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1. 每次宠物进化成功后可以使你的宠物获得资质奖励和进化经验。

2. 进化经验到达一定数值后宠物的进化等级会上升。

3. 宠物进化等级上升时可获得潜能点数,资质奖励(宠物进化等级达到13级后,再次提高进化等级,资质不会增加)。

4. 宠物的进化等级达到一定级别后,可以学到进化技能。






要看你多少级啊,如果你都已经二转多少级了肯定不值! 我原来有过:九星逐日。

好久之前了。不过那时候感觉还行啊。二转之后应该没什么用了和等级高点,应为有其他更好用的。就比如说套装的饰品吧。无忌、水月、百灵。羽毛,哪个不比那个好? 不过介意你换戒子吧。四灵辅日。还是可以的、在配上一个银囊



1. 勇气和探险精神:故事中的孩子们在面对未知的挑战时,始终保持着勇气和探险精神,不断尝试解决难题,最终成功地完成了任务。这个寓意鼓励人们在面对未知的挑战时,要有勇气和决心去探索和尝试。

2. 友情和团结合作:故事中的孩子们之间有着深厚的友情和团结合作精神,他们互相支持、帮助和鼓励,共同克服了各种困难。这个寓意鼓励人们在面对困难时,要团结合作,互相支持。

3. 知识和智慧:故事中的孩子们通过不断学习和探索,逐渐掌握了各种技能和知识,最终解决了难题。这个寓意鼓励人们要不断学习和探索,积累知识和智慧。

4. 正义和勇敢:故事中的孩子们面对邪恶势力时,始终坚持正义和勇敢,不畏艰险,最终打败了邪恶势力。这个寓意鼓励人们要坚持正义和勇敢,保护自己和他人免受伤害。



是根琚《平妖传》部分章节改编,讲述天宫里的袁公将天书传给人间,向蛋生传授法术造福于民的故事,充满喜剧风格,节奏明快,娱乐性强。   天宫“秘书阁”执事人员袁公乘玉帝赴瑶池聚会之际,击开石龛门,私取天书下凡,将天书文字刻在云梦山白云洞的石壁上。袁公因泄露天机,触犯了天条,玉帝罚他终身看守石壁天书。   一天,袁公踏云巡山,路遇蛋生,为了将天书传于人间,他嘱咐蛋生等白云洞口香炉升起彩烟,带上白纸,拓下洞中石壁上的天书。蛋生按袁公嘱咐拓下了天书。袁公又指点蛋生勤学苦练,运用天书为民造福。蛋生攻读天书,治蝗救灾,为民除害。狐狸精恨蛋生妨碍其作恶,耍阴谋窃去天书,勾结官府,继续祸害百姓。蛋生追索天书,与狐狸精多次斗法。   当蛋生与狐狸精争夺天书时,袁公到来,他收回了天书,从怀中掏出白色石镜,将狐狸精压死在云梦山下。袁公自料难逃天庭法网,把天书交给蛋生,嘱他赶快把天书文字记在心里。然后袁公用一把神火将天书烧尽。霎时雷电交加,玉帝圣旨下达,将袁公擒归天庭问罪。1983年的》是中国第三部动画长片。是迄今为止美影厂六部经典动画长片中唯一一部具有原创情节的动画。作为一部长篇动画,情节曲折,充满悬念。众多人物的刻划无不栩栩如生,蛋生、袁公、狐狸精、县太爷、府尹、小皇帝都个性鲜明。整个故事精彩流畅,更难得的是,它具有国产动画片甚至整个中国电影中难得的幽默感。寺院里为争狐狸精大打出手的方丈和尚,聚宝盆里不断冒出来的县太爷爸爸,都叫人捧腹不已。无论在故事的原创,人物造型,动作设计,人物对白方面无不创下了一个中国动画的高峰。即使以现在的眼光回过去看,也丝毫不比美系日系的动画逊色




在《天书奇谈》网页游戏中,角色达到100级后,可以进行转生。转生前需要达到以下条件: 等级达到100级; 完成100级主线任务; 拥有足够的转生石(可通过参与活动或使用元宝购买); 在南极仙翁处完成转生任务。




男侠客:皇甫云 女侠客:诸葛红袖 男刺客:烟花 女刺客:玲珑 男术士:慕容朱雀 女术士:宁彩蝶 男修真:林逍遥 女修真:周水云




2.如果天书奇谈宠物满级内丹选定内丹形状,请尽量找一只群攻宠来带内丹, 若你是VIP,尽量找65,75.85,等等X5级别,以求最大化经验。






One, how is absurd argument of a book from heaven developmental strategy of pet of absurd argument of a book from heaven?

