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“养生”一词最早出现于春秋战国【管子】一书 ,其含义就是保养生命,追求延年益寿。




















八、亲近大自然 感受大自然教学目标?















One, entrance ticket of cereal of preserve one's health of settleclear sea nature how many money?

Cereal of preserve one's health of settleclear sea nature is located in Hua Zhenxi of lotus of settleclear sea area of Shan head city Pu Cun, it is the lively scene area that people holiday zoology travels.

Have 10 years ago probably go in inside amuse oneself, with now is completely different! Present collecting fees is entrance ticket everybody is 40 yuan, stop fare 5 yuan.

It draws near according to hill water, the clump is green shady, banyan woods of hundreds of years, ancient building and have what view and admire value extremely high civilian house community, and base of paint from life of art of famed and circumjacent area and revolutionary tradition teach base, the senile fruiter of nearly hundred years is all over the mountains and plains, be full of the village breath with primitive nature.

Scene area covers an area of a face to accumulate 300 mus, invest 10 million yuan, with " zoology, natural, recreational " for the concept, food of collect agriculture sightseeing, characteristic, recreational recreation is an organic whole.

2, house of preserve one's health of nature SPA hydrotherapy how?

I go now nature calls first commonly ask which class is become class, it is the class that I like is washed, because the home leaves nature to be entered quite so general I am a person is washed go back I am comparatively so likely a few taller to quality of service of male bath area, I recommend everybody (man) if go washing the word of bath to choose B class as far as possible,go, I am very disappointed to A class male guest.

3, nature water recuperate gives birth to recreational meeting place, advance river inn how?

General kind.

Technician serves not how, buffet also it doesn't matter eats. . . . . . . . .

4, does nature water recuperate give birth to shop of state of spring of recreational meeting place how?

Normal, sexual price is compared tall, attitude of attending to guests is very good, whole is OK still, the environment is OK still, sweat evaporate feels very pretty good, can take pack of cards to be inside with friends card games, buffet is cheered even, dish is tasted a bit little, and dish is OK still afternoon, to in the evening almost fast light, time is OK still if massaging, technique still also goes, cheap and fine, the hope chooses an activity many pieces, go again next time

5, be be close to nature or close to nature?

Be close to or be close to nature, actually meaning is about the same. Present person is in blatant city, busy job, day after day, year answer the life of a year for happiness, that bit of ceaseless off hours that uses close surplus promotes him, go all out in work with the effort that rests ceaselessly. Body and mind is met whacked.

Probably we are working, him rein in footstep, walk into nature, go be close to, the one grass that understands nature one wood.

Develop the beauty of nature, probably our mood is met different, may have unexpected results.

6, autumn of autumn preserve one's health how preserve one's health?

Autumn preserve one's health can consult to had build up one's health by rest and by taking nourishing food at 5 o'clock below:

1, raise lung to be should

Lung of autumn gas a plant. Lung is the respirator officer with principal human body, it is the source that human body enrages really, the rise and fall that lung enrages matters to the accident of life. Autumn climate is dry, very easy injury reachs lobar nether world, make the person suffers from nose dry larynx cough bosom is painful, painful wait for breathing disease, so food should notice to raise lung. Want to eat the food of moisten the respiratory tract of some of method of treating yin deficiency by reinforcing body fluid and nourishing the blood more, can remove lung of embellish of method of treating yin deficiency by reinforcing body fluid and nourishing the blood to raise hematic action. In addition still but proper edible a few medicinal foods, be like:

2, little laborious adds acid

Autumn, lobar function slants flourishing, and overfeeding of laborious flavour food, can make lobar gas more exuberant, return meeting injury and diseases with such symptoms as coastal pain then, so autumnal food should eat laborious flavour food less, be like: Green, ginger, garlic, leek, chili. Eat some of acidity food more on this foundation, in order to fill diseases with such symptoms as coastal pain, be like: Apple, pomegranate, grape, mango, cherry, grapefruit, citric, hawkthorn, tomato, water chest nut.

3, appropriate eats congee more

Chuqiu season, weather still hotter, air moisture, fuggy evaporate person, and autumn melon and fruit is mature, one cannot say for sure people not devouringly excessive, these all can hurt caustic taste, so autumnal morning eats some of congee more, already but be good at lienal raise a stomach, can bring a day again relaxed. The congee that the autumn often feeds has: Congee of congee of rice of skin of congee of congee of congee of hawkthorn rice congee, rice of a kind of pear grown in Hebei Province, rabbit meat rice, Bai Luobo rice, almond rice congee, tangerine, dried persimmon rice.

