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泰国 菜有四大菜系,各种菜系有不同特色,而我最爱吃的是 清迈 菜,它属于北部菜系。

清迈 是每年必去之地,坐亚航从 杭州 去 清迈 只要3个小时。从 清迈 归来,对我来说最难忘的不是什么双龙寺,苗族村,而是 清迈 的食物。我跟闺蜜在那的每天从睁眼开始就在寻觅食物。吃完了,走路消食,再接着又去寻找。自古以来,唯有爱情跟美食不可辜负也。就让我整理一下思绪,把我觉得最赞的 清迈 美食都整理出来,呈现给大家!


具体点评: 泰式火锅炉,中间是个烤盘,然后外侧是个汤锅,能烤能煮。价格约210泰铢一位,人民币差不多40块。友情提示一下,吃的时候不要拿太多,否则吃不完可是会被罚钱的哦!

第二道:青木瓜 沙拉

这道 沙拉 的脂肪含量相当低,越吃越过瘾。 泰国 人做这道 沙拉 都不用油,用到的食材有:鱼露,大蒜,青柠,棕榈糖, 泰国 人给予食物的几乎都是纯自然的味道,这是我最欣赏泰菜的原因之一。




具体点评: 清迈 当地的猪脚饭,味道非常好。猪脚入口即化,推荐配一个糖心鸡蛋。鸡蛋能煮到那刚刚好的水平,全靠功夫啊!



这算是整个 泰国 最传统的一道甜品了!芒果超新鲜,嫩滑,配着糯米的甜,椰奶的浓郁,那口感跟味道简直不能用言语来形容。我在 清迈 是每天都要点上一道,怎么吃都不会腻。


具体点评:这道面条你只能在 清迈 吃到! 清迈 人喜欢给它配上三小碟配料:辣椒油,酸菜还有青柠。那个辣椒油红红的,熬的非常香。酸菜腌的恰到好处,脆感十足。这个面条里还融入了咖喱的香味,吃起来却没有一点点油腻的感觉。


具体点评: 清迈 大街上有很多人推着小车在买这款煎饼果子。它有香蕉、榴莲、巧克力、火腿肠等多个口味,味道都很不错,味美价廉,价格在20-50泰铢左右。

推荐点 泰国 人最喜欢的火腿肠的煎饼果子,这一款的味道偏向于咸跟辣。友情提示一下,刚出锅的果子皮超级脆,而且容易划伤嘴,吃的时候要小心一点哦。


在 清迈 ,必须要试一下当地的特色烤鱼。这 清迈 人在烤鱼之前会提前用面粉裹在鱼的外面,这样整条鱼烤出来是香嫩又完整。鱼肉蘸上当地人调制的特色蘸料,味道,好到不行。


具体点评: 清迈 的周末夜市上有很多卖烤鸡翅的摊位。我试了好几家,味道都不错。鸡翅都是现烤的,烧烤时一直冒油,烤好的鸡翅色泽金黄,超级鲜嫩。我推断这鸡翅肯定出自于土鸡,也就是说,它们肯定没喂过人造饲料。土鸡加碳烤,无敌的搭配啊。


这道菜是把姜、蜂蜜、花生、椰丝等食物用叶子卷起来。 泰国 人喜欢拿这道食物当做是欢迎宾客的第一道开胃菜。那么多种味道,品尝的一开始竟然都能在口中感受得到, 比如 蜂蜜的甜,青柠的酸,姜丝的辣。再继续咀嚼,各种味道就融合在了一起,滋味丰富且特别和谐。


极受欢迎的 泰国 名菜,切块的红蟹加上配菜与咖喱和各式香料共炒,突出蟹肉的鲜味与弹性,风味独特。主料为 泰国 的青木瓜切丝,配料有青豆角、蒜头、虾米、西红柿、椰糖、辣椒等,再加入酸子汁及柠檬汁,整道菜香辣而带酸,口感爽脆,十分开胃。


黄咖喱为 泰国 特色食物,选用地道香料—黄姜制作,色泽呈黄色,有别于其他泰式咖喱。本菜还加入一种叫“马卡卡”(Ma Kam Kak)的特色香料(深咖啡色的长荚型果实,从 马来西亚 传入,酸度极浓,略带甜味,不可生吃,必须晒干使用),使咖喱食味变的辣,酸和甜,味道独特。






Thailand dish has department of 4 big vegetable, all sorts of dish departments have different distinguishing feature, and what I love to eat most is Qing Dynasty strides dish, it belongs to upper dish department.

Qing Dynasty is stridden is the ground that goes every year surely, sit inferior boat is stridden from Hangzhou want 3 hours only. Stride from Qing Dynasty return, the most unforgettable to me is not what Shuang Longsi, miao Zu village, however the food that Qing Dynasty strides. I am in with boudoir honey that everyday from goggle begin to be in look for food. Eat, on foot disappear is fed, be searched again then again. From of old, only love follows cate cannot disappoint also. Let me arrange feeling, feel me most cate arranges the Qingmai of assist, present everybody!

The first: Peaceful type chaffy dish.

Specific comment on: Furnace of peaceful type chaffy dish, it is among bake dish, next outside side is a stockpot, can bake can boil. The price restricts 210 peaceful an ancient unit of weight, the RMB is about the same 40. Friendship hints, when eating, do not take too much, do not eat otherwise by amerce oh!

The 2nd: Salad of green Chinese flowering quince

The adipose content of this salad is quite low, eat more cross addiction. Thai makes this salad need not oily, feed material to have with what arrive: Fish sauce, garlic, qing Ning, palmy candy, thai gives alimental the taste that is pure nature almost, this is me most one of reasons that admire peaceful dish.

