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宠物小精灵go怎么下载? 宠物精灵可梦go鲤鱼王怎么进化?英文双语对照


宠物小精灵go怎么下载? 宠物精灵可梦go鲤鱼王怎么进化?英文双语对照



首先,打开你的手机应用商店,如苹果App Store或安卓Google Play商店。











你好,pmgo中有向博士传送精灵的功能,相当于放生宠物,一旦传送就拿不回来了,作为交换会给你对应的精灵糖果,放生宠物方法: 打开你的精灵栏,选中你想放生的精灵,然后在面板中选中transfer即可 希望可以帮到你




1. 抓宠物的方法很简单。2. 首先,你需要打开游戏并进入我的世界宠物go的界面。然后,你可以在地图上找到野生的宠物,它们会以图标的形式显示在地图上。 当你接近宠物时,你可以点击它们的图标,然后选择抓捕选项。接下来,你需要使用合适的道具来捕捉宠物,比如精灵球或捕捉网。 在使用道具之后,你需要进行一系列的操作,比如滑动屏幕或按下按钮来完成捕捉过程。捕捉成功后,宠物就会成为你的伙伴。3. 如果你想进一步提升抓宠物的成功率,你可以尝试以下方法: - 提升自己的等级和技能,这样你会更有能力捕捉高级宠物。 - 使用特殊的道具或技能,它们可以增加捕捉成功的几率。 - 参加游戏中的活动或任务,有时候你可以通过完成特定的任务来获得稀有的宠物。 总之,抓宠物是一项需要耐心和技巧的任务,希望你能够享受这个过程并成功捕捉到你心仪的宠物。

七、pokemon go初始抓不了小精灵怎么办,口袋怪物GO抓不了宠物怎么办?

pokemon go为什么抓不了小火龙杰尼龟妙蛙种子?口袋妖怪GO初始抓不了小精灵解决办法。pokemon go有的小伙伴们会遇到游戏开始时的小火龙、杰尼龟、妙蛙种子、御三家没办法抓的情况,那么怎么解决呢?一起来看看吧。






1. 下载和安装游戏:在手机应用商店中搜索并下载神奇Go精灵卡。

2. 创建角色:打开游戏后,按照提示创建自己的游戏角色。

3. 捕捉精灵:使用游戏的地图功能,玩家可以在现实世界中寻找并捕捉精灵。当精灵出现在屏幕上时,通过滑动手指将精灵球投向精灵,如果成功捕捉,精灵将成为你的宠物。

4. 培养和升级精灵:在捕捉到精灵后,可以通过给它们喂食、训练和对战来提高它们的能力。升级精灵可以使它们更强大,并学会新的技能。

5. 对战其他玩家:在游戏中,你可以与其他玩家对战,测试你的精灵的实力。通过胜利可以获得奖励和提升在游戏中的地位。

6. 探索新地方:游戏中的地图会显示各种地点和特殊区域,玩家可以到这些地方探索、寻找新的精灵和物品。

7. 参加活动和任务:游戏中会定期举办各种活动和任务,参与这些活动可以获得稀有的精灵和奖励。







1. 打开游戏并点击“注册”按钮。

2. 输入你的电子邮件地址和设置密码。

3. 点击“继续”并输入你的出生日期、性别和游戏昵称。

4. 选择一个需要代表你的头像(默认头像为皮卡丘)。

5. 点击“完成注册”按钮,完成注册过程。


1. 确认你输入的帐号和密码是否正确。

2. 确认你的网络连接正常并且网络速度稳定。

3. 关闭游戏并重新打开尝试登录。

4. 如果以上方法都无法解决问题,可以尝试卸载并重新安装应用程序并尝试重新登录。



One, how does Go download pet elf?

Should download pet elf Go game, you can undertake operating according to the following measure.

Above all, the mobile phone that opens you uses a store, be like malic App Store or shop of An Zhuo Google Play.

Next, input in searching column " pet elf Go " click search pushbutton.

Next, the government that finds game applies and click download pushbutton.

After awaiting download to finish, click installation and undertake operating according to clew. Once installation is finished, you can begin to enjoy pet elf the game fun of Go. Remember maintaining join network in game, so that interact and catch pet elf with other player.

2, pet demon but how is king of dream Go carp developmental?

(king of carp of Bao Kemeng Go takes spirit change a condition) condition of evolution of king of carp of Bao Kemeng Go shows spirit: In demon in Bao Kemeng Go. After carp king passes evolution, can become explode carp dragon; But want carp king to become result evolution, not be so easy however! Above all, need has 2 aggrandizement candy and 1900 bits of stars, the grade that is carp king next should achieve full grade to just go!

3, how does pet world Go catch pet?

The method is as follows 1. While after entering game, we are walking, fictitious part also can produce displacement to change according to true map, we can examine Nearby to come whether is there pocket monster all round inquiry.

2. becomes you enough and adjacent after pocket monster, he can show in you all round, right now we click the pocket monster in screen.

3. can be entered so take a picture, whether can we enter AR mode in choice of top right corner (use photograph implementation resembling a head to appear in true setting the model) of pocket monster. Want to catch it very simple, saw the demon ball among screen lower part, alignment direction slides screen can throw away demon ball up, throw slanted the word is met lane of a demon has the loss, rock of ball of the demon in throwing can catch a success 3 times.

