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(2) 掌握好了剪辑软件以后,就开始整理你拍摄的原始素材,整理的工作有很多,采集、备份、转码、命名、编号、归类等,要干净规范,别偷懒,免得素材越多,越是后面越难整。然后你就可以进行剪辑了。剪辑可以笼统地分为粗剪和精剪。粗剪阶段,你主要是把所有需要的镜头按照剧本搭起来,保证片子的完整性,不遗漏镜头和台词。你先筛选和标记你需要的镜头,但不要轻易删除“不需要”的视频片段,也许后面会有用。然后不要管时长,也不要管节奏风格之类的,不要在粗剪阶段尽善尽美,要留余地。如果你是没有脚本的片子,比方没有脚本的纪录片,如何剪辑和搭建?你可以先按照故事的时间顺序搭建,也可以按照事件搭建,或者按照人物、按照地点等一段落一段落的剪辑,然后再构思如何结构,如何剪辑你的片子,也就是你前期拍摄时没有太多想法和故事,但可以通过后期的剪辑中寻找故事和框架。甚至也可以通过一首音乐的灵感,来结构剪辑片子,都可以。

(3) 到了精剪阶段,你就可以“尽善尽美”,精剪期间主要是细节方面的工作,完善结构,调整节奏,确立风格等,是一个不断打磨,精雕细琢的过程。如果你在剪辑过程中,没有感觉,没有头绪了,可以试着听一些好的影视配乐,或者看一些跟你相似题材的片子来找找灵感。当你剪完以后,你也许还需要稍微调个色,配个乐,上个字幕,然后输出成片就大功告成。然后对于剪辑,这里再啰嗦两句:剪辑的学习,不管是剪辑软件的学习,还是剪辑技巧的学习,都不是最重要的,因为你学习的剪辑软件只是一个剪辑工具而已,重要的是剪辑艺术性的东西,例如什么蒙太奇、轴线、剪辑点、30度原则,动静组接、情绪、节奏等,如果这些不清楚,你掌握的剪辑软件再熟练,也无从下手,所以以上说的这些也需要慢慢学习掌握。

7. OK,那么导演的学习过程就是前面从文案到剪辑整个制作流程学习的阶段,自己写几个本子,自己拿着机器拍,自己剪,然后多看电影,多拍多练,就会综合地锻炼了你的导演能力,所以导演是一个综合全面的,统揽全局的职位。不管是编剧,还是摄影和剪辑,你也许不需要像他们那样在某个环节,某方面很擅长,但是作为导演的你得多少都要了解和学习,不然你如何指挥?对于导演的学习,你可以先从事剪辑,在转型成导演,你也可以先从事摄影或者编剧,再转型成导演。对于想从事摄影的来说,最好还是能会些剪辑,有了剪辑的积淀,再从事摄影,你将会有更好的分镜意识和剪辑意识,对于从事摄影的来说,会很有帮助。


1. says industry of movie and TV makes circuit roughly first: Plan, article table, produce a film, later period, check and accept. Planning phase is divided again for conception, survey, draft resolution, negotiate, the agreement is signed etc. Cent of article record level is creation play, film script. Phase of produce a film includes to establish group, affirmatory film plan, select an actor, step on a dot to choose kimono of scene, equipment to change preparation to wait. Later period makes level include: Editing and rearrangement, pack, mix colors, dub in background music, dub, specially good effect. Check and accept level to include examine and verify, revise, backup of final version, put in storage...

2. that is specific to study, outside notting have it is academic + practice, as to means method and study order, you can learn some of theory first already, go carrying out again; You also can come over to be carried out first, fumble from inside practice again a theory, but compare take time so arduous, take roundabout way easily also. If do not have a bit theory,become a basis after all, some are met to feel when just beginning to pat produce a film to make do not wear brains, knowing how be being patted is good is right, when later period is made, also be to do not know how to start, more or less to accordingly I suggest or complement knowledge of theory of a few movie and TV, again begin films, sum up discovery ceaselessly in this process next, will answer ground study to carry out back and forth, encounter all sorts of problems ceaselessly, solve a problem ceaselessly, your work also is met finally more and more perfect, your ability also is met stronger and stronger.

3. is phase of produce a film next so, direct final retell. To the abecedarian of 0 foundations, before perhaps filming formally, still face a when equipment chooses confused problem. A lot of people are not quite clear oneself movie should film with what machine, next the type kind on market multifarious, how should choosing equipment after all so is the first problem that faces before a lot of produce a film.

4. so here chooses with respect to what talk about equipment simply. The equipment that the equipment that our OK and general component makes for early days and later period make equipment. The equipment that that early days makes is not had outside satisfy a picture namely + audio is photographed collection, make to small cost, just perhaps began the sentence of experienced hand, want to be able to be satisfied only absorb news of collection picture harmony, the assurance that next certain picture pledges is OK. Had drilled when you, or you are the word that local tyrant does not need money, you are completely then OK will contented picture photographs of the collection: Cinematograph, camera lens, horse, inspect looks, stabilizer, rocker, orbit, boat is patted implement, GoPro one Cimaiqi, and contented sound admits: Lever of mike, mike, windbreak cover, recorder, sound console, monitor etc. So regard inchoate as abecedarian for, you do not need so much Lin Lin actually always total equipment, perhaps you need to be able to take a picture only, can record audio sheet to turn over camera enough. Not small look sheet is turned over, present sheet is turned over early not be the camera that can take a picture simply only before any more, and film of very much now full-length film is patting produce a film to make instead with sheet, I once followed group participate in a made independent movie, whole journey uses beautiful namely can 5D2 films finish, still won golden horse award later, so equipment is not the most important, what is more,the rather that the function of equipment is more and more powerful also now, so this also brought about the doorsill that movie and TV makes now lower and lower also, everybody is OK the hand takes camera and mobile phone to become a director.

