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中南财经政法大学(Zhongnan University of Economics and Law)是中华人民共和国教育部直属的一所以经济学、法学、管理学为主干,兼有哲学、文学、历史学、理学、工学、艺术学等九大学科门类的全日制普通高等本科院校,由教育部、财政部和湖北省人民政府三方共建,是国家“211工程”、“985工程优势学科创新平台”项目重点建设高校,是国家“世界一流学科建设高校”,入选国家“2011计划”、“111计划”、教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地、国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目、卓越法律人才教育培养计划、国家级大学生创新创业训练计划、新工科研究与实践项目、中国政府奖学金来华留学生接收院校、全国毕业生就业典型经验高校、全国高校实践育人创新创业基地、湖北省2011计划,财经一流学科建设联盟理事长单位,立格联盟、中国-俄罗斯经济类大学联盟、中俄“长江-伏尔加河”两河流域高校联盟成员,AMBA、CFA协会认证院校。



招生专业(类) 文科 理科

最低分 最高分 平均分 最低分 最高分 平均分

哲学 592 598 594 595 602 598

国际政治 593 595 594 595 596 596

社会学 600 600 600 596 596 596

经济学 599 606 600 604 616 607

国际商务 593 601 594 596 603 599

金融学类 601 612 603 609 633 612

管理科学与工程类 593 603 598 598 608 601

法学类 595 613 599 598 617 604

工商管理类 594 603 596 596 608 600

经济与贸易类 596 601 598 601 611 604

管理科学 592 595 593 595 598 596

财政学类 598 602 600 603 618 607

会计学 602 614 605 611 625 616

财务管理 596 606 598 605 613 608

公共管理类 593 598 594 595 600 597

劳动关系 593 595 594 597 597 597

外国语言文学类 592 598 594 595 601 597

日语 593 597 595 596 597 596

俄语 596 596 596 — — —

法语 595 600 598 597 597 597

新闻传播学类 600 605 602 600 613 605

汉语言文学 593 598 594 — — —

统计学类 — — — 602 623 606

金融数学 — — — 603 614 608

经济统计学 — — — 602 606 603

计算机类 — — — 597 616 600

环境工程 — — — 595 602 599

安全工程 — — — 595 595 595

经济管理试验班 608 609 608 617 623 619












1 中南财经政法大学 、全国排74 、中国高水平大学

2 湖北经济学院 、全国排421 、区域知名大学

3 武汉商学院 、全国排667 、区域知名大学


1 湖北经济学院法商学院 、综合排9 、区域高水平独立学院

2 江汉大学文理学院 、综合排17 、区域高水平独立学院

3 武汉纺织大学外经贸学院 ?综合排28 、区域知名独立学院


名次 学校名称 综合排名 办学层次

1 武汉学院 中国高水平民办大学

2 湖北商贸学院 区域高水平民办大学






One, a few years is institute of military affairs of Wuhan finance and economics made?

It is, make 4 years. Predecessor of institute of economy of war of the Chinese People's Liberation Army is the earliest it is school of supply of northeast and democratic allied forces, held water at city of beautiful Mu Si in July 1947, rebuilt in September 1952 for military supplies school, in Feburary 1984, institute of instead war economy. Because change went to Wuhan, call economics of Wuhan military affairs the courtyard again so

2, rank of university of politics and law of Wuhan finance and economics?

Not be university of politics and law of Wuhan finance and economics, should be medium south university of politics and law of finance and economics, tens of names are ranked in the whole nation.

3, a few is university of politics and law of Wuhan finance and economics?

Wuhan has only in south university of politics and law of finance and economics, it is.

In south university of politics and law of finance and economics (Zhongnan University Of Economics And Law) be directly under of Ministry of Education of People's Republic of China one so economics, law, management learns to be trunk, hold philosophy, literature, history, a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties, labour concurrently to learn, the full-time that art learns to wait for class of 9 colleges division is common and advanced undergraduate course school, build in all by tripartite of Ministry of Education, Ministry of finance and government of Hubei province people, it is a country " 211 projects " , " platform of innovation of course of 985 projects advantage " project key builds a college, it is a country " world top-ranking course builds a college " , selected country " 2011 plans " , " 111 plans " , base of research of stress of humanitarian society science, country builds Ministry of Education innovation of undergraduate of level of plan of training of education of talented person of project of graduate student of public school of Gao Shuiping college, outstanding law, state does poineering work training plan, new engineering course grinds, top-ranking course builds finance and economics allied director unit, alliance establishing standard, China - Russia economy kind university alliance, medium presently " the Yangtse River - the Volga " member of alliance of college of two rivers region, school of attestation of association of AMBA, CFA.

4, politics and law of Wuhan finance and economics 2019 admit fractional line?

