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要看你是去多久 什么档次的消费

两个人5天普通消费不购物大概4 5千吧



2、 进入寺庙参观请需要注意着装,不可太过暴露,不能身穿吊带或无袖裙,裙子或裤子需要过膝。进入佛殿之前必须要脱鞋,但在佛寺周围行走不必脱鞋。不能踩门槛,不可攀爬院墙、佛塔。有的寺庙禁止拍摄佛像,需要留意一下指示牌。每尊佛像不论大小、完整程度,都是神圣物品,不要攀爬或踩踏佛像,不要把小佛像放在裤兜里。

3、泰国法律规定,严禁在公共场所吸烟。如有需要,需要找到专门的吸烟室,在订酒店房间时也请说明需要入住可吸烟房间(Smoking Room)。








在凉季的时候,如果您准备去北部旅游,比如说去夜丰颂(Mae Hong Son) 或者清莱 (Chiang Rai),带一件长袖T恤或者夹克是个不错的选择。事实上,在泰国北部,有人会受寒而亡,在海拔2565米(8415英尺)高的茵他侬山(Doi Inthanon) 甚至能看到雪。所以在旅行前一定要查看天气预报,在去山区旅游之前,在清迈(Chiang Mai)或者清莱(Chiang Rai)的商店里购置保暖衣物。







1、泰国人都非常尊重他们的国王、王后以及王室家族,因此在别人面前批评王室要绝对慎重,泰国法律有对王室不敬罪的处罚条例。因此游客要小心表现适当的礼仪,如在公众场合有王室人员出席时, 最好是留意其他人的动作,跟着照做。



1、当泰国人互相打招呼时,不会采用典型的握手方式,而以双手合十, 状似祷告;泰国人称"wai"。一般来说,年幼的先向年长的打招呼,而年长的随后回礼合十。










11、泰国人不用红笔签名,因为泰国人死后,要在棺材口写上其姓氏,写时用的是红笔。泰国人喜爱红、黄色, 禁忌褐色。人们习惯用颜色表示不同日期:星期日为红色,星期一为黄色,星期二为粉红色,星期三为绿色,星期四为橙色, 星期五为淡蓝色, 星期六为紫红色。人们常按不同的日期, 穿不同色彩的服装。过去白色用于丧事, 现在改为黑色。









1、泰国寺院是泰国人公认的神圣地方。请在进入佛教寺庙时衣着得体端庄, 身着任何的短裙、短裤或袒胸露背装都将不得入内。在进入到佛堂、回教寺或私人住宅时, 游客需要脱鞋, 并注意不可脚踏门槛。

2、游览佛寺前, 先检查一下衣着, 袒胸露背者及穿短裤、背心者是禁止入内的, 甚至衬衣没塞进裤子、袖管翻卷在胳膊上的人也不准进佛寺的门。游客在进入佛殿前还要脱鞋,否则, 会被视为沾污佛堂。游客如果对寺庙、佛像、和尚做出轻率的举动, 就被视为罪恶滔天。拍摄佛像尤其要小心, 绝对不可爬上佛像拍照。

3、不要触摸佛像,不要爬上寺院内外的任何一尊佛像。对所有佛像, 不管大小都要尊敬。不要把佛像放在裤袋内, 泰国人认为身体的下部接触佛像是对佛像的亵渎。不能手指僧侣, 不能接触(身体)僧侣。尤其女性不许与僧侣握手, 在汽车上不许与僧侣邻坐, 即使是僧侣主动前来打招呼(外国女性常遇到)也应礼貌地拉开距离。

4、女士若想将东西奉给僧侣, 宜托男士转交, 如果要亲手赠送, 那么僧侣便会张开一块黄袍或手巾, 承接该女士交来的东西, 过程中僧侣是不容许碰触女性的。

5、 遇女尼时, 男子亦要小心不要触及她们身体。

6、遇见托钵化缘的和尚, 千万不能送现金, 因为这是破坏僧侣戒律的行为。

7、晴天路遇和尚时, 如果从和尚面前经过, 必须绕开和尚的身影。按佛教说法, 和尚的身影即和尚本人, 跨越和尚的身影, 等于跨越和尚, 这是对和尚不尊重的表现。

8、在给僧侣拍照前, 应先征得同意, 拍照后应有礼貌地表示谢意。

9、泰国法律中, 有部份是关于保护宗教的, 这些法例不单指佛教, 也包括国内其他信仰。不懂得宗教禁忌的人, 即使并非故意侮辱宗教, 也会引起别人的反感。在清真寺内, 男士要戴帽, 女士应穿长裤或长裙, 头发用领巾包扎。进入清真寺内也要脱鞋。













