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9.15宠物对战攻略? 宠物对战什么宠物好升级?英文双语对照


9.15宠物对战攻略? 宠物对战什么宠物好升级?英文双语对照



15轮 ... 亡灵队一:2只1806血HH的小幽灵(魔爆术),幽灵织网蛛(噬骨+致盲剧毒+幽灵打击) 2只小幽灵,一直魔爆术到牺牲,敌1、2挂,敌3残血,上幽灵织网蛛,致盲剧毒+幽灵打击杀敌。

15轮结束 亡灵队二:毒息(恐怖吐息+毒烟+酸雨),2只毒息或痛苦的雏龙(暗影烈焰+恐怖吐息) 酸雨可用时用,平时恐怖吐息。















首先先在自己仙府的挂机房把挂机房升到8级以上,这个级别当然是越高越好,因为这样经验刷的就会越快。升完之后,就建一个小号,接着花个一两百买个90+以上的可带宠物,然后直接挂到挂机房去,这样差不多一个晚上下来就会有5000W的经验,等级越高得到的经验就会越多。 接着直接上你的大号去把它驱逐,这个时候你就可以得到一个经验丹,这个经验丹的经验是跟挂机房宠物所得到的经验一样的,接着把你真正要升级的宠物设置为出战状态,直接使用刚刚得到的经验丹,这样经验就到你真正想升级的那个宠物身上去了。 如果你还想升的更快的话,就按照上面的方法多买几个小号,同样的到挂机房挂机,这样就可以得到同样的经验丹好几个,这样你还愁你自己的宠物升级慢么??


潘达利亚宠物训练师2带1其中最简单的是四风大妈,一个君王蟹轻松一挑三 潘达利亚野生宠物对战(四风谷比较好,蟋蟀小动物水栖,2带1很好克制,请准备好足够的绷带) 主要是这2种办法,其中2带1,吃德拉诺宠物小屋的宠物经验加成可以一场把1级小宠带到17-18级,2场20级,大概5场一个满级,不过建议带到20-22级就直接吃石头升满级,或者野外对战到满级,吃石头比较省时省力














6、基本就是如此,多花点时间还是升级很快的哈。话说我都是用电脑下模拟器玩的魔力宝贝手游,手机实在费电,玩的不爽。且我一般都会配个扶助(虫夆 窝 且力 手),支持自动主线任务 支线任务 公会任务 副本 竞技场及勇士试炼等等、、省时又省力 ,上班用手机玩 ,下班用电脑挂后台 , 两不耽搁哈


One, are 9.15 pet right war strategy?

The soul of a deceased person team: 2 small ghostliness, ghostliness the spider that knit a net.

15 rounds. . . The soul of a deceased person team one: Of HH of 2 1806 blood small ghostliness (demon explodes art) , ghostliness the spider that knit a net (bite bone + send blind virulent + ghostliness blow) 2 small ghostliness, all the time demon explodes art arrives sacrifice, enemy 1, 2 hang, enemy 3 incomplete blood, go up ghostliness the spider that knit a net, send blind virulent + ghostliness blow fight the enemy.

Team of the soul of a deceased person of 15 rounds of ends 2: Poisonous breath (horror is spat breath + poisonous smoke + acid rain) , 2 poisonous breath or painful Chu Long (umbra intense blaze + horror is spat breath) use when acid rain is usable, horrible at ordinary times spit breath.

Enemy 1, enemy 2 after hanging, poisonous smoke / fight the enemy of umbra intense blaze 3.

2, is pet right battle what pet is good upgrade?

Problem advocate OK relevant tutorial sees a pet column, meet those who have yellow to sigh inside commonly namely date, can have tell you how to should be done, if pet upgrades, no more than is pet to battle can, be like later period to the task can give a kind of stone data, he can help your pet instant 1 class promote full grade 25 form, specific good take this me to had not studied, have a few rare pet next or the pet of engineering is born seemingly one class, major player is not experienced, can raise full level directly with this stone, always feel this kind of thing should be some inside auction travel, or if the original poster has the word of gold coin, the auction seems to all the year round full grade pet sells all right, and or the sort of comparison of high-quality goods, specific the demand that sees you

3, is dreamy pet alliance right battle forest strategy?

Hello, 1. Know pet property: Every kinds of pet has different property, include attack, defence, speed to wait. When choosing pet, want to consider their attribute and technical ability, so that a the biggest effect is produced in the battle.

2. fosters pet: It is very important that pet is fostered in game, can adopt the training, attribute that upgrades to raise pet with evolution and mastery of a skill or technique. Increase the capacity of pet as far as possible, so that be in the battle,win victory more easily.

3. chooses mate: Before the battle, want to choose mate carefully. Understand the attribute of adversary and technical ability, so that choose the most appropriate pet,have a fight.

4. uses mastery of a skill or technique: In the battle, want to be good at using the mastery of a skill or technique of pet. Different mastery of a skill or technique has distinct effect, can attack, defence or cure. Choose appropriate skill to be able to let you have an advantage more in the battle.

5. is reasonable and tie-in: In group group action, want the pet with reasonable different collocation. Different pet has different attribute and technical ability, pass collocation to be able to produce the biggest effect.

6. masters rhythm: In the battle, want to master rhythm, do not want blindly attack, want to adjust war strategy according to the circumstance. For example, when pet life cost is too low, can choose defence or cure skill, so that be in the battle more abiding.

