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All and general situation

All and, be located in Zhejiang the province is mid, it is culture of a history long, the city with natural beautiful scene. Here is having long history and rich humanitarian resource, the culture famous city of the elite that is Gujin of a be in harmony. And its advantaged situation and substantial travel natural resources, make Zhu Jicheng for tourists the popular option of countryside of beauty of Zhejiang of seek by inquiry.

Natural scene

All and be located in Zhejiang mid and a mountainous area, have rich natural scene resource. Among them, have a lot of beautiful country landscape, wait for countryside like Hengdian, Wen Dian, picturesque scenery, the scenery is picturesque. In addition, be just as enchase like bright phearl be in the natural tourist attraction that the lake of Zhu Jijin front courtyard with group of hill medium bosom cannot miss more. Water of lake of lake of golden front courtyard is clear, lakefront attractive scenery, it is the good place that the tourist loosens the mood.

Humanitarian history

All and the history is long, having rich humanitarian history resource. Ancient building, rich folk-custom culture attracting countless tourists, if tourist is like knitted big Tang Gong, carved stone of antique the Southern Song Dynasty, still have a lot of ancient dorp and temple, showed Zhu Jishen's thick history to inside information.

Characteristic cate

All and having distinctive cate culture, be known as " north of short for Zhejiang Province feed " . Here with " spring dish head " , " Yang Mei is big " , " fish in sweet and sour sauce " wait for characteristic cate and famed, these cate are not had did not reveal all and local characteristic and solid humanitarian inside information.


All and, the travel of culture of history of a be in harmony, natural scene and characteristic cate at an organic whole resort, no matter be to be close to nature to still seek the history, can find here contented. So, might as well smoke weekend, bring family, head for all and another glamour that feel Zhejiang beauty country.

Thank you to read chrestomathy piece article, the hope can is opposite for you all and the understanding of travel provides a help.

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