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南宁教育云平台 | 打造数字化教育新时代英文双语对照






  • 教育资源库:汇集了大量优质教学资源,包括视频、音频、电子书籍等,为师生提供丰富多样的学习内容。
  • 在线学习系统:支持多种教学模式,包括直播课堂、录播课件、在线习题等,满足不同学习需求。
  • 教学管理系统:便捷的课表安排、作业布置、成绩管理等功能,为教师提供高效的教学管理工具。
  • 家校互动系统:方便家长了解学生学习情况,学校发布通知、安排家长会等,促进学校和家庭的紧密联系。



  • 技术先进:依托云计算、大数据等先进技术,保障系统的稳定性和安全性。
  • 资源丰富:汇聚了全面、优质的教学资源,满足了师生多样化的学习需求。
  • 服务全面:涵盖了教学管理、课程资源、在线学习等方方面面,实现了全方位的服务。
  • 体验友好:界面简洁清晰,操作便捷,为用户提供良好的使用体验。




Nanning teachs cloud platform to aid force to teach digitlization to develop

In recent years, nanning teachs cloud platform to with its powerful technology supports and teach resource in the round, become the main force that urges Nanning to teach a career to develop quickly. Platform of Nanning education cloud is to point to use the cloud computation, big data, advanced technique such as artificial intelligence, for Nanning education offers all-around digitlization solution, include conformity of education natural resources, online study, education management, education to evaluate the service that waits for a respect.

Nanning teachs cloud platform to devote oneself to to break the spatio-temporal limitation of traditional education, make study more free, efficient. The student can obtain substantial study natural resources through cloud platform, the teacher can rely on cloud platform to have online education and education government, the parent also can pass cloud platform to know study state of the child in real time, achieve the school, family and society without seam join.

Nanning teachs the core function of cloud platform

Platform of Nanning education cloud includes to teach system of resource library, online study, education to run system and domestic school the many subsystem such as interactive system.

  • Teach resource library: Assemble natural resources of a large number of high grade education, include book of video, frequency, electron to wait, provide the study content of rich diversity for teachers and students.
  • Online study system: Support a variety of education pattern, include tax of direct seeding classroom, recorded broadcast, online exercises, satisfy different study requirement.
  • Education runs a system: Convenient school timetable arrangement, exercise is decorated, the function such as achievement management, provide efficient education government tool for the teacher.
  • Domestic school is interactive system: Convenient parent understands student learning situation, the school releases parent of announcement, arrangement to be able to wait, the close connection of stimulative school and family.

Nanning teachs the advantage of cloud platform

Platform of Nanning education cloud got with its distinct advantage the favour of extensive teaching staff:

  • The technology is advanced: Rely on the advanced technique such as cloud computation, big data, guarantee systematic stability and security.
  • Resourceful: Gathered together comprehensive, high grade education natural resources, satisfied the study requirement of diversification of teachers and students.
  • The service is overall: Covered resource of education management, course, online study to wait for square field surface, realized all-around service.
  • The experience is friendly: The interface is concise and clear, the operation is convenient, provide good use experience for the user.

Of platform of Nanning education cloud roll out, the educational enterprise infuse that is Nanning undoubtedly new vitality, also changed a target to lay solid foundation to realize educational modernization, wisdom.

Thank you to read the article, believe to teach cloud platform through Nanning, the educational enterprise of Nanning will greet more good future!

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