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加热靴盖相机会认为你装了外闪 所以内闪就不能弹起来了 你仔细观察就能看见 热靴滑道内侧有个金属压片 有物体划入会压下那个压片 相机就会认为你热靴上装了设备








机身搭配的镜头标示(比如EF-S 18-55mm F3.5-5.6)的F值就是最大光圈,3.5是18mm的最大光圈,5.6是55mm的最大光圈,这是一个非恒定光圈变焦镜头。恒定光圈(比如EF 24-70mm F2.8 L)的F值表示在镜头整个焦段都可以达到F2.8的最大光圈值。













一、18-135焦段比18-55长80(128MM),稍远的能拍得到,虚化效果还可以,而18-55没有长焦,稍远的拍不得到,虚化效果较差(背景稍近基本上不能虚化)。因此18-135能满足大多数拍摄需要, 基本上能实现一个镜头走天下,而18-55不能。


三、18-135比18-55贵得多(18-55无IS的700左右,而18-135在2200左右,贵1千多)。 如果是新手购机,又不想带多个镜头,还是咬牙上18-135,方便又适用; 如果经济比较紧,而对摄影又比较喜爱,特别是看中单反可更换镜头。那么就选18-55,省下钱来,上个55-250,两个镜头价格与18-135相当,但长焦多了115,实际焦段从18的29MM到250的400MM,远拍和虚化能力就更强了,以后再上一个50 F/1.8大光圈定镜头,基本上就能通吃了。





One, beautiful can cannot be flashlight of lid of hot boots of 700d number camera opened?

Heat boots lid camera is met place less than shines to shine to cannot bounce outside thinking you were installed came you observe carefully can see inside of hot shoe slide has a metallic sheeting to the object delimits initiate presses that next sheeting camera is met

2, is 700d multiple?

700d is the sock that 200 grams control.

1, what say in the sock " D " it is to point to unit of sock fibrous fibber number, every 9000 meters of fiber weigh how many gram to weigh how many D. Usually, DEN counts the ply that represents filar socks and diaphaneity.

2, D number is smaller, filar socks also jumps over Bao Yue to appear, more durable sock D value is jumped over commonly tall.

700D above has good warmth retention properties, 1200D has been very thick, suit temperature 10 degrees of the following weather are worn.

3, beautiful can 700d aperture?

' of the biggest aperture is the parameter of camera lens, airframe does not have limitary. 700D is the model of airframe, want to know the biggest aperture wants to treat camera lens type.

The camera lens with tie-in airframe is indicative (for instance the F value of EF-S 18-55mm F3.5-5.6) is the biggest aperture, the 3.5 the biggest aperture that are 18mm, the 5.6 the biggest aperture that are 55mm, this is a blame constant aperture scorch camera lens. Constant aperture (for instance EF 24-70mm F2.8 L) F value expresses to be in scene is whole anxious value of paragraph of the biggest aperture that can reach F2.8.

4, beautiful can 700d weight?

Beautiful can the weight of 700d camera is about 580 grams, include camera itself and camera lens. Photograph airframe accumulates moderate, feel is comfortable, suit single hand operation. What camera uses is the sensor of APS-C dimension, it is like prime number 18 million, have faster picture to behave force character. In the meantime, camera has a variety of filming mode and function, include full automatic, hand to move, depth of field shutter is preferential, preferential wait for mode, film the effect is agile and diversiform. Anyhow, beautiful can 700d is a function the camera with higher price of comprehensive, sex, suit introductory class player or the user that need to film daily to use.

5, 700d figure parameter?

70-200F2.8; Take the word of figure, airframe is not important, depend on camera lens importantly, big aperture figure is anxious paragraph half range airframe gets convert focus, with beautiful can 700D is exemple, this is a half range machine, beautiful can coefficient of focal length convert is 1. So camera lens of a 50mmF1.8 suits to take figure very much, long Jiao Ye can gues-star portrait shot, change because of the setting empty of telephoto lens very beautiful also, similar beautiful can this kind big aperture grows 70-200F2.8 Xiaobai anxious figure effect is absolutely assist, it is too expensive.

6, does 700d release time?

Beautiful can 700D is a very welcome watch for an opportunity, released in March 2013. It is sheet of an introduction class turns over camera, have outstanding picture to be mixed character powerful function, suit all sorts of filming setting. Its issuance caused wide attention, became at that time the one large window on camera market.

7, beautiful can 700D how?

700D performance side or outdated dot, can see next 750D. Right at 19 o'clock anxious, 2000 above resemble element and Wifi is at present the mark of introductory machine matched. Electronic product is bought do not buy newly old applicable still on introductory machine. Of course, if the budget is honest insufficient, buying 700D also is used quite on function.

8, beautiful can it what scene 700D mixes is good that what scene 700D mixes? Beautiful can does 700D match assorted?

Match beautiful can the EF24-105mmF4 shot of full frame is better. 24-105mmf4 is scene of scene of a scorch, gai Anjiao goes to Jiao Duanhan long anxious, suitable scope is very wide, completely OK and contented film daily need.

9, beautiful can with what camera lens is 700D good? Beautiful can does 700D use assorted?

     EF-S18-55 and 18-135 are the camera lens that CANON produces to be not full frame machine, without what integral effect is very big difference, under photograph comparing:

One, 18-135 is anxious paragraph longer than 18-55 80 (128MM) , a bit far can pat get, it is OK still that empty turns the result, and 18-55 did not grow anxious, a bit far pat must not arrive, empty turns the result poorer (setting is a bit close basically cannot empty is changed) . Because this 18-135 can satisfy great majority film,need, basically can realize a camera lens to take the world, and 18-55 cannot.

2, 18-135 caliber (67) than 18-55 (58) a few bigger, give a quality slightly good little (below coequal craft, camera lens requirements is larger, it is better that its give a quality) .

3, 18-135 is more expensive than 18-55 much (18-55 does not have IS 700 the left and right sides, and 18-135 is in 2200 the left and right sides, expensive 1 more than 1000) . If be a novice,buy machine, do not want to take many camera lens again, still be the 18-135 on gnash one's teeth, convenient applicable; If economy is closer, and love quite again to photography, take a fancy to sheet to be able to change instead especially camera lens. So choose 18-55, the money below the province comes, last 55-250, price of two camera lens and 18-135 comparative, but long much more anxious 115, actual anxious paragraph arrive from the 29MM of 18 the 400MM of 250, far pat and empty influences ability stronger, a 50 F/1.8 goes up to choose camera lens solely greatly again after, basically can sweep the deck.

     According to oneself need undertakes choosing, do not want blind to purchase!

10, why does digital camera call a number camera?

Just as its name implies, the gain that its photography scores digital camera is digital information, it and film camera distinction depend on, film camera films exposure is the chemical reaction of film coating, film is obtained video (need to rinse) ; And digital camera films exposure process is transition of sensitive component photoelectricity, those who obtain is digital signal information stock memory Carrie, digital watch for an opportunity is the greatest advantage is not to need to use film material of this kind of bad news.
