable, fruit and protein absorb.

In addition, fixed motion can make the position that the body holds good, enhance immune power, prevent a disease. Additional, enough sleep can let the body get rest, give development and repair time.

Psychological dredge also can help us alleviate pressure, maintain the state of mind cheerful. These are the common sense of healthy life, we should be carried out actively.

Healthy life content?

One, want the convention of work and rest with good nurturance, sleep early rise early, undertake physical training appropriately, enhance oneself constitution in order to achieve, raise the goal of immune force.

2, dietary respect must eat food of delicate, nutrition, easy digestive, be like congee of egg, milk, rice, noodle, fresh fruit and vegetable, also should absorb a few flesh appropriately of course kind, also cannot feed more acrimony excitant food.

3, want optimistic state of mind, can foster good mood so, can more active and hopeful face opposite is vivid.

4, want nurturance the good convention of fixed check-up, the body state of the so OK and dynamic oneself that monitor, be helpful for healthy.

Does healthy slow life introduce?

Slow life, it is manner of a kind of life, it is a kind of healthy state of mind, be a kind struggle actively, it is self-confident to the height of life, it is a kind of lifestyle. Slow life concept puts forward to get early, be by " feed motion slow " a series of slow lifestyle that development comes out, in order to remind the people that the life develops a times in high speed, slow come down to pay close attention to the heart, environment. In working and living appropriately rein in speed. Slow life is not protracted time, let people find a balance in the life however, relaxation has degree, strike a proper balance between work and rest, improve life quality, exalt happy feeling.

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