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  新能源汽车电池涉及到的上市公司主要有以下这些家  (1)002091江苏国泰:锂电池电解液。主要控股子公司国泰华荣化工新材料有限公司主要产生产锂电池电解液和硅烷偶联剂,锂电池电解液国内市场占有率超过30%。占上市公司营业利润的30%,公司有望凭借锂离子动力电池的大规模应用迎来新的发展机遇。  (2)000839中信国安:锂电池正极材料。公司子公司——中信国安盟固利电源技术有限公司是目前国内最大的锂电池正极材料钴酸锂和锰酸锂的生产厂家,同时也是国内唯一大规模生产动力锂离子二次电池的厂家。奥运期间以盟固利公司锰酸锂产品作正极材料的动力电池装配于50辆纯电动大客车。  (3)000973佛塑股份:锂电池隔膜。生产锂电池隔膜产品。  (4)600884杉杉股份:生产锂电池材料,为国内排名第一供应商。  (5)000100TCL集团:子公司生产锂电池,目前无汽车锂电池项目。  (6)000049德赛电池:子公司生产锂电池,目前无汽车锂电池项目。  (7)600478科力远:镍氢电池。正谋求从丰田HEV镍氢电池材料供应商向镍氢动力电池组的成品供应商的转变。目前科力远与它们的合作仅处于谈判阶段。与科力远有初步合作的仅是日本丰田和南车集团,其中南车集团的纯电动客车项目已对科力远镍氢电池组方案较为认可。  (9)600846同济科技:燃料电池。参股上海中科同力化工材料有限公司36.23%的股份。该公司从事质子交换膜燃料电池关键材料与部件的研发,包括具有创新化学结构的质子交换树脂和质子交换膜的研制。  (10)600196复星医药:燃料电池。参股上海神力科技有限公司36.26%的股权。该公司是专门从事质子交换膜燃料电池产品的研发与产业化的高科技民营企业,目前开发了5个系列的燃料电池产品,建立了全套的中小功率(0.1kW-30kW)与大功率(30kW-150kW)的质子交换膜燃料电池及其动力系统、燃料电池发动机集成制造技术及批量生产的能力与设施。  (11)600104上海汽车:燃料电池。大股东上海汽车工业(集团)总公司是“大连新源动力股份有限公司”第一大股东。该公司是中国第一家致力于燃料电池产业化的股份制企业,“燃料电池及氢源技术国家工程研究中心”和“博士后科研工作站”获国家认可,在中国工程院院士衣宝廉先生带领下主要研究质子交换膜燃料电池技术。上海汽车工业(集团)总公司是新源动力的第一大股东,长城电工参股11%,新大洲A参股3.42%。  (12)600192长城电工:参股“大连新源动力股份有限公司”,持股11%,同上。  (13)000571新大洲A:参股“大连新源动力股份有限公司”,持股3.42%,同上。  (14)600872中炬高新:公司涉及动力电池行业,其与国家高技术绿色材料发展中心共同设立的中炬森莱高技术有限公司就是一家专门从事镍氢电池、镍镉电池、锂电电池、动力电池、手机电池的研发、生产、销售为一体的企业,在十五期间一直承担国家863项目——动力电池产业化开发项目的研究工作。目前公司已向多家汽车生产厂家提供动力电池样品,未来在国家政策及汽车企业动力电车实现量产的推动下,该业务有望成为企业新的利润增长点。  (15)中国宝安:  (1)在锂电池正负极材料上拥有绝对的行业话语权。(2)控股75%的天骄公司主营的三元正极材料08年销量居国内第一,市占率30-40%,08年三元正极材料产量805吨,销量665吨;09年保守产能是1400吨,负极材料钛酸锂180吨,正极材料磷酸铁锂09年6月达产,年产能是150吨。(3)控股55%的贝特瑞公司是锂电池碳负极材料和磷酸铁锂正极材料的龙头,前者国内第一,市占率80%,全球第二;后者国内第一。贝特瑞公司是国内唯一的锂电池碳负极材料标准制定者;也是国内唯一的锂电池磷酸铁锂正极材料标准制定者。贝特瑞09年碳负极材料产能是6000吨/年,磷酸铁锂正极材料产能是1500吨/年。(4)磷酸铁锂正极材料采用固相法、火热合成法,每吨成本降低到13万,大幅下降后成本只有国际上的一半。毛利率在60%以上。(5)通过哈尔滨宝安公司贝特瑞拥有近10亿吨适合于锂离子二次电池用的优质石墨矿产资源,可确保原料的稳定供给。  (16)金瑞科技(600390)  公司未来发展主要集中在锰资源、电解锰、四氧化三锰的锰系列和镍氢电池的球形氢氧化亚镍、锂离子电池正极材料的电源材料系列。  央企整合或将在2009 年完成。金瑞新材料科技股份有限公司第一大股东是中央直属大型科技企业长沙矿冶研究院,作为在国资委排名靠后的长沙矿冶研究院而言,或许  并购成了其更好的选择。  公司球形氢氧化镍是镍氢电池的关键原材料,技术优势突出。公司是镍氢电池正极材料球形氢氧化亚镍的主要供应商之一。其强大的研发实力保证了公司产品的一致性和性能稳定性居于国内前列,产品主要销售及给比亚迪和日本汤浅,其中日本汤浅用于生产镍氢动力电池。  公司子公司长远锂科生产锂离子电池材料。长远锂科有限公司是生产锂离子电池的高新技术企业。长远锂科有限公司为金瑞科技大股东长沙矿冶研究院持股84%,金瑞科技持股16%,不排除金瑞科技公司向锂离子电池正极材料进一步扩展的可能。锰资源优势明显,锰产业链完善。公司在贵州省铜仁地区的两座锰矿的建成投产,正在进行销售许可证的申请,一旦得到销售许可将满足公司电解锰所需原料的50%左右。公司是国内最大的四氧化三锰供应商,公司还是国内主要的电解金属锰生产基地之一,预计2009 年公司电解锰产能将达到3.5 万吨,锰产业链完善。  (17)尖峰集团600668  公司投资2000万元持有博信电池(上海)有限公司15%的股份,成为介入动力电池的潜力品种。2008年9月4日,科学技术委员会信息报道,上海锌空能源发展有限公司承担的锌空气电池替代车用燃料产业化项目获得国际财团认可,正式进入融资尽职调查阶段。上海博信锌空电池有限公司研发的锌空气燃料电池技术能得到浦东区政府的支持,属国家鼓励类产业,其技术性已达到国际先进水平。博信电池(上海)有限公司目前为电动自行车、电动摩托车等生产商提供高性能、无污染的 DQFC 锌空气燃料电池,同时为DQFC 使用者提供高质量的换电服务。  (18)南方汇通  (000920)南方汇通,公司控股56.43%的子公司贵州航天电源科技公司是从事锂二次电池生产的高新技术企业,是贵州省西部开发的重点工程及中国航天科工集团的名品“标志工程”,公司依托我国航天电源开发技术,采用新设备、新工艺生产的拥有自主知识产权的高新技术产品锂离子二次电池,具有容量大、安全性能好、循环寿命长、一致性好等优点,产品部分技术指标达到国际先进水平。公司目前锂离子电池生产能力为日产10万只水平,规格多达数十种公司与梅岭化工厂共同组建的“贵州航天电源技术研究开发中心”,拥有国内最先进的电源研究开发与检测设备。一支实力雄厚的设计开发队伍是公司保持技术领先与快速发展的坚强后盾。目前锂聚合物电池、大容量离电子电池和锰酸锂电池已成功开发,并将逐步实现产业化。  (19)长春经开  (20)咸阳偏转  (21)江苏索普  (22)航天机电


Batteries of car of new energy resources involves appear on the market the company basically has the following these domestic   (peaceful of 1)002091 Jiangsu country: Lithium battery electrolyte. Basically accuse limited company of new material of chemical industry of share company Guo Taihua flourish to basically produce electrolyte of batteries yield lithium and silicon alkyl coupling agent, home market of lithium battery electrolyte is had rate more than 30% . Occupy appear on the market 30% of company business profit, company hopeful welcomes new development opportunity by right of the large-scale application of cell of lithium ion power. (Country of the letter in 2)000839 installs: Material of lithium battery anode. Company subsidiary -- in limited company of technology of power source of profit of firm of the An Meng that believe a country is stuff of country's at present biggest lithium battery anode the manufacturer