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你好! 专业攻略+秘籍: 在敌人面前不要跑,这样会被看穿。





**如果你过关能获得最高评价“SILENT ASSASSIN”的话,通常会有特殊的枪械奖励给你。

**如果游戏过程中有你所没有的新武器出现的话,记得拿着它来过关,这样就可以保留在你的武器库里了。 **开局前的任务简报画面中,你可以按“mission”来重玩之前的关数,而且照样可以获得新武器,包括最高评价所送的武器。


第一关: 我好象没有其他方法过关,只不过是熟悉了一下教堂环境,为最后一关打下基础而已 第二关: 对与原攻略的做法我是赞同的,我试过很多次了(专业里),无论是把送花的邮差撂倒还是把送食品的家伙撂倒,能够顺利的与BOSS见面的几率少的可怜,两种方法:





第三关: 12分钟过关,有个窍门(不是过关秘籍),在简单那级别里这一关如果按照老思路肯定是用消音毙个士兵然后……专业里这招不好使了,原因不用说,消音没了,目标很快就暴露,即使你能够靠老办法,也不会得高分的,而我过这一关时惊喜的发现,敌人居然都没怀疑过我哈。



那只好用用金山游侠了……不知道大家注意到没有,在地铁通往地面的环行通道里,两个士兵是穿插巡逻的,放心大胆的拿你的阿狙,手枪都不用亮出来,等上面的士兵回到地面后,在洞口处猫着,用你的视角看里面的小阿哥走过去(往右侧走)后,走进去,忍住杀人欲望,别用SPACE,开开进洞后右面的小门,然后可以大摇大摆的走了,撬开里面的门,进入下水道,上左上的那个口,爬吧,不要担心上面有人蹲点,出来往地图左侧走,到了楼梯处了,可以拿出光纤线了,用好SPACE吧,把他撂倒,拖到一边换衣服,然后就可以走向据点了。上楼顺利完成任务,第二关后练枪后枪法一定准了吧,然后回到下水道后跑回去,还是老方法,看钥匙孔吧,等那兵哥走到铁柜子后面再出去,如果你走出洞口时不小心碰上进来巡逻的士兵的话,劝你去撞墙!!!最后被评为沉默杀手了吧。 第四关: 没什么好说的了,用炸弹吧2个炸弹够炸车了,注意一跑一停就行了,高兴的事发生了,你拣到消音了,哈老朋友终于现身了吧。 第五关: 的确变态,按简单里的思路是走不通了,别被发现,死定了!我曾被人用AK的枪把3下敲死,不用说3个人扫你了。刚出来行动就要快,爬出来后先跑到箱子后,等那个无业游民走到最左边箱子旁边时潜伏钻出去(等卡车旁的那两个家伙把脑袋都转过去时),一走一跑,跑到“电话亭”时潜伏过去拿家伙,然后蹲走过电话亭,等那家伙走回去看门就一跑一走潜伏进卡车。从卡车出来那里就要靠简单里的练习了,一定要掌握好时间,到卡车附近巡逻的那个士兵和往返于屋里的那个经常不是一起看卡车的后面,等巡逻的家伙走到车尾(凭感觉或在车尾那看他脑袋过去)后下车,从车头左边的箱子跑过去,然后躲在门后的障碍物后就行,等卫兵出来后,顺门缝看门里那家伙刚经过你视线就进去,躲起来等到他上楼梯跟在后面,拐到屋里换衣服就可以大大方方的走了。下去还是老方法吧。关了监控后跑起来,见到人就停,既省时又没人怀疑你的。下电梯后也不要杀人,撬锁进去用消音救人,上去后也跑就行,有人就停,埋完炸弹后别急着跑,感觉卫兵快走道电梯后就引爆跑到出口,烧饼们的目标是你,所以不用担心伙伴落在后面啦。专业是必宝的啦。 第六关: 只杀将军一人就够了,我的方法是针对没有麻醉药的玩家,拿到毒药后,奔靠出口那侧的叹号,也就是侧门,等守卫走了开锁,奔车库近而且保险些,顺门缝看守卫走到车后面时开门进去,抽时间差进到走廊左门换衣服出来到厨房,拿起一个杯子,最好你能进中间有叹号那间拿枪,不过别让人任出来。拿出酒杯,跟着拿出毒药,杀手就自己下药了,到大厅去吧,等将军来在他身旁按E,他就会喝了它然后呕吐到WC去就挂了,然后跟着大使他们,保险柜那屋有两间,在隔壁等大使打开柜子后跑进去,这时特工用枪瞄大使所以没看见你,拿到就跑,这关大使没准在几层开柜子,如果大使在一层而且特工动手晚的话,你可以趁大使单独开柜子时开门抢过来就跑,至于怎么在跑时不引人注意还得另请高明了。 第七关: 这关开始我没有获得好分数,原因是逃离慢了,得个侩子手,哎。这关刚出来等2人掉头就跑到车库进去按喇叭,然后在门后潜伏,勒死那个警卫,然后换衣服到后院往房后走,一步一跑,等抽烟的走了到门旁边(右边)潜伏并看门镜,大概1分多钟后等那家伙出来后,到门前还不进去,看门镜里警卫走到左边消失后潜伏进屋,到右边走廊里换衣服下毒,下左边桌子上的那盘,然后躲到屋里等守卫从眼前离开并走远再出去,跑向门口就行了。第二次玩是沉默杀手,攻击程度零,奖个无声双枪哈。其实只要您能对没一关都很熟悉的话,您会被奖励很多的,不信好好玩玩简单吧。 第八关: 拿到武器后下到地下通道到一半时别动了,等守卫进屋走个来回。下去,在门口处等10秒(你没有地图了,所以别总按原攻略思路!),开门潜伏到右边箱子后面,然后出去上车到第二个小屋前停下,开始困难了,在门缝那潜伏,看到忍者(耐心!)进来并走到门右边的箱子里时进去开门上到地面,到死胡同那里下去,老办法等守卫看不到你时出去坐车一直出去吧。我这关并没得高分,杀人了又实在不想重打一遍。只是介绍一下经验而已,慢慢过吧。 第九关: 我没有麻醉药,所以用消音爆了一个,换上衣服,先沿谷底走,用望远镜看前面沿谷底巡逻的那个距你还有2或3个山包时下来走,停在呢,等在小路上走的士兵渐渐远去时可以光明正大的走了,到了监控那里我只有爆了他,或者你有耐心潜伏饶过去,在他背后开门关了就跑远也行,看你想象力了。正门进去后看警卫从门前经过再进去吧,关了第二个在沿“滑梯”进去走过去关第三个。然后去出口吧。越来越难了。 第十关: 真不明白为什么没人教我们如何不杀人过关,可以狂奔到钥匙卡那里,在勒死守卫,或者引一个守卫下来,秒了他迅速换衣,等其他的来时趁他蹲下时快走去拿卡,之后拿到炸弹和遥控器,整个过程没危险的。我是随便弄套忍者衣服到地下室拿导航系统。然后我直接上到三楼,按按钮然后跑下去,看运气了,其实你可以顺一楼跑到地下室躲起来,省着杀人,顶多一两个忍者追到这,2分钟后出去吧,躲个旮旯,过来人就消他,也可以从钥匙卡那屋门缝看,飞机飞了边跑出去边按,跑向出口吧!没办法,实在没时间研究这关。简单的都快过不去了。都是学校时间给压的。 第十一关: 两种方法都可以,如果想得高分或证明一下实力最好是送比萨,拿一把消音或最好什么抢都不拿。用简单里的方法拿到比萨。下去后下到胖子那间屋子。潜伏或者走过去都行。反正他不认识你的。杀了上来在电梯出开抢,幸运的话守卫不会打你的。用消防员那招也行。什么抢都不要。出来就到杀手符号那间进去就行(之前别跑)。拿到烟雾弹就跑出来,扔到洗衣通道里等警报,老方法出去或干脆跑到消防室。换衣服拿斧子跑下楼梯跑到胖子那,潜伏过去别踩到香蕉皮和比萨盒子就行,之前先把电脑打坏。