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1. 成长不易,但一定会让你变得更好。

2. 勇敢一点,做自己想做的事情。

3. 让自己快乐的同时,也要尊重他人的感受。

4. 不要为别人的期望而活,要为自己的梦想而奋斗。

5. 每个人都是独特的,不必与他人比较。

6. 拥有一个积极的心态,人生会更加美好。

7. 适当的压力有助于成长,但太大的压力会让人疲惫不堪。

8. 朝着目标不断前行,即使迷茫,也要坚持下去。

9. 做自己的主角,不要让别人左右你的人生。

10. 懂得感恩,珍惜生命中的每一个美好瞬间。


























































































One, growing character of mental health joy?

1, let vigor, expectation and curiosity indulge: The mastery of a skill or technique with new study, beautiful time thinks new think of a way, much enter interesting activity, will improve your mental health. 2, great practice ego is incentive: Establish big target for oneself, decompose them into realizable small step, will come true them, want to make the progress with little little everyday only, you can feel successful joyance and self-confidence. 3, the reflection that should keep active already and viewpoint: Grasp an opportunity, from the reflection with the interesting derive in negative opinion, and the determination that no matter what do,does not abandon. 4, great communicate with the person: Care the think of a way of the other side each other, encourage the other side to express the view that attributes his, exercise human skill ceaselessly, can make you are learning the better relationship that go knowing another person and establishs harmony to it. 5, enjoy the life adequately: Disentomb the avery kind of in the life is cheerful, in acting what it blends in itself, maintain state of mind active and optimistic, active up, let each days have harvest and grow.

2, growing speech of mental health joy?

It is the speech that joy of a few mental health grows below, the hope can bring to everybody energy:

1.Grow not easy, but it is better that regular meeting lets you become.

2.A bit braver, do oneself to consider the business that do.

3.Make oneself happy while, also want to respect the feeling of other.

4.Do not live for the expectation of others, should be oneself dream and struggle.

5.Everybody is distinctive, need not compare with other.

6.Have an active state of mind, life will be more good.

7.Proper pressure conduces to grow, but too great pressure can make a person whacked.

8.Go before the target is constant forward, although confused, also want to hold on.

9.Become oneself protagonist, do not let others control your life.

10.Know be thankful, cherish each good instant in life.

These speech aim drive and encourage everybody, face the life and future self-confidently, keep active up state of mind, the joy that receives oneself grows.

3, is work of small clever recruit students little subtle move kitchen?

Cistern, there is smeary place to spill a salt in cistern, use next useless last oldly film is wiped up and down, the Wen Shuichong after wiping is washed a few times can let cistern if brightness is new

2 lampblack machine, pour the oil in oily box first, immerse oily box next in suds, 20 minutes or so, if smeary bigotry, can immerse 40 minutes, have a net, if have a few smeary, after can using Wen Shui to immerse directly abluent wipe

3, gas burner, of gas burner surface smeary, the hot Shang Tu that remains after the usable noodle that boil is in the surface, pass a little while, fleshy dishcloth wipes reoccupy water to rush clean

4 fan, disassemble platoon fan takes a few sawdust to reserve, wrap some of fine sawdust to wipe a fan with bombazine

4, is the wonderful life that enrol elder sister little subtle move?

How does ① wash shower head

Common problem is furring, with the home the white vinegar in can be solved!

1. mixes water feed vinegar to press 1:1scale mixes, install; with polybag

2. tears open shower head come down to immerse in polybag, sealed good;

3. quiet place is taken after half hour, erode with hot water, the brightness on the horse takes a person!

How does ② clean faucet

Cream shave beard besmear arrives on faucet, wipe with wet dishcloth next, rinse clean finally can.

PS: Using the method that cleans shower head to handle also is possible ~

③ how clean bathroom mirror

Likewise OK shave of have the aid of must cream.

The towel that use paper must cream shave brush bathroom mirror to go up, use wet paper towel to wipe hubble-bubble divide evenly to whole mirror then, rinse clean with water finally. Probably a week is cleaned enough, be like,can make a mirror shining all the time new!

④ how clean bathroom ceramic tile

1. presses 1:1scale mixture water and feed vinegar or bleaching powder, with sparge bottled rise. Shake, make sufficient confluence;

2. goes to the liquid gush in sparge bottle above ceramic tile, of course, the place that has mould is OK much gush;

The ceramic tile that the ceramic tile nature such as 3. uses water general shower room after airing is rinsed thoroughly went.

How does ⑤ clean bath shade

1. loses bath sign into washing machine, join neuter scour or white of half cups of soda next;

2. puts a few towel or sheet curtain again inside washing machine, such already can better purify mould, can protect bath shade to be not washed to defeat again;

3. hangs bath shade natural airing.

Such with respect to mould of can easy drive out.

⑥ how clean closestool

Can vacate with two bubble are being lost in past closestool piece, after bubbling 15 minutes, after brushing remittent clean down with closestool, press gently, it is OK to be rinsed with water.

5, is commode cupboard little subtle move?

Commode ark is OK will inside undertake partition puts a thing. Also can use receive a box to be put inside

6, is toothache small subtle move?

