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One, chicken of prosperous of article of article prosperous chicken is Hainan first of 4 names dish, be in article prosperous city because of producing area and get a name, it is to carry excellent seed selection, the home of special local product of elaborate recipe feed raises chicken. Mix via excellent cooking after matching good spice, color is sleek, flavour alcohol is sweet, bone soft flesh is tender, taste slippery and not be bored with, sweet and not common, feed and not tire of, sweet beauty is goluptious.


2, with carapace with happy crab and happy crab fertilizer of hard, flesh creams much move says, cook method is varied, evaporate, boil, fry, bake, each have distinguishing feature, blame with " steam " for beautiful, maintain the delicacy of raw ingredient already, hold the beauty of original shape concurrently again. Besides in each old restaurant can take this course, also can be in the seafood market such as square of off-duty workers seafood has way of square of seafood of the first market, Chunyuan, friendship it, buy a few to be mixed freshly happy crab, in treatment inn is steamed, that is white the crab of tender crab flesh and fat creams can let your cannot help doing sth.


3, east goat east because the goat originates in Hainan 10 thousand peaceful city east mountain ridge and get a name. East goat hair color is fat Shang Nong of pitch-black, flesh, bright and not the smell of mutton, mouthfeel essence of slippery flesh of good, skin. The goat feeds law diversity east, burn, stew, boil each to have distinguishing feature.


4, add accumulate duck to add accumulate duck to say again " time duck " , gong Guanhuang web, feather is black and white alternate with, accumulate an area to raise a method because of fining jade sea city is added distinctive, appear " time duck " chest big, skin thin, bone soft, flesh is tender, the entrance is fat and not be bored with, common people is granted especially " add accumulate duck " good name, raise in order to distinguish other area " time duck " . Add accumulate duck to 3 kinds feed a law, but duck of make it Bai Qie, salted duck, burn duck, flavour all beautiful, 3 inferior each hotel and street edge cafeteria all can eat.


5, hold collect pink in the arms to hold collect pink in the arms, hainan is worn a local gust is fastfood, deserve to beautiful soup reachs a variety of spice modulation and be become with rice noodles made from bean or sweet potato starch. Bright of softness of powdery body whiteness slips, soup heats up flavour delicacy, spice is strange sweet be able to bear or endure masticatory, not the smell of mutton not be bored with, acid of Xian Xianglue belt is hot, inviting appetite, must soup pink, that ability is authentic hold collect pink in the arms. In 3 inferior the fastfood booth of ave lane can eat to hold collect pink in the arms with dining-room. River on the west a of the road authentic the flavour that holds collect pink in the arms is worth to recommend very much.


6, clear Bu Liangqing fills cool the sweetmeats of characteristic ice bright that is island of fashionable tropics Hainan. Basically be with ormosia (gram) , a variety of burden n/med the process of preparing Chinese medicine such as grandma of bead of flesh of the seed of Job's tears, earthnut, hollow pink, coco, red jujube, watermelon, pineapple bead, bean jelly, coco and become satisfy one's thirst glacial bright drink. Taste sweet glacial bright, and the seed of Job's tears, red jujube is very good to the female feed capable person, schoolgirls come 3 inferior must taste delicate healthy Qing Dynasty fills cool. Cool and refreshing the stall that fill pervades 3 inferior the ave is off-street, the four seasons all has. Low-cost, general every bowls of 3-5 yuan, still can ask according to individual be fond of inn-keeper is chosen on burden choose more little.

7, meal of coco meal coco renown coco boat, in the article prosperous and other places of Hainan, the classy beautiful that the boat form snack that edible is a bottom this kind with coconut meat is fete honoured guest and close friends is tasted. Coco meal practice is distinctive, it is by Hainan flesh of high grade polished glutinous rice, natural coco is mixed coconut juice together evaporate is ripe and into, it is tradition farming wife and children eats Hainan, do it a kind when be staple food more now. You can be in a lot of restaurants, the form of coco meal perhaps is found in the integrated market such as the first market, did not forget to come to taste to moment, in the city of dancing of this coco movie, sample typical coco meal, do not have local color one time.

8, south Shan Suzhai

"Blessing is like the East China Sea, the hill austral birthday comparing " the lucky blessing name that is eulogy of shedding of through the ages sentence. "South Shan Suzhai " it is the world a special skill more, be surely by Hainan province " state guest welcomes a drop " . Shan Suzhai is completely maigre south, it is the potherb with place, food crops miscellaneous fine, fungus, grind taro kind, bean curd kind, characteristic melon fruit for main raw material, use skill of modern culinary art, not accept meat or fish, combine the local distinguishing feature of Hainan, at the same time gust of place of collect north and south at an organic whole, constant period edible can raise Yan Meirong, defer consenescence, special the nutrient demand that accords with modern.