home of cobaltic acerbity lithium and manganese acerbity lithium, also be home at the same time lithium of motivation of only mass production is ionic the manufacturer of 2 batteries. The dynamical cell that product of acerbity lithium of interest firm manganese originallies to make positive electrode material with alliance during the Olympic Games is assembled at 50 pure dynamoelectric coach. (Share of 3)000973 Buddha model: Lithium battery is diaphragmatic. Manufacturing lithium battery is diaphragmatic product. (Share of 4)600884 fir fir: Produce lithium battery material, rank the first supplier for home. (5)000100TCL group: Subsidiary produces lithium battery, do not have project of car lithium battery at present. (6)000049 heart surpasses batteries: Subsidiary produces lithium battery, do not have project of car lithium battery at present. (7)600478 division force is far: Nickel hydrogen batteries. the change of vendor of data of batteries of hydrogen of nickel of HEV of seek Cong Fengtian to the finished product supplier of group of cell of nickel hydrogen power. Force of eye criminal record is far be in negotiation phase only with their collaboration. What with division force Yuan Youchu pace cooperates is Japanese abundant only group of Tian Hena car, among them south the project of pure electric passenger car of car group is far to division force already plan of group of nickel hydrogen batteries relatively approbate. (9)600846 is the same as aid science and technology: Fuel cell. The division in share Shanghai is the same as limited company of data of power chemical industry the share of 36.23% . This company is engaged in proton exchanging the research and development of material of key of velar fuel cell and component, the proton that includes to have innovation chemistry structure exchanges colophony and the development that proton exchanges film. (Medicine of 10)600196 answer star: Fuel cell. Limited company of science and technology of share Shanghai superhuman strength the equity of 36.26% . The high-tech that this company is the research and development that pursues proton technically exchanging product of velar fuel cell and industrialization civilian battalion enterprise, developed the fuel cell product of 5 series at present, those who established complete set is medium small-power (0.1kW-30kW) and high-power (the ability that compositive production technology and batch produce engine of cell of the cell of fuel of proton exchange film of 30kW-150kW) and its power system, fuel and establishment. (11)600104 Shanghai car: Fuel cell. Auto industry of large stockholder Shanghai (group) head office is " Inc. of motivation of Dalian new source " the biggest partner. This company is the first joint stock company of Chinese that devotes oneself to fuel cell industrialization, "Fuel cell and research center of project of country of hydrogenous source technology " and " workstation of postdoctoral scientific research " obtain a country to approbate, next main research proton are guided to exchange technology of velar fuel cell in academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering Mr Yi Baolian. Shanghai auto industry (group) head office is new source dynamic the biggest partner, share of Great Wall electrician 11% , share of new continent A 3.42% . (12)600192 Great Wall is electrical engineering: Share " Inc. of motivation of Dalian new source " , hold 11% , alexandrine. (A of 13)000571 new continent: Share " Inc. of motivation of Dalian new source " , hold 3.42% , alexandrine. (The fire in 14)600872 is new and high: The company involves dynamical cell trade, what its and center of progress of material of national hi-tech green establish jointly is medium limited company of hi-tech of fire dark Lai is a research and development that pursues batteries of cell of batteries of phone of cadmium cell of nickel hydrogen batteries, nickel, lithium, power, mobile