The action of pet evolution:

1. Can make your pet gains aptitude award and developmental experience after pet evolution is successful every time.

2. The developmental grade of the pet after developmental experience reachs fair numerical value can rise.

3. When developmental grade rises, pet can acquire potential check the number, aptitude is rewarded (after pet evolution grade reachs 13 level, improve developmental grade again, aptitude won't increase) .

4. After the developmental grade of pet reachs certain level, can acquire developmental skill.

2, how does absurd argument of a book from heaven obtain a book from heaven?

A book from heaven wins a way 1, 9 clouds stage, universal day, boreal mountain sky closes fall to go out to be able to take bit of good thing to be on the body commonly along big celestial being, belt do not take a book from heaven bad to said. Defeat him to see lot first 2, to honour celestial being good thing is very much inside Hu, it is cost some are tall, the original poster also mights as well go trying next luck 3, if other player has,sell, that is best, proposal original poster buys this a book from heaven to compare be to one's profit directly. The word of new developed area 50 to a 80 a book from heaven, age slowly as the area, the price is down all the way, finally two money nobody was bought, the reason is very simple metempsychosis, do not have demand.

A book from heaven is a kind of special commodity, bind decided a book from heaven to also can advance to trade all right through cleaning out treasure. The individual thinks, at present a book from heaven has above way to be able to be obtained only, other is talk nonsense, I believe.

Give the original poster additionally an information: The Boss of not all field map drops good thing, a lot of maps drop thing of a few rubbish only, the following map has odds to drop riches and honour: Hill of demon of haven, shut-off of water, Xi Chuan, close glow, bend over, bury bone, fall mountain of wild goose, universal, north, woods, burn stone, altar.

3, is absurd argument of a book from heaven acted the role of article?

Should see you how many class ah, if you already 2 turn how many class not worth for certain! I had had so: 9 stars are day-to-day.

For ages before. Await a feeling to still go in those days nevertheless. 2 after turning should it doesn't matter was used nod high with grade, should be have other better use. e.g. suit act the role of taste. Without month of avoid, water, lark. Feather, which not as good as that? Mind you to change Buddhist monastic discipline nevertheless child. 4 spirit complementary day. Possible still, matching a silver-colored bursa

4, implied meaning of absurd argument of a book from heaven?

 " absurd argument of a book from heaven " an animation teleplay that is chinese mainland, the expeditionary story in telling about a flock of children to be in world of secret a book from heaven. The implied meaning of this work can undertake unscrambling from the following respects:

1.Courage and expeditionary spirit: The children in the story are in when facing sealed challenge, maintaining courage and expeditionary spirit from beginning to end, ceaseless attempt solves difficult problem, finished the job successfully finally. This implied meaning encourages people to be in when facing sealed challenge, want to courage and determination go explore and trying.

2.Friendship and solidarity cooperate: The story is having deep friendship and unitive collaboration mind between medium children, they are mutual support, help and encourage, overcame all sorts of difficulty jointly. This implied meaning encourages people to be when it is difficult to face, knot wanting a group cooperates, mutual support.

3.Knowledge and wisdom: The children in the story pass continuous study and exploration, mastered all sorts of skill and knowledge gradually, solved difficult problem finally. This implied meaning encourages people otherwise to break study and exploration, accumulate knowledge and wisdom.

4.Justice and brave: When the children in the story face evil force, hold to justice and brave from beginning to end dare, take the bull by the horns, beat evil interest finally. This implied meaning encourages people to want to hold to justice and brave dare, him protection is avoided with other suffer harm.

The place on put together is narrated, " absurd argument of a book from heaven " the implied meaning includes He Yong of He Zhihui of courage and expeditionary spirit, friendship and unitive collaboration, knowledge, justice to dare wait for a respect, encourage people to want active exploration, group to written guarantee collaboration, continuous study is mixed hold to justice.

5, gist of absurd argument of a book from heaven?

