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文学常识 | 你不容错过的生活修养英文双语对照


文学常识 | 你不容错过的生活修养英文双语对照













Literature is the soul of the life

Literary common sense is us the indispensable one part in daily life. It not just the education on consist in classroom, more perforative the daily communication in us, read and think in the center. Through understanding literary common sense, we are OK more thorough geography divides literary work, widen oneself eye shot, abound oneself connotation.

The main point of literary common sense

Above all, we need to know basic idea of literature and form. Literary work is confined to novel, poetry and Thespian, still include the form such as essay, allegorical, fairy tale. In addition, literary common sense still includes to understand the content such as the literary famous book of literary history, at all times and in all over the world, schools of literature.

Literary work opposite is edified alive

Literary work is the crystallization of human wisdom, it reflected the content of the many sided such as society, politics, culture. Through reading literary work, we can experience author opposite to vivid, human nature, affective thinks and be conveyed, the processing means when edifying our in actual life to face a problem thereby and ponder over angle.

The application of literary common sense in instantly

In instantly, change reading as the explosion of information and fragment general, people decreases gradually to the understanding of traditional literature knowledge. However, understanding literature common sense can help us be admired better, evaluate and understand contemporary literature work, also conduce to the humanitarian culture that promotes us at the same time.


Through learning literary common sense, we can be thrown in literary work better, those who promote oneself is aesthetic with appreciate ability, also can be at the same time in the communication with other more do a job with skill and ease. Do not ignore literary common sense, it is the indispensable one part in our life.

Thank you to read the article, believe to pass understanding literature general knowledge, your aux will be able to promotes his life culture quite, widen oneself thinking, abound oneself immanent world.