一斧子搞定他就跑吧。这关很简单。 第十二关: 我没打坏任何东西,因为那些守卫很苯哦,出来不杀人,直接过去拿服务器钥匙,应该不会被发现啊。然后一走了之。这关只要你把简单里杀人的环节都去掉就好办了哈。 第十三关: 先找到保险丝最好,但潜伏的时间不好掌握,可以到钢琴房旁边看守卫是否出来。简单里你如果就没杀人的话,这关同样不用杀人的。顺序:拿夜视-拿雕像-关保险丝-拿钱-到浴室的天台朝里开枪-马上跑到拿夜视那屋的天台进去杀胖子走人,愿意的话吓跑那个技师。 第十四关: 独道的玩法。出来只拿消音走到集市旁的梯子那里。上去顺天窗把上校消了,别让百姓看见最好。然后去勒死上尉,回来走到上校旁边就行了。或者先铰死上尉,然后去叹号那里拿狙击步,往天上放一枪,然后蹲在房檐上瞄着正对的那个口狙死10秒后跑过来上校。扔枪,等那帮士兵基本上都为上校“哀悼”或者说是验尸后跑过去拣钥匙,然后跑吧。你如果不小心被发现就杀一个兵换衣服消音打死上校后换回衣服跑过去拣,他们都以为你个普通老百姓吓坏了哈。 第十五关: 这关如果不抢时间的话哪个狙击点都行一点一点过吧。本菜鸡是没有好方法了,哎。 第十六关: 进基地时我没杀人,先饶到地图最上方等左边那个守卫开始走时,另一个并没有马上走,这时我就潜伏过去,一直潜伏,等他脑袋转到他的左上方时开门我就溜了进去哈。然后又是趁那家伙转脑袋时下了水沟,然后蹲着走吧,没人时上去杀人,再老办法杀拿货物去。 第十七关: 先杀狙击手然后杀另一个,这关不是特难,离士兵们远点就行。 第十八关: 绞死来回巡逻的警卫,拿钥匙-换衣服-上楼-药死他-拖走就OK了,上楼时尽量别让警卫跟上来,不然他走偷看你拖死尸哈。 第十九关: 先潜伏上楼梯,顺上路换僧侣衣服,进去换医生衣服和拿刀子,换衣服前最好别让护士看到,要不上电梯时2个护士会议论你,然后波及到所有警卫瞬间怀疑你的!杀了人快下电梯跑起来就行。 第二十关: 直接进大厦吧。你要想要枪就利用跑动勒死警卫拿一把玩吧这关要靠在简单里摸索规律。 结局: 还是靠简单里的方法,跑动中勒人如果练的好的话,刚开始就可以根本不用费血,一点一点的继续吧,熟悉环境的你应该知道怎么打吧,我在简单里最好一次是就开始挨了一枪哈。打胖子时别下去,既然你没有地图就别去跟他火并,杀狙击手时如果你能不被发现的话应该打他不费力的,我就是往二楼一待,瞄着教堂神像那里,他总会过去的,爆头就可以结束这个游戏了哈。 二: 秘籍: 第一关: 我好象没有其他方法过关,只不过是熟悉了一下教堂环境,为最后一关打下基础而已 第二关: 对与原攻略的做法我是赞同的,我试过很多次了(专业里),无论是把送花的邮差撂倒还是把送食品的家伙撂倒,能够顺利的与BOSS见面的几率少的可怜,两种方法:1.专业里那个送货员其实好撂倒的,出来就跑向右门,在食品车后用早就拿出来的光纤线撂倒守卫,然后等到送货员再出来时撂倒他,拉走然后换上衣服,以后随便你了,开杀戒是难免的了。2.出来就跑向中门,在门右边(已你的视角建立方向系)潜伏,等那家伙出来后,在他脚刚迈到第一棵门后的树时,跑进门,这一过程看你的水平了,如果能进门不被发现,而且刚好门关上的话,你可以算个专家了,然后以最短时间拿到阿狙,出门刚跑一步按右键选光线,马上按SPACE,撂倒他,不捡枪了,跑到山头后面狙BOSS,一定先在简单里练好它,一定要把BOSS狙下楼来,然后把跟过来验尸的家伙狙掉(建议采取1中提的撂倒右门的守卫马上到中门撂倒另一个,再继续2中的方法能剩一颗子弹的),迅速拣枪换衣,把狙击步扔在车旁,沿墙根走向BOSS的尸体(可能有尾巴,别管他,不会掏枪的),之后拿狙击再走到地牢那里,出来后走到后院的门,上房等人少时狙死胖子,耐心点,别让太多人发现,然后拿东西走人。这关我实在是无法成为沉默的刺客啊,希望哪个大虾能告诉小弟更好的方法哈。图解攻略的作者似乎没有把弄死胖子的方法透露一下哈。如果不杀中门的守卫也行,同样找时间差出去,但有些困难,到时候你就知道了。 第三关: 12分钟过关,有个窍门(不是过关秘籍),在简单那级别里这一关如果按照老思路肯定是用消音毙个士兵然后……专业里这招不好使了,原因不用说,消音没了,目标很快就暴露,即使你能够靠老办法,也不会得高分的,而我过这一关时惊喜的发现,敌人居然都没怀疑过我哈。首先在简单里读个档,把地铁里的地图截下来,在把地面上的图截下来。不要告诉我你不会截图!!!那只好用用金山游侠了……不知道大家注意到没有,在地铁通往地面的环行通道里,两个士兵是穿插巡逻的,放心大胆的拿你的阿狙,手枪都不用亮出来,等上面的士兵回到地面后,在洞口处猫着,用你的视角看里面的小阿哥走过去(往右侧走)后,走进去,忍住杀人欲望,别用SPACE,开开进洞后右面的小门,然后可以大摇大摆的走了,撬开里面的门,进入下水道,上左上的那个口,爬吧,不要担心上面有人蹲点,出来往地图左侧走,到了楼梯处了,可以拿出光纤线了,用好SPACE吧,把他撂倒,拖到一边换衣服,然后就可以走向据点了。上楼顺利完成任务,第二关后练枪后枪法一定准了吧,然后回到下水道后跑回去,还是老方法,看钥匙孔吧,等那兵哥走到铁柜子后面再出去,如果你走出洞口时不小心碰上进来巡逻的士兵的话,劝你去撞墙!!!最后被评为沉默杀手了吧。 第四关: 没什么好说的了,用炸弹吧2个炸弹够炸车了,注意一跑一停就行了,高兴的事发生了,你拣到消音了,哈老朋友终于现身了吧。 第五关: 的确变态,按简单里的思路是走不通了,别被发现,死定了!我曾被人用AK的枪把3下敲死,不用说3个人扫你了。刚出来行动就要快,爬出来后先跑到箱子后,等那个无业游民走到最左边箱子旁边时潜伏钻出去(等卡车旁的那两个家伙把脑袋都转过去时),一走一跑,跑到“电话亭”时潜伏过去拿家伙,然后蹲走过电话亭,等那家伙走回去看门就一跑一走潜伏进卡车。从卡车出来那里就要靠简单里的练习了,一定要掌握好时间,到卡车附近巡逻的那个士兵和往返于屋里的那个经常不是一起看卡车的后面,等巡逻的家伙走到车尾(凭感觉或在车尾那看他脑袋过去)后下车,从车头左边的箱子跑过去,然后躲在门后的障碍物后就行,等卫兵出来后,顺门缝看门里那家伙刚经过你视线就进去,躲起来等到他上楼梯跟在后面,拐到屋里换衣服就可以大大方方的走了。下去还是老方法吧。关了监控后跑起来,见到人就停,既省时又没人怀疑你的。下电梯后也不要杀人,撬锁进去用消音救人,上去后也跑就行,有人就停,埋完炸弹后别急着跑,感觉卫兵快走道电梯后就引爆跑到出口,烧饼们的目标是你,所以不用担心伙伴落在后面啦。专业是必宝的啦。 第六关: 只杀将军一人就够了,我的方法是针对没有麻醉药的玩家,拿到毒药后,奔靠出口那侧的叹号,也就是侧门,等守卫走了开锁,奔车库近而且保险些,顺门缝看守卫走到车后面时开门进去,抽时间差进到走廊左门换衣服出来到厨房,拿起一个杯子,最好你能进中间有叹号那间拿枪,不过别让人任出来。