7. enters an activity more: In game, a lot of activities can attend. Attend an activity to be able to obtain experience, prop and pet, can increase oneself actual strength. Accordingly, want to enter all sorts of activities in game more.

4, does pet of demon animal world upgrade to battle best?

Upgrade to battle best is agonistic mode, what experience gives here is much, upgrade fast also

5, does pet forgetting celestial being upgrade strategy?

Above all him preexistence of celestial being government office hang a computer room hang a computer room to rise 8 class above, this level is higher of course better, can jump over because of what such experience brush fast. After rising, build a trumpet, spend then 89 buy a 90+ above can take pet, hang directly next hang a computer room, come down to be able to have the experience of 5000W night almost so, the experience that grade gains higher can be jumped over much. Go up directly then your sousaphone goes driving out it, you can get this time an experience red, the experience of this experience red is as the experience that hangs earning of computer room pet to arrive, the pet setting that should upgrade you truly then is condition giving fight, use the experience pellet or powder that just receives directly, such experience think to you that pet body that upgrade went up truly. If you still think the faster word that unfurl, buy a few trumpet more according to the method above, arrive likewise hang a computer room machine, can receive same experience pellet or powder so several, such do you return the pet of anxious yourself to upgrade slow? ?

6, demon animal world 7.25 how to upgrade to battle with pet?

Pan amounts to Li Yachong content to train division 2 belts 1 among them the simplest is 4 wind aunt, an emperor crab carries 3 Pan easily to amount to Li Yaye to give birth to pet to battle (4 wind cereal is better, cricket puppy water dwell, 2 belts 1 very good exercise restraint, prepare enough bandage please) basically be these 2 kinds of method, among them 2 belts 1, eat Delanuo the pet experience addition of pet hut is OK a 1 step is small bestow favor on take 17-18 step, 2 20 class, probably 5 a full grade, nevertheless the proposal takes 20-22 class to eat stone to raise full level directly, field perhaps arrive to battle full grade, have the save effort when stone is saved quite

7, does eve little pet upgrade to battle fast?

Of this level that still should see oneself, if the standard is some wronger, at ordinary times time can practice more, believe to upgrade very can fast!

8, the dot kills Tai Tan how do 2 pet upgrade, does pet upgrade strategy?

The dot kills Tai Tan 250 close add a bit, renascence passes previously do not calculate, for instance you last 120 close renascence you can get 2 technical ability, but next time you should arrive 150 close ability to get a bit. Those who need an attention is agonistic mode below enter closing skill dot to get also is same, contest and common mode are common skill dot; The plan that the skill after player decay upholds keeps changeless, skill of that is to say nods the skill that upgrade to be able to be withheld.

Here 50 closing is new toll-gate, the toll-gate before be being hit after decay is to won't get skill point

9, how does pet of strategy be upgradinged by dusty story pet upgrade?

1, the grade that promotes pet: Pet can be fed through eating makings, play the game, attend mysterious activity to wait will promote grade. 2, the capability that promotes pet: The capacity of pet can promote through entering an activity, can undertake train and having aromatic bath, can increase the capacity of pet effectively so. 3, undertake fostering: Undertake fostering can promoting pet the efficiency that grow to pet, can mix according to the disposition of pet ability, undertake fostering appropriately, those who let pet grow is faster, more strong. 4, upgrade pet equips: The equipment that pet carries can help pet promote capability, want the disposition according to pet, the equipment of tie-in and different type, can promote the capability of pet effectively so.

10, does content of You Chong of charm baby hand upgrade how does strategy pet upgrade?

1, everyday convention gets the task of experience not to say in detail, toll-gate of task of battlefield of carbon, sky, profession, challenge, arena, demon a group of things with common features, familial carbon, mercenary takes a risk, Trojan tries refine, treasure of desert bandits, megalosaurus. These tasks are experience rife, basically I am one does not fall finish seriously.

2, mercenary takes a risk as far as possible hit farthermost toll-gate, closing from the back is 20 thousand experience, everyday many dozens a few close, a month with respect to millions of experience.

3, familial task: I can brush with trumpet commonly come out a few tasks let him do: Task of demon a group of things with common features or article task (arrange of 2 class gem, blackart, amber star) . Experience, familial contribution, familial construction spends is taller. Do these tasks to be able to have a deficit far from of how many, solve the card that sees me leave additionally please as to familial task in detail -- discuss familial job choose reach a reason!

4, daily right presiding undertake nodding assist, this is from the back the gets experience place that comes out newlier, a lot of players still do not know, forget very easily also occasionally, a month comes down also is the difference of 100 thousand experience.

5, crystal collects: When developing form basically, astral dirt uses up the task of 150 above to just use refresh of 40 gods stone to perhaps await, the relies on to hit toll-gate to get fetch of other implement the astral dirt that decompose will finish! And when developing form, general the task uses up above of 100 stars dirt I was not done, wait for 20 hours, as to encounter 2 class gem, I am to disregard what do directly completely, all sorts of 2 class are lapidary notting worth money.

6, basic it is such, floriferous dot time still upgrades very fast ha. The charm baby hand that the word says to I am to use the simulator below computer to play swims, the mobile phone expends report really, the accurate that play. And I can match a support commonly (bug nest and force hand) , support arena of carbon of task of consortium of task of branch line of automatic masterstroke task and Trojan to try refine to wait a moment, , when the province save labour, go to work to play with the mobile phone, come off work to hang tiring-room with computer, neither is delayed ha