2019 in south university of politics and law of finance and economics distributes professional mark line (Hubei is saved)

Recruit students is professional (kind) liberal art science department

Lowest divides highest cent to divide lowest on average to divide highest cent average

Philosophical 592 598 594 595 602 598

International politics 593 595 594 595 596 596

Sociological 600 600 600 596 596 596

Economics 599 606 600 604 616 607

593 601 594 596 603 599 of international business affairs

Finance learns kind of 601 612 603 609 633 612

Administrative science and project kind 593 603 598 598 608 601

Law kind 595 613 599 598 617 604

Industrial and commercial managing kind of 594 603 596 596 608 600

Economy and commerce kind 596 601 598 601 611 604

Manage scientific 592 595 593 595 598 596

Cameralistics kind 598 602 600 603 618 607

Accounting 602 614 605 611 625 616

Financial management 596 606 598 605 613 608

Communal managing kind of 593 598 594 595 600 597

Working relationship 593 595 594 597 597 597

Literature of foreign language character kind 592 598 594 595 601 597

Japanese 593 597 595 596 597 596

Russian 596 596 596, , ,

French 595 600 598 597 597 597

News transmission learns kind of 600 605 602 600 613 605

593 598 594 of Chinese character literature, , ,

Statistical kind, , , 602 623 606

Financial maths, , , 603 614 608

Economy is statistical, , , 602 606 603

The computer kind, , , 597 616 600

Environmental project, , , 595 602 599

Safe project, , , 595 595 595

Economy manages experiment class 608 609 608 617 623 619

Above is common a batch admit a circumstance.

5, is university of politics and law of Wuhan finance and economics 211 or 985?

The another name of university of politics and law of Wuhan finance and economics is Wuhan institute, it is not already 211 also not be 985. This school is Hubei the province is exclusive a run by the local people a colleges and universities. It is a run by the local people that establishs by approval of Ministry of Education of People's Republic of China common colleges and universities, by Hubei the province teachs office director, blame seek profits sexual commonweal university.

6, is university of politics and law of Wuhan finance and economics good?

In south university of politics and law of finance and economics is directly under of Ministry of Education one so economics, law, management learns to be trunk,

In south university of politics and law of finance and economics is a country " 211 projects " , " platform of innovation of course of 985 projects advantage " project key builds a college, country " world top-ranking course builds a college " , selected country " 2011 plans " , " 111 plans " , base of research of stress of humanitarian society science, country builds Ministry of Education innovation of undergraduate of level of plan of training of education of talented person of project of graduate student of public school of Gao Shuiping college, outstanding law, state does poineering work training plan, new engineering course grinds, top-ranking course builds finance and economics allied director unit, alliance establishing standard, China, Russia economy kind university alliance, " the Yangtse River, the Volga " college alliance member, school of attestation of association of AMBA, CFA.

7, university of Wuhan finance and economics a few?

University of Wuhan finance and economics points to Wuhan institute commonly, 2 have recruit students originally. 2 are belonged to for whole.

Wuhan institute, abbreviation " fierce courtyard " , be located in Hubei to save provincial capital Wuhan, it is a run by the local people that establishs by approval of Ministry of Education of People's Republic of China common colleges and universities, by Hubei the province teachs office director, blame seek profits sexual commonweal university, england is royal and concessionary accountant association (ICAEW) the accredit chance with only Wuhan takes an examination of a center, china head the home is established " ICT application talent develops base " undergraduate course school, hubei province is exclusive the college of run by the local people of a this one recruit students, have " national level is numerous achieve a space " and " double baccalaureate " educational qualification.

8, rank of university of Wuhan finance and economics?


Hubei finance and economics kind university pop chart

1 in south Gao Shuiping university of 74 of platoon of university of politics and law of finance and economics, whole nation, China

421 of platoon of institute of 2 Hubei economy, whole nation, area is famous university

667 of platoon of 3 Wuhan business school, whole nation, area is famous university

Hubei finance and economics kind independent institute pop chart

Independent institute of Gao Shuiping of 9 of business school of law of institute of 1 Hubei economy, integrated platoon, area

Gao Shuiping of 17 of institutes of 2 unity and coherence in writing of Jiang Han university, integrated platoon, area is independent institute

Institute of trade of the classics outside university of 3 Wuhan spin? Integrated platoon 28, district is famous and independent institute

Hubei finance and economics kind pop chart of university of run by the local people

Place school name ranks managerial administrative levels integratedly

Civilian of high water of China of 1 Wuhan institute runs an university

Civilian of high water of area of institute of 2 Hubei trade runs an university

9, is there university of Wuhan finance and economics?

Without, in having only south university of politics and law of finance and economics and Hubei economy institute, medium perhaps south institute of Wuhan of university of politics and law of finance and economics (now already more the name is Wuhan institute)

10, in south a few is university of Wuhan of finance and economics?

In south university of politics and law of finance and economics and Wuhan university are. Wuhan university and in south university of politics and law of finance and economics is a country 211 projects, " platform of innovation of course of 985 projects advantage " project key builds a college, it is a country " world top-ranking course builds a college " , selected country " 2011 plans " , " 111 plans " etc? Wuhan university founds 1893, it is a hundred years school. In south university of politics and law of finance and economics is to established Central Plains university to be a foundation 1948, is extend become after nowadays in south university of politics and law of finance and economics?

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