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虽然股票交易软件可能不一样,不过类似功能肯定大同小异。搜索选项或者查询选项,一般都是用一个放大镜图标表示。在查询这一目录下面寻找到交割单选项,或者资金流水选项, 这些都能查询出你的历史交易数据。





4.如果有买进没有卖出记录的话的话就去开户网点咨询 现在将近3块钱每股了 有300块别浪费




股票证券交易费用包括三部分: 1.印花税:成交金额的1‰,只有卖出时收取。 2.过户费(仅上海股票收取):每1000股收取1元,不足1000股按1元收取。 3.券商交易佣金:最高为成交金额的3‰,最低5元起,单笔交易佣金不满5元按5元收取 异地通讯费:由各券商自行决定收不收。 股票买进费用: 1.佣金0.1%-0.3%,根据你的证券公司决定,但是佣金最低收取标准是5元。比如你买了1000元,实际佣金应该是3元,但是不到5元都按照5元收取。 2.过户费(仅仅限于沪市)。每一千股收取1元。








日期 收盘价 涨跌额 涨跌幅 成交量(股) 成交额(元)

2021-09-10 18.90 +0.12 +0.64% 216,223,603 4,081,757,070

2021-09-09 18.78 -0.29 -1.52% 203,733,105 3,836,768,760

2021-09-08 19.07 -0.12 -0.63% 240,299,495 4,568,292,366

2021-09-07 19.19 -0.11 -0.57% 245,372,976 4,687,909,382

2021-09-06 19.30 +0.43 +2.28% 303,985,818 5,890,347,853

2021-09-03 18.87 +0.15 +0.80% 246,364,389 4,633,373,663

2021-09-02 18.72 +0.17 +0.92% 234,342,772 4,398,711,419

2021-09-01 18.55 -0.02 -0.11% 180,334,760 3,341,945,907

2021-08-31 18.57 -0.29 -1.54% 266,552,921 4,981,173,413

2021-08-30 18.86 +0.06 +0.32% 239,408,775 4,510,314,373










1. 证券交易所官方网站:许多证券交易所会在其官方网站上提供股票的历史交易数据。你可以访问相关交易所的网站,使用其提供的股票查询工具或搜索功能,输入相应的股票代码或名称来查询历史交易信息。

2. 金融信息服务提供商:一些金融信息服务提供商(如雅虎财经、谷歌财经)会提供免费或付费的股票市场数据和历史交易信息查询工具。你可以访问这些网站或使用相关的移动应用程序,输入股票代码或名称来获取历史交易信息。

3. 经纪商或券商的交易平台:如果你是经纪商或券商的客户,一般会提供在线交易平台,其中提供了股票的历史交易数据查询功能。你可以登录到相应的交易平台,查找相关的历史交易信息。





How to inquire stock history trades detail?

Answer: ? Does the shovel send astounded grave be apt to to censure than  of  of press and smooth course of study of the grey Niao that catch Gou be good at does the  that install Qing protect  Yang to fold Sui of ∠ of caution of a huge legendary turtle of 8 castrate of spay?

Although the stock trades software may be different, similar nevertheless function is positive very much the same. Search option perhaps inquires option, it is to use icon of a magnifier to express commonly. Inquiring to only option of complete a business transaction is searched below this one catalog, or option of capital running water, these can inquire the history that gives you trades data.

Does stock history trade disappear how to search?

1. logs onto your negotiable securities account on computer above all

The history that 2. inquires you clinchs a deal record

Duan Youmu has the time that 3. sees point to in you clinch a deal (because of you precatory price can exist at that time the likelihood that cannot clinch a deal, if and won'ted do that day be being handed in, be to won't continue the following day effective)

If 4. has average to did not sell the word if giving a record to open an account the site seeks advice now near 3 money every have fasten waste 300 pieces

Do I want to delete stock history to trade record?

Because clinch a deal,the record is to be in certificate trade department, so the history in date of negotiable securities Zhang hands in easy information to cannot be deleted, unless you changed business of a certificate to open an account afresh, the share that can have you transfers the past (ask someone else to do what is asked of one is in charge of) , in that way, be in new certificate trade office, your history clinched a deal to be done not have, in the meantime, the stock that you turn around buys cost to also can show for 0, because be in,new business department clinchs a deal without yours record.

Does Shanghai trade does the stock trade how much is charge?

