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  • 营养保障:儿童期是身体发育的关键时期,合理膳食结构对于儿童的生长发育至关重要。饮食中需要包括蛋白质、碳水化合物、脂肪、维生素和矿物质等各种营养物质。
  • 疾病预防:接种疫苗、定期体检等是预防儿童常见疾病的有效手段。预防传染病、呼吸道疾病和消化系统疾病等都是儿童健康管理的重点。
  • 生活习惯养成:良好的生活习惯有利于儿童的健康,包括作息规律、良好的卫生习惯、户外活动等。
  • 安全防护:防止意外伤害是儿童健康管理不可忽视的一部分,家长需要关注儿童在家、在学校和在户外的安全问题。
  • 心理健康:儿童的心理健康同样重要,家庭、学校和社会都应该共同关注儿童的心理健康问题。





The value that children health manages

The health of children is important care of the family, also be joint responsibility of the society. Children period is the phase with the body and cerebrum most rapid growth, the management of children health is accordingly crucial. Children health manages the nutrient food in including daily life not only and safety to defend, still included the many fields such as disease precaution, mental health.

The core content that children health manages

Children health management covered many aspects, among them nurturance of precaution of nutrient safeguard, disease, habits and customs, safety defends and mental health is a key.

  • Nutrient safeguard: Children period is the crucial period of body development, the growth of reasonable and prandial structure to children development is crucial. The need in food includes protein, carbohydrate, adipose, vitamin and mineral wait for all sorts of nutrition material.
  • Disease precaution: Vaccination, fixed check-up is precautionary children the significant step of common disease. Preventing disease of contagion, respiratory tract and digestion disease to wait is the focal point that children health runs.
  • Nurturance of habits and customs: Good habits and customs is helpful for the health of children, include rule of work and rest, good wholesome convention, outdoors activity to wait.
  • Safety defends: Avoiding accident harm is the one part that children health management cannot ignore, children of parent need attention is in the home, safe problem in the school and outdoors.
  • Mental health: The mental health of children is likewise important, family, school and society should pay close attention to the mental health problem of children jointly.


Parent of need of children health management, school and society the joint efforts of each respects. The parent should foster good domestic atmosphere, the nutrition that pays close attention to children is absorbed, nurturance of disease precaution, habits and customs and mental health; The school and society should provide more healthy education and safe preventive measure, grow for children health provide safeguard.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can help the importance that you understand better and pays close attention to children health to manage through the article, grow for children health provide more consideration and support.

