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幼儿小常识简短版 幼儿健康教育小常识?英文双语对照


幼儿小常识简短版 幼儿健康教育小常识?英文双语对照
















3.陌生人强迫带你走时大喊救命并赶快逃走。 4.不要去偏僻的被空置的空屋和僻静暗处。


































1. 火源离我远一点,小心安全莫忘记。

2. 爬楼梯要小心,小手扶好才放心。

3. 汽车道路不宜玩,看见红灯就要站。

4. 电器使用得小心,插头正确插进去。

5. 水草泥腻手不揉,用肥皂水洗双手。

6. 哪里有火哪里热,千万别乱摸乱玩耍。

7. 厨房火锅要小心,妈妈边看边督促。

8. 攀树爬高兴头大,轻轻松松跌下来。

9. 朋友搭肩爱开玩,人肩不稳错一响。

10. 电视和手机离眼远,儿童长久对眼好。








1 坚持锻炼身体2 因为锻炼身体可以增强身体健康,提高免疫力,减少生病的几率,同时也可以缓解压力和焦虑,改善心情。3 每天保持30分钟至1小时的锻炼,如慢跑、瑜伽、游泳等,同时也要注意合理饮食和充足睡眠,保持良好的生活习惯,才能更好地维护身体健康。





Cheeper Xiaochang knows brief edition

A few safety use cheeper electric common sense

1, tell cheeper report has a lot of use, but report is very critical also, the person is like the meeting after getting an electric shock gets hurt or by electrocution, because this children cannot play electric equipment.

2, there is report in the electrical outlet on the wall, educational cheeper cannot use finger, penknife to wait go disclose, can get an electric shock otherwise.

3, electric equipment is before dump, cannot be brushed with damp hand or wet cloth.

4, cheeper is in outdoor when the activity, want to teach cheeper not to climb telegraph pole, do not make fun of downstream in the high tension line, cannot pull telegraph pole with the hand, get an electric shock in case.

Does cheeper health teach little common sense?

1. cheeper needs balanced diet, much draft fruit, vegetable, complete cereal, protein and health are adipose.

2. cheeper needs to drink enough water everyday, in order to maintain body moisture equilibrium.

3. cheeper needs proper exercise, conduce to healthy with development.

4. cheeper needs enough sleep, assure healthy with cerebrum development.

5. cheeper needs proper mood expression and experience, conduce to mental health development.

Does cheeper sow a newspaper to live is little common sense brief?

1. cannot go alone comfort station, by the bus, see a movie substandard gives an activity.

2. does not tell stranger the address in the home, telephone number.

When 3. stranger forces to take away you, cry to help and run away at once greatly. 4. Do not go devious by the empty house of empty buy and quiet shadow.

5. cannot accept the gift of stranger.

6. does not promise the request of stranger.

7. cannot enter the home of others alone.

It is breakneck that 8. meets the animal such as the dog, do not cause a dog to notice to yours, do not see it, leave slowly, do not run.

What does cheeper health teach little common sense to have?

Cheeper health teachs little common sense to include:

1. is diligent wash one's hands, keep wholesome;

2. balanced diet, reasonable nutrition;

3. moves more, powerful body;

4. on time work and rest, assure Morpheus;

5. does not indulge game, reject unhealthy addiction.

What does little common sense of safety of nursery school health have?

(1) go up nursery school when, or is received by father mother send, or is received by school bus send, do not make darling alone go to school with what classes are over.

(2) on the journey that father mother begins to want to tell to the child is going to school and classes are over from now, do not be in stranger of driveway or the local have fun that have risk, disaccord speaks, want to abide by traffic regulation, cross a driveway to want zebra crossing, red light stops, green light goes.

(3) when walking, want to look at ahead not to gaze around.

(4) do not talk with stranger, do not accept the thing that others gives casually.

(5) nib, scissors is not taken when learning to the child, lest stab.

(6) not unconscious head sleeps when siesta, not outside bed of smell of gangmaster, hand

(7) do not run to bump in disorder in disorder in mobile room chaos, into lavatory when do not push not crowded, prevent to slip.

(8) when outdoors activity or large toy, do not push not crowded, when taking appliance, do not contend for do not grab, assure safety.

(9) fluctuation stair little hand is helping handle up to lean right go, do not retreat do not pull, do not jump step.

(10) let children remember deliverance telephone call: "110.119.120 " how should use. This also is the little knowledge of nursery school safety that need knows.

(11) phone of the full name that lets the child remember the address in the home and father and mother, connection, be ready for any eventuality.

(12) do not take little thing to head nursery school, lest create risk. Say button, brooch, toothpick for example these unfavorable belts enter nursery school.

Is fire prevention little common sense brief?

Fire prevention little common sense:

Do not play with fire, do not move back and forth at will wiring.

Leave home notice water, report, coal implement whether is switch shut.

In the home once on fire, must keep one's hair on.

Discover igneous affection unplugs quickly dozen of fire telephone 119.

Family expenses fire extinguisher should be deployed in the family.

Always remember fire prevention safety well, raise consciousness of fire prevention safety.

Is doggerel of little common sense of nursery school safety brief?

1.Igneous cause is a bit further from me, careful safety not forgets.

2.Climb stair to want caution, little hand helps nice gift up to be at ease.

3.Car road is unfavorable play, see red light is about to stand.

4.Electric equipment is used carefully, plug is inserted correctly go in.

5.Hand of aquatic mud be bored with is not kneaded, wash both hands with suds.

6.Where to have igneous where heat, must not feel random play in disorder.

7.Kitchen chaffy dish should take care, mother side sees an edge supervise and urge.

8.Climb a tree to climb the keen interest is large, light light Song Song drops come down.

9.The friend builds a shoulder to love to play, person shoulder is flabby the fault rings.

10.TV and mobile phone are far from the eye, children is long cross-eye is good.

These doggerel are dapper, easy memory, suit child learning, remind them to want to notice them safety.

Does Xiaochang know life health?

Sleep early rise early not to stay up late sleep must the rule!

Food is delicate eat protein of digestible food complement more.

Physical training is very important, hold to the motion having oxygen of half hour everyday.

Good state of mind is the most important.

Is the life healthy ' little common sense?

1 insist to exercise 2 because exercise,can increase healthy, enhance immune power, reduce ailing odds, also can alleviate at the same time pressure and angst, improve the mood. 3 maintain 30 minutes to come 1 hour everyday take exercise, if canter, gem gal, swim etc, also want to notice reasonable food and enough sleep at the same time, maintain good habits and customs, ability is safeguarded better healthy.

Does health use Shui Xiaochang to know?

Water is the substantial that makes our human body, human body is water for the most part. After so with water morning of a lot of common sense gets up: Must drink water, because it is a day of body,begin to run.

10: 00 the left and right sides: The water of prediction of a person's luck in a given year of the place when OK and additional work divides the water that drinks right now;15: 00 the left and right sides: This just is the time; that drinks afternoon tea before sleeping: Because be in Morpheus,haemal chroma can increase, drink water OK and diluent blood.

