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一、南洪街,在火车站(旁边是大悦城)对面,阳光一百旁边振华商厦对面的一条小街里,市中心的商圈都围绕着它,从小街中途穿出来能看到振华购物中心 南大街购物城可以买买买,推荐振华购物中心旁边的老字号泰丰炸鸡,走到小街尽头再走一条小街(两街相连只有即可)可以感受有点古街的气氛,但是多半已经现代化了,有出息这两条街的尽头是世贸百货,旁边就是烟台山海边,渔人码头,月亮老人。 二、三站小商品批发市场,有很短的一条小吃街,三站如果想买小商品(多数是批发)也可以逛一逛,还有卖数码产品的,三站旁边是烟台汽车站和百盛大润发 三、万达步行街,在万达后面一条步行街有很多吃的,虽算不上小吃,但是可以逛逛万达嘛,推荐一家炸鸡“叫了个鸡”在小吃街二楼,我吃着不错 市中心的话大概就这几个了,如果去别的区还有很多,像烟大小吃街等等















公交线路:86路两甲埠线,全程约4.1公里1、从烟台站步行约140米,到达火车站北广场站2、乘坐86路两甲埠线,经过6站, 到达上夼美食街站3、步行约100米,到达上夼西路












1. 烟台莱阳大米:烟台莱阳大米是烟台当地的特色农产品,以米粒饱满、口感细腻、营养丰富而闻名。烟台的大米被誉为“稻花香里出白玉,洛阳纸质斩新奇”,是食客们必品的美食之一。

2. 烟台海胆:烟台海胆是烟台当地的特色海鲜,其肉质细腻、口感鲜美,是烟台海鲜中的佼佼者。烟台海胆还可以生吃,口感更加爽口。

3. 烟台鲅鱼水饺:烟台鲅鱼水饺是烟台的传统小吃之一,选用新鲜的鲅鱼肉和各种调料,制成馅料,搭配特制的饺子皮制成,口感鲜美、汁多香糯。

4. 烟台烤鱿鱼:烟台人喜欢用牙签串好的鱿鱼,在炭火上烤制,再配上特制的调料,简单而美味,是烟台的传统小吃之一。

5. 烟台葱花饼:烟台葱花饼是烟台的传统小吃之一,选用优质面粉和葱花制成,外酥里嫩、香味扑鼻,是烟台的特色美食之一。

6. 烟台烤章鱼:烟台烤章鱼是烟台的传统小吃之一,选用新鲜的章鱼,在炭火上烤制,再配上特制的调料,口感鲜美,是烟台的特色美食之一。





One, which cate street does Yantai railway station leave close?

One, Na Hong street, be in a railway station (on the side it is exultation city) on, sunshine 100 on the side in a on mansion of Zhen Hua business small market, the business of downtown is encircled around move it, as a child street midway is worn come out to be able to see shopping city of the ave austral Zhen Hua shopping centers can be bought buy, recommend the fried chicken of abundant of old name peaceful on the side of Zhen Hua shopping centers, go to the end of small market to take a small market again (two markets are joined to have only can) the atmosphere that can experience a bit ancient market, but most is already modern, have prospect the end of these two streets is world trade general merchandise, yantai hill seaside is on the side, fishing person dock, lunar old person. 2, terminal market of 3 stations small commodities, have a very short fastfood market, if 3 stations want to buy small commodities (majority is wholesale) also can ramble, still have those who sell a number the product, yantai station and hair of 100 royal embellish are on the side of 3 stations 3, 10 thousand amount to a shopping mall, in 10 thousand amount to from the back a shopping mall has a lot of to eat, although do not calculate,go up fastfood, but can ramble 10 thousand amount to, recommend a fried chicken " made a chicken " in fastfood street 2 buildings, if I am taking pretty good downtown probably with respect to these a few, if go,other area still has a lot of, size resembling smoke eats a street to wait a moment

2, cate of Yantai blessing hill?

