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   《中小学生心理健康与学习习惯读后感》观后感1     今天,我准时的坐在沙发上收看于丹老师的讲座。

于丹老师主要讲了三个主题: 一是如何培养孩子的孝心,教育孩子理解父母,尊敬老师,懂得感恩: 二是如何培养孩子的爱心,正确引导在人际交往中的一些技巧; 三是如何培养孩子自立、自强、自信以及抵抗挫折的能力。她在第一个主题中讲到这样一个故事:从前,有一个小孩喜欢在一棵大树下玩,他每天都来,可有一天,小孩愁容满面地对大树说:“你看别的孩子都上学了,每天都有好玩的玩具,可我没有”。大树说:“你把我结的果子摘了去卖,你就有玩具了。”以后,孩子只有秋天才会来大树下。过了几年,小孩成了青年,他对大树说:“别人都有房子了,都有家了,可我没有。”大树说:“你可以把的树枝砍了做房子。”又过了多年,青年成了中年人,他对大树说:“别人都漂洋过海了,可我没有。”大树说:“你可以把我的树干砍了做独木舟。”他把独木舟推进海里走了。渐渐的孩子长出了一根根白发,他来到树桩前,树桩问他:“我已经是一个没有用的树桩了,你也不会理我了吧?”孩子说:“不,我会一直陪你晒太阳,这是我的心愿,一生的心愿。” 这正是父母完成了对孩子一生的成全。在我们的一生中无私而又不求回报的养育着我们。孝为德之本,我们要懂得感恩,要勇敢承担爱与责任。要想成就别样的人生,就要点亮自信的明灯,对自身的力量怀抱坚定的信念。看完讲座,我对我的人生有了新的思考,要想成才必先成人!   《中小学生心理健康与学习习惯读后感》观后感2   今天早上的七点十分,我和妈妈一起收看了于丹教授主讲的《感恩教育》。  节目的开头讲的是一个配有画面的小故事。把那棵大树比喻成父母,大树陪着小孩长大,奉献了自己的果实,树枝,树杆,让小孩实现了愿望,小孩长大了变老了知道每天陪伴着大树。  是啊,我们现在都不愁吃穿,要什么玩具都拿钱买得到,坏了也不会去修,这很浪费,也缺少了自己做玩具的动手能力。我们都是独生子女,大多数时间都是电脑,电视陪着,这样不好,我们要多出去走走看看。“读万卷书行万里路”。  我们还要学会与人交往,人要与人斤斤计较,尽力去故帮助别人。帮助别人就是帮助自己。要懂得自己的事情自己做,这次没做好没关系,只要努力了一定能做好,相信自己不会错的。  好习惯都是从小养成的,我要做一个有孝心,有爱心,有自信心的人。   《中小学生心理健康与学习习惯读后感》观后感3            今天,我看了于丹老师的专题讲座,感触很深。  于丹老师在讲座中主要是强调我们中小学生在完成必修课的同时,还要懂得孝敬父母,尊敬老师,关心他人,让每一个中小学生德、智、体全面发展。  于丹老师首先谈到“孝”。百善孝为先,孝是中华文化传统提倡的行为,一般表现为孝顺,孝敬。要对生活充满感恩的心,感谢父母,尊敬老师。孝不但是外在要求,也是内在的一种责任。  然后谈到“仁”。仁就是要学会怎样处理两者的关系,要充满爱心,和善待人。《三字经》里说道:“人之初,性本善。性相近,习相远。”意思是说,人在刚刚出生时,本性都是善良的,性情也很相近,但随着各自生存环境的变化,每个人的习性就会产生差异。教育孩子要与人和睦相处,懂得一个人的痛苦,由两个人分担,痛苦就减少一半,相反,一个人的快乐,两个人分享,快乐就增加了一半,与人交往,多关爱他人,使自己健康,快乐的成长。  最后谈到“自立,自强,自信”。树立正确的人生观会直接决定人生的轨迹,孩子的成长不是填鸭式的灌输,知识固然重要,但更重要的是人的经验和悟性。不要墨守成规,按部就班,而是要在这个处处混沌喧嚣的社会中,学会发现其中的有效信息。  通过于丹老师讲的这堂课,让我明白了一个道理:学生最重要的并不是学习,学会做人才是排在第一位的,如果不会做人的话,就算学习成绩再好,也不是一个健全的人。  想想自己,有时爸爸妈妈督促我学习,我总嫌啰嗦,有时让我做一些力所能及的事,我总不情愿,想到这里,我不禁感到很内疚,爸爸妈妈为了我,不知操了多少心,受了多少累,我还不知道感恩,总惹他们生气,伤心,太不应该了。在这里,我想对爸妈说:“我错了,我以后要听你们的话,好好孝敬你们,好好报答你们的养育之恩!”   在以后的生活中,我要改掉以自我为中心的坏习惯,跟同学们一起快乐的学习,树立自己的远大目标,乐观,向上,积极进取,做一个优秀的合格人才。


" the feeling after middle and primary school gives birth to mental health and study habit to read "   of 1 of the feeling after view today, I sit on time on sofa to watch the lecture of Mr. Yu Dan.