It is a Ju " smooth bewitching is passed " the part is paragraphic adapt, tell about the Yuan Gong in heavenly palace to travel a book from heaven the world, be born to the egg impart magic arts benefit at civilian story, be full of comedic style, rhythm is lively, amusement is strong. Heavenly palace " secretary cabinet " Gong Chengyu of deacon personnel Yuan during Di Fuyao pool meets, beat stone niche door, illicit take descend to the world of a book from heaven, engrave character of a book from heaven on the cliff of hole of white cloud of cloud dream hill. Because Yuan Gong reveals secret, offended day, jade emperor punishs him a book from heaven of lifelong guard cliff. One day, yuan Gong steps Yun Xunshan, the road encounters an egg to be born, to pass a book from heaven at the world, he enjoins an egg to be born wait for censer of white cloud mouth of a cave to promote colour smoke, take white paper, develop leaves a book from heaven on the cliff in the hole. The egg is born to enjoined develop to leave a book from heaven by Yuan Gong. Yuan Gong shows an egg to be born to learn frequently to practice hard again, apply a book from heaven to be civilian benefit. The egg is unripe assiduously study a book from heaven, treat locust to provide disaster relief, rid the people of the evil. Egg of vulpine essence hate is unripe cloggy its do evil, make fun of plot to steal go a book from heaven, collude feudal official, continue damage common people. The egg is unripe recover a book from heaven, match powers for many times with vulpine essence. When the egg is born to contend for a book from heaven with vulpine essence, yuan Gong comes, he called in a book from heaven, cong Huaizhong draws out white stone lens, the fox pressing of essence of life dies below Yun Mengshan. Yuan Gong expects oneself escape hard the arm of the law of the middle of forhead, give an egg to be born a book from heaven, enjoin he remembers character of a book from heaven in the heart at once. Next Yuan Gong uses an expression burn oneself out of igneous general a book from heaven. In a moment thunder accompanies each other, make known to lower levels of jade emperor imperial edict, capture Yuan Gong die front courtyard accusatory. 1983 " it is full-length film of the 3rd animation of Chinese. Be up to now the six ministries in feudal China of beautiful picture works in classical animation full-length film have the animation that achieves a clue formerly exclusively. As a full length animation, the clue is labyrinthian, be full of be concerned about. The score all without exception of numerous character is lifelike, egg essence of unripe, Yuan Gong, fox, county too Yin of father, government office, small emperor personality is distinct. Whole story is wonderful and fluent, more god-given is, it has homebred cartoon to rectify a god-given sense of humor in Chinese film even. The abbot bonze that contends for vulpine essence to roughhouse is in fane, the county that come appears ceaselessly in cornucopia too grandfather father, call a person split one's sides with laughter unceasingly. No matter be in of the story achieve formerly, character modelling, behavioral design, all without exception of character dialogue respect achieved the summit of animation of a China. Although answer the past to look with present eye, also the animation that a bit fastens day of department unlike the United States is inferior

6, how does the thing sell in game of webpage of absurd argument of a book from heaven?

Look for NPC to nod him (like the shop) the place that chooses you to want to buy next is good by the buying below, consider good measure, press affirmatory

7, game of webpage of absurd argument of a book from heaven 100 class how metempsychosis?

Be in " absurd argument of a book from heaven " in webpage game, after the part reachs 100 level, can undertake metempsychosis. The need before metempsychosis obtains the following condition: Grade reachs 100 level; Finish job of 100 class masterstroke; Have enough metempsychosis rock (can pass participate in an activity or use a shoe-shaped gold or silver ingot used as money in feudal China to buy) ; Task of the metempsychosis that finish handles in old man of antarctic celestial being.

After task of the metempsychosis that finish, the part is renascence 1 class, but all skill before meeting reservation metempsychosis, equipment and prop.

After metempsychosis, the part will acquire taller attribute addition and skill social estate, and game content of Jie Suoxin and play a way.

8, the character of absurd argument of a book from heaven?

: of male a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct? : of female a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct of arrowy υ ? ? : of male assassin of? of Gang ferociousing cook over a slow fire? : of female assassin of leave uncovered? ? : of female magician of? of dumpling Qia melt? Qin  ?

9, strategy of the red inside absurd argument of a book from heaven?

The strategy of the red inside absurd argument of a book from heaven:

1. is spat inside red uses up experience of many Xiu Lian, spend whole life, do not have a thing to often be not swallowed often spit.

2. if appearance of the red inside make choice of of the red inside full grade of pet of absurd argument of a book from heaven, look for as far as possible please group attack bestow favor on come the red inside the belt, if you are VIP, search as far as possible 65, 75.85, wait X5 level a moment, in an attempt to is the biggest turn rule of thumb.

3. gobbles up equipment is not emperor lift, the given experience that repair refine is little and costly, what cruel VIP comes is fast.

10, big ending of absurd argument of a book from heaven?

The egg gave birth to help Yuan Gong to destroy vulpine essence of life together, yuan fair church the egg gives birth to a lot of things, he exhorts the egg is unripe must be civilian benefit, cannot maleficent, next because Yuan Gong offends day a the middle of forhead that be answered by detain, the egg is born to look at Yuan Gong to leave his and go is sad very.

Yuan Gong from the purloin in the middle of forhead a book from heaven repairs refine to become spirit accordingly, follow Yuan Gong to learn magic arts together to kill one party egg to be born, meet vulpine essence of life together with Yuan Gong next but they still are finally was born to subdue an egg to be born to rid the people of the evil with Yuan Gong by Yuan Gong and egg, saved common people people, but the fault of a book from heaven of Yuan Gong theft cannot Rao Shu just is returned before before leaving very hate to part with an egg to be born

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