地址:2 Soi Soonvijai 7, New Petchaburi Rd., Bangkok, Thailand 10310

电话: +66-02-3103000



普吉国际医院(Phuket International Hospital)

地址:44 Chalermprakiat Ror 9 Rd, Phuket 83000

电话: +66-76-249400


清迈拉姆医院(Chiang Mai Ram Hospital)

地址:8 Boonreungrit Road,A MUANG,Ching Mai




地址:Soi 4 Pattaya 2nd Rd, Pattaya City




泰国邮政服务高效、可靠,全国各主要城镇均设有邮政机构,营业时间为周一至周五8:00-16:30,周六周日9:00-13:00。坐落于New Road的曼谷邮政总局的营业时间为周一至周五8:00-18:00,周六周日9:00-13:00。






地址:123 Moo 5, U Thong Road












电话:1672 工作时间:每日08:00-20:00


电话:1155 工作时间:每日24小时


电话:023650650 传真:023560655

工作时间:周一至周五 08:30-16:30


电话:021344077 工作时间:每日24小时






9、曼谷旅客协助中心: 02-2281-5051 、02-282-8129


Should seeing you is to go how long the consumption of what class

Two people 5 days of average consumption do not shop probably 4 5 1000

Travel advice

1, those who notice to respect place is consuetudinary, respect member of peaceful royal family, esteem is Buddhist and formal. Esteem particularly and Thailand royal family is respected, what keep appropriate please before the kingly picture that sees in everywhere is formal, do not give directions with the hand, want to notice one's words at the same time. The topic about kingly, royal family must not discuss with the person in Thailand, possible meeting offends law.

2, enter cloister to look around to need to noticing to install please, cannot too expose too, cannot wear condole to take or do not have sleeve skirt, skirt or trousers had needed genu. The shoe must want before entering Buddha hall, but in Buddha walk all round the temple need not take off a shoe. Cannot step on a doorsill, cannot climb wall climbing a courtyard, tope. Some cloister prohibit filming figure of Buddha, need is advertent directive card. Every honour figure of Buddha no matter size, whole level, it is divine article, do not climb climb or trample figure of Buddha, do not put small figure of Buddha in trouser pocket.

3, Thailand law provision, forbidden in public smoking. If have need, need finds special smoking room, also ask a specification to need to be able to smoke when booking hotel room room (Smoking Room) .

4, left travel should lean when Thailand cycles or driving, do not end in the road travel, also do not want optional park car. When riding motor, adorn certainly helmet, abide by place to hand in compasses, avoid to produce an accident.

5, although Thailand is hot, air conditioning temperature leaves very lowly however, itinerary prepare to grow the garment to prevent please cool.

6, everyday 8:00 with 18:00, very much communal circumstance can broadcast Thailand national anthem, the Thailand people that always hears national anthem voice is met halt, stop helper head all things, in order to show respect. Before the cinema sees a movie, also can broadcast the play music that commemorates Thailand king, crew stands up greeting, notice to stand up please.

7, China is stationed in peaceful diplomatic mission to warn Chinese citizen, enter a country Thailand need carries ready money of an ancient unit of weight of 20 thousand peaceful (add up to 4000 yuan of RMBs about) or equivalence foreign currency, bank credit card invalid. Peaceful immigrant official selectives examination with random means, cash deficit person will be entered a country by refus. This one regulation is applicable all sorts of visa that include be born to be signed inside enter a country personage.

Go on a journey is necessary article

1, dress kind: Come Thailand travel chooses what kind of dress to basically depend on the season that you will come to travel and journey course. Knickers, without sleeve T-shirt, beach shoe is the most practical. Thailand has some of place to the requirement of outfit very tall, and like not quite dress up too too optional person, have some of cloister especially advanced perhaps hotel, reject sloppily dressed person to enter inside.

Comfortable pledge gently, permeability is good, yi Gan's dress is the choice with monsoon first-class travel, street be flooded easily by flood in monsoon, so cloister and place of a few office can ask inside the reentry after your slipper, so slipper is very practical, and suggest standing poncho or umbrella.

