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不疯魔不成活。 看来好的角色注定要疯魔才行的,比如陈晓旭之于林黛玉,张国荣之于程蝶衣,希斯莱杰之于小丑……




5.周星驰的喜剧 好多,你可以从大话西游开始,都很经典









弘扬优秀传统文化不是朝夕之事,但是志在必得之事。首先,我们要分清是否是优秀传统文化,糟粕之文化绝不能丢人现眼;任何事情都需要打好基础,从多角度方面分析传统文化, 不能过于死板,如果只听信学者崇信的《论语》之类的,那就不是弘扬优秀传统文化;所以说,先打好基础,才是重中之重,但这也是需要长期的努力的,不能半途而废;其次,弘扬文化亦是由内而外的,如果国人都做不到深入认识传统文化,又谈何向外传播呢!即便在现在看来,中华文化在世界的传播有了很大的进步,但依旧是浮光掠影,不能够让世界长久记忆。最后来讲,这是需要我们全体中国人长期的共同努力,中华文化才能矗立于世界文化之巅。










One, how to promote the Chinese nation outstanding and traditional culture?

The method of conventional wisdom of China and training, inheritance exists all the time.

This kind of inheritance to us present Chinese is very important.

But we can cite?

If yourself wants to seek the promote way of a traditional culture, this is very difficult.

Rely on traditional inheritance, we can open the door of wisdom quickly. Open the door of oneself wisdom, this ability is the most essential. Because Chinese culture is the culture of wisdom, but the part consciousness that the western culture that we can acquire now is knowledge. We promote traditional culture with the method of this kind of culture of the west, effects or calm not quite.

Conventional wisdom can train. Archaic the founder of a school of learning people it is us early this times prepared, probably they are in that times is early forecast us the need of this times people.

The training system of wisdom, mode changes standardization, does dispute often suit our modern?

Operate a gender to us the characteristic of a thinking of the person of this times. Can our modern change old culture into the training system that has operation sex? This is a very difficult issue, above all the secret that we do not know old wisdom. Made a mistake likely in this process, still do not know.

Those who accept old wisdom is how-to, ability accepts the training of conventional wisdom. What should see classical, what should capture essential, this is crucial. If you do not understand these, the likelihood is very old, you still are felt do not wear the door. Or you arrived by the side of the door, but the entrance door that still cannot open wisdom.

We should thank the times in that difficulty, to maintain this kind of inheritance, those dash ahead without thinking those safety the great mind of inheritance of wisdom of shield and sustain.

Think oneself do, this kind of determination is laudable, but, you may take a lot of pain, or you made a mistake direction. Such state is very much.

Find exact helper time to build good base, go consulting knowledge of be apt to again, this is the wind of inheritance an administrative unit in Xizang of through the ages.

2, how to promote outstanding and traditional culture?

Above all, want to let whole society, especially youth, understand traditional culture deep, so as to knows ethical root, understand the significance of culture, care traditional culture self-consciously. Promoting traditional culture is not to restore ancient ways, not be antiforeign, serve ancient time seriously however, all advanced things of the foreign country, be good at using those things that have active sense. A lot of people just learn a few fur it seems that, was to learn scum even. Want to the course is compared and be differentiated, capture marrow, consolidate the operation of the love to traditional culture and oneself rise.

The 2nd, transmission agency should bear a heavy responsibility that transmits outstanding and traditional culture, recommend outstanding culture achievement to the public, boycott inferior, decayed thing conciously. In this commercialized times, we need profundity, mutiple level, the culture that has ply, cannot satisfy at fastfood culture only, cannot let culture of public alienation tradition.

The 3rd, country and civilian force want make concerted effort to encourage, support traditional culture cause, go down acting inheritance of outstanding culture generation. Of traditional culture declining is cosmopolitan, is Euramerican culture too powerful? Do they have so outstanding? The traditional culture of each nation is in centenary in the past li of quick die out, cannot blame aggression and commercial culture only, the successor of traditional culture is literate without the firm that retains his, should meditate. Compare with photograph of Korea, Vietnam, India, china is protecting traditional culture respect to still a lot of things want to do. Draw lessons from the valuable experience of neighbour, our job can have effect more.

3, what does the excellent movie that promotes culture of tradition of the Chinese nation have?

1. " Xiang Yu the Conqueror fastens female singer " should be China evaluates highest film acceptedly up to now, not one of. The performance that elder brother elegance and talent uniques among his contemporaries, up to now nobody can be surmounted. Hey, since ancient times the beauty v/arcs born under an unlucky star more, did not think of to also should be on body of Cheng butterfly garment.

Not mad demon does not survive. The part that has looked is destined to want mad demon to just go, for instance Yu Lindai jade of Chen Xiaoxu, zhang Guorong's Yu Chengdie the garment, of Xisilaijie at clown...

2. " dear "

3. " Mekong acts "

4. " essence of 3 dozens of bones of the dead " Gong Li version

5. Zhou Xing gallop comedic a lot of, you are OK from boast swim on the west begin, very classical

6. " spring scenery suddenly discharge " Zhang Guorong, liang Chaowei, zhang Zhen. Summit of summit of male god Yan Zhi

4, what spirit inheritance mixes the Chinese nation promote China outstanding and traditional culture?

Spirit of constantly strive to become stronger of the Chinese nation, inheritance and promote traditional culture

5, the demand that promotes outstanding and traditional culture?

Drive China creativity of outstanding and traditional culture is changed, innovation sex develops

6, in one's deceased father how to promote outstanding and traditional culture?

The proposition that can pass liberal art is taken an examination of to promote outstanding and traditional culture in

7, how to promote culture of outstanding China tradition?

Promoting outstanding and traditional culture is not the thing of a very short time, but annals is in the thing that must. Above all, whether is we should be distinguished outstanding and traditional culture, the culture of scum cannot lose face absolutely lose face; Everything needs to lay good foundation, analyse traditional culture from much angle respect, cannot too formalist, if scholar of believe what one hears esteems a letter " the analects of confucius " of and so on, that is not to promote outstanding and traditional culture; Say so, lay good foundation first, just be Chongzhongzhi is weighed, but this also is the effort with long-term need, cannot quit; Next, promoting culture also is by inside and outside, if compatriots does not do development to understand traditional culture, the transmission outside talking about He Xiang again! Even if looks now, china culture had very great progress in the transmission of the world, but it is skimming over the surface as before, cannot make the world long remember quite. Will tell finally, this is to need our collectivity Chinese's long-term joint efforts, the peak that China culture ability stands tall and upright at world culture.

8, what China to promote outstanding and traditional culture?

The traditional culture of a few chiliad of Chinese has a lot of, for instance Chinese Beijing opera, pinju, wushu of elder brother drama, the much without number such as acrobatics. We say culture of traditional doctor of traditional Chinese medicine today. Culture of broad and profound doctor of traditional Chinese medicine is a few chiliad come the medical knowledge marrow that our ancestor stays. Good old traditional Chinese medical science need not the instrument asks through hoping to hear cut the body state that can know a patient. So, the traditional culture that we want to promote China is our compatriots responsibility and obligation. We must carry forward them.

9, the Chinese nation what does great mind inheritance mix promote China outstanding and traditional culture?

The inheritance of spirit of the Chinese nation that is core with patriotism and promote China outstanding and traditional culture

10, the way high school that promotes outstanding and traditional culture?

1. develops practice activity

2. undertakes innovating

3. develops multiform culture activity
