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长沙市工人文化宫,位于东塘广场西南侧,占地而积40000多平方米,其中建筑面积25000平方米,是一座集文化、娱乐、学习、游览于一体的多功能的职工文化活动中心,规模为全省第一。有文化、科技、教育图书楼、影剧院、 科技交流中心、服务楼、游泳池、球场、游乐场、人工湖等,娱乐设施主要有舞厅、排练厅、录像厅、健身厅、老年活动室、棋苑、谜苑、露天茶座等。










(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动。)。在辽宁省,相近经营范围的公司总注册资本为803988万元,主要资本集中在 1000-5000万 和 100-1000万 规模的企业中,共2000家。本省范围内,当前企业的注册资本属于良好。


















One, how many parking space does palace of Changsha worker culture have?

: of parking lot of palace of city worker culture? Can 3 drop brightness?90.

2, does palace of culture of worker of the Changsha City introduce?

Palace of culture of worker of the Changsha City, be located in east side of pond square southwest, cover an area of and accumulate 40000 much square metre, among them floor area 25000 square metre, it is culture of a collect, recreation, study, visit the muti_function worker culture at an organic whole mobile center, dimensions is complete province the first. Building of center of communication of building of books of literate, science and technology, education, cinema, science and technology, service, swimming-pool, field, pleasure ground, artificial lake, recreational establishment basically has teahouse of center of room of hall of ballroom, rehearse, kinescope hall, fitness hall, senile activity, chess, mystery center, open air to wait.

3, does moment of what of palace of culture of the 4th worker cast the the Changsha City with?

Predict 2025.

     The Changsha City palace of culture of the 4th worker (abbreviation 4 palace) be located in horn of southeast of road of pond of Lu Heyou's mother of Yue Hua north, the ground that it is different builds a project, plan to build total floor area to be 39663 square metre, 25300 square metre are accumulated above the ground among them, subterranean floor area 14363 square metre. Common culture builds the worker culture temple that project fixed position is service society, the function such as commerce of market movement, education, service, form a complete set at an organic whole. This project strives construction of main body structure is completed inside year.

4, predecessor of palace of Lanzhou worker culture?

The predecessor of palace of Lanzhou worker culture is Jin Tianguan.

Jin Tianguan is located in area of 7 lis of rivers of Lanzhou city Xi Jindong road. Bright benefit Di Jianwen 2 years (1400) respectful village Wang Zhuying only then build. Classics bright, clear two face frequently reparative, add build, formed show layout scale, cover an area of a face to accumulate 26014 square metre, floor area makes an appointment with 4000 square metre.

Jintian watchs Tang Dynasty to call cloud peak temple, 9 this world watch Song Dai instead, because be located in city on the west, in the five elements the west belongs to gold, day of friend name gold is watched. Jin Tianguan is palace of culture of Lanzhou city worker now.

5, is palace of culture of worker of bright and beautiful city in?

Palace of culture of worker of city of bright and beautiful state is 1984-08-15 saves city of bright and beautiful state to register the system of ownership of the whole people that establish in Liaoning, register an address to be located in approach river area to liberate a road 4 paragraphs 8. The code of unified society credence of palace of culture of worker of city of bright and beautiful state / registering name is 91210700120539588B, legal entity Zhang Kai, at present the enterprise is in practice condition. The scope of operations of palace of culture of worker of city of bright and beautiful state is: The film is shown; The conference and exhibition serve; Design, make, representative, release domestic of all kinds advertisement; Pack food to hold bulk food concurrently beforehand retail; Masses culture activity; Fitness serves; The ping-pong serves; Parking lot government serves.

(the item that needs classics approval lawfully, sectional approval is rear related classics can develop management activity. ) . In Liaoning province, the company of close scope of operations always registers capital to be eight billion and thirty-nine million eight hundred and eighty thousand yuan, main sth used to one's own advantage is centered in 1000-5000 10 thousand with 100-1000 in the enterprise of 10 thousand dimensions, in all 2000. Inside this province limits, the enrollment of current business capital is belonged to good.

6, body of Gong Qian of culture of neat Qi Haer's worker?

Predecessor is " 918 national humiliation are monumental " (it is Japanese aggressor Suo Jianzhong formerly clever tower) . 1956, "918 national humiliation are monumental " be blown up to demolish. Worker culture temple was built on place.

7, the action of worker culture palace?

1, it is a tenet in order to serve cause of movement of labor of society of worker, service, service, provide healthy and good activity place for broad worker and society, do a worker worker culture palace " the school and Eden " ;

2, constituent worker begins recreational and sports activities;

3, begin recreational and sports activities to provide direct service for basic level labour union;

4, send culture product next grass-roots unit;

5, catch asset of palace of good worker culture to maintain value rise in value;

6, work around labour union center, federation of trade unions of the city that finish makes the other work that do.

8, what does worker culture palace include?

Include inside read room wait for place of numerous recreational activities in order to offer hall of room of card of room of people study, calligraphy, art room, ping-pong room, billiards room, chess, kinescope, cinema, can saying is life of culture of rich worker amateur.

9, predecessor of palace of Suzhou worker culture?

Gong Li of culture of Suzhou city worker belongs to city federation of trade unions:

Palace of culture of Suzhou city worker prepares to construct in March 1956, open to the outside world formally on May 1, 1958. On December 26, 2006, suzhou city federation of trade unions undertakes to culture palace whole is transformed, always invest 158 million yuan, last a period of time between two years of a long time, open to the outside world afresh at formal on June 18, 2008 complete. The culture palace after transforming, cover an area of 43 thousand square metre, total floor area 56 thousand square metre.

10, connotation of palace of Hefei worker culture?

Palace of culture of Hefei city worker is the each policy policy that implements a party with conduct propaganda, the institution of commonweal sex culture that the directly under that development is versed in fortune career is a target heads at Hefei city federation of trade unions, it is the school of masses of whole city worker and Eden. It only then built 1951 year on July 27, have Guo Mei to be like the Gong Ming of like-minded holograph inscribe, had obtained " culture of countrywide union worker is advanced and collective " honorary. On January 26, 2005, completion of culture palace new a note of the ancient Chinese five-tone scale is thrown after using, culture palace produces advantage of oneself craft person with ability, began all sorts of literary groom project. Established the group such as choir of tactics of technology of Hefei city office, hold to innovation, reform, development to develop simultaneously, meet new opportunity, new challenge with brand-new attitude, to abound the culture of broad worker, citizen the life made due contribution.

上一篇:热身运动名称? 体育课热身运动名称?英文双语对照