The 3rd: Soup of wintry shade result

This Shang Hao is bad to drink, success or failure is in completely condiment! The citric grass that uses in soup of wintry shade result must be new burden etc, shrimp must be put finally, otherwise not tender. Of this soup main taste is sour hot, shang Li has very thick bright shrimp flavor, shang Zhong's vegetable is very rich also, with stay of proceedings kind give priority to.

The 3rd: Pig foot meal

Specific comment on: Qing Dynasty strides pig foot meal of place, flavour is first-rate. Pig foot entrance is changed namely, recommend match egg of heart of a candy. The egg can boil that just good level, lean time completely!

Friendship hints, meal of foot of this kind of pig sells on night fair booth mostly, do not do business by day, remember going again in the evening so, leave all the time at night at 5 o'clock.

The 4th: Meal of mango polished glutinous rice

This is a sweetmeats with whole the most traditional Thailand! Mango exceeds fresh, tender slip, those who matching polished glutinous rice is sweet, what coconut suckles is full-bodied, that mouthfeel can use utterance to describe scarcely with flavour. I am stridden in Qing Dynasty is should nod on one everyday, how to eat won't be bored with.

The 5th: Rely on water to change curry face

Specific comment on: You can be in this noodle clear to stride only eat! Qing Dynasty strides a person to like to distribute burden of on 3 saucers to it: Chili oil, pickled Chinese cabbage still has Qing Ning. Of that chili oily Gong Gong, those who boil is very sweet. What pickled Chinese cabbage bloats is proper, clear sense is dye-in-the-wood. The fragrance of curry still was blended in in this noodle, the feeling that tastes fat without little however.

The 6th: Fruit of peaceful type thin pancake made of millet flour

Specific comment on: Qing Dynasty is stridden there are a lot of people to shifting a car on the ave buying fruit of this thin pancake made of millet flour. It has the many taste such as bowel of banana, Durian, chocolate, ham, taste is very good, delicious price cheap, the price is controlled in 20-50 Tai Zhu.

Recommend the fruit of thin pancake made of millet flour of bit of ham bowel that Thai likes most, yu Xian follows this one flavour erroneous tendency hot. Friendship hints, the level of fruit Pi Chao that just gave boiler is fragile, and easy cut mouth, when eating, should take care a bit oh.

The 7th: Peaceful type grilled fish

Stride in Qing Dynasty, must want to try characteristic grilled fish of place. This Qing Dynasty strides a person to be able to shift to an earlier date before grilled fish shortbread is wrapped in the fish outside, so whole fish is baked coming out is sweet tender complete. Cruelly oppress dips in on the characteristic of local modulation dips in makings, flavour, good to be no good.

The 8th: Peaceful type bakes gallinaceous wing

Specific comment on: The there is a lot of to sell the chicken that bake the wing on night fair on the weekend stall that Qing Dynasty strides. I tried several, taste is good. Gallinaceous wing is baked now, oil is risked all the time when barbecue, the gallinaceous wing colour and lustre that has baked is golden, super and fresh and tender. I conclude this chicken wing affirms out at earthy chicken, that is to say, they had not fed man-made feed for certain. Earthy chicken adds carbon to bake, inapproachable collocation.

The 9th: Lou leaf coils

This dish is the food such as silk of a ginger, honey, earthnut, coco coil with leaf. Thai likes to take this food to should make the first be greeting guest appetizing food. So a variety of flavour, can experience what sample in the mouth actually at the beginning get, for instance of honey sweet, qing Ning's acid, of Jiang Si hot. Continue to chew again, all sorts of flavour were in one case with respect to confluence, flavor is rich and special harmony.

The 10th: Curry fries crab

Extremely welcome Thailand name dish, the red crab of stripping and slicing is added match dish and curry and various flavor to be fried in all, stress the little taste of crab flesh and flexibility, local color is distinctive. Advocate expect the green Chinese flowering quince that is Thailand cuts into shreds, burden has candy of lima-bean horn, the head of garlic, dried, tomato, coco, chili to wait, rejoin is acerbity child juice and lemon juice, whole dish is spicy hot and the belt is acerbity, mouthfeel bright is fragile, very appetizing.

Eleventh path: Fish of yellow curry bird

Yellow curry is Thailand characteristic food, choose pure flavor, Huang Jiang is made, colour and lustre shows yellow, have not at curry of other extreme type. This dish still joins a kind to cry " Makaka " (Ma Kam Kak) characteristic flavor (the long pod of deep coffee fructification, pass into from Malaysia, acidity is extremely thick, take sweet taste slightly, cannot eat raw, must insolation is used) , those who make curry feeds flavour to change is hot, acid and sweet, flavor is unique.

Dozenth path: Curry soup river

Will after rice is abluent, pulverize, add sail upstream tone is become mushy, next evaporate becomes a state, again cooling. Etc however hind delimit like undee river pink, put bowl again in, add vegetable to be fried together. Next, put beef boiling water, add salt, white pepper, curry powder, the condiment such as fish sauce.

Thirteenth path: 9 towers fry chicken

Lid of the boiler on rear cover boils rice and water in preexistence stockpot, move small fire to boil 20 minutes. Use vinegar of grandma of bowl general coco, soy, rice wine, fish sauce and red any of several hot spice plants next piece smooth. In frying pan or fry the Gao Huo in be being used in boiler to heat up oil, the garlic with dolly fries the onion that adds section, ginger to be become slightly Brown. The cutlet that add chicken breaks up again fry 3 minutes, until into Brown. Suckle the coco of mix up sauce agitate to go in again, continue to fry close till sauce do original 1/3. Add dawdle, green and 9 towers heat to appear can. Tie-in ripe rice eats.

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