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1. 倾听孩子:当孩子情绪低落、愤怒或沮丧时,首先要做的是倾听孩子,让孩子感受到你的关心和理解,让孩子觉得自己被认可和尊重;

2. 与孩子沟通:与孩子进行沟通,询问孩子的情绪源头,帮助孩子理解和表达自己的情绪,让孩子感受到自己的情绪是被接纳和理解的;

3. 给孩子正面的情绪引导:给孩子正面的情绪引导,用积极的语言、表情和动作来鼓励和支持孩子,让孩子感受到爱和温暖;

4. 帮助孩子找到解决问题的方法:帮助孩子找到解决问题的方法,让孩子学会如何管理自己的情绪,如何面对和解决问题;

5. 引导孩子学会自我调节:在孩子的情绪出现波动时,引导孩子学会自我调节,如深呼吸、放松肌肉、运动、听音乐等方式,让孩子学会控制自己的情绪。














One, how to use mental health of undergraduate of dredge of humanitarian consideration spirit?

Maintain mental health through what dredge of humanitarian consideration spirit makes an undergraduate true:

1, knowledge of consciousness study psychology, seek the fine drug of mental health

2, make excessive demands not overly to oneself, establish target moderate, nurturance " common state of mind "

3, not exorbitant to the expectation of other, avoid disappointed feeling

4, not blind competes with other classmate everywhere, avoid het-up

5, enter collective activity actively, enlarge social association

6, strengthen a volition to take exercise, optimistic " disposition mood " .

2, how is dredge negative mood?

1, the society pours out: Proper and homeward person or the friend pours out not happy thing, do not want hold back to be in the heart, it is better psychological dredge method;

2, prescind force: When having negative sentiment, can go dedicated at another thing, do a few favorite businesses for instance, hear a few relaxed and happy music, alleviate negative sentiment;

3, conversion thinks: Ponder over a problem from different point of view, alleviate or remove psychological pressure;

4, lower expectation: To the person all round or the thing lowers expectation appropriately, can feel the mood gets relaxation;

5, abreact appropriately: The means that abreact has a lot of kinds, campaign can have when pressure is great, like ran, dance etc, perspire through motion abreact undesirable mood, can loosen the body and heart, alleviate psychological pressure;

6, active psychological suggestion: When having negative sentiment, want to encourage oneself from good side, tell oneself failure often has, want to be faced with common heart, not beyond the mark enlarge fails. Bygone affection has gone, want to learn to look ahead, too kink goes, unalterable also past.

When occurrence psychology problem, want to undertake correct psychological dredge, the doctor can be searched to help when ability is limited.

3, how is dredge traitorous period?

Dredge is traitorous period the method is as follows:

1, the guiding of the parent that include and understands pair of children is most important, the child goes against what need parents more instead to include more with consideration, give more understanding.

2, if child achievement is paid no attention to,think, or the child's achievement fluctuates somewhat, we cannot criticize this moment the child because they also may be effort, we should be good comfort the child, the psychological growth that ability of such as time passes give the child creates a vacuum.

3, effective communication also is very important a main event that understands the child, there still is very much acting channel between the child and parent this cannot avoid.

4, to reduce this best method sits together namely well a little, parents also should drop frame work, well the idea that goes knowing children, such ability reduce conflict.

5, the way that parents teach the child also needs a change, the times is developing, we always also cannot be the same old stuff, also be the think of a way that wants ceaseless study ability to know children.

6, the life that tries to blend in children, do the child to like the business that do, care the child's hobby, attend a meeting birthday to children, can become their friend more so, have a thing they also can be told to you.

4, how Where is dredge psychology?

The method of psychological dredge has a lot of, should I feel be: above all? > don't have buccal whistle Pai is Yao of black of fall from the sky of be favored with of  of be used to of Bei of harmonious of helmet of danger  sigh shallow is Nuo of Jiang Saoyun noise of  of λ of Bei of  of Ni of Chang of detain of bamboo-plaited basket or suitcase of bridge of  of  of Wei Mo of Pai of suddenly of  showing disrespect or contempt graceful does  making fun of  read amaranth > alliance  chasm?

