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育儿方法可以因家庭、文化和个人差异而异,但以下是一些广泛适用的育儿方法,可供分享:1. 陪伴和亲密接触:与孩子建立亲密的关系,多陪伴他们,与他们进行亲密的接触和互动,例如抱抱、亲亲和拥抱等,这有助于建立安全感和信任感。2. 理解和尊重:尊重孩子的个性和感受,试着理解他们的需求和情感,避免过度干预和指责。3. 建立规则和界限:为孩子设定明确的规则和界限,让他们明白什么是可接受和不可接受的行为,但也要给予他们一定的选择权和决策权。4. 鼓励自主和独立:在孩子能够承担的范围内,鼓励他们自主思考和解决问题,培养独立能力。5. 积极引导和奖励:对孩子的良好行为和努力给予积极的引导和奖励,帮助他们形成积极的行为习惯。6. 睡眠和饮食的重视:确保孩子获得足够的睡眠和均衡的饮食,这对他们的生理和心理健康至关重要。7. 学习与游戏的平衡:在提供良好的学习环境的同时,也要保证孩子有足够的时间进行自由的游戏和探索,促进他们的身心发展。8. 健康的沟通和表达方式:鼓励孩子用言语表达自己的感受和需求,同时教导他们如何以尊重和理解的方式与他人沟通。这些方法并不是绝对适用于所有情况,但是它们提供了一些基本原则,可以帮助父母建立良好的育儿方式,培养健康和快乐的孩子。每个家庭可以根据自身情况和孩子的需要进行适度的调整和补充。









































Yo does experience share Yo knowledge?

Yo knowledge is as follows

Addition of round the clock of time of 1. child Morpheus is not gotten little at 12 hours. Remember, enough sleep is the safeguard of child health.

Outdoors motion having oxygen can increase 2. immune force of the child, fluctuation midday all not less than outdoors activities of 40 minutes, best can land of bring into contact with, of course haze mist weather wants exception.

If install 3. wants the child, 3 minutes of be hungry and cold. Must not eat too much to the child, those who wear is too thick, the change that should follow environmental temperature changes to the child the dress.

4. is medicine 3 minutes poison, should believe dietetic have curative effect truly.

5. can try the four seasons to wash a face to the child with cold water, can increase its cold-resistant capacity, reduce a cold.

6. feed respect, initial stage is with the mother breast or acting milkings are given priority to, increase later in 56 months complementary feed, such ability satisfy the need of body development

7. is make infant can nurturance dines smoothly habit, proposal parent notices will complementary during feeding time to adjust adult to dine or after dining. Adult dines have behavior guiding effect to the child; Feed complementary when feeding, food is chewed at the same time in adult mouth, even if be chewing gum only.

 8. darling before one one full year of life as far as possible the food that edible little candy does not have salt; Although darling a week after year old, also answer to avoid to add salt and candy when making food for darling as far as possible; Examine food label without fail, check you to buy alimental to contain salt is measured or contain candy amount; Flavor and condiment are used in cookbook, or citric, lime and tomato mud replace salt.


Yo is the method shared?

Yo the method is OK because of family, culture and individual difference different, but it is a few extensive and applicable Yo below method, can offer share: 1. Accompany and contact intimately: Establish close relationship with the child, accompany them more, undertake be contacted intimately and interacting with them, hold in the arms for example, wait with the hug in person in person, this conduces to establish safe feeling and trustful move. 2. Understand and respect: The individual character that respects the child and experience, try to comprehend their demand and feeling, avoid excessive intervention and censure. 3. Build regulation and dividing line: For the regulation with child clear set and bounds, letting them what understand is acceptability with not acceptable behavior, but the option with also should give them due and decision making authority. 4. Encourage mix independently independent: Inside the range that the child can undertake, encourage they think independently and solve a problem, develop independent ability. 5. Guide actively and reward: Give active guiding and award to good deed of the child and effort, help them form active behavior habit. 6. The attention of Morpheus and food: Ensure the child achieves enough sleep and balanced diet, this is crucial to their physiology and mental health. 7. Learn the balance with game: Providing favorable learning environment while, also want to make sure the child has enough time to undertake free game and exploration, the body and mind that promotes them develops. 8. Healthy communication and expressive means: Encourage the child to convey his feeling and demand with utterance, teach them to be like the kind that why be respected and understands and other to communicate at the same time. These methods are not to apply to all circumstances absolutely, but they offerred a few basic principles, can help parents build good Yo means, rear health and happy child. Every family can be mixed according to oneself circumstance the child's need has measurable adjustment and complement.

Yo share article record?

Now Yo share: Do not see the face, the behavior mining that should adopt the child is more deep-seated second reason, help child understands his sentiment more. Can use method of the following word:

1, baby, mom does not know why you get angry, is you can tell mother why?

2, baby, you a moment ago got angry mom does not blame you, but mom wants to know why you get angry.

3, baby, before we will sleep, chat a little.

Yo is educational experience shared?

1, the good convention that allows hold of child nurturance conversation.

Let the child know each person wants talking count, do a person that keep promise, the business that promise must be accomplished, let him know the advantage of talking count and value. Firm in the begining, the business that the child promises often can be changed, meeting rascally, I ask strictly to him or make with advantage, of course also but mutual argy-bargy, develop the habit of talking count gradually. Parents is the child's example, parental every act, having very big effect to the child, the work that promises the child must be accomplished.

2, education child honesty, kind-hearted disposition.

