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欧洲美食:更多than Fish and Chips





法国美食被誉为世界美食之都,其浪漫而精致的烹饪艺术让人向往。无论是博根烤鸡(Coq au Vin),还是羊排烩蔬菜(Navarin d'Agneau),都展现了法国人对美食的独特理解和匠心独具的烹饪技巧。


意大利美食以其地道的风味和丰富的口感赢得了全世界的喜爱。无论是意大利千层面(Lasagne)、意大利炖牛肉(Peposo),还是拿坡里披萨(Pizza Napoletana),都展现了意大利人对食材的敬畏和对美食的热爱。




European cate: More Than Fish And Chips

Europe is famed with its rich and diversiform cate culture at the world. The potato of fish of flower type blast besides the tradition, there still are a lot of delicate cates to be worth exploration on European mainland. From the Mediterranean cate with coastal mediterranean, to romantic cate of France, arrive again meaning type cate of Italy, cate culture of Europe is broad and profound, bring you a sumptuous dinner of absolutely the tip of the tongue.

Mediterranean cate: Fresh, distinctive

The cate of Mediterranean coastal state with its fresh, simple, diversification and celebrated. Taste the hamburger of the hotpot that bake with Greek savor when you (Souvlaki) , Osmanli hamburger (Kofte) and California salad of Italy, you can experience the enthusiasm that comes from mediterranean and vigor.

French cate: The romantic flavour of romantic country

French cate is known as world cate, its are romantic and fine cooking art makes a person yearning. No matter be the rich root chicken that bake (Coq Au Vin) , still be vegetable of mutton chop braise (Navarin D'Agneau) , developed the cooking skill that the French distinctive understanding to cate and craftsmanship possess alone.

Italian cate: Arouse the art of taste bud

Italian cate won a whole world with its pure gust and rich mouthfeel love. No matter be 1000 levels of Italian (Lasagne) , Italy stews beef (Peposo) , still take Sa wraps around in slope (Pizza Napoletana) , showed an Italian to be opposite those who feed capable person is awe-stricken with the passion to cate.

The distinctive glamour of European cate culture depends on his abounding diversiform dish not just, it is body more the culture story of backside of every kinds of dish and historical inheritance are medium now. Welcome you to set foot on this brigade that explores cate together, sampling cate while, experience the amorous feelings of different country and humanitarian glamour.

Thank you to read the article, the hope carries this article, can let you have more thorough knowledge to European cate culture, the tunnel that finds more to be worth to sample is delicate.