In cool season when, if you prepare to go,north travels, go for example nocturnal abundant eulogy (Mae Hong Son) clear perhaps Lai (Chiang Rai) , take T-shirt of a long sleeve or jacket is a right choice. In fact, in Thailand north, somebody is met catch a cold catch a cold and die, in altitude 2565 meters (8415 feet) tall mattress his Nong Shan (Doi Inthanon) can see snow even. Must examine weather forecast before the journey so, going before a mountainous area travel, stride in Qing Dynasty (Chiang Mai) clear perhaps Lai (Chiang Rai) heat preservation clothing and other articles of daily use is purchased in the shop.

2, certificate kind: Passport, visa, check-up proves (travel autograph does not need) .

3, protect skin to taste: The proposal is used accuse oil to prevent bask in model cosmetic and filling water maintain article.

4, a few commonly used fever medicine, patulin had better prepare a few.

5, daily expense general merchandise: What basically point to is the things that wash gargle.

Custom is no-no

Royalty is no-no

1, Thai special esteem their king, queen and royal family are familial, before others accordingly critical royal family wants absolutely and discreet, thailand law has the condemnatory byelaw of pair of royal family lese majesty. Because this tourist wants to take care to behave proper formal, when if there is royal personnel in public circumstance,be being attended, had better be the movement of advertent someone else, illuminate accordingly do.

2, hear performance Thailand national anthem as the tourist, should suspend an activity immediately and stand as a mark of respect.

Gregarious and formal

1, when Thai greets sb each other, won't use typical handclasp means, and with both hands put the palms together, shape is like prayer; Thai weighs "wai" . Generally speaking, year young first to greet sb oldly, and old subsequently recompense put the palms together.

2, pointing to other with the lower limbs of sufficient ministry is clodhopping behavior. So, be opposite with the person sit, should avoid this kind of circumstance to appear. Or if, indicate pron any thing to someone, take the place of with the hand please foot.

3, Thai thinks " the head " be on word justice or symbolize going up is the top part on the body. Accordingly, they are not concessional stroke the head that takes one, even if is affable expression. Same, watch the party of Thai, the youngster will be sedulous before old personage ground gangmaster ministry is lop, come below not prep above is old the personage's height, lest leave " ,look down on " their impression.

4, declaring the love action between the men and women publicly is accepted hard. You may have looked a few very westernized young couple, hand-in-hand scene, but, this appearance is in only enlightened company group middling sees.

5, in Thailand, getting angry is the plan that next issueing, get angry avowedly especially, also will not prevail as to what want. Thai thinks such filial generation expressed despicable bearing. However, mood of curb of peace of keep one's hair on is the plan of before last, as to what want also handy.

6, if Thai substitutes surname name with your name when you, be like: Predict gram gentleman or Ma Ms. Li, must not surprised. Because, they are so mutual appellation, "Kun" of general address sb respectfully (gentleman, madam, lady) before the name.

7, normally Thailand female is more conservative, not be please below the circumstance that agrees without them, feel them (the body) .

8, the right-hand side that Thai knows humanness is clean and left hand is feculent, left hand can be used only take a few nasty things. Accordingly, important thing is taken with left hand can speak cold-shoulder. Left-hander need not notice in daily life, but in formal circumstance absolutely not OK. Comparing formal situation, even double hand is acted according to on, use left hand to be able to be considered as to disdain another person. Thai has a meal with the right hand, the right hand also is used when giving a thing to others, in order to show respect. When if want act against one's will,using left hand, should say voice first " left hand, excuse please " .

9, like left hand, sole also is considered as ungodliness. Entering when sitting, should avoid to put the foot on the table. Strike a person with tiptoe or point to a person to be able to be berated sharply, also cannot bear down on sole absolutely Buddha. Thai thinks crural ministry is humbleness, can use only on foot, cannot do other business, kick with the foot for example the door and point to a thing to wait with the foot. When sitting, not cock foot and sole to others. The woman takes a seat, the requirement is more strict, double leg must and approach, can be considered as otherwise uncivilized, half-bred.

10, the public circumstance in Thailand, do not make the move of scene having damage, be like hug, kiss or handclasp, this is considered as those who add up to local custom to not agree with. Additional, allow nude to bask in sunbathe in certain beach only, be in other place, thai does not like this kind of action, although was not formed,sin, but the Buddhist concept that violates Thai. Exquisite give and accept is not close between Thailand men and women, when although be in,open circumstance dances, the body also cannot be contacted.

