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众所周知,地板的产地直接关系到产品的质量与可信度。 我们不禁要问:大自然地板的产地又是哪里呢?究竟是国内生产还是跨国生产?答案揭晓:

  • 大自然地板的原材料——天然木材,往往来自于富含木材资源的地区,如加拿大、俄罗斯等。
  • 而大自然地板的生产工厂,则集中在中国,享受着成熟的制造业链和工艺技术。



  • 木材资源丰富:加拿大、俄罗斯等国家拥有着丰富的木材资源,保证了地板原材料的高质量和稳定供应。
  • 中国制造优势:中国拥有成熟的加工制造业链和工艺技术,能够保证地板产品的生产质量和工艺水平。
  • 成本控制:跨国采购原材料结合中国的制造成本优势,有利于降低生产成本,提高产品竞争力。



  • 严格把控:大自然地板严格把控从原材料采购到生产制造的每一个环节,以确保产品质量。
  • 环保认证:所有的生产过程都符合国际环保认证标准,确保产品对环境的友好性。




Nature floor regards famous floor as one of brands, suffer consumer to chase after fully hold in both hands. So, Where is the producing area of nature floor after all? Let us be sought deep together, unveil this mystery group that gets attention fully.

The producing area of nature floor: Announce secretly

Well-known, the producing area of the floor matters to the quality of the product and reliability directly. We can't help wanting to ask: Where is the producing area of nature floor? Be domestic production still crosses a country to produce after all? The answer announces:

  • The raw material of nature floor -- natural lumber, often come from at containing a lot ofthe area of lumber resource, wait like Canada, Russia.
  • And the manufacturing plant of nature floor, be in China centrally, enjoying mature manufacturing industry catenary and engineering technology.

The account that producing area chooses

So, why can nature floor choose to cross a country to purchase raw material and have production in China? The reason is as follows:

  • Lumber is resourceful: The country such as Canada, Russia is having rich lumber resource, made sure the high quality of floor raw material and stability are supplied.
  • China creates a dominant position: China has mature treatment manufacturing industry catenary and engineering technology, can assure the manufacturing quality of floor product and craft standard.
  • Cost control: Cross a country to purchase raw material to combine production cost advantage of China, be helpful for reducing manufacturing cost, enhance product competition ability.

Quality assures with environmental protection standard

To consumer, of the product of nothing is more... than that cares mostQuality and environmental protection standard. The crude place of production of nature floor chooses to want to assure quality already, want to accord with environmental protection standard again, this reflects in:

  • Strict accuse: Nature floor is strict each segment that accuses to purchase production to make from raw material, measure in order to ensure the product is simple.
  • Environmental protection attestation: All manufacturing processes accord with standard of attestation of international environmental protection, ensure the product is right friendly sex of the environment.

Carry the on-the-spot seek by inquiry or search of pair of nature floor producing area, we are purchased from raw material, the source that manufacturing technology, quality assured to understand nature floor in the round to environmental protection standard is confidential. Believe these information can invite customer more put a person's mind to choose nature floor board, bring better use experience.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can is opposite for you of nature floor producing area pursue provide a help.