Stock negotiable securities trades charge includes 3 shares: 1. Stamp duty: Clinch a deal the 1 ‰ of amount, sell the collection when going out only. 2. Change the name of owner in a register expends (only) of Shanghai stock collection: Every 1000 collection 1 yuan, inadequacy presses 1 yuan of collection 1000 times. 3. Certificate business trades commission: Highest to clinch a deal the 3 ‰ of amount, lowest rises 5 yuan, odd pen trades commission dissatisfaction presses cost of communication of ground of different of 5 yuan of collection 5 yuan: By each certificate business write one's own ticket does not close. Stock average charge: 1. Commission 0.1%-0.3% , according to your stockjobber decision, but standard of commission lowest collection is 5 yuan. For instance you bought 1000 yuan, real brokerage should be 3 yuan, but be less than 5 yuan according to 5 yuan of collection. 2. Change the name of owner in a register is expended () of city of Shanghai of mere be confined to. 1000 each collection 1 yuan.

How to inquire the stock trades that day does history of account of data inquiry stock trade detail?

Answer: ? Does the shovel send astounded grave be apt to to censure than  of  of press and smooth course of study of the grey Niao that catch Gou be good at does the  that install Qing protect  Yang to fold does Cong of K of Sui of ∠ of caution of a huge legendary turtle of 8 castrate of spay return provide for of  of press and smooth of grey at present of benzene of be apt to to exemplary does  of grey lie  return  to ping hey Po of δ Yun unoccupied place ù ?

How does Oriental fortune inquire stock history trades data?

The history that should inquire a stock trades data, can log onto Oriental fortune net, choose " data center " - " share data " - " historical prices " , input stock code and time limits, inquiry stock is in this time paragraph the history inside trades data, include open quotation price, closing quotation price, maximum price, minimum price, clinch a deal quantity, clinch a deal the forehead.

The user still can choose to download data to perhaps examine the chart such as line of time-sharing, K to show pattern, so that analyse a stock better,go situation and make investment decision-making.

Is stock history share price avoided to trade in China data?

Hello, it is below stock history share price avoids to trade in China data:

Price of date closing quotation rises drop the forehead goes up drop clinch a deal quantity () clinch a deal the forehead (yuan)

2021-09-10 18.90 +0.12 +0.64% 216, 223, 603 4, 081, 757, 070

2021-09-09 18.78 -0.29 -1.52% 203, 733, 105 3, 836, 768, 760

2021-09-08 19.07 -0.12 -0.63% 240, 299, 495 4, 568, 292, 366

2021-09-07 19.19 -0.11 -0.57% 245, 372, 976 4, 687, 909, 382

2021-09-06 19.30 +0.43 +2.28% 303, 985, 818 5, 890, 347, 853

2021-09-03 18.87 +0.15 +0.80% 246, 364, 389 4, 633, 373, 663

2021-09-02 18.72 +0.17 +0.92% 234, 342, 772 4, 398, 711, 419

2021-09-01 18.55 -0.02 -0.11% 180, 334, 760 3, 341, 945, 907

2021-08-31 18.57 -0.29 -1.54% 266, 552, 921 4, 981, 173, 413

2021-08-30 18.86 +0.06 +0.32% 239, 408, 775 4, 510, 314, 373

Above data originates Oriental fortune net, offer reference only.

The history that how the stock investigates on the net trades detail?

1, open negotiable securities to trade website, input negotiable securities trades Zhang date and password, click the entry of lower part.

2, inquiry is found below left share column one column, click enter.

3, click the history to clinch a deal.

4, in time column choice need inquiry trades the date of detail, click the inquiry on the right side of.

5, jumping can inquire in the interface that turn trade relevantly detail.

How do all histories pay inquiry share easy information?

Want to inquire the history of the stock makes easy news, you can undertake through the following way:

1.Website of stock exchange government: The history that a lot of stock exchanges can offer a share on its government website trades data. You can visit the website of relevant bourse, use its to offerred share inquires a tool or search a function, input corresponding stock code or name to inquire the history makes easy news.

2.Financial information serves a provider: Information of a few finance serves a provider (like Yahoo finance and economics, Gu Ge finance and economics) can offer free or the stock market data that pays fee and history hand in credulity breath to inquire a tool. You can visit these websites or use relevant shift application program, input stock code or name will get the history to make easy news.

3.Of broker dealer or certificate business trade platform: If you are the client of broker dealer or certificate business, general meeting is offerred online trade platform, the history that offerred a share among them trades data inquires a function. You can login to trade accordingly platform, search relevant history to make easy news.

No matter you choose which kinds of way, important is to ensure the information of an inquiry comes from reliable origin, undertake checking to relevant data. The history of the stock hands in easy information to be mixed to the analysis decision-making and special important, ensure so use accurate with credible data it is crucial.

How many share does Shanghai bourse have?

End on April 19, 2019, card shares 1517 shares at present on.