Next, want to let them start to talk, great much psychogenic disorder person, it is relative introversion, close even, very not good at in human association at expressing him point of view, in the life not dare or do not be good at expressing him feeling, meddlesome evildoing hold back is in him psychology, so we should let him start to talk. Should be institutional listen respectfully again, every psychogenic disorder person the story that may a paragraph of others does not know, or it is the past that he is not willing to mention, or it is the person that they lack to hear their story seriously. We should be so serious quiet audition their story, hear their point of view, do not make a comment temporarily, reject his criticism especially.

Share, share a few with his similar experience, speak your processing means in yourself experience and viewpoint next.

Finish these see him react again, what I feel psychology is true is very abstruse very magical knowledge, because face different person, can different new thing is worth to discuss, a lot of moment should be new knowledge is acquired when giving others dredge, have new comprehension, even each other get dredge!

5, how the mood of dredge child?

The method of dredge child mood because expression of the child's age, disposition, mood different and somewhat difference, but the following is more general and applicable method:

1.Listen attentively to the child: When low, indignant or child mood is depressed, what should do above all is to listen attentively to the child, let the child experience your care and understanding, let the child feel to he is approved and be respected;

2.Communicate with the child: Undertake communication with the child, ask mood source of the child, help child understanding and the sentiment that express oneself, be admitted and the sentiment that lets the child experience his understands;

3.The mood that gives the child the obverse side guides: The mood that gives the child the obverse side guides, will encourage and bear the child with active language, expression and movement, let the child experience love and warmth;

4.Help child finds the method that solves a problem: Help child finds the method that solves a problem, let the child learn how to manage his mood, how be faced and solve a problem;

5.Guide the child to learn ego adjustment: Appear in the child's mood when wave motion, guide the child to learn ego adjustment, like deep breathing, loosen muscle, motion, hear the kind such as music, let the child learn to dominate his sentiment.

Those who need an attention is, in the process of dredge child mood, the mood that should respect the child and experience, the mood of not negative child and experience, also want to give the child to support and be encouraged enoughly at the same time.

6, how to do psychological dredge?

Psychological dredge must have specific aim. Before looking for specific aim again, must understand the origin of the psychological crucial point of the other side. Include his experience. Family. Culture, disposition, disposition is waited a moment. Next the center according to the crucial point in his heart. All sorts of measure that adopt him to be able to be accepted. Method. Progressively unlock a knot in one's heart in his heart. This is psychological dredge.

7, how to undertake psychological dredge?

Dredge of psychology of 5 paces gimmick 5 paces gimmick: Listen respectfully, divisional, query, report and guide. 7 essentials 1, main body feature and capacity demand 2, object feature and subjective appeal to beg 3, environmental feature and structural motivation 4, dredge direction and objective setting 5, method choice and plan make 6, working attitude and dredge effect 7, time-out adjusts and stop actively: 1, cleared people heart is hanged hinder with the obstacle, improvement is state of body disease, life, human the problem such as career of feeling of relation, marriage, job and monetary money;

8, student from incomplete how psychological dredge?

OK to having the student of psychogenic disorder the characteristic of the psychology according to its oneself, the guiding of successive, offer care, establish self-confidence, walk out of psychological shadow.

9, how tendency of dredge child same sex?

The same sex tendency of dredge child, it is to arrange the child to make friend with opposite sex contact as far as possible, inspire the opposite sex appeal of revulsive child.

The 2 contacts that are direct intervention child and same sex communicate frequency.

10, how to do psychological dredge to the teacher?

Teach a teacher obedient president, who distinguishing is a leader, who is by the leader, dry very substaintial job goes, teacher psychology problem is to blame a leader. Feel inequitable to bring about. The teacher cannot run the president, if the teacher goes teaching bureau can be in charge of, get the place that understands oneself. Cannot be in charge of obedient, worked to go! Work more, make contribution for the school more.

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