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美丽的大自然原唱? 怎么形容美丽的沙滩?英文双语对照


美丽的大自然原唱? 怎么形容美丽的沙滩?英文双语对照






春天来了 花儿对我笑


夏天来了 池塘水满了

勤劳的青蛙 呱呱的欢叫

秋天来了 稻谷颗粒饱

棵棵的果树 笑弯了腰

冬天来了 雪花满天飘










秋天来了 稻谷颗粒饱

棵棵的果树 笑弯了腰

冬天来了 雪花满天飘




















金色的沙滩 ,迷人的沙滩,美丽的海滩,可爱的沙滩,温暖的沙滩,细软的沙滩,.荒凉的沙滩,柔软的沙滩,白色的沙滩










9.在青春的世界里,沙粒要变成真珠,石头要化做黄金;青春的魅力,应当叫枯枝长出鲜果,沙漠布满森林;这才是青春的美,青春的快乐,青春的本份! ——郭小川






亮晶晶,水汪汪,传神动人、脉脉含情 皓齿明眸 皓:白色的样子;眸:眼珠,泛指眼睛。洁白的牙齿,明亮的眼睛。形容女子容貌美丽,亦喻指美女。

回眸一笑 眸:眼珠。转动眼珠,嫣然一笑。常用以形容女子妩媚的表情。

明眸皓齿 明亮的眼睛,洁白的牙齿。形容女子容貌美丽,也指美丽的女子。

双瞳剪水 瞳:瞳孔,指眼睛。形容眼睛清澈明亮。

盈盈秋水 秋水:比喻美女的眼睛象秋天明净的水波一样。形容女子眼神饱含感情 炯炯有神,鼠目寸光,顾盼神飞,回眸一笑百媚生 眼大无神 。

左右顾盼。神采飞扬。眼花缭乱 目不转睛 目光如炬

































One, is beautiful nature sung formerly?

Song: ? See divide evenly of Bao Mu cane?

Sing: formerly? Is Luan graceful?

Compose: Feng Dan


Spring came flower laughs to me

Butterfly frolics in dragonfly flowers

Summer came pond water became full

What laborious frog quacks is joyous cry

The autumn came paddy grain is full

fruiter laugh bent a waist

Came in the winter snowflake waves all over the sky

Young associate people happy ski prize

Beautiful nature

It is the gem in my heart

Metempsychosis of the four seasons of Chun Xiaqiu winter

Resemble fairy tale kind wonderful

Beautiful nature

I am so love you

I should treasure every your life

Let the world be full of happy sweetness

The autumn came paddy grain is full

fruiter laugh bent a waist

Came in the winter snowflake waves all over the sky

Young associate people happy ski prize

Beautiful nature

It is the gem in my heart

Metempsychosis of the four seasons of Chun Xiaqiu winter

Resemble fairy tale kind wonderful

Beautiful nature

I am so love you

I should treasure every your life

Let the world be full of happy sweetness

Beautiful nature

It is the gem in my heart

Metempsychosis of the four seasons of Chun Xiaqiu winter

Resemble fairy tale kind wonderful

Beautiful nature

I am so love you

I should treasure every your life

Let the world be full of happy sweetness

2, the beach that how describes beauty?

One, the word of depict beach:

Aureate beach, attractive beach, beautiful beach, lovely beach, warm beach, delicate beach, . Desolate beach, soft beach, white beach

2, the beautiful sentence of depict beach ocean wave:

The sand with aureate and delicate 1. accommodated our accessibly and lovely soldier with the cheerful affection of difficult character.

On the beach of 2. white, coral or of bead shellfish be being discarded by optional ground in vain, finely and shake an eye.

3. sunshine, beach, ocean wave, old captain. This is when yearning to the happiness of beach and sea, as the growth of the age, these are yearning became memory.

4. is in this big desert, also hiding each unbeknown fokelore.

The grit below 5. phlogistic day, give heat of a silk fully, carry the eye looks, it seems that this Huang Sha below the foot is waving a kind light and the hot wave that continueing, the sole of the camel leaves walking impress in desert.

On the beach of 6. white, the house of small green crab is built on the wet ground that seawater has cleaned, that is fine at the back of fine windowsill, ordering about the eyes of their dug world, they are used amazed with shy see tourist people will go beside, taking laugh, taking cry, taking overjoyed, taking hovering between life and death, and the day of themselves, the winter goes spring come, smooth calm is static, lucky and in good health.

7. Desert area sand blown by wind is big, wind- driven strong. The biggest wind-force can amount to 10-12 class. Powerful wind-force furls a large number of float are sanded, form feral sand blown by wind to flow, ceaseless deflation ground, make landforms happening changes quickly.

Sand blown by wind of 8. desert area is big, wind- driven strong. The biggest wind-force can amount to 10-12 class. Powerful wind-force furls a large number of float are sanded, form feral sand blown by wind to flow, ceaseless deflation ground, make landforms happening changes quickly.

9. is in green world, sand should become pearly layer, stone should be changed make gold; Green glamour, ought to call deadwood long fruit giving delicacy, desert bestrews a forest; This ability is green beauty, green joy, this green portion! -- Guo Xiaochuan

On the beach of 10. white, coral or of bead shellfish be being discarded by optional ground in vain, finely and shake an eye.

11. is on the beach of golden color, have a lot of colourful conch, they lie over silently, of the sand soft on the beach, like walking to resemble be on the quilt, very comfortable.

3, how is infrequent beauty described?

