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1. 手未碰到就会发出声音的琴。

2. 小时侯用铁锅烧骨头汤,汤很容易溢出来,而且不容易炖烂。现在用高科技的产物——快速烫煲,煲出来的骨头烫既不油腻还能自动把握火候,插上电,调好水量,你可以放心上班去,下班回来,香喷喷的骨头汤等着你喝呢。

3. 来到机器人的世界,里面有各式各样的机器人,有的能灵敏地跟人下围棋,有的能听从人的命令在众多玩具中拣出你想要的东西,还有些机器人给我们表演了节目,有舞蹈、京剧、武打等等。

4. 机器人好聪明呀,不过我们人类更聪明,因为我们的科学家能设计无数的程序来指挥他们。

5. 我们终于来到上海科技馆,走出地铁,看到的科技馆令我大吃一惊,一个巨大的圆球矗立在眼前;一排壮观的瀑布;一个四龙戏珠的雕塑栩栩如生,馆前的下沉式广场真是美不胜收。

6. 视听乐园展现了中国尖端的科技,让我明白了拍幻想片原来如此简单,几个摄像头,几道模拟工序,便成超超好玩的游戏。

7. 一路前行,走进了细菌世界,在显微镜下,我认识了什么是草履虫,什么是大肠杆菌,什么是病毒。

8. 一走进机器人世界,就看到门口陈列的机器人在跳舞,机器人手拿着锤子、榔头有节奏的伸臂、下降、曲臂。机器人真聪明啊!

9. 到了三楼的宇航天地,看到飞船和火箭时我们特别兴奋,我们还登上了神州五号载人飞船的模型,体验一下登上“神五”的感觉!

10. 以前,弄一餐饭可麻烦了,一碗剩饭炒了又炒,炒黑了也要硬着头皮吃,吃了火气大,嘴唇起泡。现在呢?中午剩下的饭放进微波炉热一分钟就可以吃了。

11. 来到厨房,微波炉、快速烫煲、电磁炉,一个个整整齐齐地摆放在那里,随时准备听候主人的调谴。

12. 隔着玻璃摸一下就会运动的小人

13. 虚拟的书与排球,都只要靠着我们身体的动作就会发生奇特的变化。

14. 会弹琴的机器人。

15. 嫦娥一号的成功绕月。

16. 神州7号的探索太空。

17. 火箭飞船的上太空。

18. 一个空中悬浮着的地球,靠磁力永久不掉;手未碰到就会发出声音的琴;隔着玻璃摸一下就会运动的小人;虚拟的书与排球,都只要靠着我们身体的动作就会发生奇特的变化;会弹琴的机器人……这些都是科学家们智慧的结晶。

19. 我们身边,科学无处不在。嫦娥一号的成功绕月,神州7号的探索太空,火箭飞船的上空……都离不开科学。没有科学,我们生活就没有提高。

20. 在火箭陈列区,我们看到了各种火箭……


1.The hand did not come up against the musical instrument that can sound.

2.Heat bone boiling water with iron bowl in one's childhood, soup spills over very easily come, and stew not easily sodden. The product that uses high-tech now -- iron Bao quickly, the bone very hot both neither that Bao comes out is fat still can hold duration automatically, insert electrify, mix up water is measured, you can be at ease go to work, next coming back, the move such as appetizing bone soup you are drunk.

3.Come to the world of the robot, there is sundry robot inside, some plays go can acutely with the person, some can comply with the thing that the person's command picks you to want in numerous toy, returned some robots to perform a program to us, dancing, Beijing opera, acrobatic fighting in Chinese opera or dance is waited a moment.

4.The robot is very clever, our mankind is cleverer nevertheless, because our scientist can design countless programs,will direct them.

5.We come to house of Shanghai science and technology eventually, walk out of the subway, the house of science and technology that see makes me astonied, a tremendous pellet stands tall and upright in at the moment; A grand chute; 4 Long Huzhu's sculpture are lifelike, before the house sink type square is too many beautiful things really.

6.Eden of seeing and hearing developed China's sophisticated science and technology, make me clear take a fancy piece so simple before, a few are photographed like the head, working procedure of a few imitate, cheng Chaochao's interesting game.

7.All the way before row, walked into bacterial world, below microscope, what I knew is paramecium, what is coliform organisms, what is virus.

8.Walk into robot world, the robot that sees the doorway is displayed is dancing, the make a long arm that robot hand is taking hammer, hammer to have rhythm, drop, music arm. The robot is really clever!

9.Reached the eaves spaceflight ground of 3 buildings, we are particularly excited when seeing airship and rocket, we still ascended China the model of 5 manned airship, experience ascend " god 5 " feeling!

10.Previously, did feed meal to be able to be bothered, a bowl of leftover was fried fry again, fry black also want toughen one's scalp-brace oneself to eat, took internal heat big, the lip is bubbly. Now? The meal that remains midday was put into microwave oven heat one minute to be able to eat.

11.Come to the kitchen, microwave oven, fast furnace of very hot Bao, electromagnetism, each is put shipshapely over, prepare the tone Qian of pending host at any time.

12.Lying between glass to feel a mean person that can move

13.Fictitious book and volleyball, want only recumbent the movement of our body can produce peculiar change.

14.Can play the robot of musical instrument.

15.Success circles goddess in the moon month.

16.China 7 exploration aerospace.

17.Of rocket airship go up aerospace.

18.The earth that float of an empty horizontally pivoted hung wears, rely on magnetic force permanent do not drop; The hand did not come up against the musical instrument that can sound; Lying between glass to feel a mean person that can move; Fictitious book and volleyball, want only recumbent the movement of our body can produce peculiar change; The robot that can play musical instrument... these are scientists the crystallization of wisdom.

19.Beside us, scientific nowhere is absent. Success circles goddess in the moon month, china 7 exploration aerospace, of rocket airship in the sky... cannot leave science. Without science, we live to did not rise.

20.The area is displayed in the rocket, we saw all sorts of rockets...

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