拿出酒杯,跟着拿出毒药,杀手就自己下药了,到大厅去吧,等将军来在他身旁按E,他就会喝了它然后呕吐到WC去就挂了,然后跟着大使他们,保险柜那屋有两间,在隔壁等大使打开柜子后跑进去,这时特工用枪瞄大使所以没看见你,拿到就跑,这关大使没准在几层开柜子,如果大使在一层而且特工动手晚的话,你可以趁大使单独开柜子时开门抢过来就跑,至于怎么在跑时不引人注意还得另请高明了。 第七关: 这关开始我没有获得好分数,原因是逃离慢了,得个侩子手,哎。这关刚出来等2人掉头就跑到车库进去按喇叭,然后在门后潜伏,勒死那个警卫,然后换衣服到后院往房后走,一步一跑,等抽烟的走了到门旁边(右边)潜伏并看门镜,大概1分多钟后等那家伙出来后,到门前还不进去,看门镜里警卫走到左边消失后潜伏进屋,到右边走廊里换衣服下毒,下左边桌子上的那盘,然后躲到屋里等守卫从眼前离开并走远再出去,跑向门口就行了。第二次玩是沉默杀手,攻击程度零,奖个无声双枪哈。其实只要您能对没一关都很熟悉的话,您会被奖励很多的,不信好好玩玩简单吧。 第八关: 拿到武器后下到地下通道到一半时别动了,等守卫进屋走个来回。下去,在门口处等10秒(你没有地图了,所以别总按原攻略思路!),开门潜伏到右边箱子后面,然后出去上车到第二个小屋前停下,开始困难了,在门缝那潜伏,看到忍者(耐心!)进来并走到门右边的箱子里时进去开门上到地面,到死胡同那里下去,老办法等守卫看不到你时出去坐车一直出去吧。我这关并没得高分,杀人了又实在不想重打一遍。只是介绍一下经验而已,慢慢过吧。 第九关: 我没有麻醉药,所以用消音爆了一个,换上衣服,先沿谷底走,用望远镜看前面沿谷底巡逻的那个距你还有2或3个山包时下来走,停在呢,等在小路上走的士兵渐渐远去时可以光明正大的走了,到了监控那里我只有爆了他,或者你有耐心潜伏饶过去,在他背后开门关了就跑远也行,看你想象力了。正门进去后看警卫从门前经过再进去吧,关了第二个在沿“滑梯”进去走过去关第三个。然后去出口吧。越来越难了。 第十关: 真不明白为什么没人教我们如何不杀人过关,可以狂奔到钥匙卡那里,在勒死守卫,或者引一个守卫下来,秒了他迅速换衣,等其他的来时趁他蹲下时快走去拿卡,之后拿到炸弹和遥控器,整个过程没危险的。我是随便弄套忍者衣服到地下室拿导航系统。然后我直接上到三楼,按按钮然后跑下去,看运气了,其实你可以顺一楼跑到地下室躲起来,省着杀人,顶多一两个忍者追到这,2分钟后出去吧,躲个旮旯,过来人就消他,也可以从钥匙卡那屋门缝看,飞机飞了边跑出去边按,跑向出口吧!没办法,实在没时间研究这关。简单的都快过不去了。都是学校时间给压的。 第十一关: 两种方法都可以,如果想得高分或证明一下实力最好是送比萨,拿一把消音或最好什么抢都不拿。用简单里的方法拿到比萨。下去后下到胖子那间屋子。潜伏或者走过去都行。反正他不认识你的。杀了上来在电梯出开抢,幸运的话守卫不会打你的。用消防员那招也行。什么抢都不要。出来就到杀手符号那间进去就行(之前别跑)。拿到烟雾弹就跑出来,扔到洗衣通道里等警报,老方法出去或干脆跑到消防室。换衣服拿斧子跑下楼梯跑到胖子那,潜伏过去别踩到香蕉皮和比萨盒子就行,之前先把电脑打坏。一斧子搞定他就跑吧。这关很简单。 第十二关: 我没打坏任何东西,因为那些守卫很苯哦,出来不杀人,直接过去拿服务器钥匙,应该不会被发现啊。然后一走了之。这关只要你把简单里杀人的环节都去掉就好办了哈。 第十三关: 先找到保险丝最好,但潜伏的时间不好掌握,可以到钢琴房旁边看守卫是否出来。简单里你如果就没杀人的话,这关同样不用杀人的。顺序:拿夜视-拿雕像-关保险丝-拿钱-到浴室的天台朝里开枪-马上跑到拿夜视那屋的天台进去杀胖子走人,愿意的话吓跑那个技师。 第十四关: 独道的玩法。出来只拿消音走到集市旁的梯子那里。上去顺天窗把上校消了,别让百姓看见最好。然后去勒死上尉,回来走到上校旁边就行了。或者先铰死上尉,然后去叹号那里拿狙击步,往天上放一枪,然后蹲在房檐上瞄着正对的那个口狙死10秒后跑过来上校。扔枪,等那帮士兵基本上都为上校“哀悼”或者说是验尸后跑过去拣钥匙,然后跑吧。你如果不小心被发现就杀一个兵换衣服消音打死上校后换回衣服跑过去拣,他们都以为你个普通老百姓吓坏了哈。 第十五关: 这关如果不抢时间的话哪个狙击点都行一点一点过吧。本菜鸡是没有好方法了,哎。 第十六关: 进基地时我没杀人,先饶到地图最上方等左边那个守卫开始走时,另一个并没有马上走,这时我就潜伏过去,一直潜伏,等他脑袋转到他的左上方时开门我就溜了进去哈。然后又是趁那家伙转脑袋时下了水沟,然后蹲着走吧,没人时上去杀人,再老办法杀拿货物去。 第十七关: 先杀狙击手然后杀另一个,这关不是特难,离士兵们远点就行。 第十八关: 绞死来回巡逻的警卫,拿钥匙-换衣服-上楼-药死他-拖走就OK了,上楼时尽量别让警卫跟上来,不然他走偷看你拖死尸哈。 第十九关: 先潜伏上楼梯,顺上路换僧侣衣服,进去换医生衣服和拿刀子,换衣服前最好别让护士看到,要不上电梯时2个护士会议论你,然后波及到所有警卫瞬间怀疑你的!杀了人快下电梯跑起来就行。 第二十关: 直接进大厦吧。你要想要枪就利用跑动勒死警卫拿一把玩吧这关要靠在简单里摸索规律。 结局: 还是靠简单里的方法,跑动中勒人如果练的好的话,刚开始就可以根本不用费血,一点一点的继续吧,熟悉环境的你应该知道怎么打吧,我在简单里最好一次是就开始挨了一枪哈。打胖子时别下去,既然你没有地图就别去跟他火并,杀狙击手时如果你能不被发现的话应该打他不费力的,我就是往二楼一待,瞄着教堂神像那里,他总会过去的,爆头就可以结束这个游戏了哈。 三: 秘籍: 1、找到你安装游戏的目录(比如我的就是D:\ProgramFiles\天人互动\终极刺客2) 实在不会这一步的网友就右键点击桌面上的杀手2的游戏图标,然后按下属性这一项,属性打开后有2项选择,一项是常规,另一项是快捷方式,按下快捷方式后,下面有2个按钮,其中一个就是查找目标,按下这个按钮后就可以找到游戏安装目录下的文件; 2、找到一个名字叫Hitman2的文件(外观像笔记本,就是通常名字是readme的那种),右键打开属性后可以看到后缀名是INI(也就是MS-DOS名称:HITMAN2.INI这一行字),确认是这个文件后打开它,里面写的全是一些英文,在最后一行(最后空白的地方,这一行里不能有字)加入EnableCheats1这一串字,然后保存一下,退出文件,进行游戏就可以使用秘籍了。 IOIRULEZ无敌模式开关 IOIGIVES获得所有武器及物品 IOIHITLEIF恢复生命值 IOISLO慢动作模式开关 IOIER爆炸模式开关 IOIHITALI阿里模式开关 IOILEPOW特殊攻击模式开关 IOIGRV重力效应开关 IOINGUN射钉枪模式开关 IOIPOWER超级力量 IOIEQPWEAP获得弹药


