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宠贝贝宠物托运还是比较靠谱的宠贝贝有上百家托运商家给你报价;专业的团队干专业的事,有着多年的宠物托运经验,上门接、送一条龙,全程无间缝空调专车,炎炎夏日让你的爱宠享受凉爽舒适的旅行宠贝贝软件特色1. 浏览最新待托运宠物。

2. 随时随地给宠物托运报价。3. 查看报价记录。4. 查看客户已接受报价定单。宠贝贝软件亮点1. 免费发布宠物托运需要,等待宠物托运公司出价通知。

2. 查看宠物托运公司的出价。

3. 接受或拒绝托运公司的出价。

4. 完成宠物托运后,点评宠物托运公司的服务。宠贝贝软件优势1.在软件的接送服务中,可以帮助用户对于宠物上门接送的方式来进行选择,确定好接送的方式之后,就可以进行订单的发布了,方便快捷。




















1、 同城的话可以知己开车或者打车送过去


2、 中短途的可以选择大巴或者火车;


3、 长途的选择飞机,最便捷也是最快速方便简单的;


4、 找一家专业的宠物托运公司,他们会全程办理好托运流程,并有专门的渠道。
















One, does Chongqing pet consign a company which opinion is high?

According to market research and user evaluation, chongqing pet consigns the domestic " that the opinion in the company is higher is " pet.

This company offers professional pet to consign a service, have experienced employee and advanced establishment, can ensure the safety of pet is mixed comfortable.

They provide whole journey monitoring and the service that update pet condition regularly, the food that still provides major at the same time and nurse directive. The user is the attitude of attending to guests to them, professional with pet take care of gave height the opinion. Accordingly, the domestic " of " pet is a when Chongqing pet consigns a company to median must trust and choose.

2, where does pet of airport of Chongqing river north consign to take?

It is OK that to moment you take your Id original to go to place of airport pick up the goods to take on time. Reached point of airport pick up the goods, show your id card, provide number of airliner of the other side, the person that pick up the goods punishs can give you a piece of bill (namely at the outset there examine to what do quarantine card) , you should take this piece of proof, arrive to deal with Beijing technically to examine the place of quarantine (if you are,close in Beijing if) go affix one's seal. Beijing here can input your hand from computer in examine the number of quarantine card looks up true bogus, it is true and effective certainly, just meet affix one's seal. Next you are taking the proof that built a rule to be returned again at the outset place of pick up the goods, they just can give you pet. After receiving pet, put it to the outside of basket to allow its activity, feed it to drink a bit water. . .

3, is Chongqing consigned to Dali pet how long to want?

Need the left and right sides 2 days, be being consigned with most express is same, but usually, express delivery is postal perhaps be to won't consign pet, because resemble so real thing and may contain bacterial and so on.

4, is pet consigned?

Conduction pet is consigned, want to prepare immune proof above all, obtain quarantine to examination of animal quarantine bureau card and basket provide alexipharmic evidence.

The train consigns need to shift to an earlier date 3 hours are consigned to railway station baggage place deal with, need fills odd, pet to say to weigh, raise entrust freight to use, hand in again deal with formalities by the staff member.

The plane consigns need to seek advice to whether have oxygen cabin, after certain good flight number, in set out to taking pet and relevant formalities to be dealt with to airport bar that day consign formalities. Choosing basket or aviation box when should prepare according to the size of pet, should enough they stand up and the activity sits down.

5, does Chongqing bestow favor on Bei Beichong content to consign rely on chart?

Special rely on chart

The group that the shellfish bestowing favor on shellfish that pet of the shellfish that bestow favor on shellfish is consigned or relies on chart quite has about a hundred to consign a businessman to give you quote; major does professional thing, having old pet to consign experience, come to receive, send one continuous line, whole journey very close to each other seams air conditioning special, the love that sorching summer yields you is bestowed favor on enjoy cool and easy ride to bestow favor on characteristic of shellfish shellfish software 1. Browse newest wait for consign pet.

2.Consign quote to pet at any time and place. 3. Examine quote record. 4. Examine a client to already accepted quote order form. Window of software of the shellfish that bestow favor on shellfish 1. Release pet freely to consign need, await pet to consign announcement of company offer a price.

2.Examine pet to consign the bade of the company.

3.Accept or reject to consign the bade of the company.

4.After the pet that finish is consigned, comment on pet to consign the service of the company. Advantage of software of the shellfish that bestow favor on shellfish 1. In software receive in sending a service, can help an user come to receive sent kind to undertake choosing to pet, had decided after receiving sent kind, can undertake the issuance of order, convenient and quick.

6, how is countrywide pet consigns ministry pet consigned?

The means that pet consigns

1, the kind that railroad carries

According to the understanding of company of domestic pet express, a lot of is raise now bestow favor on a personage to choose to use railroad to carry means to undertake pet consign.

Nevertheless railroad carriage means is not to bale merely can finish carry, specific still need pet host to carry pet to supervise place to sanitation of city railroad animal personally, show animal quarantine qualification to prove to finish the quarantine seal that sign up for check and builds railroad to the staff member.