Mr. Yu Dan basically discussed 3 subjects: It is the filial piety heart that how develops the child, educational child understands parents, respect a teacher, know be thankful: 2 it is the love that how develops the child, guide a few skill in human association correctly; 3 it is how to rear the child the ability of free-standing, self-improvement, self-confidence and counteractive setback. She tells a such stories in the first theme: Once upon a time, a child likes to cultivate next playing greatly in, he comes everyday, but one day, child scowl is full of the ground to say to large tree: "You saw other child go to school, have amused toy everyday, but I am done not have " . Large tree says: "The fruit that you written guarantee me was picked sell, you have a toy. " later, only the autumn just can come to the child below large tree. Passed a few years, the child became a young person, he says to large tree: "Others has a house, have the home, but I am done not have. " large tree says: "You are OK branch was chopped make a room. " passed again old, the youth became middleaged person, he says to large tree: "Others bleachs ocean to cross the sea, but I am done not have. " large tree says: "You are OK me truncal chopped do canoe. " he advances canoe sea mile went. Gradually the child grew white hair of a root, he comes to the front of stub, stub asks him: "I had been an otiose stub, won't you also manage I? " the child says: "Not, I can accompany you to bask all the time, this is my wish, the wish of lifetime. " this is parents finished pair of child lifetime help sb to fulfill his wishes. Altruistic in our lifetime and do not seek get one's own back fostering us. Of Xiao Weide this, we should be known be thankful, want to assume love and responsibility bravely. Want to accomplish another life, be about to nod the bright lamp of bright self-confidence, to the belief with the force sturdy bosom of oneself. See a chair, I had new reflection to my life, want the grow into useful timber grows up first surely! " the feeling after middle and primary school gives birth to mental health and study habit to read "   of 2 of the feeling after view this morning 7:10, I and mom watched Yu Dan to teach give a lecture together " be thankful education " . What the begin of the program tells is a conte that deserves to have a picture. Compare that large tree into parents, child of large tree for company is grown, dedicated oneself fructification, branch, tree lever, let a child realize a desire, the child was brought up to age know to accompanying large tree everyday. Be, we now not anxious food and clothing, want what toy to take money to buy get, bad also won't be repaired, this is very wasteful, also lacked what oneself make a toy to start work ability. We are singletons female, most time is computer, TV for company, so bad, we should go out to look more. "Read 10 thousand books to go 10 thousand lis of roads " . We learn to interact with the person even, the person should haggle over every ounce with the person, endeavor to go reason helps others. Helping others is him help. Want to know oneself him thing to do, did not do this good irrespective, wanted to try hard to be able to have been done certainly only, believe him inerrable. Good convention is as a child of nurturance, I should make a heart having filial piety, have love, have the person of self-confident heart. " the feeling after middle and primary school gives birth to mental health and study habit to read "   of   of   of   of 3 of the feeling after view today, I saw the special subject chair of Mr. Yu Dan, feeling is very deep. Mr. Yu Dan basically is to emphasize us in the lecture while middle and primary school is born in the obligatory course that finish, know give presents father and mother even, respect a teacher, care other, let each therein pupil heart, wisdom, body develops in the round. Mr. Yu Dan speaks of above all " filial piety " . Filial piety of 100 be apt to is first, filial piety is the action that China culture tradition recommends, average performance is filial, give presents. Want to fill the heart that be thankful to the life, thank parents, respect a teacher. Filial piety not only it is external demand, also be a kind of internal responsibility. Speak of next " benevolence " . Benevolence should learn how to handle both relation namely, want to be full of love, need a person mildly. " 3 words classics " in say: "Person at the beginning of, quality this be apt to. Sexual close, xi Xiangyuan. " means says, the person is in when just be born, nature is kind-hearted, disposition also very close, but the change that puts an environment habitat as each, the characteristics of everybody can produce difference. Educational child should get along well with the person, know one the individual's anguish, partake by two people, anguish reduces an in part, contrary, one the individual's joy, two people are shared, joy added an in part, interact with the person, much care other, make oneself healthy, grow happily. Speak of finally " free-standing, self-improvement, self-confident " . Establish correct philosophy to be able to decide the contrail of life directly, of the child growing is not force-feed duck type engraft, knowledge is admittedly important, but the experience that more important is a person and comprehension. Not by rule, step-by-step, should be in this however everywhere in muddleheaded and blatant society, the society discovers among them significant information. Pass this tax that Mr. Yu Dan says, let me understand a reason: The student is the most serious is not study, the platoon is in the first the society does a talented person, if won't be an upright person, again good with respect to achievement of mathematics be used to, also not be a perfect person. Think oneself, sometimes father mother supervises and urge I learn, I always disrelish Suo, let me do the thing of a few in one's power sometimes, I always loath, think of here, I can't help feeling very compunctious, father mother for me, did not know to hold how many heart, how much to suffer tired, I still do not know to be thankful, always offend them to get angry, sad, too not should. Here, I want to say to pa Mom: "I am wrong, I should hear your word later, well give presents you, return your favour that foster well! "   is in the following life, I want give up to be bad habit of the center with ego, learn happily together with classmates, establish oneself ambitious goal, hopeful, up, active enterprising, do an outstanding eligible talented person.
