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道光二十六年(1846)夏天,魏源的母亲陈太夫人因病去世。按清例,父母丧必须去官守制。这时,他贫困交加,连装运棺柩回去的路费都没有,只好借住在朋友家中,向亲友借债度日。这一年八月,他在致友人胡蕴之(林翼)的信中说:“……弟半载东台,只因漕运受前任之累,赔垫四千金,……其尤急者,举家数十几口指日悬磬,而先榇至今滞留东台,未能奉移,其窘为生平所未尝……”,他的穷困拮据之情可想而知,后来,魏源得到亲友的帮助,才能将母亲的棺枢致运到句容县谭莲山安葬,在离开东台时,东台城民众扶老携幼相送。 道光二十八年(1848)暴雨连绵,湖水猛涨,河道总督杨以增准备启动运河堤昭关、中新、南关等五坝放水,那时里下河地区七县水稻将熟,如果开坝,让高邮湖、洪泽湖湖水下泻,里下河地区将成泽国,即将到手的稻谷也就颗粒无收,魏源时任兴化知县,立即向河道总督请求缓期开坝,未获批准。他就亲自赶赴两江总督衙门,击鼓撞钟,把总督陆建瀛请出来坐镇救灾,魏源则在风雨中奔走呼号,指挥七县民工挑土护堤。 随着风雨加剧,情况万分危急,河督杨以增为保官位死活要启坝,眼看着万亩稻田将淹没,魏源便顶着风雨,扑倒在河坝上痛哭着说:“要以身为民请命,要启坝就先让大水把我冲走。”目睹此情此景的人们为之感动。自早晨起,巨涛屡次冲上堤坝,民工十余万人严防死守。如此壮观的抗洪场面,一直坚持到傍晚风雨停息,两江总督扶着时年56岁的魏源感慨:“精诚所至,金石为开,岂不信然。”魏源回衙时,前来迎接的士绅拿着香火,放着鞭炮,送来一块大匾,上书“淮扬保障”四个大字,悬挂在县署正中。这年秋后,兴化、东台等七县获得了特大丰收,人民都称其稻为“魏公稻”,称漕河堤为“魏公堤”。1850年,魏源任盐运海州分司运判,筹银二十余万两,为高邮、宝应堤修缮之用。1851年,魏源任直隶州同知,未几,又授高邮州知州,注重培养人才,高邮那几年科第断绝,魏源上任,重建书院。是年秋,乡试榜出,文武诸生,中式者八人。清正在德,廉洁在志。 身有正气,不言自威。 有公德乃大,无私品自高。 官多一分廉,民增一分福。 劲松立险处,正气显人格。 名节重于泰山,利欲轻于鸿毛。 --------------毛泽东 多植荷花塘自清,勤反腐败政自明。 莫怨清廉淡滋味,应愁贪婪铁窗泪。 清丝要知廉洁早,莫待进牢愁白头。 反腐莫论事大小,倡廉不在位高低。 廉如清风常拂面,贪似毒药蚀灵魂。 为官应立公仆志,从政最贵爱民心。 挡不住今天的诱惑,将失去明天的幸福。 天天洗脸净在其外,日日反省明在内心。 勤政从一言一行做起,廉政从一分一厘拒之。 布勤,无以成就事业;不廉,难以凝聚人心。 智者不惑,勇者不惧,勤者不贫,廉者不腐。 勤以为民,廉以养德,淡以明志,静以修身。 一言一行不忘公仆形象,一举一动常思百姓冷暖。 一心为公自会宠辱不惊,两袖清风始能正气凛然。 德如深山幽兰,不言自芳;欲似长堤蝼蚁,无孔不入。 戒贪,贪则无品;戒骄,骄则无知;戒情,情则无进。 为政重在廉,做人重在诚, 说话重在信,办事重在实。 腐败,只能获取片刻的享乐; 清廉,却能换来永久的幸福。 廉洁方能聚人,律己方能服人, 身正方能带人,无私方能感人。 淡泊名利好比清茶一杯静心正身, 务实为民好比功积如山德载千秋。 智者,以别人惨痛的教训警示自己; 愚者,用自己沉重的代价唤醒别人。 为官当自律,甘心清贫,不触“高压线”; 做人须正己,诚信守法,勿打“擦边球”。 纵贪欲如落水,不用吹灰之力,终成灭顶之灾; 保清廉似上山,定需步步用力,方能攀上巅峰 这里面元首只有毛泽东的!还有其他人的。


The talk is smooth 26 years (1846) summer, maternal Chen Taifu of Wei Yuan the person dies due to illness. Press clear example, parental funeral must go the official is defended make. At this moment, he accompanies each other miserably, the travelling expenses that goes back even shipping coffin a coffin with corpse in is done not have, be forced to borrow, to relatives and friends debt lives. This year in August, he is in those who send friend Hu Yun (Lin Yi) say in the letter: "... younger brother half load east stage, what suffer predecessor because of water transport of grain to the capital only is tired, compensate fills up 4000 gold, ... its are especially urgent person, choose the home tens of a few show day hangs chime stone, and coffin first stop up to now east stage, fail to act according to move, its are disconcerted for life place have not... " , his destitute and short of money affection cans be imagined, later, wei Yuan gets the help of relatives and friends, ability sends coffin center of the mother carry to arrive a Tan Lian that allow a county hill buries, in leave east when the stage, photograph of bring along with the young and the old of stage city people sends east. The talk is smooth 28 years (1848) rainstorm is continuous, lake water rocket, wadi governor Yang Yizeng prepares to start canal bank clear to close, in new, south close wait for 5 dam to turn on the water, next river areas in in those days 7 counties paddy will be ripe, if open dam, let mail have diarrhoea of underwater of lake, Hong Zehu lake high, next river areas will become inundated area in, be about to in one's hand paddy also is not had with respect to grain close, the Ren Xinghua when Wei Yuan knows a county, request postpone a deadline to open dam to wadi governor instantly, did not win approval. He is driven personally go to goverment office in feudal China of two rivers governor, drum hits a bell, come out governor Liu Jianying please assume personal command provides disaster relief, wei Yuan is in harships go around campainging for a cause, direct 7 counties laborer to carry earth to protect a bank. As harships aggravate, circumstance extremely critical, yang Yizeng of river superintend and director is keep an official anyway should open dam, the eye looks at 10 thousand mus of rice fields to will be flooded, wei Yuan is carrying harships on the head, attack to wear say: "Want with the body plead for the people, want to open dam to let flood sweep me first. " witness this situation the people of this scene is touched for it. Since the morning, ju Tao develops dikes and dams frequently, ten people of laborer take strict precautions against defend to the last. Occasion of so grand fight a flood, hold to dusk harships all the time overblown, the Wei Yuan of when two rivers governor is helping up sighs with emotion: "Good faith place comes, inscriptions is, do not believe like that. " when Wei Yuan answers Ya, the esquire that comes round to receive is taking burning joss stick, putting firecracker, deliver a big a big round shallow basket, submit a written statement to a higher authority " raise of the Huaihe River is ensured " 4 big character, suspension is in the middle of prefectural arrange. This year of after autumn, promote change, east the 7 counties such as the stage obtained especially big bumper harvest, people call its paddy " Wei Gong paddy " , dike weighing water transport is " Wei Gongdi " . 