The woman that infrequent beauty is appearance beauty commonly's pretty perhaps picture when, just can appear. Appearance woman is beautiful that word is too much " extremely beautiful, jing is day person, celestial being gas waves, ming Yan is moving " ... etc, everybody can break up turn over a dictionary, increase knowledge< . Appearance scenery beauty can be used " uncanny workmanship, beautiful Huan of United States annulus, like nature itself, carve of jade of carve of essence of life, air is boundless... " a lot of a lot of term

4, how is beautiful eyes described?

Glistening, bright, moving, affectionately contains lifelike affection bright ages bright eye bright: White appearance; Eye: Eyeball, eye of generally refer to. White tooth, bright eye. Describe woman appearance beauty, yi Yu points to a belle.

Answer eye to laugh at eye: Eyeball. Rotational eyeball, beautiful laughs. Constant in order to describes the expression of woman charm.

The eye with bright tine of bright eye bright, white tooth. Describe woman appearance beauty, also point to beautiful woman.

Shuang Tong cuts Shui Tong: Pupil, point to an eye. Appearance eye is clear and bright.

Be filled with be filled with autumn water autumn water: The Shui Bo with the as bright and clean as the autumn eye that compares a belle is same. Appearance woman eyes is full of feeling is sharp, shortsighted, god looking around flies, answer eye to laugh at 100 fawn on to give birth to an eye not to have a god greatly.

The left and right sides looks around. Expression flies upwards. Eyes blazing like torches-blazing with anger of dazzling fix eyes on

5, the beauty that how describes beach?

The great waves that horizon comes from distance, layer cascade is folded emerge to disembark come, on the beach Wei meandering Yi procrastinates give an arc, resembling is to be in the character that records a kind of mystery. The beach below the setting sun, halcyon and beautiful.

6, how is hollowness beauty described?

1, green jade grass is like mattress: Shiny green grass is like the ' mattress of ground upper berth. Often point to can offer temporarily the meadow of have a rest.

2, mattress of mother's brother of green jade grass: Shiny green grass is like the mattress that spreading on the ground. Often point to the meadow that can offer what rest temporarily.

3, 10 paces fragrant grass: Fragrant grass: Sweetgrass. The analogy has a talented person everywhere.

4, bear the star walks on grass: The head wears starlight, the foot steps a meadow. Appearance gives late Gui Xinqin early to work.

5, wood desolate: Desolate: Desolate, sparse. Flowers and plants is arboreous already wither dies of old age. Describe deep autumnal scenery to resemble.

6, fine jade Hua Yao is careless: Fine jade, precious jade: Beautiful jade. It is the flowers and plants of the elfland in the ancients imagination formerly. The flowers and plants of glittering and translucent beauty also is described after.

7, does beautiful nature dancing string together a word?

Beautiful nature, our beautiful home, we should cherish it, protect it, make it more beautiful

8, beautiful nature composition outline 1?

On the blue sky that if wash,greens jade, often wave a few white cloud. They resemble bashful girl same, hide a little while east, hide a little while on the west. Look quickly, a few lovely birdie, playing play hide-and-seek!

They hide in this Bai Yun a little while, hide in that cloudlet a little while. Sometimes an airlines has flown from the sky of azure blue, the arc that blue sky drew a beauty.

Far, layer cascade is folded, continuous the chain of mountains that rise and fall, be just as a long dragon is voluminous beyond. On hill, hill issues complete overgrow forceful and lush and green, lofty ginseng is extremely big tree. A large tree branch numerous Xie Mao, resembling is a Yun Zaiyuan of a green Fang Sheng rises.

Vicinity has a lawn, small careless verdure is dark green, resembling is to gave big shakedown to go up blanket of a greenbelt. In the flowers, the flower bloomed, have yellow, have red, have white, have violet... bits and pieces, extremely beautiful. Delicate flower sends out the sweet smell that gives refreshing, drew bee and butterfly. They dance in the flowers, collect honey.

There are leveret, small squirrel and fawn in the woods. They are making game!

Leveret picks dawdle and sweet fruit, small squirrel collects beautiful flower, fawn is looking for firing Gan Shuzhi. They is this to working? Original, they are playing play house!

Your look, they play much more happily!

The brook is clear see an end, so clear that can see the small fish in the river, shrimp and aquatic. Small fish and shrimp are playing in aquatic play hide-and-seek!

They swim to here a little while, swim there a little while, for fear that by others nab.


Nature is really beautiful!

9, does beautiful nature song string together a word?

Beautiful prairie my home! I stand in the prairie to look at Beijing! The person says Shaanxi good view!

10, the sentence that the Shan Guangshui scene that describes nature resembles drawing same beauty?

1. blast blast spring breeze has blown the earth, the earth becomes green; Had blown large tree, leaf light jiggle is moved, seem to dancing; Had blown a brook, river water sings in jubilation ground.

In the season of 2. warmth, in the woods, a lot of tree leave full bright-coloured flower; Everybody does not agree to let, red, yellow, white, violet, all kinds of flower resembles beautiful big flower bed really. Lots and lots of butterfly and bee smelled beautiful fragrance, happen to coincide the ground flies to collect honey, be in in the air flitter.

Group of hill of 3. far lofty, mirror in in relief illumination below, draped the appearance of golden color, appear beautiful all the more

4. goes to the alley of country, having the track of goatherd, wear in field breath fresh air, look at titbits to fly, visit rural area, look at strewn at random have the house that send, the scent of that clay is sniffed in countryside, listening to frog to cry, listening to Chan of running water Chan.

5. night of this day, do not have even a cloud, the sky is blue transparent and bright. The moon marries the son's wife that come newly like, just from east horizon rise, bashful ground is gotten into tree leaf to hide. Those dense poplar cultivate leaf, resembling is a running water, every day nocturnal night rustle is sanded, rustle is sanded, be in the place with invisible people, quiet canorous is flowing.