Hello! Professional strategy + secret book: Do not run before the enemy, such meetings by detection.

** use chloroform should be pressed absolutely refuse to to put, such effectiveness just are met abiding, and the dress that can take off the enemy so.

** presses two underside body to bolt repeatedly, the 2nd word that does not put, can make sideways motion, apply to the assault of the corner.

** hits a person to want as far as possible direct nob, often can one gun is deadly.

** is close to from backside must use sneak attack pattern, perhaps crouch, can expose otherwise.

** if your pass a barrier can obtain highest opinion " SILENT ASSASSIN " if, connect regular meeting to special firearms rewards you.

If ** has the word that the new weapon that you do not have appears in game process, remember taking it to come pass a barrier, can withhold so be in your weapon library. ** opens the picture of task brief report before the bureau in, you can be pressed " Mission " before play again involve number, and can obtain new weapon all the same, include the weapon that top evaluation sends.

If ** wants to obtain highest opinion, be about when to satisfy: Cannot cause any alarm; Cannot, or can kill the person beyond the target only; Cannot fire too much bullet. But record number was not affected, you can be recorded to the top of one's bent.

The first close: I seem to do not have other method pass a test, just was to be familiar with cathedral environment, for last close next dozen of bases just the 2nd close: To the practice with original strategy I am approve of, I had tried a lot of times (the) in major, no matter be,pour the fellow leave behind that sends food, can the pity with the successful little odds that meets with BOSS, two kinds of methods:

That deliver goods in 1. major member actually good put down falls, come out to run to right door, beefeater falls with the fiber-optic line put down that takes early after food car, next when deliver goods member the put down when coming out again pours him, pull change jacket to take next, later informal you, open reducing drop is hard to avoid.