4, juice of appropriate filling soup

Autumn food is a principle with moisten the respiratory tract of method of treating yin deficiency by reinforcing body fluid and nourishing the blood, on this foundation, every meridian, dinner drinks some of fitness boiling water, on one hand can lienal, method of treating yin deficiency by reinforcing body fluid and nourishing the blood prevents ooze Shi Jian dry, still can enter filling nutrition on the other hand, improve the health. The soup that autumn often eats has: Soup of soup of lily wax gourd, pigskin tomato soup, hawkthorn chop soup, carp hawkthorn soup, silver carp head, soup of laver of soup of egg of soup of bean curd of soup of corrupt of Xie Dou of soup of soup of eel soup, fish of red bean crucian carp, duck wearing bean curd, medlar, smooth stay of proceedings, smooth stay of proceedings, dried mushrooms.

5, appropriate has a fish more

The autumn is to need to enter the season that fill, but a lot of people fear to be entered in great quantities fill bring about fat, might as well cruelly oppress taking a place. Cruelly oppress is adipose content is low, among them fatty acid is confirmed to have fall candy, protect heart and the action that defend cancer. The vitamin D in cruelly oppress, calcic, phosphor, prevent an osteoporosis effectively.

Reference material origin:

People net - food of word of autumn preserve one's health

7, what is preserve one's health? How preserve one's health?

"Preserve one's health " one word appears the earliest at age the Warring States [pipe] one book, its meaning maintains order of preserve one's health namely, pursuit prolong life.

Preserve one's health is called again unripe, protect unripe etc. Maintain order of preserve one's health namely, preserve one's health is a basis life the order of nature, life development rule will maintain the body, reduce a disease, advance the method of healthy prolong life and step. Method of preserve one's health is numerous, content is extensive.

Contemporary person is fond of preserve one's health, that why Where is preserve one's health? What does the advantage of preserve one's health have?

1: Prolong life

The purpose of preserve one's health is a prolong life, pass the order of nature, scientific method, life develops the rule to achieve the goal of the prolong life.

2: Defer consenescence

Common saying says: Beautiful send out outwards by . Preserve one's health can defer consenescence, immanent good, explicit beautiful. Can avoid to make chemically hairdressing is tasted.

3: Improve life quality

Healthy, it may not be a bad idea of state of mind. Body and mind is cheerful, natural life character also promoted.

4: Prevent the happening of the disease

Preserve one's health can hold healthy position, reduce a disease to inbreak. Pass preserve one's health, can kill the disease in budding condition.

5: Can leave out is troublesome

The save labour when preserve one's health is saved, pass preserve one's health to be able to maintain order of preserve one's health, reduce the number that goes to a hospital, save time, reduce monetary expenditure.

The advantage so much of preserve one's health, we this how preserve one's health, what does the classification of preserve one's health have?

1: Preserve one's health of the four seasons, change according to the four seasons, the order of nature will maintain the body

2: Athletic preserve one's health: Pass physical training, achieve mobile bones and muscles, move section breath.

3: Dietary preserve one's health: Reasonable and prandial, according to food of alimental character collocation, adjust taste.

4: Psychological preserve one's health: Maintain optimistic mood, maintain from spirit the body

5: Preserve one's health of point of main and collateral channels: If massage is massaged, a popular treatment for sunstroke by scraping the patient's neck unplugs coal tub moxibustion, maintain through stimulating point of main and collateral channels the body.

Hope the answer can help you.

8, does close nature experience nature education target?

Education target:

1, can apply approach the data that nature nature conveniently can get has modelling game.

2, between the classmate solidarity, cooperation, finish jointly approach nature work.

3, approach natural, more hot love approachs naturally nature education key:

1, whether can take an active part in approach nature the whole process of this activity.

2, whether as can friendly as the classmate collaboration.

3, whether to have farther knowledge to his material character.

4, the beauty that whether can appreciate nature further.

9, preserve one's health is meeting place true can preserve one's health?

As long as it is normal, how many may have some of effect, nevertheless preserve one's health basically is to lean inside tone, for instance food, motion, lifestyle. Those meeting place can let a person loosen only, won't have too much change to the constitution.

10, does makings of soup of preserve one's health wrap true preserve one's health?

What doing not have is get sth done once and for ever, soup of preserve one's health expects the bag has the part of preserve one's health, but need insists to drink.

Makings of soup of preserve one's health is wrapped now, for instance of boreal vessel, it is an all sorts of nutrition composition did collocation, next oneself add water directly, or boil, or bubble. Be afraid that troublesome him word buys bottle of preserve one's health of vessel of a north.