phone technically, production, sale it is an organic whole, in 15 during assume a country all the time 863 projects -- the research of project of development of dynamical cell industrialization works. At present the company already produced manufacturer to offer dynamical cell sample to much home car, future reachs electric car of car company motive force to realize what the quantity produces to drive in national policy below, this business hopeful makes the profit point of growth with new company. (15) China Baoan: (1) is in lithium battery is having absolute industry speech right on negative pole material. (2) controls a day arrogant company of 75% advocate 8 years sales volume resides the material of 3 yuan of anode of battalion home the first, city occupies rate 30-40% , crop of material of 8 years of 3 yuan of anode 805 tons, sales volume 665 tons of;09 year conservative producing can be 1400 tons, acerbity lithium of titanium of negative pole material 180 tons, lithium of iron of phosphoric acid of positive electrode material was amounted to 9 years in June produce, producing per year can be 150 tons. (3) controls a company of shellfish spy luck of 55% is the bibcock of material of material of negative pole of lithium battery carbon and anode of phosphoric acid Tie Li, former home the first, city is occupied rate 80% , the whole world latter home of the 2nd; the first. Company of shellfish spy luck is home; of the person that metric system of unique data of negative pole of lithium battery carbon is decided also is country's only lithium battery constitutor of standard of data of anode of lithium of phosphoric acid iron. 9 years material of carbolic negative pole produces Bei Terui can be 6000 tons / year, material of anode of lithium of phosphoric acid iron is produced can be 1500 tons / year. (Material of anode of lithium of iron of 4) phosphoric acid uses solid look doctrine, fervent synthesis method, every tons of cost is reduced 130 thousand, the cost after dropping considerably has the in part on international only. Wool interest rate is in 60% above. (5) has nearly 1 billion tons to agree with through Bei Terui of Harbin Baoan company the resource of mineral products of high grade black lead that 2 times batteries uses lithium ion, can ensure the stability of raw material furnishs. (Science and technology of 16) gold luck (development of future of 600390)   company basically is in centrally manganese resource, electroanalysis manganese, 4 oxidation the globose hydrogen of the manganese series of 3 manganese and nickel hydrogen batteries oxidizes inferior the power source material of material of anode of batteries of ion of nickel, lithium. Conformity of center look forward to or will finish 2009. Inc. of science and technology of golden luck new material is the biggest partner is the directly under central academy of smelt metal of mine of Changsha of enterprise of large science and technology, as in the country endowment appoint the academy of Changsha mine smelt metal after the rank leans, bought its better option probably. Nickel of oxidation of company globose hydrogen is the crucial raw material of nickel hydrogen batteries, technical dominant position is prominent. The company is globose oxyhydrogen turns material of anode of nickel hydrogen batteries inferior one of main suppliers of nickel. Actual strength of its powerful research and development made sure the consistency of company product and function stability are on domestic front row, main sale reachs the product Biyadi and Japanese boiling water are shallow, among them Japanese Shang Jian is used at producing cell of nickel hydrogen power. Long-term lithium division produces company subsidiary material of lithium ion batteries. Long-term lithium division the company of new and high technology that limited company is batteries of manufacturing lithium ion. Limited company is