5. so how to film? You had read book of theory of a few movie and TV in front, believed to had known the category of camera lens, knowing great respect, what is is medium shot, what is close-up, have what point of view, and their respective function attribute, and when you write a story, the picture is in your brain, what does that still wait for so, going patting directly is. By your intuition, you feel here suits to be fastened with what scene, what seat number is used, arrived when later period editing and rearrangement you can examine come out. Through film and editing and rearrangement, you can discover a problem ceaselessly, ceaseless essence is entered. More what is more,the rather that in front mention " movie scene is designed " , " picturize is narrative " etc inside listed a lot of film off-the-pegly skill and gimmick, enough the feeling that sends your small video big, want you to apply only proper.

6.OK, how should do it so editing and rearrangement your film:

(1) above all, you must have mastered software of editing and rearrangement first, as to how to master, there is a lot of on the net about the PR, study tutorial that still is FCP software, full of beautiful things in eyes is very much, so here not Suo. If your comprehension is very tall, perhaps certain software operates a base, so you need not be used see tutorial study. Can use simple and rough method like me, direct " eat raw " , that is cut forcedly directly namely 9 you are basic after the ministry the operation that mastered software, understand interface of software of editing and rearrangement and menu a little before cut; Examine memorize a few commonly used quick menu, perhaps editing and rearrangement rises the meeting is more efficient, as from the back more editing and rearrangement, you will be more and more skilled to the operation of software of editing and rearrangement.

(2) after mastering software of editing and rearrangement, begin to trim the original material that you film, the job that arrange has a lot of, collect, backup, turn code, name, number, classify, want clean standard, fasten lazy, lest material is more, the more from the back rectify harder. Next you can undertake editing and rearrangement. OK and general cent is editing and rearrangement thick cut and essence of life is cut. Thick cut level, the camera lens that you basically are an all need is put up according to the play come, assure the integrality of the film, do not omit camera lens and actor's lines. You choose the camera lens that with mark you need first, but do not delete easily " do not need " video extract, perhaps from the back the meeting is useful. When be in charge of next, grow, also not be in charge of rhythm style and so on, do not be in thick cut level to the queen's taste, want leave some leeway. If you are the film that does not have script, do not have the newsreel of script for example, how editing and rearrangement and build? You can be built according to the time order of the story first, also can build according to incident, or according to the character, wait for one paragraph according to the place the editing and rearrangement of one paragraph, conceive again next how structure, how editing and rearrangement your film, there are too much idea and story when your early days films namely, but story and frame are searched in the editing and rearrangement that can pass later stage. What also can carry a music even is inspirational, come film of structural editing and rearrangement, OK.

(3) arrived essence of life cuts level, you are OK " to the queen's taste " , the job of detail respect basically is during essence of life is cut, perfect a structure, adjust rhythm, establish style, it is a ceaseless burnish, the process of fine carve of carve of essence of life. If you are in process of editing and rearrangement, without the feeling, do not have main threads of an affair, can try to hear dub in background music of a few good movie and TV, perhaps see a few pieces that follow your likeness subject matter search seek inspiration. After be being cut when you, you still perhaps need to move a color a little, match happy, last caption, output next piece with respect to success. Next to editing and rearrangement, here again Suo two: The study of editing and rearrangement, no matter be the study of software of editing and rearrangement, still be the study of skill of editing and rearrangement, not be the most important, the software of editing and rearrangement that learns because of you is tool of an editing and rearrangement only just, important is the thing of artistic quality of editing and rearrangement, for example 30 degrees of dot of what montage, axes, editing and rearrangement, principles, movement group is received, mood, rhythm, if these are not clear, the software of editing and rearrangement that you master is again skilled, also do not know how to start, so above says these also need to learn slowly master.

7.OK, so learning process of the director is in front the phase that to editing and rearrangement from article table the whole technological process that make learns, oneself write a few editions, oneself are taking a machine to pat, oneself are cut, see a movie more next, take much practice more, direct ability with respect to what exercised you can integratedly, so the director is integrated and comprehensive, all takes global position. No matter be playwrite, still be photography and editing and rearrangement, you perhaps do not need to be in in that way like them a certain link, some respect very be good at, but serve as a director more or less must you want to understand and learn, how are you directed otherwise? To the director's study, you can be engaged in editing and rearrangement first, the director is become in transition, you also can be engaged in first photograph or playwrite, again transition becomes a director. Photograph to wanting to be engaged in for, still had better be to be able to be met some of editing and rearrangement, had editing and rearrangement accumulate, be engaged in photography again, you will have the better consciousness that divide lens and consciousness of editing and rearrangement, to be engaged in photography for, the meeting is very helpful.