The parent wants to often be communicated with the child, manage from a few bagatelle and child preach, letting him know what thing gradually is the favour should do what thing bad to be not done. The child can lie sometimes, but without purpose and ill will, just have go against turn over psychology or want to carrying adult conversation on the head to work. Should criticize him to point out where he has a mistake at the same time at this moment, want to notice later, if the child admits his mistake should praise him in time to perhaps give a dot small award.

3, the question that answers the child seriously, arouse the child's curiosity.

The child's curiosity is very big, he is interested in any strange things, the parent when the child raises a question should give the child meticulous explanation as far as possible, discuss the thing all round with him, teach him the name of all sorts of things and thing, action, the child's problem is most, the parent should understand what the child puts forward to go against rhetorical question to inscribe seriously, answer the thing that the child quizs truly as far as possible. Do not want informal and perfunctory child, but also not be eager to engrafting to the child the knowledge that he too much still cannot understand.

Is the company met early daily share?

What industry is early meeting of the original poster? The word of early meeting is basic it is to conduct energy, reveal a new day actively!

How to share Yo experience?

1. gregarious media: Yo is released on gregarious media platform experience, wait like Facebook, Instagram and date of small letter public. You can share your experience, skill and lesson, and the growing photograph of your darling and video.

2. keeps rich customer: If you like writing, can open a Yo rich guest. The Yo that you can share you on rich guest experience and viewpoint, and the growing course of your darling and photograph. Your rich guest can help other parents solve a few Yo problem, also can interact with other parents and communicate.

3. attends Yo group group: Yo is joined in the community below gregarious media or line group group, share Yo with other parents experience and viewpoint. You can be in these group the question raises in the group, explore help and proposal, also can answer the question of other parents, share your experience and knowledge.

4. attends Yo course: Attend Yo course is learn and share Yo the good method of experience. In course, you can learn professional Yo knowledge and skill, interact with other parents and communicate, share oneself experience and point of view.

Parent Yo is experience shared?

Share my experience.

The first, talk with the child, as far as possible calmly, because of the child this age, learning a thing, in the world that a lot of thing Yours Excellency very simple, but the child does not understand, want to teach him patiently so.

The 2nd, proper encouragement and praising is must. I had not sufferred in one's childhood praise, it is blow all the time, so oneself had the child, can proper encouragement and praise him, raise hope.

Go to the school sharing Yo how is experience shared?

Because share Yo,can share experience can help other parents better rear the child, the intercourse that also can develop oneself at the same time is encircled, can attend to the parent is met or organize a few lectures to share Yo in the school experience, perhaps attend a few mass organizations or the company on the line group, so OK more share Yo widely experience. If you have a few on media famous degree, still can go up in the net or a few articles are published on forum or video will share Yo experience. Besides share Yo experience, a Yo can be built in the school group or the parent group, everybody can communicate each other, share a few Yo result, can help the child grow better so, OK also and promotional parentage. Sharing Yo in the process of experience, also can study the method of other parents, conduce to oneself rearing the child better.

0.3 years old of Yo is knowledge shared?

0-3 year old Yo knowledge

The good convention of a child can accompany this child lifetime, let the convention with oneself child good nurturance truly only, so right henceforth their grow and each respects just are to have enough big gain.

This respect is to have huge effect actually to the child. After becoming us to be able to develop a child's first-rate habit truly, it is better to such is opposite promote this child henceforth grow and the effect that has to suit to each respects is to have huge profit.

Consider the real case of this respect actively, decide us to make its way specificly in this moment, I believe future is right of the child grow for just be best. Yield the child's ceaseless progress truly, better in future promote him child to grow ceaselessly, this respect is opposite actually any it is very good for the child.

Very much parent may special curiosity, should we be in 0-3 year old Yo undertake fostering to the child's habit among knowledge? The child of any respects building is as a child of moment child, of course this habit is not pure study habit, we want pair of children this respect has better education, and truly ceaseless stimulative child on the whole progress, this just are best to them. Had better be OK to the education of child customarily the place that puts oneself toy to before through letting them, adopt pair of children of each respects growing is to have huge profit. Of specific aim after considering these, you can see him child's ceaseless progress, you are to be in what progress ceaselessly with respect to meeting feeling by oneself.

The child's habit is actually bit by bit build, serve as parents of course, we are about to this respect all the more attention, when only we can give our child more attention, you can discover their progress is bigger, right of course the child henceforth growing also is to be able to have enough helped greatly. Any time do not forget, when parents is being taught to the child, a lot of when do not begin from knowledge, more moment is from habit and from the to the child influence on character, the progress with these ceaseless to our child things and will be being harvested ceaselessly henceforth is to be able to have huge help, we do good attention actively to this respect, when and know after all wanting how to be done, you can discover those who have safeguard to final final result just is true.

We are opposite 0-3 year old Yo when knowledge learns, must notice scientific to the child Yo knowledge

3.3 years old of Yo result

4 to story of 3 years old of cheeper 4

5.0-3 year old close child educational talking

10 years old of Yo is experience shared?

10 years old of children grow the phase of the body just about, the parent should make sure the child's nutrition is healthy. In food the respect should accomplish collocation of element of meat or fish, eat vegetable of melon and fruit to the child more. The child needs to undertake proper athletic sports, conduce to height growth so.

Study respect should communicate the circumstance that the child is in the school with the teacher more, classes are over after child coming home completes work, should undertake kissing more with the child child communication and game strengthen feeling.