Blessing hill pulls face blessing hill to pull a face to call blessing hill bedding face again, cooked wheaten food of Shandong area tradition, already had history of 229 years

Dish of tradition of county of hill of blessing of Yantai of Shandong of blessing hill carbonado, its advocate makings choose real estate in those days chickling

Yantai stew child Yantai traditional name eats, already had history of about a hundred years. Make stew by classy melon pink group child

Broth of Shang Qinglong of flesh of green dragon goat's goat is the local cate with a mountainous area blessing, get of local people like

3, strategy of cate of street of cate of boreal Dai He?

Come boreal Dai He travels must engorge eats place's delicate seafood especially, north wears river seafood is the seafood with our delicious country. Local likes to steam seafood, no matter be crab, shrimp or clam, put sail upstream, steam, juice of the vinegar that nod ginger dips in when eating, that is bright!

North wears river cate seafood to basically two kinds have a way:

One kind is seafood 8 bowls big, pure seafood big eat, big city waits in Beijing at least 3000 yuan seafood great dinner (10 people) , the group is bought only 998 yuan, domestic level (3 people) only 398 yuan.

Still one is plant is the seafood barbecue that has distinguishing feature alone, shrimp of boold clam of rainbow of bleb fish, beautiful clam, yellow clam, whetstone, wool, squid, sea waits; Bake prawn especially very delicate.

Boreal Dai He bakes prawn raw material to wear the prawn of the river to give priority to with north, energy industry is fine after doing, again complementary with juice of right amount soup, its modelling is vivid, colour and lustre is gorgeous, fragrance is full-bodied, because shrimp put oneself in another's position is larger, the flesh is qualitative delicate, nutrition is rich. Fresh the line in prawn body lubricious blueness greens jade, exquisitely carved. Ripe hind the orange that open system is red, be like coral carve, the scenery of view is gorgeous pleasing to the eye, those who feed is delicious and unusual, for shrimp kind top grade. Prawn is the marine animal that contains a lot ofmicroelement Selenium, and selenium is a kind of human body fights the cancer, microelement that prevents cancer indispensibly. It is had to the carcinogenic substance such as B1 of yellow aspergillus element destroy effect, to the harmful to human body metal such as lead, stannum noxiousness material has Jie to fight action. Selenium can restrain the main factor that cancer and consenescence basically send inside body- - of freedom radical generate, can improve systemic immunity function. Epidemiology moves check fact, when selenium is short of inside body, of cancer come on odds heighten, because this makes sure human body is regular of selenium element absorb, it is one of crucial step that prevent cancer.

4, rank of cate of street of cate of lake of overgrown with weeds?

The cate of street of cate of lake of overgrown with weeds is ranked, the first should be barbecue, the 2nd is barbecue, the 3rd should be tea with milk

5, stand to go up from Yantai does road cate street do Kuang on the west what car?

Public transportation circuitry: Line of port of 86 two armour, whole journey makes an appointment with 4.1 kilometers 1, make an appointment with 140 meters on foot from Yantai station, arrive at square of railway station north to stand 2, take line of port of 86 two armour, through 6 stations, arrive on Kuang cate street stands 3, make an appointment with 100 meters on foot, arrive on Kuang on the west road

6, is cate of area of Yantai Zhi Fu recommended?

Area of Yantai Zhi Fu has a lot of cate to be worth to try, provide most among them representative should belong to seafood. Recommend two inn here, one is " big wine shop of Quan Jude seafood " , the seafood here is fresh and phyletic and various, taste is very pure also; Another is " Wei lane 9 if write down barbecue " , the barbecue flavour here is admirable, the price is very substantial also. Besides, still a few snack bar also are worth to try, for instance " Home Laozheng fried dough twist " and " Huang Ji sugarcoated haws on a stick " , it is the snack bar that local loves.

7, does Yantai have what cate?

