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今天就为大家盘点一下那些逆天的google 黑科技!Google Ngram ViewerGoogle在2005年开始Google Books Library Project项目,试图囊括自现代印刷术发明以来的全世界所有的书刊。至2012年,已完成超过520万本书,包含5千亿个单词。Google Books Library Project与Google's Partner Program共同组建成广为人知的 Google Books。1.AutoDraw


这个功能可不是像国内软件一样要对准一个单词半天才会显示的那种,而是当你打开的一瞬间,你相机里所有英文单词都能秒变中文,而且跟背景配合得非常好。3.Google 相册

最大的特点:免费无限空间,超智能它会自动识别照片内容为你分类、制作相册影集和视频,你可以在线自动制作视频剪辑和配乐。还能利用人工智能自动帮你检索图片的内容4.Google 文化学院




5. 谷歌人体浏览器2010年12月17日,谷歌推出了一款名为谷歌人体浏览器(Google Body Browser)实验项目。通过浏览器能查看人体构造!这个项目是一款针对人体推出的谷歌地球(Google Earth),可以对人体模型进行3D浏览。谷歌在WebGL Camp环境中展示了这款应用。如果使用支持该技术的浏览器访问,便可以获得一个人体解剖学3D模型,还可以放大、缩小、旋转甚至搜索。



不过 Google的确有在研究进一步的隐形眼镜式的其他设备, 比如电影《谍中谍》里隐形眼镜:

7.Google Atlas 机器人

这款用古希腊巨人命名的机器人是一款人形搜索和救援机器人,能在崎岖地形上行走并保持平衡。Atlas装备了带有激光测距仪的双镜头3D视觉系统和十分灵活的铝钛合金四肢和双手,这些装备赋予了Atlas在极端危险的环境中执行复杂任务的能力。8.jacquard:衣物智能Jacquard对于时尚产业来说,还是一块空白的画布。设计师不需要了解电子器件,就可以任意添加新的功能层,打造各式各样的衣服。”目前谷歌已经与Levi Strauss公司合作,推出了 Google + Levi’s 智能夹克 Project Jacquard夹克是 Project Jacquard 的第一件单品,在 Levi’s 经典的卡车夹克 (Trucker Jacket) 基础上,于左袖口的位置加入了一组导电纤维,总面积大约为 5 x 5 厘米。

它目前支持扫(水平向前和向后)和双击三种手势,可以在配套的手机 App 上修改手势对应的操作。我穿上夹克在奥斯丁的大雨里跑了一会,音乐暂停和切歌、接听和挂断电话、收听导航通知都没有问题。

虽然手势有限,但导电纤维其实是支持感应不同力度的(就像手写板和 iPhone 的 3D touch 一样),所以等面市时的支持手势应该会更多。和目前市面上的卡车夹克不同,这件夹克属于 Levi’s 旗下的 Commuter 系列,面向自行车骑行者推出,在后背和腰部加入了 Commuter 系列标志性的银色反光条。

左袖扣换成了一个圆形的接口,用来连接外置的蓝牙模块。蓝牙模块是长条形的,也有震动的功能,在穿戴的时候,一端扣在接口上,另一端是 USB 公头用于充电,可以插在袖子上的一个小缝里,既不会显得突兀,也不会掉出来。

9.Nest Labs,

Nest恒温器又叫Nest温控器,是美国Nest Lab智能家居设备商推出的具有自我学习功能的智能温控装置,它可以通过记录用户的室内温度数据,智能识别用户习惯,并将室温调整到最舒适的状态。Nest内置了多种类型的传感器,可以不间断地监测室内的温度、湿度、光线以及恒温器周围的环境变化,比如它可以判断房间中是否有人(是否有移动),并以此决定是否开启温度调节设备。



It is everybody today check those Google black science and technology that counter a day! Google Ngram ViewerGoogle began project of Google Books Library Project 2005, try sabretache draw together the whole world since contemporary typographic invention all books and periodicals. To 2012, already completed more than 5.2 million books, contain one billion two hundred and fifteen million seven hundred and fifty-two thousand one hundred and ninety-two 5 words. Google Books Library Project and Google's Partner Program establish the Google Books of well known jointly. 1.AutoDraw

This is a god that develops by cereal song engineer implement, pass talent stylist people design, integrate the code of talent engineers, the ghost that lets you draws peach wood charms against evil and talent picture to make intelligence match, it is the good news of party of numerous hand incomplete, you can make PPT with it 2.Google of picture of small perhaps letter is translated immediately

This function can not be to resemble domestic software wanting what half talent can show to aim a word euqally the sort of, what open when you however is flashy, all English words in your camera can the second changes Chinese, and blend with setting first-rate. 3.Google album

The biggest characteristic: Free and infinite space, exceed intelligence it can identify photograph content automatically to be album of the your classification, album that make and video, you are OK editing and rearrangement of the online and automatic video that make and dub in background music. The institute of content 4.Google culture that still can use artificial intelligence to help you automatically retrieve a picture

This is a project that digitlizes culture bequest of the mankind, most beginning is to pass artistic plan to understand, can see world name is drawn freely, art planned to more and more pictures are made li now with cultural relic. SamSung piles:

It is now in artistic plan, some pictures make still offerred explain:

Some still sustains a house inside panoramic graph, of be personally on the scene watch experience. . . . . Still have very a lot of more playing law, excuse me is not listed one by one.

