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02 要谈价值,不谈价格:谈生意要谈出价值,不要在价值不明确的时候空谈价格










03 要谈做法,不谈想法:谈生意要谈具体的做法和措施,不要去空谈想法和规划










04 要谈利益,不谈感情:谈生意要照顾和谈定各方的利益,不要空谈无关的感情












05 要谈规则,不谈交情:谈生意要商议和协定合作的规则,不要绑架曾经的交情。














01 " should talk about demand, do not talk about a requirement "

Talk about the business, should making clear you above all is talking with who, it is the demand that who talking about

Want to find the person that needs contented requirement finally first, this person may not is the person that talks about the business with you

Also want a consideration, what this kind of demand is delivered is accurate, whether is the person that will talk about the business clear about understanding

When the other side raises certain and specific requirement, want to adopt these requirements, find the demand of backside

Cite a typical case:

Mai Ping of an old lady asks if really " the apple is acerbity " , the first businessman says " not acerbity, but sweet " , old lady face about leaves;

The 2nd businessman says " those who have sick at heart, have sweet, you want which kind of " , old lady face about leaves;

The 3rd businessman says " you are you eat, who to still buy " , the old lady says " buy pregnant daughter-in-law " ;

Talk about the business, do not be afraid that the other side has a demand, be afraid that the other side does not have a requirement; The requirement is meant have demand, did not ask to mean or of the other side to do not have demand, or does not have settle on.

But, have a demand when the other side, do not talk about this requirement directly, want to talk about demand through the requirement however.

If talk about a requirement, meeting talk about the business to be brought talk about the product, direction that talks about the price, this is very easy and premature enter price negotiation phase, talk about raw sense to walk along negotiation deadlock very quickly.

And talk about demand, be make the trade to demand just go up personally, launch issue of current situation of the other side, thorough current situation, this is convenient the demand of the other side of our test and verify, and the pain spot that finds opposite party.

02 should talk about value, do not talk about the price: Talk about the business to want to talk about bade to be worth, do not want theoretic when value is uncertain price

Talk about the business to want to notice at 2 o'clock, be " should talk about value, do not talk about the price " , this includes:

It is after demand of clear the other side, the other side can want agog to know whether contented demand, and contented demand needs how many price

At that time, wanting the focal point that talk is " the value of contented demand " , is not the product of contented demand and price

If talk about a product, the client should undertake transverse price is compared inevitably, this is very adverse

So, should take a product to do in the client transverse quite, before the consideration is decision-making, go ahead of the rest shapes the value of the product

Want to talk about value, do not talk about the price, it is to want to had shaped value, product itself does not have value, only product application arrives on client body, just can arise a series of value, satisfy demand, economic time for instance, face is waited a moment

Talk about the business, not be price negotiation, not be to place bright car horse to give the value, wait for the other side to give his delighted next.

Talk about the business, it is to should make clear demand, tangible value, model the advantage of our value, it is to cannot replace a gender even, such ability lets the other side make apt our choice.

Talk about the business to want to talk about bade to be worth, want to solve problem, contented demand in order to help each other to be a target, model give us the value to the other side, this is those who talk about the business is thematic.

03 should talk about a practice, do not talk about idea: Talk about the business to want to talk about particular way and measure, do not go theoretic idea and program

Talk about the business to want to notice at 3 o'clock, be " should talk about a practice, do not talk about idea " , this includes:

Prate idea, it is to talk about the relatively common error in the business,

Again good idea, not costly also, without the idea of be born, it is ideal

Talk about a specific be born, method that implement only, let a person but magnanimity, calculable, can push act, just be effective ground talks about the business

E.g. , a few people talk shop of partnership serve a meal, if somebody always is prate,talk about all sorts of idea especially, be eliminated very easily to be besides partnership by someone else.

Because inn of actual serve a meal wants true gold silver, how should be the address chosen, the person wants how should action, inn make conduct propaganda, menu wants how to be done, these are mixed be closely bound up of success or failure.

And have idea for nothing, fulfil the content that is less than particular way to go up, can be invalid rubbish information, can waste everybody's energy not only, let business go astray possibly still.

Talk about the business, do not be afraid of have idea, be afraid of do not have a practice; The idea that has a way can be carried out, can stop caustic; Without the idea of the practice, can let talk about the business to fall to keep making a plan, communicate, change the plan, dead loop that communicates again.

Want to talk about a practice, do not talk about idea, it is to want to be given priority to with the practice, do not want to talk about idea purely; This should distinguish the opinion that respects the other side.

04 should talk about an interest, do not talk about feeling: Talk about the business to want to take care of peace talks to decide each square profit, not theoretic the feeling that have nothing to do

Those who talk about the business to want to notice at 4 o'clock, be " should talk about an interest, do not talk about feeling " , this includes:

Talk about business avoid by all means to come up without preamble, always want some to greet, make the bedding on a few bilateral affection, atmosphere

We are the societies of reason law, the ways one gets along with others, kongfu that plays for the person is talking is on the business need those who reach the designated position to do

But substantially this kind of matting is not build feeling with the other side, want to eliminate the awkwardness between stranger however, and explore the depth of the other side, like quality, savour, purchasing power, horizon, experience is waited a moment

Substantially, the purpose that talks about the business is an interest, not be feeling, the favor society that is us only abstains from too straight talk about an interest in vain

So, talking about the business to go up, we should take care of peace talks to decide each square profit already, also want to take care of the affection atmosphere on occasion

Of avoid by all means is, do not be immersed in the error of affection atmosphere, entertain guests have a meal, drink sing K, talk about feeling to should do the essence that talks about the business

Real truth is:

The more big business, the more simple straight white, without preamble, mention will jump over not impure affection;

The more dicker, more complex, pester more, circle will be circled, mention will go up to the sky the ground, meet hate is late.

Talk about an interest directly, it is the sharp weapon that cuts solution to talk about business predicament, although have the risk that lets can no more talk about business at a stand, but the more cannot cut the Gordian knot, bother the more.

05 should talk about regulation, do not talk about friendship: Talk about the business to want the regulation that agreement of business make peace cooperates, do not kidnap once friendship.

Talk about friendship, do not talk about regulation, regular perhaps it is oral agreement, this is to talk about the error with the biggest business

Talk about the business, want to use the profit with collective regular collective seek, do not use the profit with collective affection collective seek

Talk about the business, want a thereinbefore of ugly word respecting, alleged ugly word, want to establish rule first namely

The core purpose that talks about the business is an interest, and the safeguard that regulation is an interest

Talk about the business, want the regulation that agreement of business make peace cooperates, do not use once friendship kidnap business, should be not kidnapped by whose friendship more the business

Talking about decided regulation cannot be oral only those who go up, want to sign significant agreement, want to had established effective written pledge at least

Only with respect to partnership deal character, should knock decided regulation to have regulation giving money, exert oneself regular, decision-making regulation, unmake regulation, enter and exit regulation to wait a moment.

Talk about the business, if do not talk about regulation, be equal to did not talk; If do not sign regular and relevant agreement, be equal to oneself to bury thunder.

Talking about the business is door knowledge, also be an art, should let the other side be taken seriously already, have outer part, want to let have an interest severally again, and have safeguard.

Arrived truly of artistic state talk about the business, won't let a person feel talking about the business, because talk, is each just want, everybody is afraid.

We are fed up with " one pair talks about business features " person, we welcome frank and sincere, ugly word advanced, rational has according to, regulation talks about the business clearly.

Because this accords with us each square interest, such talking the business, should the more the better.

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