1850, wei Yuan holds the post of salt to carry sea state branch manages carry is sentenced, prepare silver two, it is high post, Bao Yingdi to be used reparatively. 1851, wei Yuan holds the post of city of straight be subordinate to to know together, not a few, award high post city to tell a state again, pay attention to training qualified personnel, mail those a few years of divisions high discontinuity, wei Yuan assumes office, rebuild academy of classical learning. Be year autumn, countryside tries a list of names posted up to go out, zhu Sheng of civil and military, chinese style person 8 people. Qing Dynasty is in heart, clean-fingered in annals. Have healthy atmosphere personally, not Yan Ziwei. Social morality is big, altruistic article from tall. Cheap of government-owned much cent, civilian gain a minute of blessing. Strong pine establishs danger office, healthy atmosphere shows character. Mount Taishan of renown section overweight, benefit desire lighter than a goose feather. --------------Pond of lotus of Mao Zedong much establish from Qing Dynasty, turn over corruption politics frequently axiomatic. Not complain clean-fingered weak flavor, should anxious is greedy tear of a window with iron grating. Clear silk should know clean-fingered early, mo Dai enters firm anxious old age. Anti-corruption not considers issue size, initiate cheap is absent a discretion. Cheap is like face of cool breeze Chang Fu, corrupt be like bane corrode soul. For annals of Guan Yingli public servant, take up a political career common feelings of people of the most expensive love. Do not block today's temptation, will lose the happiness tomorrow. Wash a face to be completely outside its every day, meditate every day bright in the heart. Diligent politics make from every word and deed, cheap politics from one li refus. Cloth is diligent, without in order to make a career; Not cheap, condense popular feeling hard. Wisdom person not be puzzled, brave person not dread, diligent person not deficient, cheap person not corrupt. Diligent think civilian, cheap in order to raise heart, dan Yiming annals, static with cultivate one's morality. Every word and deed does not forget public servant figure, every act often thinks of common people changes in temperature. Of one mind is fair meet oneself remain indifferent to other's opinion, remain uncorrupted only then can healthy atmosphere stern. Heart if remote mountains is deep and remote orchid, not Yan Zifang; Be about to be like senior bank ants and mole crickets, be all-pervasive. Buddhist monastic discipline is corrupt, corrupt do not have article; Arrogant of Buddhist monastic discipline, arrogant is ignorant; Affection of Buddhist monastic discipline, affection is not had into. For politics be in again cheap, be an upright person to be in again sincere, conversation is being believed again, handle affairs to be in again solid. Corrupt, can get a short while have a life of pleasure only; Clean-fingered, can change permanent happiness however. Clean-fingered just can get together person, law one's own side can take a person, body square can take a person, altruistic square can touching. Fame and gain of not seek fame and wealth is just like green tea a cup of Jing Xinzheng body, deal with concrete matters relating to work is civilian be just like result accumulating to be like Shan Dezai a thousand years. Wisdom person, with homiletic him caution with bitter others; I person, with oneself heavy cost wakes up others. Should control oneself for the official, be content with poor, do not touch " high tension line " ; Be an upright person beard oneself, sincere letter is abide by the law, do not hit " edge ball " . Vertical concupiscent if fall into water, need not just little effort, become disaster eventually; Protect clean-fingered be like on hill, need to exert oneself to do sth. step by step surely, face dynast has Mao Zedong only here! Still have someone else.