If have dental ache symptom, can try to press the method that approachs acupuncture point adding up to cereal first, it is certain to have alleviate aching action, additional OK also Luo Fen of cloth of profess to convinced will alleviate aching. But this word can not effect a radical cure completely dental pathological changes, should make an inspection to the department of stomatology, need basis tooth, differ namely the cure that will select corresponding specialized subject just can have been treated.

7, brush a shoe small subtle move?

1, shoe and bootlace ravel will wash, use first whitened black washs shoe and bootlace, the tooth brush scrub that shoe wants to use soft fine fur (canvas should be brushed gently, damage easily otherwise) , reoccupy clear water is washed clean can.

2, dilute of water of add of dye of white soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes, reoccupy tooth brush sails upstream in the besmear on the shoe pink, dirty serious place can besmear more dot, be in the shoe ventilated place air, again white dye subtract can.

3, brush with transparent black and down first brush shoe, the bath that use Qing Dynasty is clean. Brush shoe with pure white toothpaste, reoccupy clear water is washed clean. Rise shoe bag with toilet paper, the place that should let cloth includes begin paper, put shady and cool and ventilated part can.


What when you wash a shoe, use without giving thought to is transparent black, washing powder still washs clean essence, be sure to keep in mind to must be washed clean with clear water rinse, must not because lazy did not clean clean, the material that causes remain makes shoe hair yellow.

According to experience, no matter use what method to wash a shoe, had better be bumf gets on the bag on shoe after been wash, bumf is whiter better, and had better be also encase upper.

8, is province report small subtle move?

Scientific test makes clear, the television is in screen should be compared below the brightest condition the darkest when the report that uses up 50 % more. When we do not watch TV, remember shutting power source without fail please, avoid to bide one's time bad news report, this are the easiest be ignored by everybody. Should not go often switch machine, research makes clear in switch machine when then flashy power consumption wants far outclass to be broadcasted normally!

9, is catharsis small subtle move?

The 1st action: When washing the dress clothings is put wash clothes answer 8 minutes in groove full, because be in catharsis process, mutual attrition talent needs between washing and current, washing cleared bilge, if clothings fills in too full, wash clothes the roll inside groove is met slow, those who go against bilge is cleared, and clothings has stain remain easily also.

The 2nd action: In catharsis coloured clothings brunet perhaps clothings is, to do not let coloured clothings is mixed contain presswork the clothings coloring of design, should break up to clean. Because when washing clothings, Qing Dynasty cannot avoid to want to produce clash, coloured clothings and contain presswork the clothings of design catchs other facial expression likely. Bilge basically relies on to wash clothes agent action purify, no matter be the surface,still break up to clean outside face so, clean degree is same.

The 3rd action: In catharsis coloured clothings when, should use a liquid to wash clothes as far as possible the agent can fall off with preventing color. Plain coloured clothings can be used wash clothes with neuter agent can, weak alkali sex washs clothes the agent suits common bath. Wash clothes in weak alkali sex in the agent, farinose decontamination force is very powerful, liquid is very milky, clothings fades not easily.

The 4th action: The scour that joins in wash clothes must moderate, not be scour more bubble abounds better more. A lot of people think bubble exceeds much decontamination capacity stronger, foamy, just explain clothings is washed clean. Actually, tall foamy scour is very difficult full is clean, want full a lot of times even sometimes, bubble still exists, not only water of take time, cost, and the clothings hair after catharsis is good, the skin is stimulated when be being worn, cause Sao to itch; Additional, tall foamy scour returns washing machine of meeting attaint platen.

The 5th action: Before putting scour, use Wen Shui to soak clothings first as far as possible, wen Shui dissolves more easily to the bilge such as fat of the sweat on clothings, skin, at the same time Wen Shui also more melt scour makes his more thorough clean clothings, ordinary water is warm decontamination effect is controlled in 30 degrees best.

The 6th action: After catharsis clothings, the lid that should open washing machine can prevent wash clothes to be caused because of the bacterium in groove and become moldy for some time. In the clothings of our catharsis, especially the bacterium on sock and briefs is very much, if wash clothings the cap on direct lid, wash clothes the damp environment inside groove compares those who suit a bacterium to cause, when waiting for us to wash the dress again next time so, with respect to easy generation the bacterium is polluted 2 times.

10, is environmental protection little subtle move?

1. is managing with water

2. is managing with report

3. does not lose rubbish casually

4. likes arboreous flowers and plants

5. closes faucet at any time

6. is right amount drink

7. does not catch puppy

8. does not spit everywhere

9. rubbish wants to classify

10. does not have a person to black out

11. does not use one-time dinner service

12. jockeys flameout

13. not everywhere relieve oneself

14. does not burn in disorder

15. does not waste food

16. does not throw a thing casually

17. drinks how many water how to much pour

18. uses cleaner of the essence that wash clean less

19. boiler circulation is used

20. does not destroy public facilities

23. does not take a thing in disorder

24. uses hop-pocket

25. takes a bus as far as possible

26. pursues the style of dress not overly

27. does not enter nature to protect core area

28. initiate walks, ride bicycle

29. does not use blame degradation plastic eat box

30. does not set off firework cracker

31. is double-faced use paper

32. managing commissariat

33. rejects to use one-time things

34. consumes the meat kind should measurable

35. conveniently shuts faucet

One water of 36. is multi-purpose

37. buys this locality product as far as possible

38. is managing with report

39. rejects to be packed overly

40. is used managing model water is provided