Later, station of total talent expect is carried to deal with below the premise that opens good proof consign formalities achievable pet is consigned.

2, the kind that aviation carries

The kind that carries with aviation finishs pet to consign, respect appearance is handled in relevant formalities relatively carry at railroad should handy much.

And understand according to company of domestic pet express, aviation carries a need to put forward to apply for and show quarantine actively to prove to be able to be taken to airline ahead of schedule.

Especially the airline of a few home has richer experience in pet carriage respect, carriage system also is perfected quite relatively.

Normally the metropolis below the circumstance signs an agreement with the client ahead of schedule, ensure thereby offer relatively high grade pet to consign a service for broad client.

3, the kind that express carries

Company of express of pet of a welcome inside course of study home, had become a lot of love to bestow favor on the choice that the personage thinks of above all when facing pet to consign a problem.

Company of good because of credit domestic pet express can ensure economic interest of the client is not damaged, the carriage that still can ensure client pet with all one's strength at the same time is safe.

7, can Chongqing train K403 consign pet?

Can consign pet.

According to railroad traffic criterion, the regulation does not allow to take car of pet get angry above the train, if you think what pet and you reach eye ground together, can deal with consign formalities.

8, how to consign pet?

Go out to want to deal with pet to consign all right, have 3 kinds of convenient methods:

1, the bosom friend drives or can take a taxi with the word of the city send the past

If be daily,be away on official business is not very far destination, be in namely with the city circumjacent perhaps nearby, that can choose to drive the pet of the oneself on the belt oneself, those who do not have a car is OK car of choice illicit home perhaps takes a taxi, such going out also is quite convenient all right, still need not fear pet is taken care of without the person in the home.

2, in of short distance can choose a bus or the train;

The bus should notice some pet can appear carsick measure, want to make good step beforehand; The word of the train, can confine is in the train with fast general, it is OK to return some meetings to ask host wants to always accompany ability.

3, long-distance chooses a plane, the most convenient also be the fastest convenient and simple;

When the plane is consigned, do not have so troublesome, more commonly used still. A lot of people go to also can choose a plane all right now, convenient and quick price also is done not have so costly. But the plane gives the word of travel to want to apply for beforehand, some flight numbers do not support, prepare aviation case even, before taking off two hours should deal with ace add.

4, the pet that looks for a major consigns a company, their meeting whole journey has been dealt with consign flow, have special medium of communication.

What above arranges namely is commonner consign means, want nevertheless beforehand ready-made works, the problem appears in avoiding a process.

9, how is pet consigned?

Besides guide blind dog, any live body animals no matter bodily form size, cannot take railroad car. Those who include family and pet. But the pet that accords with a requirement partly can be dealt with consign and escort in transportation.

For instance small hamster, small tortoise, the bud such as pet cat dog is bestowed favor on can consign. Consigning measure is deal with to the station carry, the person is bestowed favor on want departure. Still a kind of means rhymes namely, follow proper motion of the luggage barrow on pet to hospital nurse. Carriage distance is in of 200 kilometers less than, midway does not need those who feed to feed, need not deal with escort in transportation. If need to rhyme, buy ticket ahead of schedule please, stop ticket, formalities of conduction escort in transportation.

Consign or measure of escort in transportation is to give pet to say to weigh first. Weight should be less than 20kg ability to deal with. Call next 12306 seek advice. Set out and arrived at a city to whether debut to deal with carrying trade Wu. Carry pet immunity proof next, the certificate such as mastership card, take pet to go qualification of quarantine of conduction animal of branch of animal sanitation quarantine proves. Prepare the container of shipping animal by oneself. Cannot be paper box. Deal with formalities to the station next. Should shift to an earlier date at least two hours are dealt with to the station. After reaching destination, to station luggage the room is gotten.

10, how is pet consigned?

Hello, pet consigns need to notice the following:

1. plans ahead of schedule: Be about to begin those who prepare pet to consign matters concerned in before the journey a few weeks, the provision that includes advisory airline, relevant document that prepares pet, buy necessary aviation box to wait.

2. inspects the healthy condition of pet: Pet must be taken to inspect healthy condition before consign, obtain relevant proof document, in order to ensure pet can be consigned surely.

3. chooses appropriate boat empty eontainers: Aviation box must accord with the regulation of airline, size should suit the bodily form of pet, have enough intake and comfortable bottom cushion.

4. feeds to pet feed and drink water: Inside before consigning a few hours, give pet right amount food and water, but do not want excessive, feel in order to prevent pet unwell in journey.

Label of 5. general pet is clear: The information such as means of the full name of pet, photograph, connection is affixed on aviation box, so that Yu Hang is empty,company and staff member contact you when need.

6. hands over pet in the airport: The place that appoints in airline hands over pet, ensure the boat empty eontainers of pet lades already correctly on the plane.

7. receives the attention when machine safe: Receiving when machine, want the regulation of comply with airline, receive pet in time, ensure the health of pet and safety.