4, can free captive animals of demon of pocket monster GO search? How does free captive animals of pet of pocket monster GO search later?

Hello, there is Xiang Bo person in Pmgo the function of deferent demon, be equivalent to pet of free captive animals, once convey to be taken,did not come back, serve as exchange to be able to give you corresponding demon candy, method of pet of free captive animals: Open your demon column, you think pitch on the demon of free captive animals, can hope to be able to help you in Transfer of the pitch on in face plate next

5, how does pet world Go catch high potential pet?

Above all, what is the standard of high potential pet in needing to understand pet world Go, for instance their attribute is mixed skill grade. Next, need seeks the means of high potential pet, can pass ceaseless refresh pet, perhaps head for advanced breed aquatics central and other places. Finally, after catching potential pet, need elaborate conserve and undertake optimizing adding nodding waiting operating, make them stronger and stronger. For summary, catch high potential pet to need the effort of many sided and skill, also need lot at the same time.

6, how does my world pet Go catch pet?

1.The method that catchs pet is very simple. 2. Above all, you need to open play and enter the interface of my world pet Go. Next, you can find feral pet on the map, they can show with the form of icon go up in the map. When you are close to pet, you can click their icon, choose to capture option next. Next, you need to use right stage property to catch pet, for instance demon ball or take a network. After use prop, you need to undertake a series of operation, slide for instance screen or press pushbutton will finish take a course. After catching a success, pet can become your associate. 3. If you think farther promotion pays the successful rate of pet, you can try the following method: - the grade that promotes oneself and skill, such your meetings are more capable to catch advanced pet. - use special prop or mastery of a skill or technique, they can increase the odds that catchs a success. - the activity in playing game or task, occasionally you can obtain rare pet through finishing specific job. Anyhow, catching pet is a job that needs patience and skill, hope you can enjoy this process and the success catchs the pet that admires in the heart to you.

7, Pokemon Go is initiative cannot catch an elf how to do, how cannot GO of bag an eccentric person catch pet to do?

Why cannot Pokemon Go catch small firedrake outstanding Buddhist nun seed of chelonian clever frog? Pocket monster GO is initiative cannot catch an elf to settle way. Young associate of Pokemon Go some people can encounter game in the begining seed of chelonian, clever frog, drive does not have small firedrake, outstanding Buddhist nun 3 times the case that method stresses, so how be solved? Look together.

Game cannot catch an elf to settle way in the begining

This kind of circumstance is network card pauses commonly, GPS did not identify cause. Settling way is to quit sport thoroughly (shut game tiring-room) , affirm the network is smooth and new login to be able to be solved.

So young associate people not anxious also, try according to the method above again!

8, how does card of magical Go demon play?

About this problem, card of magical Go demon is a mobile phone game that is based on AR technology, player need is caught in reality, training and fictitious to battle demon. It is below those who play card of magical Go demon is basic play a way:

1.Download and install game: Be searched in shop of mobile phone application and download card of magical Go demon.

2.Establish a role: After opening play, establish oneself game role according to clew.

3.Take spirit: The map function of use game, the player can be searched in real world and take spirit. When demon appears on screen, drop demon ball through slip finger to demon, if be caught successfully, demon will become your pet.

4.Foster and upgrade demon: After taking spirit, can feed through giving them to feed, training and the ability that will raise them to battle. Upgrade demon can make them more powerful, learn new mastery of a skill or technique.

5.Other to battle player: In game, you can are opposite with other player battle, test the actual strength of your demon. Can win award and promotion through the victory the position in game.

6.Explore new place: The map in game can show all sorts of places and special extent, the player can be explored to these places, search new spirit and article.

7.Enter activity and job: The meeting in game holds all sorts of activities and job regularly, participate in these activities to be able to win rare genius and award.

Ask an attention, the player needs to notice his safety when playing game, do not play game when dangerous place perhaps drives.

9, what does urban demon Go call now?

Cry now " catch evil spirit together " . Catching bewitching hand to swim together is by Tecent newest made mobile phone virtual reality catchs bewitching part to act mobile phone game, elegant game picture, novel game plays a way, pass function of mobile phone camera, comfortable fixed position arrives circumjacent fictitious monster, still a variety of education battles play a law to wait for you to experience, game plays rise very distinct really, feeling and mystical good-for-nothing or queer character are same, all over the world each district catchs pet.

The place that the player can differ individually through game scanning is caught thereby exceed much more lovely little pet, pet can take you to fight, experience different game pattern.

10, how does Bao Kemeng Go log onto demon does account of demon Bao Kemeng Go register a strategy?

If you had not registered demon account of Bao Kemeng Go, can undertake by the following measure:

1.Open play and click " register " pushbutton.

2.Input your email address and setting password.

3.Click " continue " input your unripe date, sexual distinction and game nickname.

4.The head portrait that the choice needs to represent you (acquiescent head portrait is Pikaqiu) .

5.Click " finish register " pushbutton, finish register a process.

If you had had an account, but entry failure, can try the following method:

1.The account that affirms you are inputted and code are right.

2.The network link that confirms you is normal and network rate is stable.

3.Shut game and open an attempt to login afresh.

4.If above method is inextricability problem, can try to uninstall and reinstall applied process and try to login afresh.

If above method returns inextricability problem, you can connect section of game customer service, know more and detailed information and solution.

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