2. comes out with respect to the door in run to, in door right (already your perspective builds direction to fasten) conceal, after waiting for that fellow to come out, when the tree after his foot just stepped the first door, run into the door, this one procedure sees your level, if can enter the door to be not discovered, and just if the door is shut, you can calculate an expert, take A Ju with the shortest time next, go out to just ran one pace chooses the light by right key, press SPACE immediately, put down pours him, do not collect a gun, run to hilltop from the back Ju BOSS, certain preexistence is simple li of practice is good it, must come to the building below BOSS Ju, next with come over the fellow Ju of autopsy is dropped (the proposal is adopted 1 in the beefeater that the put down that carry pours right door arrives immediately in door put down pours another, continue again 2 medium methods can remnant the) of a bullet, choose a gun quickly to change the clothes, throw snipe pace beside the car, the body that moves toward BOSS along the foot of a wall (the likelihood has a tail, leave him alone, won't draw out the) of the gun, snipe is taken to go there dungeon again later, the door of backyard takes after coming out, dead fat person of the Ju when the person such as main rooms is little, bit more patient, do not allow discovery of too much person, take a thing to go next person.

This closes me is to cannot become silent assassin really, hope which prawn can tell little younger brother better method is breathed out. The method that the author of graphic strategy appears to do not have a kill fatso discloses ha.

If be not killed in the beefeater of the door also goes, look for time to differ likewise, but some are difficult, to moment you knew.

The 3rd close: 12 minutes of pass a barrier, have a key (not be) of book of secret of pass a barrier, be in simple if affirm according to old thinking,this closes in that level is to use amortization to kill a soldier next... this action is bad in major to made, the matter need not say, amortization was done not have, the target is exposed very quickly, although you can lean old way, also won't get tall cent, and the surprizing discovery when I cross this to close, the enemy had not suspected I am breathed out unexpectedly.

Be in above all simple in read an archives, come down the map cut in the subway, in come down ground graph cut.

Do not tell me you won't check scheme! ! !