5.Browser of cereal song human body on December 17, 2010, gu Ge rolled out the name is browser of cereal song human body (project of test of Google Body Browser) . Pass a browser to be able to examine human body construction! This project is a cereal song earth that rolls out in the light of human body (Google Earth) , can undertake to mannequin 3D is browsed. Gu Ge revealed this application in WebGL Camp environment. If use the browser visit that supports this technology, can obtain anatomy of a human body 3D model, OK still enlarge, contractible, rotate to be searched even.

6. intelligence is invisible glasses

This intelligence is invisible glasses should be called " ophthalmic electrochemistry passes feeling technology " , can read the chemical part in taking patient tear, should detect haemorrhage candy is low until a certain danger is worth, can pass inside the miniature LED lamp of buy issues warning to the patient. This project of Gu Ge belongs to the domain that feeling technology passes inside the eye actually, there is similar research project in a lot of research organizations nowadays. And these two patent meetings of Gu Ge let them be in lead position.

Nevertheless Google has really studying farther invisible the other equipment of glasses type, for instance the film " the espionage in espionage " in invisible glasses:

7.Google Atlas robot

This robot that names with ancient Greek giant is entity of a person search and rescuing robot, can go up in rugged landform and poise. The system of vision of 3D of double camera lens that Atlas equiped to contain laser range finder and limb of very agile aluminous titanium alloy and both hands, these equipment gifted the ability that Atlas carries out complex task in extremely dangerous environment. 8.jacquard: Clothings intelligence Jacquard to fashionable industry, still be canvas of a blank. Stylist does not need to understand electronic parts, can add new functional layer arbitrarily, make sundry clothing. " at present Gu Ge has cooperated with Levi Strauss company, rolled out Google + Levi ' the first sheet that jacket of Project Jacquard of S intelligence jacket is Project Jacquard is tasted, in Levi ' the lorry jacket with classical S (on Trucker Jacket) foundation, joined a group of electric fiber at the position of left cuff, gross area is 5 X 5 about centimeter.

It supports at present sweep (the level is mixed ahead backward) and doubleclick 3 kinds of gesticulation, the operation of gesticulation correspondence can be altered on the mobile phone App of form a complete set. I put on jacket to run a little while in Austen's heavy rain, music pauses and cut a song, receive listen and ring off, listen to navigation announcement to do not have a problem.

Although gesticulation is finite, but electric fiber is supportive induction actually of different strength (resemble handwritten board the 3D Touch with IPhone is same) , the supportive gesticulation when waiting for face city so should be met more. And the lorry jacket on market is at present different, this jacket belongs to Levi ' the Commuter series with subordinate S, face a bicycle to ride the person that go to roll out, what after back and waist joined sex of Commuter series mark is argent glance.

Left cuff-link changed the interface of a circle, with the blue tooth module of the buy outside join. Blue tooth module is strip form, also have quaky function, when apparel, one aspect of the matter is buckled go up in interface, another end is USB official head is used at charging, a when can be inserted on arm small seam in, both neither can appear abrupt, also won't drop.

9.Nest Labs,

Nest constant temperature implement call Nest again lukewarm accuse implement, it is intelligence of American Nest Lab the has ego study function intelligence that household equipment business rolls out is lukewarm charge unit, it can connect the indoor temperature data of overwriting user, intelligence identifies user habit, adjust room temperature the most comfortable position. The buy inside Nest the sensor of a variety of types, need not monitor indoor temperature, humidity, light and constant temperature discontinuously implement the environment all round changes, for instance it can judge a room in whether somebody (whether to have shift) , decide with this whether open thermoregulation equipment.

Have in its name " Learning " , because appliance of Nest constant temperature has study capacity, for instance your every time is in a certain establish time set a certain temperature, it can be recorded, pass the time of a week next, it can learn and remember the habit of daily work and rest of the user and temperature be fond of, and it can use algorithm make plan of a setting automatically, the habits and customs that wants you only did not produce change, you need a hand to use setting Nest constant temperature no longer implement.