11, Thai need not red pen sign one's name, after dying because of Thai, should write in bier mouth on its surname, what when writing, use is red pen. Thai loves red, yellow, no-no and Brown. People reviews customary facial expression expresses different date: Sunday is red, it is yellow on Monday, tuesday is pink, it is green on Wednesday, it is orange on Thursday, it is baby blue on Friday, it is amaranth on Saturday. People often presses different date, wear different colorific dress. Past white is used at funeral arrangement, now instead black.

12, the place that often has taken in the person, wait like doorway, roof prohibit pensile clothings, especially underpants and sock and so on.

13, in a few countries, avoid praises people children grows beautifully.

14, cannot choose water light. Thai is in of peaceful all previous water the Lantern Festival should be held every year when the month is round in December, this is a festival with the most lively Thailand. Must notice when watching water tube, no matter how that water lamp is delicate beautiful, cannot pick up absolutely, can be punished severely otherwise.

15, the problem that avoids to talk about: Member of politics, corrupt, royal family. Even if between the friend, also do not like to discuss individual issue.

16, if your affront others, want to smile, say " I am sorry " in order to show apology, put the palms together of even double hand.

17, the shoe should be taken off before the house that enters Thai, cannot step on a doorsill. If host sits on the floor, the guest wants all the same act. The foot does not want across, it is leg curl below the body, do not show sole.

18, give Thai give sb a present, had better choose the food that pack, candy waits, hand with the right hand the person that accept a gift. If Thai sends you a gift, answer before accepting gift first put the palms together thankses to them. Unless the other side wants you to open, do not want to be opened face to face otherwise.

Religion is no-no

1, Thailand fane is the divine place with accepted Thai. Be in please the dress when entering Buddhist temple is decent and dignified, wear any short skirt, knickers or outfit of back of dew of leave uncovered bosom will be not gotten inside. When entering temple of family hall for worshipping Buddha, Islam or private house, the tourist needs a shoe, notice cannot the foot steps a doorsill.

2, before visitting Buddha temple, check dress first, the person that leave uncovered bosom shows a back reachs the person that wear knickers, vest is no admittance, even the door that the shirt did not fill in to turn over a person on arm to also forbid to enter Buddha temple into canal of trousers, sleeve. The tourist takes off a shoe even before entering Buddha hall, otherwise, can be regarded as flyblow family hall for worshipping Buddha. If the tourist makes imprudent move to cloister, figure of Buddha, bonze, dash to the skies with respect to injustice be regardinged as. Film figure of Buddha wants caution especially, cannot mount figure of Buddha to take a picture absolutely.

3, do not feel figure of Buddha, do not mount fane inside and outside any one honour figure of Buddha. To all figure of Buddha, no matter size wants respect. Do not put figure of Buddha inside pants bag, what Thai thinks the bottom contact figure of Buddha of the body is pair of figure of Buddha is profanatory. Cannot finger is abbe, cannot contact (the body) abbe. Especially female must not with abbe handclasp, must not sit with abbe adjacent on the car, even if abbe and active come round to greet sb (foreign female often is encountered) also should pull open a distance courteously.

4, if the lady wants to give the thing abbe, appropriate holds man pass on in the palm, if want to be given with one's own hands, so abbe can stretch a yellow gown or towel, carry on the thing that this lady hands in, in the process abbe it is not concessional touch those who touch a female.

5, when encountering female Buddhist nun, the man also should not touch carefully their body.

6, encounter mendicant and mendicant bonze, ten million cannot send ready money, because this is,destroy the behavior of abbe commandment.

7, when sunshine road encounters bonze, if from pass before bonze, must the form of bonze of steer clear of. Press Buddhist view, the form of bonze namely him bonze, span the form of bonze, be equal to span bonze, this is pair of bonze not valued expression.

8, be in abbe before taking a picture, ying Xianzheng must agree, after taking a picture, due and courteous ground expresses gratitude.

9, in Thailand law, having a share is about protecting religion, these law exemples point to buddhism not simply, also include domestic other belief. Do not know the person with no-no religion, although be not intended affront religion, also can cause the allergy of others. Inside mosque, the man should wear a hat, the lady should wear trousers or long skirt, the hair wraps up with scarf. Enter the shoe also should be taken off inside mosque.