That is forced to use used golden hill You Xia... do not know everybody notices, in the round passageway that leads to the ground in the subway, thrust deep into the enemy forces patrols two soldiers, be at ease the bold A Ju that takes you, the handgun need not shine, after waiting for the soldier above to return the ground, in mouth of a cave place cat is worn, the perspective that uses you sees the small A elder brother inside go by (toward right sidle) hind, go in, keep back homicide desire, do not use SPACE, leave to enter the wicket of the right side after the hole, next can swaggeringly went, lever the door inside, enter sewer, go up left those who go up that mouth, climb, not somebody stays at a selected grass-roots unit to help improve its work and gain first hand experience for guiding overall work above concern, give contact map left sidle, reached stair point, can take out fiber-optic line, use good SPACE, pour his put down, procrastinate to change clothes at the same time, can move toward foothold next. Go upstairs to finish the job smoothly, the marksmanship after gun of the 2nd practice after closing allowed certainly, after returning sewer next, run back to, still be old method, see keyhole, wait for that arms elder brother to take iron go out again at the back of the cabinet, if you walk out of a hole,do not take care to touch when the mouth aspirant the word of the soldier that will patrol, persuade you to hit a wall! ! ! Was judged to be silent killer finally. The 4th close: Never mind is good say, with bomb car of 2 bomb enough blast, the attention runs to stopped to go, glad thing happening, you choose amortization, breathed out old friend to show a body eventually. The 5th close: Abnormal really, by simple the train of thought in is to go was illogical, be not discovered, decided to death! I ever was used the small of the stock of AK 3 knock dead, need not say 3 people sweep you. Just came out to act be about fast, after the case running first after climbing, the conceal when waiting for that hobo to go to the side of the leftest case is gotten (the) when waiting for those two fellow by the lorry to turn around the head, go to run, run " booth " when conceal took guy in the past, had crouched booth next, wait for that fellow to walk along guard the entrance to run to walk along conceal to take a truck. Come out from the lorry over there be about to lean simple the exercise in, must master good time, that soldier that patrols near the lorry and go there and back at house in that often is not at the back of see a lorry together, wait for the fellow that patrol to take car remaining part (by feel or see his head go then in car end) hind get off, from car head left case runs over, go after the fraise that hides after the door next, after waiting for guarder to come out, that fellow just passed you in guard the entrance of suitable a crack between a door and its frame the line of sight goes in, hide when the stair on him follows at the back, abduct changes clothes to be able to expert to go just greatly in house. Going down to return is old method. After closing monitoring, run, see the person stays, when be being saved already nobody suspects you. Elevator hind also does not commit murder below, prize lock goes in to help a person with amortization, after going up, also run to go, somebody stops, rapid move is fastened to run after burying bomb, sensory guarder is detonated after fast footpath elevator run to exit, sesame seed cake people the target is you, need not fear associate is left behind so. Major is to need of treasure. The 6th close: Fight a challenge only one person is enough, my method is to be aimed at the player that does not have narcotic, after taking poison, go straight towards those who rely on to export that side to sigh date, namely side door, waited for beefeater to go to open a lock, go straight towards a garage close and some safer, guard of suitable a crack between a door and its frame defends a car from the back when open the door go in, smoke time difference to enter corridor left door to change clothes come out kitchen, take a glass, best you can be entered among have sigh date takes a gun that, do not let a person allow to come out nevertheless. Take out goblet, take out poison accordingly, killer with respect to oneself drug, go to the hall, wait for a general to come in him beside by E, he can drink it to vomit to was hanged to WC next, follow an ambassador next they, that house has the safe two, in next door after waiting for an ambassador to open a cabinet, run into, at this moment secret service takes aim with the gun the ambassador did not see you so, take run, this closes an ambassador to did not allow to open a cabinet in a few, if the ambassador is in and secret service starts work late word, when you can take the advantage of an ambassador to open a cabinet alone, open the door grab come over to run, as to when how running not seductive still get find someone better qualified. The 7th close: This closes begin me to did not gain good mark, the reason is to escape slow, get a middleman child hand, hey. This closes to just came out to wait for 2 people to turn around to run to the garage to go in by the horn, it is next after the door conceal, strangle that guard, change clothes to go toward room hind to backyard next, one pace runs, wait for smoking went to arrive on the side of the door (right) conceal and lens of guard the entrance, after that fellow waiting to come out after 1 minute of bells probably, still do not go in to the front of the door, the conceal after the guard in lens of guard the entrance goes left to disappear enters room, change clothes in right corridor envenom, on next left tables that dish, hide in house to wait for beefeater next from leave at the moment and go far to go out again, run to doorway went. Playing the 2nd times is silent killer, attack degree 0, award breathed double gun is breathed out. Want your very can familiar to closing saying only actually, you can be rewarded of a lot of, do not believe good play amusedly simple. The 8th close: Subterranean passageway falls to be not moved to one half after obtaining a weapon, wait for beefeater to go into house back and forth. Go down, 10 seconds wait in doorway place (you do not have a map, always do not press original strategy train of thought so! ) , open the door conceal arrives at the back of right case, go out to get on a car to stop to the front of the 2nd hut next, begin difficulty, in a crack between a door and its frame that conceal, see the person that bear (patient! ) when come in and going in the case of door right, go in open the door go up the ground, go down there blind lane, when the beefeater such as old way cannot see you, go out to take a car to go out all the time. I this closes and must not divide high, committed murder not to think retype really again. Just introduce experience just, pass slowly. The 9th close: I do not have narcotic, exploded with amortization so, change jacket to take, go along cereal bottom first, look with binoculars in front along what patrol by cereal that is apart from you still have 2 or 3 hill come down when the bag, stop in, the soldier that waits to go on alley is gradually far when going, can go aboveboard, arrived over there monitoring I exploded only he, or you have patient conceal forgive to go, open the door rear in him closed to run far also go, see your imagination. Guard looks to go in again from the course before the door after front door goes in, closed the 2nd to be in along " slide " go in to close the 3rd. Go exporting next. More and more difficult. The 10th close: Really unidentified Bai Wei what does nobody teach us how to commit murder pass a barrier, can run quickly madly there key card, in strangle beefeater, perhaps bring a beefeater to come down, second he changes the clothes quickly, when he is being taken the advantage of to crouch when waiting to come otherly go quickly to take card, bomb and remote controller are taken later, whole process does not have danger. I am to do a dress of the person that bear to take navigation system to basement casually. Next I get on 3 buildings directly, run next by pushbutton, see lot, actually you can arrange first floor to run to basement to hide, saving homicide, at most 9 person that bear chase after this, go out after 2 minutes, hide a Ga La, a n experienced person with respect to disappear he, also can block that house a crack between a door and its frame to look from the key, the airlines flew the edge runs out the edge is pressed, run to is exported! Do not have method, do not have time to study this closes really. Simple was impassable quickly. It is school time to what press. Eleventh closes: Two kinds of methods are OK, if think divide or proving actual strength is best is high,send pizza, an amortization or best what to take to grab do not take. With simple the method in takes pizza. Fat person lays after going down that house. Conceal perhaps goes by to go. Anyway he does not know you. Killed come up to go out to grab in elevator, lucky word beefeater won't hit you. With firemen that action also goes. What is grabbed do not want. Come out to arrive killer symbol goes in that to go (before do not run) . Take aerosol to play run, throw wash clothes alarm waits in the passageway, old method goes out or flat run to fire control room. Change clothes take ax to run next stair running to fatso that, conceal did not step on banana skin and pizza box to go in the past, before first computer batter. One ax is done decide him to run. This closes very simple. Dozenth close: I do not have batter any, because of those beefeater very benzene, come out not to commit murder, direct past takes server key, should not be discovered. Went next. This closes to want you only simple li of bloodguilty link take out with respect to easy to handle ha. Thirteenth closes: Find fuse first best, but delitescent time is bad to master, can see beefeater whether come out to the side of piano room. Simple in if you do not have bloodguilty word, this closes same need not bloodguilty. Ordinal: Take night to inspect - take statuary - close fuse - take money - to the day of the bathroom Tai Chaoli shoots - the weather station that runs to take night to inspect that house immediately goes in kill fatso to go person, if be willing, frighten run that technician. The 14th close: Alone play a way. Come out to take amortization to go there the ladder by market only. Go arranging scuttle on captain disappear, do not let common people see best. Go