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火车站能托运宠物吗? 西安火车站能否托运宠物?英文双语对照


火车站能托运宠物吗? 西安火车站能否托运宠物?英文双语对照




火车托运流程: 查询列车车次,确定是否可以办理宠物火车托运,才可购买火车票。



辛集火车站不知道能不能托运,但是石家庄火车站肯定可以托运。 我帮别人办理过石家庄的托运。 辛集火车站比较小,不知道是否支持托运宠物。






可以托运的,不过非常麻烦, 托运前你要准备以下东西


2、宠物要打好疫苗 还要准备相关的证明


没有书面的东西能够证明你的宠物是已经打了疫苗的话 是不给托运的,我去年把我猫带去南京就是自己用了个包装进去躲过了安检, 不过我家猫很听话,一路上都没有叫一声,乖吧
















One, can the railway station consign pet?

The railway station can consign pet, contain the passenger of pet, need is multiplying a car to dealt with formalities to take a car to the station that day. And pet consigns the formalities with escort in transportation, carriage distance does not need raise in 200 kilometers less than, midway, need not deal with escort in transportation. Consigned pet weight cannot exceed 20kg, after overweighting, cannot deal with consign.

2, Xi'an railway station whether consign pet?

The train consigns flow: Inquire train number, whether can deal with pet train to consign certainly, ability can buy a train ticket.

Preparation consigns proof file: Immunity proves animal health and animal quarantine proof and carriage tool disinfection prove. Disinfect a proof: Accept railroad quarantine to supervise. In set out to supervise place to accept quarantine to supervise an examination to animal sanitation epidemic prevention before today. The supervisor after the examination is eligible just can prove to go up in quarantine build epidemic prevention to supervise official seal. Consign the pet on the belt, basket, Id, train ticket reached afore-mentioned 3 card that day, ahead of schedule 4 hours are consigned to the railway station place deal with consign. Attention: Basket: Generally speaking, requirement basket is abatis structure, there should be the tray that fills excrement and urine next, the purpose is to do not make relieve oneself divulges pollution other goods, the handle that when the two side of basket need to have extraction, uses (can make) with iron wire, the mouth need of basket is plunged into with iron wire close.

3, how does laborious market railway station consign pet?

Laborious market railway station does not know to be able to be consigned, but Shijiazhuang railway station can be consigned for certain. I help others deal with those who cross Shijiazhuang to consign. Laborious market railway station is smaller, do not know to whether support consign pet.

4, mound can in relief railway station consign pet?

Mound in relief railway station is to be able to consign pet, contain the passenger of pet, need is multiplying a car to dealt with formalities to take a car to the station that day. And pet consigns the formalities with escort in transportation, carriage distance does not need raise in 200 kilometers less than, midway, need not deal with escort in transportation. Consigned pet weight cannot exceed 20kg, after overweighting, cannot deal with consign.

5, can Guangzhou railway station consign pet?

Can, can consign by train, the train ticket that heads you and immunity prove to consign other people of department conduction work to consign formalities, person and dog take same kind train, the dog is inside luggage barrow, very convenient, midway can be fed feed those who feed water.

6, can Shanghai railway station consign pet?

Can consign, very troublesome nevertheless, before consigning, you should plan the following thing

1, the box that installs pet, must be below can catching pet the sort of, probably 120 yuan

2, pet should hit good vaccine to prepare relevant proof even

3, food and water

If making vaccine, can proving without written thing your pet is is not to give those who consign, I went to my cat belt last year Nanjing is he was used pack go in escaped install check, my moggy is very obedient nevertheless, did not cry all the way, good

7, can the railway station that believe this world consign pet?

Can. The railway station that believe this world has a baggage office, it is the place of the luggage and parcel that handles countrywide each district technically, pet is OK also of course, but assure pet did not fall ill with the grain ration in road; Baggage office of the railway station that believe this world is in one platform north, a lot of fresh animals are consigned from here go out, I once had seen consign avian with live fish and feline dog, send through the train.

8, can big talk railway station consign pet?

Big talk railway station can consign pet, nevertheless you should deal with acceptance label bright. Immune disease has the train ticket inside baggage car. Still have the epidemic prevention card of pet. The mount in the pet case that uses with the brick your pet. Consign a center to deal with to railway station freight consign can.

9, can Nanjing railway station consign pet?

Nanjing railway station can consign pet, but must be in two card (animal immunity card and dog kind raise card definitely) conduction pet of the ability below all ready circumstance consigns business.

" railroad passenger transportation manages regulations " what taste about baggage forbidden band is fiftieth 2 the 3rd section provision:

Animal and cloggy and communal sanitation (include to have peculiar smell) article belongs to baggage forbidden band to taste, so forbidden carry pet to take the train. But in two card (animal immunity card and dog kind raise card definitely) can deal with below all ready circumstance consign business, need to carry two card and pet to supervise place to deal with to animal sanitation " qualification of quarantine of animal of condition giving a county proves " . If pet does not have two card, need to carry pet to to vet sanitation quarantine station undertakes immunity injects and be dealt with first " dog kind immune card " , be dealt with next again " qualification of quarantine of animal of condition giving a county proves " . Deal with in the railway station when consigning, must show animal quarantine proof, train ticket and Id to be short of one cannot, the container that and should be used can prevent to pet is destroyed and escape ships pet, right pet box lock.

In addition, when the animal is consigned, must be to the train ability of baggage car is dealt with consign, the host when consigning needs to accompany pet in baggage car, in order to go to the lavatory during transit feed.

If carry an animal to enter a railway station by fish hind, should get in touch with family or friend instantly, understand the animal as soon as possible come home, lest delay oneself travel.

10, is pet consigned?

Conduction pet is consigned, want to prepare immune proof above all, obtain quarantine to examination of animal quarantine bureau card and basket provide alexipharmic evidence.

The train consigns need to shift to an earlier date 3 hours are consigned to railway station baggage place deal with, need fills odd, pet to say to weigh, raise entrust freight to use, hand in again deal with formalities by the staff member.

The plane consigns need to seek advice to whether have oxygen cabin, after certain good flight number, in set out to taking pet and relevant formalities to be dealt with to airport bar that day consign formalities. Choosing basket or aviation box when should prepare according to the size of pet, should enough they stand up and the activity sits down.

下一篇:数字化能力测评标准? 陕西心理健康测评用户名怎么找回?英文双语对照