Can be besides major high-grade hotel and restaurant in Zhang sheet outside increasing the service of 10% to expend, still have a few otherer the place may need to pay fee. Of course, these are must, more be a kind formal. Additional, in tip when, do not give coin, because coin is,give beggar. Those who want an attention is tip should give 20 an ancient unit of weight the least.

Dining-room: Be food expenses commonly 15% (snack, buffet, or mention expressly to had included in bill, do not need to pay fee)

Baggage carries: General 1 dollar /

Taxi: 15% be fare commonly

Bar: 1 dollar (if call wine to need to move spirits division,pay fee)

Visit: General 5-10 dollar / day (pay driver and tourist guide)

Spa massages: 20% be charge commonly

Medical treatment information

Thailand is Asia and even world one of travel destination of the richest great reputation. In field of medical treatment travel, thailand can say is the destination of Asian first selection that takes personage of oneself health care seriously, because Thailand is Asian country in advocate medical treatment travel the earliest to serve quality country one of, the person that every year more than one come from world each district comes Thailand accepts medical treatment service. Complete Thailand owns public hospital 956, private hospital 309. Of course before the tourist is travelling with respect to provide for oneself things of a few medical treatment, for example patulin, carsick medicine, disappear is fed piece, water of midge of antidiarrheal, drive, achieve can stick etc.

The tourist can be infected likely on like dengue fever this is planted disease, this is one kind travels by mosquito, should have done the measure that prevent midge to do not have a problem only. Popular tourist attraction is main hospital:

Bangkok hospital

Address: 2 Soi Soonvijai 7, new Petchaburi Rd. , bangkok, thailand 10310

Phone: + 66-02-3103000

Network address:


Hospital of general auspicious international (Phuket International Hospital)

Address: 44 Chalermprakiat Ror 9 Rd, phuket 83000

Phone: + 66-76-249400

Network address:

Qing Dynasty strides the hospital that pull Mu (Chiang Mai Ram Hospital)

Address: 8 Boonreungrit Road, a MUANG, ching Mai

Phone: + 66-53-224880

Network address:

Ba carries elegant international hospital

Address: Soi 4 Pattaya 2nd Rd, pattaya City

Phone: + 66-38-428374

Network address:

Post-office information

Thailand is postal the service is efficient, reliable, the whole nation each are main town all sets postal orgnaization, business hours comes for Zhou Yi Zhou Wu 8:00-16:30, saturday weekday 9:00-13:00. The business hours of the Bangkok general post office that is located at New Road comes for Zhou Yi Zhou Wu 8:00-18:00, saturday weekday 9:00-13:00.

All post office when legal holiday all do not do business, but most big public house all has generation of correspondence, wrap up to send a service.

Thailand is postal send a service besides the domestic international land that provides letter of common, registration, aviation besides, still offer cable to serve.

Postage: Send postcard to China 15 peaceful an ancient unit of weight.

Popular tourist attraction is main and post-office:

In the center of Bangkok post-office

Address: 123 Moo 5, u Thong Road

Business hours: Zhou Yi arrives Saturday 8:30-16:30, weekday 9:00-12:00.

Qing Dynasty strides a general post office

Address: Qing Dynasty strides a railway station around

Phone: + 66-53-241070

Badiya is post-office

Address: Badiya 2 13-1 alley

Business hours: Zhou Yi comes Zhou Wu 8:00-20:00, come Saturday weekday 8: 00-13:00

Network address of important telephone call

Important telephone call

Call the police, urgent appeal: 191; Size of Thailand international area is: 66

1, bureau of Thailand country tourism (offer travel to seek advice)

Phone: 1672 working hours: Daily 08:00-20:00

2, Thailand travel police (offer travel urgent assistance)

Phone: 1155 working hours: Daily 24 hours

3, travel of prevention and cure of ministry of Thailand travel sports is con bureau

Phone: 023650650 faxes: 023560655

Working hours: Zhou Yi comes Zhou Wu 08:30-16:30

4, Bangkok Suwangnapu travel of International Airport prevention and cure is con bureau

Phone: 021344077 working hours: Daily 24 hours

5, China is stationed in peaceful diplomatic mission (provide consular protection and assistance) :

Phone: 0854833327.

6, emergency treatment center: 1691

7, medical treatment deliverance: 1669

8, fire alarm: 199

9, Bangkok passenger assists a center: 02-2281-5051, 02-282-8129

下一篇:山东非物质文化遗产? 山东非物质文化遗产排名?英文双语对照