next strangle Captain, came back to go. Or first dead Captain of bore with a reamer, go sighing next over there date take snipe step, put one gun toward the sky, that buccal Ju that crouchs on eaves to taking aim to be opposite next runs after 10 seconds to death captain. Toss a rifle, wait for that to help a soldier basically be captain " lamentation " perhaps saying is run over to pick the key after autopsy, run next. If you do not take care to be killed by discovery an arms changes clothes amortization beats dead a dress is changed to run over to choose after captain, they think you ordinary common people was psyched out ha. The 15th close: If,this closes not which snipe nods the word of race against time to pass bit by bit all right. This dish chicken is to do not have good method, hey. The 16th close: When entering base, I did not commit murder, first forgive arrives map most when that beefeater begins the left such as upper part, another did not go immediately, at this moment I go with respect to conceal, all the time conceal, I opened the door to sneak away to go in when waiting for his head to turn to his wrong upper part ha. It is to take the advantage of that fellow to turn next head nowadays ditch, crouching to go next, homicide goes up when nobody, again old way is killed obtain goods. The seventeenth close: Kill sharp-shooter kill another next first, this closes is not especially difficult, remote from soldiers speck goes. The 18th close: The guard that hangings to patrol back and forth, take the key - change clothes - go upstairs - medicine is dead he - tow away with respect to OK, guard does not let catch up with as far as possible when going upstairs come, otherwise he goes peek you pull cadaver to breath out. The 19th close: First the stair on conceal, suitable start off changes abbe clothes, go in change a doctor the dress and take knife, the nurse had better not let see before changing clothes, 2 nurses when otherwise electrify ladder will be eristic you, affect all guard instant suspects you next! Killed a person to issue elevator quickly to run to go. The 20th close: Enter a large building directly. You should want a gun to be used run move strangle guard to take to play this closes should rely on to be in simple in fumble the rule. Ending: Still lean simple the method in, run the good word that if drill,the person forces in moving, just began to be able to use cost blood far from, bit by bit continuity, of familiar environment you should know how to be hit, I am in simple in had better be to began to endure one gun to breath out. Hit fat period of the day from 11 pm to 1 am not to go down, since you do not have a map not to follow his open fight between factions, when killing sharp-shooter if you can be not discovered should hit him lightly, I am waited for toward 2 buildings namely, taking aim over there cathedral God, he always can go, explode the head can end this game ha. 2: Secret book: The first close: I seem to do not have other method pass a test, just was to be familiar with cathedral environment, for last close next dozen of bases just the 2nd close: To the practice with original strategy I am approve of, I had tried a lot of times (the) in major, no matter be,pour the fellow leave behind that sends food, can the pity with the successful little odds that meets with BOSS, two kinds of methods: 1. That deliver goods in major member actually good put down falls, come out to run to right door, beefeater falls with the fiber-optic line put down that takes early after food car, next when deliver goods member the put down when coming out again pours him, pull change jacket to take next, later informal you, open reducing drop is hard to avoid. 2. Come out with respect to the door in run to, in door right (already your perspective builds direction to fasten) conceal, after waiting for that fellow to come out, when the tree after his foot just stepped the first door, run into the door, this one procedure sees your level, if can enter the door to be not discovered, and just if the door is shut, you can calculate an expert, take A Ju with the shortest time next, go out to just ran one pace chooses the light by right key, press SPACE immediately, put down pours him, do not collect a gun, run to hilltop from the back Ju BOSS, certain preexistence is simple li of practice is good it, must come to the building below BOSS Ju, next with come over the fellow Ju of autopsy is dropped (the proposal is adopted 1 in the beefeater that the put down that carry pours right door arrives immediately in door put down pours another, continue again 2 medium methods can remnant the) of a bullet, choose a gun quickly to change the clothes, throw snipe pace beside the car, the body that moves toward BOSS along the foot of a wall (the likelihood has a tail, leave him alone, won't draw out the) of the gun, snipe is taken to go there dungeon again later, the door of backyard takes after coming out, dead fat person of the Ju when the person such as main rooms is little, bit more patient, do not allow discovery of too much person, take a thing to go next person. This closes me is to cannot become silent assassin really, hope which prawn can tell little younger brother better method is breathed out. The method that the author of graphic strategy appears to do not have a kill fatso discloses ha. If be not killed in the beefeater of the door also goes, look for time to differ likewise, but some are difficult, to moment you knew. The 3rd close: 12 minutes of pass a barrier, have a key (not be) of book of secret of pass a barrier, be in simple if affirm according to old thinking,this closes in that level is to use amortization to kill a soldier next... this action is bad in major to made, the matter need not say, amortization was done not have, the target is exposed very quickly, although you can lean old way, also won't get tall cent, and the surprizing discovery when I cross this to close, the enemy had not suspected I am breathed out unexpectedly. Be in above all simple in read an archives, come down the map cut in the subway, in come down ground graph cut. Do not tell me you won't check scheme! ! ! That is forced to use used golden hill You Xia... do not know everybody notices, in the round passageway that leads to the ground in the subway, thrust deep into the enemy forces patrols two soldiers, be at ease the bold A Ju that takes you, the handgun need not shine, after waiting for the soldier above to return the ground, in mouth of a cave place cat is worn, the perspective that uses you sees the small A elder brother inside go by (toward right sidle) hind, go in, keep back homicide desire, do not use SPACE, leave to enter the wicket of the right side after the hole, next can swaggeringly went, lever the door inside, enter sewer, go up left those who go up that mouth, climb, not somebody stays at a selected grass-roots unit to help improve its work and gain first hand experience for guiding overall work above concern, give contact map left sidle, reached stair point, can take out fiber-optic line, use good SPACE, pour his put down, procrastinate to change clothes at the same time, can move toward foothold next. Go upstairs to finish the job smoothly, the marksmanship after gun of the 2nd practice after closing allowed certainly, after returning sewer next, run back to, still be old method, see keyhole, wait for that arms elder brother to take iron go out again at the back of the cabinet, if you walk out of a hole,do not take care to touch when the mouth aspirant the word of the soldier that will patrol, persuade you to hit a wall! ! ! Was judged to be silent killer finally. The 4th close: Never mind is good say, with bomb car of 2 bomb enough blast, the attention runs to stopped to go, glad thing happening, you choose amortization, breathed out old friend to show a body eventually. The 5th close: Abnormal really, by simple the train of thought in is to go was illogical, be not discovered, decided to death! I ever was used the small of the stock of AK 3 knock dead, need not say 3 people sweep you. Just came out to act be about fast, after the case running first after climbing, the conceal when waiting for that hobo to go to the side of the leftest case is gotten (the) when waiting for those two fellow by the lorry to turn around the head, go to run, run " booth " when conceal took guy in the past, had crouched booth next, wait for that fellow to walk along guard the entrance to run to walk along conceal to take a truck. Come out from the lorry over there be about to lean simple the exercise in, must master good time, that soldier that patrols near the lorry and go there and back at house in that often is not at the back of see a lorry together, wait for the fellow that patrol to take car remaining part (by feel or see his head go then in car end) hind get off, from car head left case runs over, go after the fraise that hides after the door next, after waiting for guarder to come out, that fellow just passed you in guard the entrance of suitable a crack between a door and its frame the line of sight goes in, hide when the stair on him follows at the back, abduct changes clothes to be able to expert to go just greatly in house. Going down to return is old method. After closing monitoring, run, see the person stays, when be being saved already nobody suspects you. Elevator hind also does not commit murder below, prize lock goes in to help a person with amortization, after going up, also run to go, somebody stops, rapid move is fastened to run after burying bomb, sensory guarder is detonated after fast footpath elevator run to exit, sesame seed cake people the target is you, need not fear associate is left behind so. Major is to need of treasure. The 6th close: Fight a challenge only one person is enough, my method is to be aimed at the player that does not have narcotic, after taking poison, go straight towards those who rely on to export that side to sigh date, namely side door, waited for beefeater to go to open a lock, go straight towards a garage close and some safer, guard of suitable a crack between a door and its frame defends a car from the back when open the door go in, smoke time difference to enter corridor left door to change clothes come out kitchen, take a glass, best you can be entered among have sigh date takes a gun that, do not let a person allow to come out nevertheless. Take out goblet, take out poison accordingly, killer with respect to oneself drug, go to the hall, wait for a general to come in him beside by E, he can drink it to vomit to was hanged