long-term lithium division academy of smelt metal of mine of Changsha of large stockholder of golden luck science and technology is held 84% , golden luck science and technology is held 16% , do not eliminate Xiang Li of company of golden luck science and technology the likelihood that material of ionic batteries anode expands further. Manganese resource advantage is clear, manganese industry catenary is perfect. The company is in Guizhou Province the building of two manganese mine of cupreous benevolence area put into production, undertaking selling the application of licence, once get a sale,the license electroanalysises contented company manganese place wants raw material 50% the left and right sides. The company is country's biggest 4 oxidation 3 manganese supplier, company or home electroanalysis basically metallic manganese produces one of base, predict the company electroanalysised 2009 manganese is produced can will achieve 35 thousand tons, manganese industry catenary is perfect. (600668   company invests 17) aiguille group rich of 20 million yuan of hold believes batteries (Shanghai) limited company the share of 15% , make the latent capacity variety of intervening power cell. On September 4, 2008, information of commission of science and technology reports, the zincic air batteries that limited company of development of Shanghai zinc empty energy assumes replaces a car to obtain international financial group to approbate with fuel industrialization project, financing of make one's bow fulfils his duty to investigate level. The technology of cell of zincic air fuel of research and development of limited company of empty cell of zinc of Shanghai rich letter can get the support of Pudong district government, dependency home urges kind of industry, its are technical already achieved international advanced level. Rich believes batteries (Shanghai) the cell of fuel of DQFC zinc air that limited company is the manufacturing business such as dynamoelectric bicycle, dynamoelectric autocycle to offer high-powered, free from contamination at present, the person that use for DQFC at the same time provides the service changing report of high quality. (18) south collects a   (000920) south is collected, the company controls a power supply of subsidiary Guizhou spaceflight of 56.43% company of science and technology is to be engaged in lithium 2 times the company of new and high technology that batteries produces, it is Guizhou Province western the name of the major project of development and group of industry of Chinese spaceflight family is tasted " mark project " , the company relies on power source of our country spaceflight to develop a technology, the lithium of owns own intellectual property product of new and high technology that uses production of new facility, new technology is ionic 2 batteries, have a capacity good, cycling life grows big, safety performance, consistency is good wait for an advantage, index of product part technology achieves international advanced level. At present productivity of lithium ion batteries is the company day produces 100 thousand standards, norms amounts to tens of planting company and plum mountain chemical plant establish jointly " technology of Guizhou spaceflight power source considers to develop a center " , own home development of the most advanced power source research and detect equipment. The design development team with a solid actual strength is a company maintain a technology to precede the strong supporter with rapid development. At present lithium polymer batteries, high capacity leaves electronic batteries and battery of manganese acerbity lithium successful already to develop, will realize industrialization stage by stage. (19) Changchun classics opens   (  of deflexion of 20) Xian Yang (  of general of 21) Jiangsu all alone (22) spaceflight Electromechanical

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