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  • 前后稳定杆:前后稳定杆安装在前后悬挂系统之间,用来抑制车辆前后悬挂系统在转弯或通过颠簸路面时产生的不稳定性,提高车辆的平衡性。
  • 侧向稳定杆:侧向稳定杆安装在横向悬挂系统之间,主要用于抑制车辆在侧倾时产生的不稳定性,提高车辆的横向稳定性。



  • 调整平衡杆长度:通过调整平衡杆的长度,可以改变悬挂系统在转向时的刚度,进而影响车辆的操控性能。
  • 更换性能平衡杆:高性能的平衡杆可以有效改善车辆的悬挂响应速度和稳定性,因此更换性能平衡杆是提升车辆悬挂系统性能的有效途径。
  • 独立悬挂系统调校:一些高级车型配备了可调节悬挂系统,可以通过调整悬挂系统的参数来改变平衡杆的工作方式,进而实现对车辆动态特性的调校。




Car balancing pole, also call car to stabilize lever, it is the important part in car suspension system, it is affecting the stability under transport condition of car directly. In car project, balancing pole is a crucial part, the pensile function that its design and air officer matter to a car directly and hold dominate show. The respect such as the action from car balancing pole, type and air officer method undertakes article general the introduction, help reader understands the main component of car suspension system better.

The action of car balancing pole

Car balancing pole is the important part that joins the rear overhang before car hangs a system, main effect is to reduce car the list in travel process is obliquitous, the drill that increases traffic accuses gender and stability under transport condition. Adopt the different position of join suspension system, balancing pole can balance the displacement of centre of gravity when car is turning, those who reduce pensile system be out of shape, improve the stresses soil fertility and pensile system work efficiency of car thereby.

The type of car balancing pole

What the basis installs the position and effect way is different, car balancing pole can be divided for around stable lever and side direction stabilize lever two sort.

  • Around stabilizes lever: Around stabilizes lever installation to be between around suspension system, hang the instability of the generation when the system is turning or passing bumpy road surface with the rear overhang before control traffic, raise the balance sex of car.
  • Side direction stabilizes lever: Side direction stabilizes lever installation to be between transverse and pensile system, basically use at restraining the instability that car produces when list, increase the lateral stability of car.

The air officer method of car balancing pole

The drill that undertakes to car balancing pole correct air officer can improve car significantly accuses function and stability. In applying actually, car manufacturer and car advocate can have tone school to balancing pole through the following means:

  • Adjust balancing pole length: Through adjusting the length of balancing pole, can change pensile system the stiffness when change direction, the drill that affects vehicle then controls function.
  • Change function balancing pole: High-powered balancing pole can improve the suspension of car effectively to answer speed and stability, because this changes,function balancing pole is the efficient way that promotes car suspension systematic performance.
  • Officer of air of independent and pensile system: A few deluxe models provided adjustable pensile system, can change the working way of balancing pole through adjusting the parameter of pensile system, realize characteristic to car trends air officer then.

The place on put together is narrated, car balancing pole regards suspension as main component of the system, accuse function and stability under transport condition to have main effect to the drill of car. Know method of the action of balancing pole, type and air officer, conduce to a car advocate the working principle that understands car suspension system better, promotion drives experience.

Thank you to read the article, the hope passes the introduction of the article, can help you understand the action of car balancing pole and importance better.

