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1. 生活技能培养:教会幼儿如何穿衣、洗手、整理自己的书包等,可以通过游戏和示范的方式进行。

2. 安全意识培养:教育幼儿识别危险,避免受伤,如何报警等方面的基本技能。

3. 饮食健康教育:引导幼儿养成良好的饮食习惯,了解食物的营养价值,学会自己动手准备简单的食物。






Understand the growing characteristic of cheeper

The cheeper of the bottom class in a kindergarten is in 3-4 normally year old age level, this period is child grows the phase with very crucial development. They begin to have provide for oneself certainly ability, but the attention that still needs the parent and teacher and guidance.

Foster the importance of child life common sense

The education of common sense of life of child of the bottom class in a kindergarten is very important, it matters to child future directly grow and develop. Through developing the life common sense of cheeper of the bottom class in a kindergarten, can help them get used to the life better, rise provide for oneself ability and independent character, lay next foundations for the study in the future and life.

How to develop child life common sense

1.Life skill fosters: How does church cheeper dress, wash one's hands, the satchel that arranges oneself, can undertake through game and demonstrative means.

2.Safe consciousness fosters: Teach cheeper identifying danger, avoid to get hurt, how to call the police the basic technical ability that waits for a respect.

3.Dietary health teachs: Guide the dietary convention with cheeper good nurturance, know alimental nutrition value, him society starts work the food with simple preparation.

The collaboration of teacher and parent

Teacher and parent are fostering respect of child life common sense to having close cooperation. The school and domestic joint efforts, let the child grow better in learn and living.


Through developing common sense of life of child of the bottom class in a kindergarten, can help them build self-confident heart and independent character, the study that is future and life lay next solid foundations, also can let the guardian more be at ease and set his mind at. Hope the article is helped somewhat to you, thank you read!