The cate of Yantai has a lot of kinds, include green deep-fried dough cake, calcium suckles biscuit, crab, prawn is waited a moment.

8, near Yantai station cate?

Have many delicious places.

Traffic hub of the city is near 1. railway station, there is a lot of all round shop of business door set up shop offers meal to serve here, include shop of cafeteria, fastfood booth, pastry to wait a moment, form quite diversiform meal to choose.

2. in addition, one of assemble ground of tourist also are near the railway station, to satisfy their requirement, a lot of shop provide characteristic cooked food of place technically, let a tourist sample local cate.

Business door is numerous near 3. railway station, can select taste and price according to individual be fond of, basically can satisfy popular requirement, no matter be snack,still be prandial can find the store that suits oneself.

9, Yantai characteristic cate?

Yantai is a when Shandong saves coastal city, be located in glue east peninsula, have substantial marine natural resources and produce resource, because the cate of this Yantai also is given priority to with seafood and farmhouse dish, it is cate of characteristic of a few Yantai below:

1.Yantai Lai in relief rice: Yantai Lai in relief rice is the characteristic produce of Yantai place, with grain of rice exquisite, nutrition abounds full, mouthfeel and famed. The rice of Yantai is known as " paddy flower is sweet in give Bai Yu, cut of Luoyang paper quality is new " , it is deadbeat people one of cate that taste surely.

2.Yantai sea urchin: Yantai sea urchin is the characteristic seafood of Yantai place, its flesh is qualitative exquisite, mouthfeel is delicious, it is the person above average in Yantai seafood. Yantai sea urchin still can be eaten raw, mouthfeel more tastily.

3.Boiled dumpling of Yantai Spanish mackerel: The tradition that boiled dumpling of Yantai Spanish mackerel is Yantai is fastfood one of, choose fresh Spanish mackerel the flesh and all sorts of condiment, make stuffing material, tie-in and tailor-made dumpling skin is made, mouthfeel delicious, juice is much sweeter glutinous.

4.Yantai bakes a squid: Yantai person likes to string together good squid with toothpick, bake on charcoal fire make, deserve to go up again tailor-made condiment, simple and delicate, the tradition that is Yantai is fastfood one of.

5.Cake of Yantai chopped green onion: The tradition that cake of Yantai chopped green onion is Yantai is fastfood one of, choose high grade flour and chopped green onion to be made, outside crisp li of tender, fragrance is tangy, it is one of characteristic cate of Yantai.

6.Yantai bakes octopus: The tradition that the Yantai octopus that bake is Yantai is fastfood one of, choose fresh octopus, bake on charcoal fire make, deserve to go up again tailor-made condiment, mouthfeel is delicious, it is one of characteristic cate of Yantai.

Above is a few famous cate of Yantai, still have a lot of other cate of course, if bake breast,columbine, Yantai mixes fried dumpling of dish, Yantai, it is the characteristic cate of Yantai, be worth to try.

10, Dongguan cate street?

Road of Dongguan silver-colored abundant feeds a market is Dongguan one of cate streets of flourishing of energy of life of a person, numerous, flavour comes from dining-room here all corners of the land, all sorts of taste assemble. Here, you can take the dish form of authentic countrywide each district, the dish that be like Hunan, Thailand dish, plain dish, northeast dish, still Western-style food hall is waited a moment. It is the street of the 2nd cate inside the city zone, person " new garden new residential quarter " , coming to what silver-colored abundant road consumes is a few ab extra white-collars mostly, these people are old from countryside, yearn for home town cate again, the cate inn on silver-colored abundant road is given priority to with each district gust, jiangsu other people, Jin Ling eats the government office Su Zhe food that is a delegate, have office of Thailand dish, Western-style food, still inn of roast duck of plain dish, Yunnan dish, northeast dish, Beijing is waited a moment, also have the congee city that represents characteristic of Dongguan this locality, dish is various, compatible wrap.