to WC next, follow an ambassador next they, that house has the safe two, in next door after waiting for an ambassador to open a cabinet, run into, at this moment secret service takes aim with the gun the ambassador did not see you so, take run, this closes an ambassador to did not allow to open a cabinet in a few, if the ambassador is in and secret service starts work late word, when you can take the advantage of an ambassador to open a cabinet alone, open the door grab come over to run, as to when how running not seductive still get find someone better qualified. The 7th close: This closes begin me to did not gain good mark, the reason is to escape slow, get a middleman child hand, hey. This closes to just came out to wait for 2 people to turn around to run to the garage to go in by the horn, it is next after the door conceal, strangle that guard, change clothes to go toward room hind to backyard next, one pace runs, wait for smoking went to arrive on the side of the door (right) conceal and lens of guard the entrance, after that fellow waiting to come out after 1 minute of bells probably, still do not go in to the front of the door, the conceal after the guard in lens of guard the entrance goes left to disappear enters room, change clothes in right corridor envenom, on next left tables that dish, hide in house to wait for beefeater next from leave at the moment and go far to go out again, run to doorway went. Playing the 2nd times is silent killer, attack degree 0, award breathed double gun is breathed out. Want your very can familiar to closing saying only actually, you can be rewarded of a lot of, do not believe good play amusedly simple. The 8th close: Subterranean passageway falls to be not moved to one half after obtaining a weapon, wait for beefeater to go into house back and forth. Go down, 10 seconds wait in doorway place (you do not have a map, always do not press original strategy train of thought so! ) , open the door conceal arrives at the back of right case, go out to get on a car to stop to the front of the 2nd hut next, begin difficulty, in a crack between a door and its frame that conceal, see the person that bear (patient! ) when come in and going in the case of door right, go in open the door go up the ground, go down there blind lane, when the beefeater such as old way cannot see you, go out to take a car to go out all the time. I this closes and must not divide high, committed murder not to think retype really again. Just introduce experience just, pass slowly. The 9th close: I do not have narcotic, exploded with amortization so, change jacket to take, go along cereal bottom first, look with binoculars in front along what patrol by cereal that is apart from you still have 2 or 3 hill come down when the bag, stop in, the soldier that waits to go on alley is gradually far when going, can go aboveboard, arrived over there monitoring I exploded only he, or you have patient conceal forgive to go, open the door rear in him closed to run far also go, see your imagination. Guard looks to go in again from the course before the door after front door goes in, closed the 2nd to be in along " slide " go in to close the 3rd. Go exporting next. More and more difficult. The 10th close: Really unidentified Bai Wei what does nobody teach us how to commit murder pass a barrier, can run quickly madly there key card, in strangle beefeater, perhaps bring a beefeater to come down, second he changes the clothes quickly, when he is being taken the advantage of to crouch when waiting to come otherly go quickly to take card, bomb and remote controller are taken later, whole process does not have danger. I am to do a dress of the person that bear to take navigation system to basement casually. Next I get on 3 buildings directly, run next by pushbutton, see lot, actually you can arrange first floor to run to basement to hide, saving homicide, at most 9 person that bear chase after this, go out after 2 minutes, hide a Ga La, a n experienced person with respect to disappear he, also can block that house a crack between a door and its frame to look from the key, the airlines flew the edge runs out the edge is pressed, run to is exported! Do not have method, do not have time to study this closes really. Simple was impassable quickly. It is school time to what press. Eleventh closes: Two kinds of methods are OK, if think divide or proving actual strength is best is high,send pizza, an amortization or best what to take to grab do not take. With simple the method in takes pizza. Fat person lays after going down that house. Conceal perhaps goes by to go. Anyway he does not know you. Killed come up to go out to grab in elevator, lucky word beefeater won't hit you. With firemen that action also goes. What is grabbed do not want. Come out to arrive killer symbol goes in that to go (before do not run) . Take aerosol to play run, throw wash clothes alarm waits in the passageway, old method goes out or flat run to fire control room. Change clothes take ax to run next stair running to fatso that, conceal did not step on banana skin and pizza box to go in the past, before first computer batter. One ax is done decide him to run. This closes very simple. Dozenth close: I do not have batter any, because of those beefeater very benzene, come out not to commit murder, direct past takes server key, should not be discovered. Went next. This closes to want you only simple li of bloodguilty link take out with respect to easy to handle ha. Thirteenth closes: Find fuse first best, but delitescent time is bad to master, can see beefeater whether come out to the side of piano room. Simple in if you do not have bloodguilty word, this closes same need not bloodguilty. Ordinal: Take night to inspect - take statuary - close fuse - take money - to the day of the bathroom Tai Chaoli shoots - the weather station that runs to take night to inspect that house immediately goes in kill fatso to go person, if be willing, frighten run that technician. The 14th close: Alone play a way. Come out to take amortization to go there the ladder by market only. Go arranging scuttle on captain disappear, do not let common people see best. Go next strangle Captain, came back to go. Or first dead Captain of bore with a reamer, go sighing next over there date take snipe step, put one gun toward the sky, that buccal Ju that crouchs on eaves to taking aim to be opposite next runs after 10 seconds to death captain. Toss a rifle, wait for that to help a soldier basically be captain " lamentation " perhaps saying is run over to pick the key after autopsy, run next. If you do not take care to be killed by discovery an arms changes clothes amortization beats dead a dress is changed to run over to choose after captain, they think you ordinary common people was psyched out ha. The 15th close: If,this closes not which snipe nods the word of race against time to pass bit by bit all right. This dish chicken is to do not have good method, hey. The 16th close: When entering base, I did not commit murder, first forgive arrives map most when that beefeater begins the left such as upper part, another did not go immediately, at this moment I go with respect to conceal, all the time conceal, I opened the door to sneak away to go in when waiting for his head to turn to his wrong upper part ha. It is to take the advantage of that fellow to turn next head nowadays ditch, crouching to go next, homicide goes up when nobody, again old way is killed obtain goods. The seventeenth close: Kill sharp-shooter kill another next first, this closes is not especially difficult, remote from soldiers speck goes. The 18th close: The guard that hangings to patrol back and forth, take the key - change clothes - go upstairs - medicine is dead he - tow away with respect to OK, guard does not let catch up with as far as possible when going upstairs come, otherwise he goes peek you pull cadaver to breath out. The 19th close: First the stair on conceal, suitable start off changes abbe clothes, go in change a doctor the dress and take knife, the nurse had better not let see before changing clothes, 2 nurses when otherwise electrify ladder will be eristic you, affect all guard instant suspects you next! Killed a person to issue elevator quickly to run to go. The 20th close: Enter a large building directly. You should want a gun to be used run move strangle guard to take to play this closes should rely on to be in simple in fumble the rule. Ending: Still lean simple the method in, run the good word that if drill,the person forces in moving, just began to be able to use cost blood far from, bit by bit continuity, of familiar environment you should know how to be hit, I am in simple in had better be to began to endure one gun to breath out. Hit fat period of the day from 11 pm to 1 am not to go down, since you do not have a map not to follow his open fight between factions, when killing sharp-shooter if you can be not discovered should hit him lightly, I am waited for toward 2 buildings namely, taking aim over there cathedral God, he always can go, explode the head can end this game ha. 3: Secret book: 1, the list that finds you to install game (for instance mine is D:\ProgramFiles\ day person is interactive \ culminating assassin 2) honest won't the killer that the netizen of this one pace clicks a desktop to go up with respect to right key the game icon of 2, press subordinate sex next this one, there are 2 choices after attribute is opened, one is groovy, another is quick way, press after quick way, there are 2 buttons below, among them one searchs a target namely, press game can be found to install the file below catalog after this pushbutton; 2, the document that finds a name to call Hitman2 (the exterior resembles jotter, namely normally the name is Readme the sort of) , suffixal name can seeing after right key opens property is INI (namely MS-DOS name: HWord of ITMAN2.INI this group) , affirming is this file hind opens it, what write inside is a few English completely, in final group (final blank place, there cannot be a word in this group) join EnableCheats1 this string of words, save next, exit a file, undertake game can use secret record. IOIGIVES of switch of IOIRULEZ inapproachable mode obtains all weapons and article IOIHITLEIF to restore life to be worth IOISLO IOIEQPWEAP of super force of IOIPOWER of switch of mode of nail gun of IOINGUN of switch of effect of gravity of IOIGRV of switch of mode of special charge of IOILEPOW of switch of the mode in A of IOIHITALI of switch of mode of explosion of IOIER of slow-motion mode switch obtains an ammo
